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This source code repository contains an implementation of the
socket API for the sctplib SCTP userland implementation.

for a description of the API.


Installation instructions:
1. - Get a compatible version of the sctplib from
   - Install it:
     prompt> tar xzvf sctplib-XXXX.tar.gz
     prompt> cd sctplib-XXXX
     prompt> ./configure
     prompt> make
     prompt> make install   (as root!)
     Now, the sctplib should be installed under /usr/local.
2. - Go to the socketapi directory
     prompt> aclocal
     prompt> autoconf
     prompt> autoheader
     prompt> automake
     prompt> ./configure
     prompt> make
     prompt> make install   (as root!)

It contains a number of files that are shortly described hereafter:
AUTHORS   :   People who have produced this code.
COPYING   :   The license to be applied for using/compiling/distributing
              this code.
INSTALL   :   Basic installation notes.
NEWS      :   Changes from release to release.
README    :   This file
TODO      :   A more or less complete list of missing features/known
              problems, etc.
socketapi          :   This directory contains the socketapi sources.
socket_programs    :   Example programs written in C.
cppsocketapi       :   Some C++ wrapper classes for easier socket access.
cppsocket_programs :   Example programs written in C++ using the C++ classes.

Homepage and Mailing Lists:
Here, you will find a mailing list to which you can write bug reports.

Thomas Dreibholz,