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An efficient routine was developed and implemented to calculate the cross correlation among the radio waves samples captured by the array of telescopes. The GPU used was AMD HD6990 on which using openCL, a performance of about 600GFlops was obtained



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 * Author: Divij Vaidya
 * Contact:
 * Date: 24-July-2011

*******Project Files:*******

1. main.cpp
2. definition.h
3. errorhandle.h
6. makefile

1. main.cpp
This file contains the code where openCL is initialised, FFT is calculated, reshuffling is done and finally matrix multiplication is done.

2. definition.h
This file contains all the header files required for the code. It also has the function definition for the functions responsible for creating and generating matrices.

3. errorhandle.h
This file contains the OPENCL error codes used for debugging purpose. Also contains the function definition of OPENCL_V_THROW();

This is the openCL kernel responsible for matrix multiplication of the form AA'

This kernel is responsible for converting the complex FFT performed by the APPML-FFT library to a real FFT.


3. GCC
4. Intel MKL (for timing)

******HOW TO RUN********
(All quotes below are for clarity only)

1. Modify the makefile to change the path of AMD-APP-SDK and APPML-FFT
2. (Only at CITA) Type "source setup" to load the module files into your environment.
3. Modify the parameters in the macros of main.cpp. NO_INPUTS is the number of input streams MEM_SIZE is the initial sample size
4. Type "make" to compile the project. It creates an executable by the name "main".
5. Execute the "main" file.

********What does the code do?*********
1. Takes input a matrix of size NO_INPUTSxMEM_SIZE
2. Calculates FFT assuming consecutive(row order) numbers to be real and imaginary part of a "complex" matrix of size NO_INPUTSx(MEM_SIZE/2)
3. Reshuffles the output on GPU from FFT to get a matrix having real to complex FFT. We take only half of this matrix as it is symmetric. Now, we have a matrix of size NO_INPUTSxMEM_SIZE
4. We break the matrix into separate channels, with each channel having dimension NO_INPUTS x NO_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL
5. Thus, the new matrix has dimension (NO_INPUTS*CHANNELNO)x(NO_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL)
6. This matrix has data in the form RIRIRIRI... so we again reshuffle(on CPU) it to have data in the form of RRRRR...;IIIII;RRR... So, after doing this reshuffling we have the matrix of the form (NO_INPUTS*CHANNELNO)*2)x(NO_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL/2)
7. We multiply this matrix with its transpose on the GPU keeping in mind that the answer is symmetric.
8. As answer, we get a matrix of size (CHANNELNO*NO_INPUTS)x(NO_INPUTS*2)


An efficient routine was developed and implemented to calculate the cross correlation among the radio waves samples captured by the array of telescopes. The GPU used was AMD HD6990 on which using openCL, a performance of about 600GFlops was obtained






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