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This repository includes a variety of general-purpose classes and functions used in a variety of applications.  All are written in C++, and most make use of the open-source, cross-platform application framework Qt (  Many of these files are somewhat dated and may contain obsolete code that is better replaced by native Qt functions.

Among the included files are the following:

  - ccmdline.h/cpp - a class for handling command-line parameters, modified from code originally written by Chris Losinger.
  - cencryption.h/cpp - functions for simple rc4 encryption and hex encoding of strings.
  - cfilelist.h/cpp - classes for handling and modifying file names, and for (recursively) listing all files in a directory.
  - cformstring.h/cpp - a class that encodes and decodes strings according to the"x-www-form-urlencoded" specification.
  - cqstring.h/cpp - a class that provides some new functionality to typical QStrings.  Probably obsolete.
  - cqstringlist.h/cpp - a class that provides. pointer-based linked list of instances of QString.  Probably obsolete: just use the value-based QStringList.
  - creverselookupmap.h/cpp - a class that provides QMap-style lookups of key by value as well as of value by key.
  csql.h/cpp - classes for handling SQL databases, queries, etc.  Similar to QSqlDatabase, etc. (which are far better), but works with MS Access.  It may now be possible to achieve most of the same things with the Qt SQL classes and an ODBC driver.
  - csv.h/cpp - functions for handling comma-separated value (CSV)-formatted strings, modified from code originally written by Naohiro Hasegawa.
  - ctimegp.h/cpp - functions for converting dates and times to strings, rendered obsolete by more recent versions of Qt.
  - cxmldom.h/cpp - a simple class for parsing simple XML.
  - help.h/cpp - a simple class for formatting help messages displayed by console applications.
  - log.h/cpp - a class for generating log files with different levels of severity for log messages.
  - logbrowser.h/cpp - a class for creating a log browser to easily display debugging messages generated by running GUI applications.  Slightly modified from
  - logbrowserdialog.h/cpp - used with logbrowser.h/cpp.
  - qcout.h/cpp - cout and cin implemented with QTextStream.
  - qdoublevector.h/cpp - a vector of doubles, with some convenient functions for generating strings and making calculations.
  - qmdcodec.h/cpp - functions for encoding and decoding strings, originally written by Dawit Alemayehu and Rik Hemsley.
  - seh.h/cpp - a class for implementing structured exception handling in MinGW, with minor modifications from code originally written by Tom Bramer.
  - strutils.h/cpp - general-purpose functions for converting, splitting, and printing strings.
For further information, please contact Aaron Reeves at



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