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Zero-dependency (STL) header-only C++ library for definition of messages with compile-time generation of corresponding encoder/decoder/printer. MED is extensible library which can be adopted to support many type of encoding rules. Currently it includes:

  • extensible implementation of non-ASN.1 octet encoding rules;
  • incomplete implementation of ASN.1 BER;
  • initial implementation of Google ProtoBuf encoding rules;

See overview for details and samples.

See repos for examples of med usage.


Define your protocol with MED

#include "med/med.hpp"

template <std::size_t TAG>
using T = med::value<med::fixed<TAG, uint8_t>>;
template <typename ...T>
using M = med::mandatory<T...>;
template <typename ...T>
using O = med::optional<T...>;
using L = med::length_t<med::value<uint8_t>>;

struct BYTE : med::value<uint8_t> {};
struct WORD : med::value<uint16_t> {};
struct TRIBYTE : med::value<med::bytes<3>> {};
struct IP4 : med::value<uint32_t>
	static constexpr char const* name() { return "ip-addr"; }

struct DWORD : med::value<uint32_t> {};
struct URL : med::octet_string<med::min<5>, med::max<10>>, med::with_snapshot {};

struct MSG1 : med::sequence<
	M< BYTE >,
	M< T<0x21>, WORD >,
	M< L, URL >,
	O< T<0x49>, TRIBYTE >,
	O< T<0x89>, IP4 >,
	O< T<0x03>, DWORD >

struct MSG2 : med::set<
	M< tag<0x0b>,    BYTE >,
	M< tag<0x21>, L, WORD >,
	O< tag<0x49>, L, TRIBYTE >,
	O< tag<0x89>,    IP4 >,
	O< tag<0x22>, L, URL >

struct PROTO : med::choice<
	M<T<1>, MSG1>,
	M<T<2>, MSG2>


//a buffer to be written with binary data of encoded message
uint8_t buffer[100];
//create encoding context to define input/output/auxiliar
med::encoder_context<> ctx{ buffer };
//the protocol to encode
PROTO proto;
//set particular message in the protocol
auto& msg = proto.ref<MSG2>();
//set particular fields in the message
//encode the protocol with octet-encoder into given context
encode(med::octet_encoder{ctx}, proto);
//now the buffer holds encoded message of size ctx.buffer().get_offset()


//a binary message received in a buffer of size num_bytes
PROTO proto;
med::decoder_context<> ctx;
ctx.reset(buffer, num_bytes);
decode(med::octet_decoder{ctx}, proto);

if (auto const* msg = proto.get<MSG1>())
	//read any message field needed
else if (auto const* msg = proto.get<MSG2>())
	//read any message field needed


//decode first (see above)
decode(med::octet_decoder{ctx}, proto);
//use your sink to consume traces, e.g. to print them to console
your_sink sink{};
//trace protocol via your sink
med::print(sink, proto);


Any modern C++ compiler with C++20 support (see CI for the selected ones).