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WinFormebble is a C library to program the Pebble smart watch that is friendly to C# and WinForm developer.

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WinFormebble is a C librarary to program the Pebble smart watch that is friendly to C# and WinForm developer.

WinFormebble, use the memory manager library name MemoryM.

Text associated to label control are completely managed by MemoryM and do not not need to be freed.

The method Form_Destructor() will free all control associated to the form.

**** This library is in ALPHA mode.***



To Do

  • Implement a mini memory manager
  • Associate to Label a buffer managed by the memory manager
  • Add Image Control
  • Add MessageBox Yes/no support
  • Label associated with Form, should be really local to the form (I am not shure how)
    • Support multiple dialog with the same label name

Api Overview

// Form -----------------------------------------------------------

Form  Form_New();
void  Form_Initialize(Form form, WindowHandler load, WindowHandler unload);
void  Form_Show(Form form);
void  Form_Destructor(Form form);

void  Form_AddLabel(Form form, TextLayer * label);
void  Form_RegisterButtonHandlers(Form form, ClickHandler selectClickHandler, 
                                  ClickHandler upClickHandler, ClickHandler downClickHandler);

Timer Form_StartTimer(Form form, uint32_t timeout_ms, AppTimerCallback callback);
Timer Form_StopTimer(Timer timer);
Timer Form_ResumeTimer(Timer timer);
bool  Form_IsTimerEnabled(Timer timer);
void  Form_RegisterWatchFaceTimer(TimeUnits tick_units, TickHandler handler);
void  Form_UnregisterWatchFaceTimer();

GRect Form_GetRectangle(Form form);
void  Form_SetPaintEvent(Form form, LayerUpdateProc paintEvent);
void  Form_ReDraw(Form form);

// Font -----------------------------------------------------------

GFont Font_Load(uint32_t resourceFontId);
GFont Font_LoadSystem(const char * font_key);

// Label -----------------------------------------------------------

TextLayer * Label_New(GRect frame, BackGroundColorType backGroundType, 
                      GTextAlignment alignment, const char * fontName);
void Label_SetText(TextLayer * label, const char * text);
void Label_Destructor(TextLayer * label);
void Label_SetFont(TextLayer * label, GFont font);
void Label_SetSystemFont(TextLayer * label, const char * fontName);

// Menu -----------------------------------------------------------

MenuLayer * Menu_New(Form form);
void Menu_Add(char * entry);
void Menu_Destructor(Menu menu);

// Trace -----------------------------------------------------------

#define Trace_TraceError(fmt, args...) 
#define Trace_TraceInformation(fmt, args...)
#define Trace_TraceWarning(fmt, args...) 
#define Trace_TraceDebug(fmt, args...)  
#define Trace_TraceInformationVerbose(fmt, args...)

// Local Storge On The Watch ---------------------------------------

localDB()->GetBool(int key);
localDB()->GetInt(int key);
localDB()->GetString(int key, char* buffer, int maxBuffer);
localDB()->SetBool(int key, bool val);
localDB()->SetInt(int key, int val);
localDB()->SetString(int key, char* val);
localDB()->Delete(int key);


Hello World Sample

#include <pebble.h>
#include <pebble_fonts.h>
#include "WinFormebble.h"
#define WATCH_DIGIT_BUFFER "00:00:00"    
Form mainForm;

    Label lblMsg;
    private void mainForm_Load(Window *window) {
        lblMsg = Label_New(GRect(0, 20, 144, 25), WhiteBackground, GTextAlignmentCenter, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_CONDENSED_21);
        Form_AddLabel(mainForm, lblMsg);
        Label_SetText(lblMsg, "Hello World");
    private void mainForm_Unload(Window *window) {

int main(void) { 
    mainForm = Form_New();
    Form_Initialize(mainForm, mainForm_Load, mainForm_Unload);
    Form_Destructor(mainForm);  // Also clean all associated controls    

Hello World With Timer Sample

#include <pebble.h>
#include <pebble_fonts.h>
#include "WinFormebble.h"
#define WATCH_DIGIT_BUFFER "00:00:00"    
Form mainForm;
    Label lblMsg;
    Label lblTime;
    Timer _timer = NULL;
    private void _timer_Tick(void * data)  {
        struct tm * now   = memoryMt()->NewDate();
        char * timeFormat = memoryMt()->FormatDateTime(now, "%H:%M:%S");
        Label_SetText(lblTime, timeFormat);
    private void mainForm_Load(Window *window) {
        lblMsg = Label_New(GRect(0, 20, 144, 25), WhiteBackground, GTextAlignmentCenter, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_CONDENSED_21);
        Form_AddLabel(mainForm, lblMsg);
        Label_SetText(lblMsg, "Hello World");
        lblTime = Label_New(GRect(0, 60, 139, 25), WhiteBackground, GTextAlignmentCenter, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_CONDENSED_21);
        Form_AddLabel(mainForm, lblTime);
        Label_SetText(lblTime, WATCH_DIGIT_BUFFER);
        _timer = Form_StartTimer(mainForm, 1000, _timer_Tick);
    private void mainForm_Unload(Window *window) {

int main(void) { 
    mainForm = Form_New();
    Form_Initialize(mainForm, mainForm_Load, mainForm_Unload);
    Form_Destructor(mainForm);  // Also clean all associated controls    

Hello World With Timer And Buttons Sample

#include <pebble.h>
#include <pebble_fonts.h>
#include "WinFormebble.h"
#define WATCH_DIGIT_BUFFER "00:00:00"    
Form mainForm;
    Label lblMsg;
    Label lblTime;
    Timer _timer = NULL;
    private void _timer_Tick(void * data)  {
        struct tm * now   = memoryM()->NewDate();
        char * timeFormat = memoryM()->FormatDateTime(now, "%H:%M:%S");
        Label_SetText(lblTime, timeFormat);
        memoryM()->FreeMultiple(2, timeFormat, now);
    private char * StopStartTimer() {
        if(Form_IsTimerEnabled(_timer)) {
            return "Stopped!";
        else {
            return "Started!";
    private void butUp_Click(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) {
        Label_SetText(lblMsg, StopStartTimer());
    private void butDown_Click(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) {
        Label_SetText(lblMsg, StopStartTimer());
    private void mainForm_Load(Window *window) {
        lblMsg = Label_New(GRect(0, 20, 144, 25), WhiteBackground, GTextAlignmentCenter, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_CONDENSED_21);
        Form_AddLabel(mainForm, lblMsg);
        Label_SetText(lblMsg, "Hello World");
        lblTime = Label_New(GRect(0, 60, 139, 25), WhiteBackground, GTextAlignmentCenter, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_CONDENSED_21);
        Form_AddLabel(mainForm, lblTime);
        Label_SetText(lblTime, WATCH_DIGIT_BUFFER);
        Form_RegisterButtonHandlers(mainForm, NULL, butUp_Click, butDown_Click);
        _timer = Form_StartTimer(mainForm, 1000, _timer_Tick);
    private void mainForm_Unload(Window *window) {

int main(void) { 
    mainForm = Form_New();
    Form_Initialize(mainForm, mainForm_Load, mainForm_Unload);
    Form_Destructor(mainForm);  // Also clean all associated controls    


WinFormebble is a C library to program the Pebble smart watch that is friendly to C# and WinForm developer.






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