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MAL - MCU Abstraction Library

This library has for goal to abstract the MCU from your code allowing you to abstract the drivers.

At the moment, the library supports the following MCUs:

  • STM32F072CB

API Documentation

Build process

Since we never have infinite time to work on projects , the build process is not yet fully automated. The "perform" step is not yet working.

Doing a build still require manual steps in order to publish to GitHub

  • Once your environment is setup properly (see below) you can run the following command in the /library folder:
    • mvn -U -B clean release:clean release:prepare release:perform
    • This command will tag and commit the build, and will generate under /library/target a package
  • Once the build is done, we still need to upload it to GitHub, you should see the tag that was just created here:
    • On the right of the new tag, click edit
    • Take the /library/target a package and upload it to GitHub
    • Click Publish release

Environment setup

The build script run Eclipse in headless mode. You need a fully working Eclipse workspace in order to do a build. Here is how to get there.

  • Install Java JDK
  • Install maven
    • Add maven to Path environment variable
  • Install python 3
    • Add the following path to Path environment variable: [PathToPython3]
    • Create a python3 executable
  • Install cmake (Tested with cmake 3.10)
    • Create CMAKE_HOME environment variable. This should point to the bin folder of cmake.
  • Install the GNU ARM toolchain
    • Create the ARM_HOME environment variable. This should point to the bin folder of the toolchain.
      • Make sure to use forward slash for this path
    • Create the GCC_ARM_HOME environment variable. This point to [PathToToolchain]/lib/gcc/[VERSION]
  • Install the GNU ARM Windows build tools by following this:
    • Create the ARM_BUILD_TOOLS_HOME environment variable. This should point to the bin folder of the tools.
  • Install cygwin
    • Install package make
    • Install package gcc-core
    • Install package gcc-g++
    • Install package curl
    • Create CYGWIN_PATH environment variable. This should point to the bin folder of cygwin.
      • Make sure to use forward slash for this path
  • Install doxygen
    • Add doxygen to Path environment variable
  • Install git
    • Add git to Path environment variable