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Cowbells - a simple but flexible ROOT/Geant4-based detector simulation.

The Cowbells package started as a green-field Geant4-based simulation of the cosmic-ray test stand constructed for research and development on water-based liquid scintilator at Brookhaven National Laboratory. It was extended to handle the configuration used for beam tests at the NASA Space Radiation Lab at BNL and then made general enough to support any, with some small development, novel detector configurations.

1 Installation

Cowbells is available from

1.1 Prereq

  • HepMC, Geant4, ROOT and a recent Python are needed.
  • CMake is suggested if not strictly needed to install Geant4 and ROOT.
  • IPython is recommended if any interactive Python sessions will be desired.

1.2 Automated builds

There are some methods available to assist in building cowbells and its dependencies.

a waf-based build system. This is currently the recommended method. See ./doc/
a set of bash scripts. This is now obsolete but may still be usable. see ./doc/

1.3 Manually Build Cowbells

Cowbells is built with cmake. If you do not elect to build it automatically with one of the methods above it can be built by hand as described in this section. Also, see ./doc/ for how to manually build cowbells against a worch-built set of dependencies.

cd /path/to/build/area/
cmake [-D...] /path/to/source_dir

The locations for the dependencies may be given as -D directives. FIXME: give concrete example.

2 Configuration

The simulation is configured through the command line and by one or more configuration files written in JSONjson format. These files can be written by any means but a suite of modules are provided by the cowbells Python package to make generating them easier.

At top-level, the file schema is that of a single (anonymous) JSON dictionary. Each item of the dictionary has a key that determines the schema of the item and how the item’s data is used by cowbells. Multiple files can be given on the command line. If any section is found in more than one file the ordering of the files determine which section is used. The first one found “wins”.

Next, an overview of how to use the cowbells Python modules to make produce configuration files is given. Following that is a description of each configuration section.


2.1 Python configuration modules

The Python modules are used to build up a description of the detector geometry in memory in an organized and reusable fashion and to persist this description to the JSON configuration files.

2.1.1 cowbells.geom

The cowbells.geom module provides a submodule for each configuration section related to geometry. It contains submodules and their classes for materials, optical surfaces and properties and sensitive detectors. These classes implement a very similar interface and naming convention as used by the Geant4 geometry model. The similarity is not complete but intends to cover the more commonly used aspects.

Most of the classes implement the method .pod() which will emit a “plain old data” (pod) structure that represents how the instance has been configured. These pod structures can be aggregated and finally fed to Python’s json module in order to produce the JSON configuration files. These two tasks are handled by the next module described.

Each of the geom.* submodule maintains a store data member which collects every instance of its classes that are created. All stores can be dumped to a JSON file with code like:

from cowbells import geom
# ... populate the geometry
fp = open("somefile.json", "w")

It is in this manner that most applications that produce configuration code are expected to operate.

2.1.2 cowbells.builder

The cowbells.builder= module defines and implements several Builder classes. Instances of these create aggregate descriptions based on input parameters of some major element of a detector description.

The interface to a Builder is defined in the Builder base class and is expected to be called by a top-level script or by a Builder that aggregates other (finer grained) builders. Using a builder proceeds in three parts:

all builder constructors may take keyword parameters that modify their default behavior.
a top-level logical volume and all that it encompasses.
the top logical volume must be placed in some parent volume by the caller.

2.1.3 cowbells.default

The cowbells.default module provides pre-defined instances of some cowbells.geom classes. These modules are used by calling special functions which will populate the geometry with whatever objects they define. The supported functions are:

define optical material properties. An optional material name may be given.

2.2 Configuration sections for geometry

The configuration sections are described briefly. The provided gives examples of the Python code needed. By running it the file test_geom.json will be produced giving an example of a JSON configuration file.

list of elementary atoms
list of aggregations of elements or other materials
list of shapes used for creating volumes
list of logical volumes each bringing together a shape and a material
list of physical volumes each bringing together daughter and mother (unless its a world placement) volumes and a transformation between them
list of optical properties associated with a named material
list of optical surfaces
list of sensitive detectors each associating a (Geant4 sensitive detector) class with a logical volume and a set of touchables.

2.2.1 Sensitive detectors

Ultimately sensitive detectors are implemented by Geant4 C++ classes provided by cowbells. They record hits that occur in one or more placements of a given logical volume in to a named hit collection. In order to assign in which placement a hit occurred the sensitive detectors must be given a list of touchables. Each touchable is written as a path of placements from the world placement down to the placement of the sensitive volume. For example, the tub detector’s photocathode touchable may look like:


2.3 Non-geometry configuration

In addition to describing the geometry, JSON configuration files can describe these aspects:

what physics to simulate
how to produce the initial particle kinematics

2.3.1 Physics

The types of physics is simulate is specified by listing their code names in the physics section:

{ "physics" : { "list" : ["em","op"] } }

The supported codes are:

electromagnetic processes
optical processes
hadronic processes

2.3.2 Kinematics

The initial kinematics are specified by “type”. Depending on the type the rest of the configuration is interpreted. For example the usual particle “gun” is implemented and configured as in this example:

{ "kinematics" : {
        "type" : "gun",         "count" : 1,
        "particle": "proton",   "energy": "500*MeV"
        "vertex": [0.0, 0.0, "-5.1*meter"],
        "direction": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]               }}

2.4 Command line

The main command line program produced by the Cowbells package is cowbells.exe. Running it with no arguments produces a brief help message.

Usage: cowbells [options]

  --help                     Print usages and exit
  --output, -o <outputfile>  Set output filename
  --interface, -u <interface>Set the user interface
  --kinematics, -k <kindesc> Set the kinematics descriptor
  --physics, -p <physics,list>Set the physics list
  --nevents, -n <#events>    Set the number of events to generate

Some options, in particular the kinematics and physics, may be set in configuration files as well.

2.4.1 User interface

{{{fixme(This is a work in progress.)}}}

Set Geant4 UI.

2.4.2 Kinematics

{{{fixme(This feature is not complete.)}}}

The command line can override kinematics that may be otherwise set in a configuration file. They are specified in the form of a URL, for example:

cowbells.exe --kinematics \

Note, you will likely need to protect the characters ? and & from your shell by encasing the option in quotes.

2.4.3 Physics List

The command line can override any physics list that is otherwise provided in configuration files. For example with:

cowbells.exe --physics em,op,had [...]

2.5 Geant4 macros

Geant4 macro files can also be given on the cowbells.exe command line. For example, a HepRepFile can be produced to display the geometry and events in HepRAppheprapp using a macro file like:

/vis/open HepRepFile 
/vis/scene/add/axes            0 0 0 100 mm
/vis/scene/add/axes            0 0 0 100 mm
/vis/scene/add/trajectories rich
/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set e- blue
/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set e+ cyan
/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set proton red
/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set neutron green
/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set opticalphoton white
/run/beamOn 1

and a command line like:

cowbells.exe -o td.root opts.json td.json heprepvis.mac
java -jar /path/to/HepRApp.jar G4Data0.heprep


3 Examples

3.1 Isolated tub detector

The “tub” detector is a simple cylinder with a window in the lid that holds a thin photocathode sensitive detector. The script in the share/ directory will generate geometry configuration for it. The sample and tub material and the tub lining color can be specified. The if the file is not given the JSON text is sent to stdout. [-h] [-s SAMPLE] [-t TUB] [-c COLOR] file

Placing the above physics and kinematics into a file opts.json one example is: -s Water -t Aluminum -c black td.json
cowbells.exe -n 10 -o td.root opts.json td.json

3.2 NSRL setup with tub detectors

The first run at NSRL with tub detectors consisted of these elements in the beam line:

|     (o)  -   []  -   []  - 
W      V   H1  T1  H2  T2  H3
beam window
hole-veto counter
hodoscope trigger counter #n
tub detector #n

{{{fixme(Hole-veto not yet implemented.)}}}

The elements are rotated so that the beam runs along the Z-axis. The center of the first tub detector is the global origin. To generate this geometry configuration file the script is used. file
cowbells.exe \
  -k 'kin://beam?vertex=0,0,-510&name=proton&direction=0,0,1&energy=500' \
  -p em,op -n 10 -o nsrl.root nsrl.json

{{{fixme(No command line hooks yet exist to change the sample material.)}}}


Simulation for water-based liquid scintillator.






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