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Gura Programming Language

Gura is an iterator-oriented programming language that focuses on iterators with improved functions for calculation and data processing. It makes you be able to write an artificial code for what used to need a lot of codes of repeat syntax.

The following Gura code prints content of a text file with line numbers.

printf('%d %s', 1.., readlines('foo.txt'))

Official Site

Build for Windows

  1. You need to have installed Visual Studio 2015, which is now available as Visual Studio Community for FREE from Visual Studio download page.

  2. Clone Gura source code from GitHub repository.

     $ git clone

    I'm afraid that would take much time as it tries to retrieve all the commitment history. The following command could save your important time.

     $ git clone --depth 1
  3. Run a batch file gura\guest\prepare-for-mswin.bat, which downloads necessary library packages from Gura's official site and build them.

    The batch file may occur an error that says it cannot find vcvarsall.bat. This is likely because you have installed Visual Studio environment in a directory different from the default one. In such a case, you have to edit gura\guest\prepare-for-mswin.bat and modify VCVARSALL variable so that it points to a right directory of Visual Studio.

  4. Open gura\gura.sln with Visual Studio 2015, switch the configuration to Release and build it.

  5. Now, you can find an installer file named like gura-x.x.x-win32.msi in gura\dist directory.

  6. Just launch the installer for the installation.

  7. You can find Gura folder in Start Menu. Launch Gura Console and try some scripts like:

     >>> println(1..5)

Build for Mac OSX

  1. Make sure that Xcode, Command Line Developer Tools and CMake have been installed in your system.

    If you've installed CMake by a Disk Image File (*.dmg), create a link to the cmake executable in a directory that is in your PATH.

     $ sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/bin/cmake
  2. Clone Gura source code from GitHub repository.

     $ git clone

    I'm afraid that would take much time as it tries to retrieve all the history. The following command could save your important time.

     $ git clone --depth 1
  3. Run the following commands that build guest libraries and copy their dynamic libraries to a specified directory. You can skip this process if you just want to try Gura interpreter itself.

     $ pushd gura/guests
     $ ./prepare-for-darwin
     $ sudo ./prepare-for-darwin install
     $ popd
  4. Run the following commands to build Gura interpreter.

     $ cd gura
     $ mkdir build
     $ cd build
     $ ../configure
     $ make
  5. Run the following commands to build Gura modules. You can skip this process if you just want to try Gura interpreter itself.

     $ ./build-modules
  6. Run the following command to create a disk image file named like gura-x.x.x.dmg.

     $ make package

    Open it and install the content by dragging an icon

  7. Launching will open a terminal application with Gura console. Try some scripts:

     >>> println(1..5)

Build for Linux

  1. Check if build tools such as C++ compiler, make, cmake and necessary libraries have been installed.

    For Ubuntu, do the following command.

     $ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libreadline-dev rpm

    For Fedora, do the following command.

     # yum install gcc gcc-c++ make cmake readline-devel rpm-build
  2. Clone Gura source code from GitHub repository.

     $ git clone

    I'm afraid that would take much time as it tries to retrieve all the history. The following command could save your important time.

     $ git clone --depth 1
  3. Run the following commands to build Gura interpreter.

     $ cd gura
     $ mkdir build
     $ cd build
     $ ../configure
     $ make
  4. Run the following commands to build Gura modules. You can skip this process if you just want to try Gura interpreter itself.

     $ sudo ./setup-guest
     $ ./build-modules
  5. Run the following command to create a package file: DEB package file named like gura-x.x.x-ubuntu.deb for Ubuntu and RPM package file named like gura-x.x.x-fedora.deb for Fedora.

     $ make package
  6. Install the package.

    For Ubuntu:

     $ sudo dpkg -i gura-x.x.x-ubuntu.deb

    For Fedora:

     $ sudo rpm -i gura-x.x.x-fedora.rpm
  7. Execute gura and try some scripts:

     >>> println(1..5)