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SPICE-WEASEL image enhancement

Ben Dudson July 2006.

Scriptable image processing, including of IPX format video files (used
at CCFE/UKAEA for storing fast camera video)

Released under MIT license, see COPYING for details


o Reads and writes image files in BMP, PNG and JPEG2000 format
o Reads and writes IPX formatted video files
o Can perform batch processing on images. Designed mainly
  for enhancing high speed video of plasmas.
o Processing script format similar to Makefile
o Can subtract background light from moving features in videos

Known bugs / limitations

o When using multiple threads (--enable-threads), can segfault. Error
  seems to be in libpng but not resolved

o Limited to greyscale videos only

Compiling / Installing

To compile, spiceweasel needs

1. PNG library, such as the libpng12-dev Debian package
2. libopenjpeg2, such as the libopenjpeg-dev Debian package

After that, the standard GNU install process

make install   # optional

To set the install path, use the usual

./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/

A manual page will also be installed which contains basic usage instructions



spiceweasel <start frame> <last frame> <window width> [options]


-i <input file>           Set input file. Can be either a set of
                          bitmaps, png files or an IPX video

-s <shot number>          Input a photron IPX video for a shot

-o <output file>          Set output file. Can be bmp, png files
                          or an IPX video.
                          e.g. -o processed.ipx

-p <processing script>    set processing script. default is

Processing is controlled by a scripting language which can be used
to do many different image processing tasks. The commands include

- Amplify by a constant factor
- Normalize to maximize contrast
- Gamma correct to enhance dim features
- despeckle using median filter
- despeckle using edge preserving kuwahara filter
- Sharpen using a simple edge enhancement algorithm
- Sharpen using unsharp masking method

The code has a sliding window buffer, from which a background frame
can be calculated. Currently the background calculations are:

- Pixelwise minimum over the buffer
- Pixelwise average

This background can then be subtracted from the original which results in
an enhancement of transient events like filaments.

See the manual in doc/ directory for how to write processing scripts
and other info.


spiceweasel <start frame> <last frame> <window width> [options]

Without options, the default input file (currently set to 
$MAST_IMAGES/rbb/rbb015368.ipx) and output files will be used.

To process frames 1000 to 1100 with 10 frames either side, run

spiceweasel 1000 1100 21

This will produce a set of frames in the current directory named
"processed_1010.png" to "processed_1090.png"
Note that only 81 frames are produced because of the width of the window.

To set the input file(s), use the "-i" option. 

e.g If you have a set of frames of the form "15232_frame_00053.png"
    you want to process then use the option

-i 15232_frame_%05d.png

(It's a zero, not a capital o).
This is a C printf format where the %05d will be replaced by the frame number.
%d on its own just prints the number e.g. "15232_frame_53.png", %5d prints
5 digits with spaces like "15232_frame_   53.png". 
To pad with zeros, use %05d to produce "15232_frame_00053.png"
More info on printf formatting, run "man -S3 printf"

If the name you give as input ends in ".png", it will be read as a
compressed PNG file, if in ".bmp" then as an uncompressed bitmap file (24-bit). 

To read in an IPX file, just supply the name of the file

-i $MAST_IMAGES/rbb/rbb015232.ipx

that's it! If the name of the input ends in ".ipx", the weasel will try to read
it as an IPX file. To read in a photron image from a shot (e.g. 15232 as above)
you can also just use:

-s 15232

The output option "-o" works in exactly the same as the input. To output to a
directory "~/processed" with files named like "15232_frame_00247.png", use

-o ~/processed/15232_frame_%05d.png


1. Process frames 1500 to 2000 for photron camera shot 15368 and output as a set of png
   images with a window 15 frames either side:

   spiceweasel 1500 2000 31 -i $MAST_IMAGES/rbb/rbb015368.ipx

2. Process frames 1000 to 1500 for shot 15232 using processing script "example.sps"
   with window 10 either side and output to IPX file "processed.ipx":

   spiceweasel 1000 1500 21 -s 15232 -o processed.ipx

If you want to change the default inputs and outputs, they're set in "spiceweasel.h"

I think i've made most of the error messages quite self-explanatory, but if not
then find me/write me an email.



Fast batch processing of images and IPX videos







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