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Authy Open VPN

With Authy OpenVPN plugin you can add Two-Factor Authentication to your vpn server in just minutes. This plugin supports certificate based authentication, PAM or LDAP.

With Authy your users can authenticate using Authy mobile app or a hardware dongle.

For hardware dongles, phone calls or LDAP please contact


  1. Authy API Key. Get one free at:
  2. OpenVPN installation (How To)

Quick Installation

Using the source code

This is the recommended way of installing.

Required libs
  1. Compiler:

     - Ubuntu: apt-get install build-essential
     - Centos: yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
  2. libcurl with SSL:

     - Ubuntu: apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
     - CentOS: yum install libcurl-devel.x86_64
  3. libpam:

     - Ubuntu: apt-get install libpam0g-dev
     - CentOS: yum install pam-devel.x86_64
Compiling and installing
  1. Compile and install.

     curl "" -o authy-openvpn.tar.gz
     tar -zxvf authy-openvpn.tar.gz
     cd authy-openvpn-master
     sudo make install
  2. Get your free Authy API KEY from:

  3. Finally configure the plugin.

     sudo ./scripts/post-install
  4. Restart your server (see below).

  5. Start adding users using sudo authy-vpn-add-user (see below).

Using Ubuntu and Debian packages

We recommend you install using the source code instead. This package might not be up to date.

  1. Download the deb package.

     curl '' -o authy-openvpn.deb
  2. Move your OpenVPN config file to /etc/openvpn/server.conf

     sudo mv /etc/openvpn/[your-openvpn].conf /etc/openvpn/server.conf
  3. Install debian package.

     sudo dpkg -i authy-openvpn.deb
     During installation you will be asked your API Key
  4. Restart your server (see below).

  5. Start adding users using sudo authy-vpn-add-user (see below)

CentOS and RedHat based systems

We recommend you install using the source code instead.

  1. Download the rpm package.

     curl '' -o authy-openvpn.rpm
  2. Install package.

     rpm -i authy-openvpn.rpm
  3. Finally configure the plugin.

     bash /usr/lib/authy/post-install
  4. Restart your server (see below).

  5. Start adding users using sudo authy-vpn-add-user (see below)

Windows install

You need to copy the following dlls authy-openvpn.dll, lib/msvcr100.dll and lib/normaliz.dll to OpenVPN\bin, and curl-bundle-ca.crt to OpenVPN\config\

Add the following line to your server.ovpn

plugin "C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\bin\\authy-openvpn.dll" AUTHY_API_KEY nopam

And create the authy-vpn.conf inside C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config, remember that the this file follows one of the following patterns




Remember that the last one is to also check the match between USERNAME and COMMON_NAME

Restarting your OpenVPN server


sudo service openvpn restart


/etc/init.d/openvpn restart

CentOS and RedHat

/sbin/service openvpn restart

Adding Users

To add users make sure you have their cellphone numbers.

The Authy VPN plugin comes with a script, that helps you register users.

To start adding users type:

sudo authy-vpn-add-user

sudo authy-vpn-add-user
This script is to add users to Authy Open VPN
For each user you will need to provide the vpn login, e-mail, country code and cellphone
For PAM, login is the *nix login or your PAM login username.
For certificate based Auth we recommend you use e-mails as the login.
Country Code (EG. 1 for US): 1
Cellphone: 347-388-2229
Registering the user with Authy
Success: User was registered with AUTHY_ID 12323.

How Authy-VPN works

Authy stores it's configuration in the file /etc/openvpn/authy/authy-vpn.conf The files format is:

username authy_id

For example for it would look:

sudo cat /etc/openvpn/authy/authy-vpn.conf 12323

When liz is login in, she will type as her username and the token as the password.

You can edit this file by hand or using authy-vpn-add-user

With Certificates based Authentication

In this scenario user needs: username + certificate + token to login.

If you're already using certificates to authenticate your vpn users you won't need to regenerate them. All you have to do is edit '/etc/openvpn/authy/authy-vpn.conf' were you tell authy the users login and the AUTHY_ID.

Example authy-vpn.conf for a user joe with AUTHY_ID 10229 10229

Here the user will enter as username and the Token(which he gets from the app) as the password. The certificate is transparently checked before this happens.

PAM based Auth

If you are using PAM before you can still use authy Two-Factor Authentication.

To use PAM simply answer that you are going to use PAM during the post-install script.

After run the post-install script your server.conf should have the following lines:

This line was added by the authy-openvpn installer

plugin /usr/lib/authy/ [YOUR_API_KEY] pam

This line was added by the authy-openvpn installer

plugin /usr/lib/authy/ "login login USERNAME password PASSWORD"

Also your users will need to separate the password from the token during login by using a '-' character.


Example authy-vpn.conf for a user joe with AUTHY_ID 10229
joe 10229

Here joe is the PAM login username.

Let's suppose joe password is god. So the user will enter joe as username. On the password field he will enter his password followed by a - followed by the Authy Token.



1234567 would be the Authy Token and god his password.

SMS and Phone Calls

To use SMS or Phone calls the user will have to enter sms or call as the password. The first authentication will fail. The user should then wait for the SMS or Call to arrive and re-authenticate with the right username and token.


  password: sms

  password: 172839

Optional: Authy OpenVPN with Common Name Verification

Authy by default does not verify that the common name in the certificate matches the login. This means a user can logon with someone elses certificate and a different Two-Factor Auth login.

This normaly ok as most of the time all users in the VPN have the same privileges and routes. If this is not the case we suggest you verify the common name matches the Two-Factor login. This is accomplish by modifying authy-vpn.conf to add the common name to every login.

Example authy-vpn.conf for a user joe with Common Name joe1 and AUTHY_ID 10229

joe 10229 joe1

This will check that joe and the common name from the certificate (joe1) matches before proceding with the authentication.

VPN Client configuration for all users

Your users will need to add


to their client.conf. This is to ensure that the OpenVPN client asks for username and password (this is where they enter the token).


Authy Open VPN Two-Factor Authentication






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