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DS Cinder

Description (the what and the why)

DS Cinder is a framework for interactive applications built on top of the fantastic Cinder framework

DS Cinder is a fully featured windows framework for rapid production of multimedia OpenGl applications. And applications built on it are running in hundreds of locations 24/7 around the globe. It provides media handling (Images, PDF, Video, Streams, Web views, Fonts), extensive configuration, a suite of UI and rendering components, and integration with our CMS backend for rapid prototyping and developemnt.

Getting Started

This version of DS Cinder is Windows only, and targeted at Windows 10 & 11


Install Visual Studio 2022 - Community Edition

  1. Download here:
  2. Install it!
    • Make sure to select C++ development and ensure you have the latest windows SDK and visual studio updates!

Install Boost

  1. Go to
  2. DS Cinder currently uses version 1.74.0
  3. You can download the binary package installer from here: boost 1.74.0 for vs2019
  4. Run the installer
  5. Make a new environment variable
    1. Open the Start menu and type "Advanced System Settings"
    2. Click "Environment Variables"
    3. Under "Sytem variables", select "New..."
    4. Variable name: BOOST_PATH
    5. Variable value: the path of the installed boost (e.g C:\local\boost_1_74_0)
    6. Ok, Ok, Ok

Install Gstreamer (if you're planning to play videos)

  1. Go to
  2. As of this writing, the 1.18.5 version is what you want. Even-number minor versions (the "18" in this case) are the stable releases and the ones to use.
  3. Download gstreamer-1.0-devel-msvc-x86_64-1.18.5.msi
  4. Download gstreamer-1.0-msvc-x86-1.18.5.msi
  5. Note: the version numbers will be different if you've selected something else. You want both the "devel" and regular installers, and the x86_64 versions
  6. Install both msi installers with the "complete" option
  7. If you have any Visual Studio windows open, close them now so they can get the new environment variables set by the gstreamer installers
  8. See the gstreamer read me for more info

Download and compile DS Cinder

  1. Download and install Git and ensure you have git-lfs available
  2. Run git clone
  3. cd ds_cinder
  4. Run: git lfs install
  5. Run: git lfs fetch --all
  6. Run: git submodule init & git submodule update --recursive to create & update the Cinder submodule.
    • If you're upgrading from a previous version, you may need to run git submodule sync first
  7. Add platform environment variable
    1. Open the Start menu and type "Advanced System Settings"
    2. Click "Environment Variables"
    3. Under "Sytem variables", select "New..."
    4. Variable name: DS_PLATFORM_093
    5. Variable value: the path of this downloaded repo (e.g C:\Users\YourNameHere\Documents\ds_cinder)
    6. Ok, Ok, Ok
  8. Open the Cinder project in visual studio (ds_cinder/Cinder/proj/vc2019/Cinder.sln) and compile for Debug-x64 & Release-x64
  9. Open an example project in the example folder and compile

Getting to know ds_cinder

  1. Check out the Getting Started Example - it's a handy quick intro for basic concepts in ds_cinder. It also has a good number of common ds_cinder components in the app so you can mess with the pieces and see what's what.
  2. Read the docs in doc/basics Particularly good ones:
    1. App Structure
    2. Settings
    3. Dynamic Interfaces
    4. Fonts
    5. Keyboard Shortcuts
    6. Installers

Generating documentation

DsCinder is documented using the doxygen syntax. The documentation can be generated by running the following from the root of the ds_cinder project directory doxygen ./doc/doxygen/ds_cinder_Doxyfile The documentation is generated in doc/doxygen/generated/html/ and index.html is the main page.

Starting a project

There's a project cloner in utility/project_cloner.ps1. Right-click that file and Run with Powershell. That applet will duplicate the full_starter example project with a name and namespace of your choice. From there, you can customize the app as you see fit. The full starter example comes with most of the extention projects (web, pdf, video, etc) already added, so you can start developing right away without messing with property sheets or compilation settings.

Linux + Mac

Linux was breifly supported in the past, but had insufficient usage to stay up to date.