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Entwine is a data organization library for massive point clouds, designed to conquer datasets of hundreds of billions of points as well as desktop-scale point clouds. Entwine can index anything that is PDAL-readable, and can read/write to a variety of sources like S3 or Dropbox. Builds are completely lossless, so no points will be discarded even for terabyte-scale datasets.

You can see it in use via the dynamic client at and the Potree client at


Getting started with Entwine is easy with Docker. Pull the most recent image with docker pull connormanning/entwine. Let's assume there's data at ~/abc.laz, and we will output to ~/entwine/abc. Let's build an Entwine index:

mkdir ~/entwine
docker run -it -v $HOME:/opt/data connormanning/entwine \
    entwine build -i /opt/data/abc.laz -o /opt/data/entwine/abc

Now we have Entwine data at ~/entwine/abc. We could have also passed a wildcard input like -i /opt/data/directory-of-files/* for a larger dataset. Let's take a look at our index using the Greyhound Docker image, which we can get with docker pull connormanning/greyhound. By default, the Greyhound container will search for Entwine data at /opt/data and listen on port 80, so let's make some port/volume mappings and we should be close to viewing our Entwine output.

docker run -it -v $HOME/entwine:/opt/data -p 8080:80 connormanning/greyhound

You may need to forward port 8080 from your docker virtual machine to your host OS; this post describes one way to do this. For the impatient, use this one-liner:

VBoxManage controlvm default natpf1 "greyhound,tcp,,8080,,8080"

Now we have Greyhound ready to serve our data, we just need a client renderer to view it. Let's hit the URL below, which will connect to our new local Greyhound resource.

Now we should be viewing our dataset dynamically with progressive level-of-detail. Another client sample would be Potree, which we can try out with

Going further

The default settings are fine for many datasets, but Entwine provides many parameters to more finely control your indexing configuration. Check out docker run -it connormanning/entwine entwine build for a list of command line overrides. We've already seen -i and -o. Some other highlights:

  • -r: Specify a dataset reprojection. If your data has no color and you reproject to EPSG:3857, can overlay imagery tiles in real-time.
  • -t: Specify the number of indexing threads. The default is 9. If you have a monster machine like an EC2 c3.8xlarge instance, you can try 30. We recommend a number close to, but no greater than, the number of physical cores on the machine for optimal performance.
  • -f: Want to write a new dataset at the same location as a previous one? This option forces an overwrite.

If the command line overrides are insufficient, you can get developer-level control over the indexing parameters by passing a JSON configuration file, for example entwine build config.json. There is a commented template for this configuration file here.


Entwine is available under the LGPL License.


Point cloud indexing for massive datasets



Unknown, LGPL-2.1 licenses found

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  • C++ 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%