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Ameol Source Code

This is the source code for the Ameol CIX offline reader. It is being released under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

The code requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to build. There are issues with building under newer versions of Visual Studio due to changes in the CRT causing conflict with some pre-built binaries. Thus only VS2008 is officially supported.

Only the main Ameol executable and support DLLs are issued, plus the associated data files and installer. The source code for the Moderate addon is in the Moderate project on github.

To Build

First install the Inno Setup program from the Tools folder.


This is required to build the installer. Version 5.5.4 is the current supported version. You only need to do this once.

Open a "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt" window. This will be in your Start menu under Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Alternatively you can find it at:

%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat

Navigate to the root of the folder where you cloned the Ameol source code and run:

build release

All built binaries are copied to the Build folder off the root along with any program debug database files.

At the end of the setup build, the packages will be copied to the Drops folder. There are two packages - an integrated installer (the filename begins with 'a') and a ZIP file (the filename begins with 'z').

There should be NO warnings or errors. All projects have the warnings as error flag set anyway.

The resulting installer is NOT code signed by default. If you have access to the code signing certificate then set two environment variables before running the build:

set _PFXPATH=<path to the code signing PFX file>
set _AM2SIGNPWD=<the PFX password>

If the above are not set the the build skips code signing. You can run the resulting packages without code signing but you'll need to bypass Windows warnings. Do not release unsigned packages.

To Run

You can run Ameol by copying the binaries from the Build folder to your Ameol installation, replacing the existing binaries there.

To Debug

You will need to set up your own debug environment. You will need to copy files from your Ameol setup to the Build folder so that the Build folder is the root of your Ameol installation. A very minimal way to get Ameol to run is to copy the files from the External folder into the Build folder.


The source code is the only real documentation. Feel free to ask questions in the cix.developer/ameol topic though but CIX staff cannot guarantee much beyond basic support.


You are welcome to contribute changes back to the official Ameol source tree. All changes will be reviewed before being accepted and it is assumed that you've done your own, exhaustive, testing. Feel free to make private binaries available for testing by other people.

Official Release

The open source code IS the main Ameol source now. All official builds will use this, and any changes made by CIX staff will go into the open source tree by default. We will make official builds available when we deem that there are sufficient changes to warrant an upgrade.