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Yet Another Face Detection and Blurring

This project is a set of tools to detect objects in panoramic images and apply blur operation to them. It supports currently input images in EQR (equirectangular) projection and outputs coordinates of detected objects as well as a blurred version of the input panoramic image.

It also contains a tool to evaluate the performance of a given object detection algorithm / model.

Implemented algorithms

  • Vanilla haar cascades: by using a gnomonic projection window from the eqr image, the default face detection model can be applied to the undistorted image.

  • Trained haar cascades (todo): the goal is to try to bypass the linear reprojection step by training a model against variations of faces when subjected to eqr projection. This could work for the main area (near the equatorial line) but probably not for the poles. It's possible to compute eqr projection centered at the poles to achieve detection in 3 passes (north, center, south).

  • Trained latent svm (todo): by following same approach as above, but using a different classifier based on a trained non-linear svm model. This should improve detection accuracy directly within eqr compared to haar cascades.

Table of Contents


git submodule init
git submodule update --init --recursive
make clean
sudo make install


Main programs

Object detection
yafdb-detect --algorithm algo input-image.tiff output-objects.yaml

Detects objects within input image. Detected objects are written to a yaml file.

General options:

--full-invalid : Mark all detected objects as invalid
--merge-valid-objects : Merge overlapping valid objects rectangles
--merge-min-overlap 1 : Minimum occurrence of overlap to keep detected objects
--algorithm algo : algorithm to use for object detection ('haar')

Gnomonic projection options:

--gnomonic               : activate task
--gnomonic-width 2048    : projection window width
--gnomonic-aperture-x 60 : horizontal projection aperture
--gnomonic-aperture-y 60 : vertical projection aperture

Filtering options:

--filters-disable : Disable filtering
--flter-ratio-min 0.7 : Minimum detected object ratio filtering threshold
--flter-ratio-max 1.3 : Maximum detected object ratio filtering threshold
--flter-size-max-width 3000  : Maximum detected object width filtering threshold
--flter-size-max-height 3000  : Maximum detected object height filtering threshold

Haar-cascades options:

--haar-model class:file.xml[:minChild:maxChild]   : parent haar model file with class name (allowed multiple times)
--haar-model class:file.xml:parentclass[:min:max] : child haar model file with class name (allowed multiple times)
--haar-scale 1.1                                  : haar reduction scale factor
--haar-min-overlap 3                              : haar minimum detection overlap
Object export
yafdb-export input-image.tiff input-objects.yaml output-path/

Export detected objects from source image into output folder (yaml+images).

General options:

--merge-disable: don't merge overlapping rectangles
--merge-min-overlap 1 : minimum occurrence of overlap to keep detected objects
--format png : set exported object image format ('png', 'jpeg', 'tiff')
Object preview
yafdb-preview input-image.tiff input-objects.yaml

Preview detected objects in source image.

General options:

--merge-disable: don't merge overlapping rectangles
--merge-min-overlap 1 : minimum occurrence of overlap to keep detected objects
--export output-image.tiff : export detected objects in image
Object validation
yafdb-validate input-image.tiff [input-objects.yaml] output-objects.yaml

Validate detected objects in source image.

General options:

--image-width 7134 : Default image width during validation
--fullscreen : Start validation window in fullscreen
--show-invalid-objects : Display invalid objects
--merge-disable: don't merge overlapping rectangles
--merge-min-overlap 1 : minimum occurrence of overlap to keep detected objects
--auto-validate : enable auto-validation instead of manual validation

Gnomonic projection options:

--gnomonic : activate gnomonic reprojection for visualization



Create default directory structure

yafdb-create-directories [Base path]

Perform blurring on all images

yafdb-batch-blur [Base path]

Perform object detection on all images

yafdb-batch-detect <HAAR cascades folder> [Base Path]

Perform objects extraction on all images

yafdb-batch-extract [Base Path]

Perform batch validation on all images

yafdb-batch-validate [OPTIONS]

-h --help           Prints this
-i --ignore         Ignore validated images
-c --convert        Write all yml files timestamps to state file
-d --dir            Base directory


  • Panorama view

      Left click on a rectangle => Edit
      Right click on a rectangle => Invalidate
      Left click then right click => Create a new zone (defined by the two previous selected points)
  • Edit view

      Left click => Change rectangle position (Upper left point)
      Right click => Change rectangle size (Bottom right point)
      "t" => Edit class type
      "y" | "Enter" => Validate
      "n" | "Escape" => Invalidate
  • Type config view

      "Escape" => Don't change the class type and close the window
      "y" | "Enter" => Validate

Object blurring

yafdb-blur --algorithm algo input-image.tiff input-objects.yaml output-image.tiff

Blurs detected objects and write modified image as output.

General options:

--algorithm algo : algorithm to use for blurring ('gaussian', 'progressive')
--merge-min-overlap 1 : minimum occurrence of overlap to keep detected objects

Gaussian options:

--gaussian-kernel 65 : gaussian kernel size
--gaussian-steps 1 : gaussian blurring steps

Resizing options:

--resize-width 800: Resizing width
--resize-height 600: Resizing height

Performance validation

yafdb-test input-objects.yaml mask-image.png

Compute the detection error rate by comparing optimal area given in
reference bitmap mask (black=none, white=object) to the detected area
given in input text file.

General options:

--merge-disable: don't merge overlapping rectangles
--merge-min-overlap 1 : minimum occurrence of overlap to keep detected objects
--preview input-image.tiff: preview detection errors


Copyright (c) 2014 FOXEL SA -
This program is part of the FOXEL project <>.

Please read the file for more information.


This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (GNU AGPL), with two additional terms. The content is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA) license.

You must read <> for more information about our Licensing terms and our Usage and Attribution guidelines.