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*MaNGOSZero* is a full featured World of Warcraft 'Classic' server, including authentication and world content serving, compatible with client versions 1.12.1 (build 5875),1.12.2 (build 6005) and 1.12.3 (build 6141). *Playable*




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mangos-zero, a World of Warcraft server for vanilla WoW Build status Bitdeli Badge

mangos-zero is open source, built in C++, fast, runs on multiple platforms, can store game data in MySQL and PostgreSQL. It has optional support for SOAP, and aims to be 100% compatible with World of Warcraft in its vanilla versions, namely patch 1.12.1 and patch 1.12.2.

If you like the first incarnation of WoW, and still fancy vanilla WoW, you should try mangos-zero. We provide an authentication server where you can manage your users, and a world server which serves game content just like the original WoW did back then.

On top of that each update is built by Travis CI as you can see by the image next to the chapter's heading! We do love green builds, and working things. To complement this, we push builds through Coverity to find and fix any possible security issues.

World of Warcraft, and all World of Warcraft or Warcraft art, images, and lore are copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.


mangos-zero server supports a wide range of operating systems, and various compiler platforms. In order to do that, we use various free cross-platform libraries and use CMake to provide a cross-platform build system which adapts to your chosen operating system and compiler.

Operating systems

Currently we do support running the server on these operating systems:

Of course, newer versions should work, too. In case of Windows, matching server version will work, too.


Building the server is currently possible with these compilers:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio (Express1), 32bit and 64bit. Both the Visual Studio Express and the professional Visual Studio editions are supported.
  • Microsoft Windows SDK, 32bit and 64bit. The Windows 7 SDK is recommeded, as older versions lack compiler features required to build the server.
  • Clang, 32bit and 64bit. The Clang compiler can be used to build the server on any supported operating system.2


mangos-zero server stands on the shoulds of a few well-known Open Source libraries, and a few awesome, but less common libraries to prevent us from inventing the wheel again.

  • MySQL / PostgreSQL: to store content, and user data, we rely on MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL to handle data.
  • ACE: the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment aka. ACE provides us with a solid cross-platform framework for abstracting operating system specific details.
  • Recast: in order to create navigation data from the client's map files, we use Recast to do the dirty work. It provides functions for rendering, pathing, etc.
  • G3D: the G3D engine provides the basic framework for handling 3D data, and is used to handle basic map data.
  • libmpq: libmpq provides an abstraction layer for reading from the client's data files.

Optional dependencies


If you need help with building and installing mangos-zero there is thousands of users out there already running mangos-zero and many you can find online


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

The full license is included in the file

In addition, as a special exception, permission is granted to link the code of mangos-zero with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or with modified versions of it that use the same license as the OpenSSL library), and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.


  1. Visual Studio Express versions prior to the 2012 release can only build 32 bit applications, unless you install the Windows SDK.

  2. Clang support for Windows is experimental. Failure to compile the server may also relate to the experimental state of the port.


*MaNGOSZero* is a full featured World of Warcraft 'Classic' server, including authentication and world content serving, compatible with client versions 1.12.1 (build 5875),1.12.2 (build 6005) and 1.12.3 (build 6141). *Playable*







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