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SCU Coursework

Some of the coursework done for my B.S. in Computer Science (Mathematics) from Santa Clara University. All code written in C, C++, or Python.

COEN 166 Artificial Intelligence

8 Tile Game

Python code for generating 8 tile puzzles and solving them using depfth first search, iterative depth first search, and breadth first search.

Tic Tac Toe

A Python implementation of a strong solution for tic-tac-toe using the Minimax algorithm.

COEN 177 Operating Systems

Page Replacement

Implementation and comparison of various page replacement algorithms (LRU, LFU, Second Chance, and Random) written in C.


A simple unix-like shell written in C. It uses fork() and exec() to create and execute new processes.

CSCI Data Structures

Data Structures in C++

C++ implementation of some basic data structures (linked list, stack, circular queue, heap, etc) and algorithms (insertion sort, selection sort, quicksort, mergesort, heapsort, etc). These were implemented from scratch as practice. They should not be used in place of the C++ standard library.

Word Search

C++ program which finds all words in a standard word search puzzle (NxN grid of letters). It uses a hash table implemented from scratch.