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Nucleo-f091rc Demo Application using FreeRTOSv8.2.0

This Eclipse project takes the github repositories http://rgrover/stm32f0-discovery, adds stm standard periphal library, STM32F0xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.5.0 and the FreeRTOS V 8.2.0 source. I chose to include these because I don't know for certain that compatible versions of these will be available.

Toolchain: [ARMGCC](<

IDE: Eclipse Luna ARM Eclipse plugin (including OpenOCD)

Code Organization

  • All source files for this particular project (including main.c) are contained within the subfolder Source/.

    • Source/system_stm32f0xx.c is the place where system clocks are initialized. It comes out of an excel sheet developed by STM. The file included in this repository is taken from the STM32F0-Discovery firmware package.
  • The startup/ folder contains device specific files:

    • startup_stm32f0xx.S is the startup file taken from the STM32F0-Discovery firmware package.
    • Linker Script (stm32f0.ld) is a copy (with slight modifications) from one of the templates within the peripheral library.
  • OpenOCD/ contains a script file used to write the HEX image to the board via OpenOCD.



OpenOCD needs to be compiled for STLINK support. Sources may be obtained by cloning the git repository. You can place this cloned folder anywhere.

Building the Project

*The following is copied from the original github repository.*s

Eclipse makes this very simple if the GNU ARM plugin is installed. The toolchain is discovered automatically (as long as it is available on the PATH). You should import this as an existing project using File->Import->General->Existing Project into Workspace.

Build creates a folder called 'Debug' containing makefile and the build artifacts. Thereafter it is possible to run make all from the command line directly from within the Debug folder. Note: if any configuration options or build dependencies are changed, the makefile under Debug can be regenerated from the Eclipse IDE.

Building the Debug configuration produces a stm32f0-discovery.hex an Nucleo-f091rc binary artifact under Debug/. This is the firmware which needs to be loaded on the target.

Loading the image on the board

Build OpenOCD

OpenOCD must be installed with stlink enabled. Clone the git repository and use these commands to compile/install it:

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-stlink

If there is an error finding the .cfg file, please double-check the OPENOCD_BOARD_DIR constant at the top of the Makefile (in this template directory, not in OpenOCD).

In my case, OpenOCD's sources (and binaries) resided under /openocd-code/.

UDEV Rule for the Discovery Board

If you are not able to communicate with the STM32F0-Discovery board without root privileges you should follow the step from the stlink repo readme file for adding a udev rule for this hardware.


$ <path_to_openocd-code>/src/openocd -s <path_to_openocd-code>/tcl/ -f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f <path_to_openocd-code>/tcl/target/stm32f0x_stlink.cfg -f <path_to_project_folder>/OpenOCD/stm32_program.cfg


Sourced partly from which is based on is based on an example template for the F4 Discovery board put together by Jeremy Herbert.


An Eclipse FreeRTOS Demo project using ARM Eclipse plugin, ARMGCC toolchain, OpenOCD


An Eclipse FreeRTOS Demo project using ARM Eclipse plugin, ARMGCC toolchain, OpenOCD






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