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Repository for the Z + jets analysis @ 7 TeV - NEW


  1. SevenTeVSelection : production of root-ple, runs with CMSSW_4_4_X, SLC5 only!

    -) Directory "/test"

    It contains the configuration file to be used if you need to reprocess the rootuples

    *     ---> create the sherpa MC dataset (systematics for unfolding)
    *                     ---> create the madgraph MC dataset (ONLY RECO). 
    *           ---> create the madgraph MC dataset (RECO And GEN LEVEL).
    *                           ---> run on data (muons)
    *                             ---> run on data (ele)

    -) "scripts". COntains cfgs to run the forementioned files over the analysis datasets

    * crabProcessDataMuRunA44.cfg  crabProcessDataMunB44.cfg     --> run runA and B for muons
    * crabProcessDataRunA44.cfg  crabProcessDataRunB44.cfg       --> run runA and B for electrons
    * crabProcessMCNoXroot.cfg                                   --> run madgraph using XrootD
    * crabProcessMCWZLocale.cfg                                  --> run WZ dataset (locally)
    * crabTTBarScalingDOWNRemote.cfg crabTTBarScalingUPRemote.cfg--> run ttbar dataset scaled down (systematics)
    * crabProcessMCDYLocale.cfg				    --> run madgraph reco (locally)
    * crabProcessMCTTBarLocale.cfg  				    --> run ttbar dataset (locally)
    * crabProcessMCZZLocale.cfg      			    --> run zz dataset (locally)
    * crabProcessMCDYLocaleUnfolding.cfg  		    	    --> run madgraph reco and gen level (locally)
    * crabProcessMCWWLocale.cfg     			    	    --> run WW dataset (locally)
    * crabSherpaUnfoldingRemote.cfg  			    --> run madgraph reco and gen level (grid)
    * multicrabMC44X.cfg					    --> run QCD datasets (grid)

    -) "/interface" "/src" "/python". It contains plugins/code called inside these python files

    -) "/data" contains the rootuples required for the MC Pile-up reweighting and JEC systematics (must be correctly shipped if you run on crab!)

+++Logic Workflow to reprocess the full analysis++

All you need to do is to run each of the configuration files listed below. Output is copied in the local directory

* crab -cfg crabProcessDataMuRunA44.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessDataMuRunB44.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessDataRunA44.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessDataRunB44.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessMCDYLocale.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessTTBarLocale.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessMCZZLocale.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessMCWZLocale.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg crabProcessMCWWLocale.cfg -create -submit
* crab -cfg multicrabMC44X.cfg -create -submit

Output of previous reporcessing is stored in this area:



  1. SevenTeVTools : pre-unfolding , unfolding , systematics and theory comparison utilities, can run in CMSSW_5_3_X on SLC6

-) "macros", "/scripts", "include", "data". Macros to plot the pre-unfolded distributions, to perform unfolding and calculate the various systematics. In the following, a brief explanation of the macro themselve and their usages is provided.

* data/MuScleFit_2011_DATA_44X.txt    		    -> Coefficients for muscle fit correction on muons pt     
* macros/RooUnfold-1.1.1/          		    -> Directory which contains the official RooUnfold Package. To trun the unfold, you need to copy the .h files on your working area, at to compile the "" using the attached makefile.

* data/TAPfitter_config.txt 			    -> TAP configuration file
* data/TAPfitter_configMU.txt          		    -> TAP configuration file

* macros/lumi_scale_factors.h			    -> cross sections for the MC dataset normalization
* macros/lumi_scale_factorsARC.h                      -> cross sections for the MC dataset normalization 
* macros/lumi_scale_factors_scaleDownARC.h	    -> cross sections for the MC dataset normalization, scaled down for bnackground systematics
* macros/lumi_scale_factors_scaleUpARC.h		    -> cross sections for the MC dataset normalization, scaled up for bnackground systematics

* interface/TemplateForHistograms.h           	    -> Templates for histyogram binning 
* interface/TemplateForHistogramsUnfolding.h  	    -> Templates for histyogram binning taken as input by the Unfolding

* macros/UnfoldingVJets2011.C			    -> COntains flags for the various Unfolding cases        
* macros/UnfoldingVJets2011.h        		    -> COntains flags for the various Unfolding cases        
* macros/LoopVJetsNew5.h                      	    -> Core of the unfolding. Rootuple reading and implementation of the unfolding in it!
* macros/runUnfold2011.C				    -> Run the unfolding 
* macros/runUnfold2011Custom.C			    -> Run the unfolding over the full observables, ele and mu
* macros/BackgroundRemoval.h			    -> include for unfolding: implement the background removal                  
* macros/SaveUnfolding.h     			    -> include for unfolding: save plots and rootuples
* macros/DrawUnfolding.h                      	    ->          "           : draw plots    
* macros/MCLimitedStatTool.h                         ->          "           : evaluate MC limited stat effect
* macros/MuScleFitCorrector.h                        ->          "           : perform MF correcton
* macros/SetObs.h                    		    ->		"	    : set Unfolding parameters for each observable
* macros/JERCorrection.h                      	    ->		"	    : Include effect of JER
* macros/ResolFunct.h                         	    ->		"	    : Include effect of JER
* macros/getEfficiencyCorrection.C		    ->		"	    : perfeorm efficiency correction (scale factors)
* macros/getMuscleFitCorrection.C		    ->		"	    : retrieve the MF correction from the file

* macros/makeEleMuComparisonPlots.C		    -> provide a comparison between lepton specied
* scripts/	    -> run previous macro
* macros/DrawComparisonJetMCData.C            	    -> Pre-unfolding "plotter". It works after Observables.C
* macros/DrawComparisonJetMCDataXScale.C	 	    -> As the previous line, but used for background systematics (see usage)
* macros/runDrawComparisonJetMCDataXScale.C	    -> run prevoius macro
* macros/DrawComparisonJetMCDataScaleDown.C   	    -> As the previous line, but used for background systematics (see usage)
* macros/runDrawComparisonJetMCDataXScaleDown.C	    -> run prevoius macro
* macros/DrawComparisonJetMCDataScaleUp.C   	    -> As the previous line, but used for background systematics (see usage)
* macros/runDrawComparisonJetMCDataXScaleUp.C	    -> run prevoius macro

* macros/makeZjetsPlots.C				    -> Plot final list of observables. 
* scripts/			    -> Run previous run

* macros/Observables.C                        	    -> Creates rootuples for each dataset, to evaluate thew background compoent and the pre-unfolding plots
*  macros/Observables.h                        	    -> Creates rootuples for each dataset, to evaluate thew background compoent and the pre-unfolding plots
* macros/runObs.C					    -> run previous macro
* scripts/		    -> Publish the results fo proevious action on the web
* macros/diow.C                      		    -> Publish the results fo proevious action on the web

* macros/TagProbeFitter.C            		    -> TAP for ele and muons

* macros/scorporateStat.C				    -> Separate the MC limited statistics effect from Unfolding
* scripts/			    -> run previous macro

* macros/MakePlotLumiLabel.C                  	    -> To create the official CMS labels
* macros/tdrstyle.C				    -> make up 

* macros/combineLeptonStatistics.C   		    -> To combine rootuples from unfolding

* macros/evaluateNewJEC.C            		    -> calculate JEC systematics
* scripts/				    -> run previous macro

* macros/flattenJECsystematics.C     		    -> if JEC systematics is fluctuating, use this to flatten it


  1. run the macro Observable.C, in order to normalize the backgrounds, steore them for the unfolding, prepare the rootpules for pre-unfolding plots. Run it using the proper script:

    • runObs.C (run it twice, editing the falg "isMu" twice to create electron and muon rootuples)
  2. draw the results running

    • DrawComparisonJetMCData.C (twice again)
    • (to create the pre-unfolding plots)
  3. Unfolding (and sdystematics)

Run runUnfoldCustom.C to perform the unfolding (paramters to run the unfolding and the systematics are in Unfolding2011VJets.C)

3a) For the unfolding systematics To perform the systematics for the unfolding, just run two different scripts:

* 1) makeEleMuComparison -> This calculates the ratio and evaluates whether is compatible with a fluctuation in the statistics.
* 2) scorporateStat.C -> It sums the previous contribution with the MC toy test
  1. Other systematics (backgrouns) Run

    • macros/runDrawComparisonJetMCDataXScale.C
    • macros/DrawComparisonJetMCDataScaleDown.C
    • macros/runDrawComparisonJetMCDataXScaleDown.C
    • macros/DrawComparisonJetMCDataScaleUp.C
    • macros/runDrawComparisonJetMCDataXScaleUp.C


Repository for the Z + jets analysis @ 7 TeV - NEW






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