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All 'README' information is now in the HTML documentation,
see doc/html or the project website (

building for qnx using momentics:
run build project from the menus.
it should use the qnx recursive style Makefile at the root of this project.
supported targets: qnxnto on x86 and armv7le

building for other platforms using bjam:
run bjam like so:

for gcc and mingw:
bjam toolset=gcc threading=multi variant=debug

for qcc and the default arch (probably x86):
bjam toolset=qcc threading=multi variant=debug target-os=qnxnto

for qcc and x86
bjam toolset=qcc threading=multi variant=debug target-os=qnxnto cxxflags="-V,gcc_ntox86" linkflags="-V,gcc_ntox86"

for qcc and armv7le
bjam toolset=qcc threading=multi variant=debug target-os=qnxnto cxxflags="-V,gcc_ntoarmv7le" linkflags="-V,gcc_ntoarmv7le"

for msvc (should work with vs express):
bjam toolset=msvc