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Experiments in converting bzip2 API to be RPC-based


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bzip2 API Remoting

This is an experimental repository used to compare and contrast the use of different RPC mechanisms, by applying them to bzlib API and the bzip2 command-line tool.


One of the best ways to ensure software security is to perform privilege separation: dividing a large application into different chunks depending on the different privileges that are needed. Each chunk runs as a distinct process, meaning that address spaces are not shared between the chunks – and any successful exploit for one chunk doesn't automatically get access to the entirety of the program.

Chrome and OpenSSH are two of the most well-known applications that are privilege separated:

  • Chrome uses separate renderer processes so that the various kinds of media that can appear in a web page (which are processed using a variety of third-party media handling libraries) are completely walled off from the rest of the system.
  • OpenSSH governs access to systems based on sensitive authentication data; this data is specifically held in a distinct, simple, process that is only connected to the rest of the application by a tightly constrained IPC channel.

Once an application is decomposed into different processes, those processes need to communicate among themselves. As a bare minimum, this requires some kind of inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism. However, just having a communication channel (such as a UNIX domain socket) isn't enough; components need a way of invoking functionality in another component, passing structured data back and forth along the way. We'll refer to this as a remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism.

This repository holds experimental exlorations of the various options for RPC mechanisms.

RPC Framework Desiderata

This section describes the different possible features that a potential RPC framework might have.


The first core feature for an RPC framework is some kind of serialization mechanism – a way to convert different kinds of data structures to and from sequences of bytes, ready for transmission between processes.

A serialization mechanism typically includes a number of base types – integers, characters, booleans, floating point values, strings – that map onto the base types of the programming language.

On top of the base types, various compound types are normally available:

  • arrays: linear collections of values of the same type (e.g. like the C type int[])
  • structures or records: collections of related data as distinct fields (e.g. like C's struct).
  • variants or unions: a range of different possible type/values (e.g. like C's union, where the choice of which one is present may be implicit or explicit).
  • maps or dicts: a collection of key/value pairs.


The serialization mechanism for an RPC framework may or may not require the use of an explicit schema, which describes the valid data structures for a particular RPC interface. For example, to transmit the data for a 3-dimensional point:

  • Code using a schema-less framework would simply encode three floating point values one after another, with an implicit convention for their order.
  • Code using a schema would explicitly specify that a Point3D type was a structure with fields x, y, and z, each of floating type.

Frameworks with schemas are more complex and require more set-up (to specify the schema), but are more robust – messages that don't match the expected schema can be automatically detected and rejected.


Once a collection of information has been serialized, it needs to be transmittted to the other process involved in the RPC exchange. This requires a transport mechanism, but the RPC framework may or may not consider this part of their remit:

  • Some frameworks include mechanisms for managing the transport; this is common when the framework also covers communication between different machines.
  • Some frameworks regard the transport as orthogonal to their purpose; once a byte stream is generated, it's the sending application's job to get it to the receiver.

RPC Invocation

To be convenient, invoking functionality in a different process needs to be more than just sending and receiving messages. Ideally, it should take a similar form to invoking functionality in the same process, via a function call. To do this, the RPC mechanism needs to bundle up all of the input parameters for a remote function into a request message, and when the corresponding response message arrives, it contain all of the output parameters resulting from the function invocation. (As the two processes do not normally share an address space, this approach works best with data that is passed by value).

Event Model and Threading

Sending and receiving messages between processes requires some sort of event processing system that handles receipt notifications and (possibly) inter-thread scheduling. An RPC framework may include an event processing model, or may require the application to integrate RPC processing into its own existing event model in some way. An RPC framework may also require the use of multiple threads, or may be written assuming use in a single-threaded manner (and thus need external synchronization for use in a multi-threaded application).

The event model also affects whether it is possible for invocation of remote functionality to look identical to invocation of local functionality (i.e. apparently synchronous).

File Descriptor Transfer

For sandboxing mechanisms that restrict access to the local environment (e.g. Capsicum), it is important to know whether the RPC framework allows the transfer of file descriptors between processes on the same machine; this allows a remote process to operate on a kernel resource owned by the invoker, even though the remote process cannot open that resource on its own.

Any such mechanism relies on the SCM_RIGHTS feature of an underlying UNIX domain socket transport.

Language Support

Some RPC frameworks include support for applications written in different languages, which in turn would allow for different components of a privilege separated application to be written in different languages.

Note that C and C++ are a special case here; a C-based framework can always be used by C++ code, and it's often possible to write a C wrapper layer that allows a C++-based framework to be used. However, this does normally still involve a run-time dependency on the libstdc++ C++ standard library.


Simpler RPC frameworks are self-contained, and have no additional dependencies; others impose a requirement that dependent libraries (e.g. the libstdc++ for a C++ framework) are available on the system. The set of dependencies needed for an application written in C is of particular interest.

RPC Framework Candidates

This section gives an overview of possible candidate RPC frameworks. It does not include technologies that are purely serialization mechanisms (e.g. ASN.1) without any RPC aspects.

Hand-Rolled Code

The least common denominator for performing RPC is not to use any framework, but to individually code the mechanisms required.

  • Serialization: manual
  • Schema: no
  • Transport: unspecified
  • RPC invocation: unspecified
  • Event model: unspecified
  • FD transfer: manual
  • Language support: manual
  • Dependencies: none


FreeBSD 11.x includes the libnv library created by Pawel Jakub Dawidek, which deals with building and transferring lists of name-value pairs.

  • Serialization:
    • base types: bool, number, string, binary, descriptor
    • compound types: name-value dictionaries
  • Schema: no
  • Transport: external socket
  • RPC invocation: no
  • Event model: no
  • FD transfer: yes
  • Language support: C
  • Dependencies: libnv


D-Bus is a message bus system intended for use in UNIX desktop systems. By default, it assumes that applications will communicate via either a system-wide or session-wide daemon; however, it is possible to set up a private point-to-point connection between two processes.

  • Serialization:
  • Schema: no
  • Transport: yes (shared bus or private connection over UNIX domain socket)
  • RPC invocation: yes, per-object methods and signals
  • Event model: no
  • FD transfer: yes
  • Language support: C, bindings for many languages
  • Dependencies: libdbus


gRPC was released in 2015 by Google, as a general RPC framework. gRPC uses an updated (v3) version of protocol buffers for its serialization mechanism, but also includes communication libraries for RPC client and server applications.

Note that although gRPC claims to support C (and its core internals are written in C), there is no C API for serialization or RPC invocation.

  • Serialization:
    • base types: bool, [su]int{32,64}, float, double, [s]fixed{32,64}, string, bytes, enum
    • compound types: message, optional, repeated
  • Schema: yes
  • Transport: yes (IP, UNIX domain socket)
  • RPC invocation: yes
  • Event model: yes
  • FD transfer: no
  • Language support: C++, Go, Java, Python, Ruby, C#
  • Dependencies: grpc, libssl, zlib, libstdc++

Cap'n Proto

Cap'n Proto was created for the Sandstorm project by Kenton Varda (who was one of the creators of V2 of Google's protocol buffers).

  • Serialization:
    • base types: Bool, [U]Int{8,16,32,64}, Float{32,64}, Text, Data, enum
    • compound types: List, struct, union, interface
  • Schema: yes
  • Transport: yes (IP, UNIX domain socket)
  • RPC invocation: yes
  • Event model: per-thread event loops
  • FD transfer: no
  • Language support: C++, Erlang, Go, Javascript, Python, Rust
  • Dependencies: capnproto, libstdc++

Target Modifications

bzip2 is the example target used to explore the differences between different RPC frameworks; this target is chosen because Ben Laurie has previously manually converted it to be privileged separated in order to apply the Capsicum security framework. It is also of a manageable size, without being too trivial.

To make bzip2 more suitable for having a remote implementation, we first make a couple of modifications to the library.

Modification: FILE* to file descriptor

The bzlib API includes a number of entrypoints that take a FILE* argument; however, this is not a good type to be used on an inter-process boundary, because the C library adds buffering and other metadata that cannot be easily mirrored between processes.

To cope with this, we add ...OpenFd() entrypoints that are analogous to the existing ...Open() entrypoints, but which take a file descriptor argument instead of a FILE* argument.

Modification: Streaming API Entrypoints

As it stands, the bzip2 codebase includes a bzlib API (the BZ2_bz...() functions in libbz2) and a main command-line utility bzip2 that uses that API to do compression and decompression. However, the API is quite low-level, involving reading and writing chunks of data from the compressed file; it does not include any entrypoints that process an entire file at once.

The bzip2 command line utility does include such functions, compressStream and decompressStream, which loop around using the bzlib entrypoints; these are the entrypoints that are remoted in the manual remoting example for Capsicum mentioned above.

Therefore, in order to compare like with like, we add an additional wrapper layer to the bzlib API, with the following entrypoints:

  • int BZ2_bzCompressStream(int ifd, int ofd, int blockSize100k, int verbosity, int workFactor)
  • int BZ2_bzDecompressStream(int ifd, int ofd, int verbosity, int small)
  • int BZ2_bzTestStream(int ifd, int verbosity, int small)

The bzip2 command-line program is also modified to use these entrypoints rather than implementing streaming loops in its own compressStream / decompressStream / testStream functions.

Modification: Annotate API

The process of generating serialization and deserialization code that maps between function parameters and message fields is tedious and time-consuming to do manually. To allow for the future possibility of a tool to automate this process, we extend the bzlib.h header file with extra annotations. These annotations give a richer semantics than the base C language allows (cf. Microsoft's Security Annotation Language), for example:

  • __size(param_name) indicates that the size of data pointed to by an argument is given by a specific other argument.
  • __handle indicates that a pointer value is opaque, i.e. the data pointed to is never accessed by the caller (incomplete types are also treated as handles).
  • __isfd indicates that an int argument holds a file descriptor.
  • __cstring indicates that a char* argument holds a NUL-terminated C string.

These annotations are macros that are conditionally included when IDL_GENERATE is defined, so a normal build of the library is unaffected.

API Remoting Structure

All of the API remoting examples in this repository share a similar base design.

  • The existing bzip2 application (modified as described above) is built to link against a stub library libbz2-<variant>.a rather than the core libbz2.a library. This stub code handles:
    • forking off a separate driver process to provide the API implementation
    • serializing input parameters into request messages
    • de-serializing output values from response messages.
  • The separate driver process holds the functionality of the code library, with wrapper code to interact with the RPC mechanism:
    • de-serializing input values from request messages
    • serializing output values into response messages.

RPC Invocation

This sequence diagram assumes that the second process is already available; that can be accomplished on first use of the API by forking a sub-process that in turn invokes a new program containing the API driver program:

RPC Process Setup

File Descriptor Inheritance

Not all of the RPC frameworks used support the passing of file descriptors over their transports. For those that do not (gRPC and Cap'n Proto), we currently use a UNIX socket that runs in parallel to the main RPC socket. To send a file descriptor:

  • The sender encodes a nonce in the place where a file descriptor argument of an RPC message would be.
  • The sender also sends a message on the parallel UNIX socket; the data content of the message is the nonce, and the SCM_RIGHTS ancillary data transfers the file descriptor.
  • The receiver extracts the expected nonce from the normal RPC message.
  • The received reads the parallel message from the UNIX socket and checks that its data content matches the nonce. This readmsg operation installs the transferred file descriptor in the receivers fdtable.

(Note that this mechanism is currently implemented in a naive fashion, with no integration of the parallel socket into the program's event loop.)


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Experiments in converting bzip2 API to be RPC-based



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