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Porkholt Engine

Porkholt is a 2D and 3D graphics and game engine targeted towards mobile and desktop platforms.

I built it as a learning project quite some of time ago. It's certainly not ready for production and will never be. I decided to post it on GitHub after all this time.

This repo also contains a few attempts to games that never were in Beeno/Game and Igor/Game, a full set of examples, demos and toys in Examples and some LivePapers wallpapers in LivePapers.


  • Math library
  • Windowing functions
  • Frame animations
  • Keyframed transitions
  • Sprite atlases
  • Texture-based fonts
  • Render to texture filters
  • Deferred lighting
  • Sound (WAV and Ogg)
  • Lua bindings and scripting
  • Lua-based material format with conditional shader compilation
  • Asset pipeline
  • Other bells and whistles I totally forgot about in 4 years.


screen shot 2015-11-23 at 23 23 49 screen shot 2015-11-23 at 23 33 55 screen shot 2015-11-23 at 23 52 19


There's no need for any instalation, however Porkholt Engine requires some dependencies to compile itself and its external libraries. These can be installed using your distro's package manager.

For example:

Debian / Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev cmake graphicsmagick mesa-common-dev libncurses-dev libopenal-dev lua

OS X with Homebrew:

brew install lua cmake graphicsmagick

Creating a project

Just copy Examples/Template and adjust the project's name and the engine's path in CMakeLists.txt, then add your sources and headers to PH_SOURCES and PH_HEADERS respectively.

Remember that every time you add a new source you have to regenerate the project files.

Compiling a project

  1. cd into the project folder

  2. Create a new directory named build. if you are regenerating the project files, at least remove CMakeCache from build

  3. cd into it

  4. Generate the project files with cmake:

cmake .. -DPH_PLATFORM=<platform>

<platform> can be any of X11, OSX, iOS or Android

NOTE: if compiling for iOS you need to use the XCode generator

Ex: cmake .. -G Xcode -DPH_PLATFORM=iOS

PH_PLATFORM defaults to X11 on Linux and FreeBSD

  1. Use the generated project files to build the project (this depends on your generator of choice)

  2. Enjoy


Old game engine I built for fun






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