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Name: Alec Olesky

username: aolesky

Extra Credit Claimed: None

Compilation Instructions: Just call make

Work Accomplished: Everything

	terminal : The loop that continously prompts for user input

	linked-list: A simple string linked list

	command-block : A data structure that holds a command, an input and an output
					Generated from a linked list

	handle-job : Contains functions that handle all the switching off between terminal control
				 Includes moving processes to the background and synchronous signal handling

	load-program: Used for forking and exec, also changes descriptors for any children
	              Used by job handling functions

	piping: Small set of function that can recognize piping and check to see if a command is a valid pipe

	process-map: Data structure that maps process group id's to commands
		Used for when a job completes to retrieve the original command
		Also keeps track of the number of processes in the group, so that it doesn't notify the user until all have completed.

	support-functions: String copy and comparing functions 

Structure Outline:

	1. Terminal takes input and creates linked list
	2. First check to see if it is a fg or bg command
	3. Command is checked for pipes and or background symbol
	4. Turned into command blocks for easier handling
	5. Makes sure it is a valid command structure
	6. Calls the necessary job handler (piping or regular)
	7. Job handler runs the process and transfers terminal control if it is a foreground process
		If not a foreground process, it is added to the process map
	6. Checks to see if any jobs have terminated or stopped and handles those
	7. Repeat


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