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Auburn University UAV ATTRACT project

This project is intended to create an environment for both simulation and testing of collision avoidance algorithms on UAVs.


-Simulator - there is a basic point to point simulator for the Easy Star airplane running in UAV mode.

-Coordinator - monitors and coordinates all of the UAVs

-Collision avoidance - there is a collision avoidance file located in src that can be used as a shell for writing your own avoidance algorithm

-XBeeIO - Integrates real UAVs using a X-Bee module

-KMLCreator - this program monitors all telemetry data and will output to a KML file when told to do so. This will allow someone to load a visual representation of points into Google Earth.

-Launch files - inherited from ROS, you can create files to launch all or parts of the system

-Path files - a basic system for creating a path before running the program

-Course files - a basic system for creating a course and loading that into the program


ROS is intended to be run on an Ubuntu (Unix based) OS (Versions 11.10 – 12.0.4 have been verified). However, you may be able to operate it on a Windows or Mac through a virtual machine. The suggested VM is provided at (The ROS Fuerte Version). Step by step install instructions are provided here: After the ROS environment is configured, place the AU_UAV_stack folder in your ros_workspace.


  1. To get started with the GUI subset of the project, you will need to start with a Ubuntu Linux machine that has the ROS system installed (See Above) and the AU UAV package loaded.
  2. Next, navigate to and click on “Qt libraries 4.8.4 for Linux/X11 (225 MB)”. This will start a fairly large download that might take some time. If prompted on where to save it, just pick a folder with a path that you can easily remember. (Note: Please ensure that the correct version is downloaded. Portions of the file saving code are version-specific.)
  3. Once the file has been downloaded, it must be extracted. This can be done by double clicking on the file and using the archive manager, or by using the terminal. If using the terminal, first change the directory to the path where you saved the file and then run “gunzip qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4.tar.gz” followed by “tar xvf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4.tar”.
  4. Now open terminal (if it is not already open) and change the directory to the extracted folder labeled “qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4” and then run “sudo ./configure”. When prompted type ‘o’ for open source edition and “yes” to accept the license. This may take a little while to run (~30 mins).
  5. After that is finished, run “sudo make”. This step will take several hours (up to 10 if using a virtual machine).
  6. Once make is finished, run “sudo make install”. This will also take several hours, but less than required for “make”
  7. Next, we need to install QT Creator. This allows for the user interface files to be edited and provides a very good IDE for the QT system. Once again we need to visit From there, we will click on “QT Creator 2.7.0 for Linux/X11 32-bit (60 MB)”.
  8. Once the file has downloaded, open terminal and navigate to the directory where it is saved. After this, run “sudo chmod +x qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.7.0.bin”
  9. Next, run “./qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.7.0.bin”. This will open an installer. Follow the on screen steps to complete the installation (Next, Next, Agree, Install, Finish). On the last screen, be sure to uncheck the box that labeled start QT Creator. We will need to run it from the terminal instead. If you forget, simply close the instance of QT Creator that appears.
  10. We now need to install qt-ros, an intermediate between QT and ROS. This can be done through the terminal with “sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-qt-ros”. Type “y” at the appropriate prompt. Note: you may have to run “sudo apt-get update” first if you receive an error.


  1. Navigate to your ROS workspace by typing "roscd" in the Terminal.
  2. If this is your first time compiling, type "cd AU_UAV_stack/AU_UAV_GUI". Next, remove the build folder by typing "rm -rf build". Remake the build folder by typing "mkdir build" and navigate to this folder. Finally, type "cmake ..".
  3. To compile, type "rosmake AU_UAV_stack".


  1. To launch the system, type "roslaunch AU_UAV_ROS guiDriven.launch" in the Terminal.


2013 team1 REU






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Contributors 4
