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Machine learning to optimize isolation criteria for leptons/photons in the hardware trigger at the LHC/CMS

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OptimalL1Isolation is a TMVA-based interactive machine learning macro to
optimize isolation criteria for electron/photon candidates in the 
hardware trigger to maximally reduce rates (which are primarily determined 
by the high false positive) while maintaining a high signal efficiency.
For a quick introduction to the issues involved in hardware triggering 
at the Large Hadron Collider, specifically the CMS detector, please see 
the following article

 _____           _                     _                 _ 
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git clone git://

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|_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/    \__\___/  |_|   \__,_|_| |_|
You need to have a recent version of CERN ROOT ( 
program installed. 

The main executable for training and cross validation is called 
'TMVAClassification.C', which can be run on command-line in a 
terminal window using the command 

root TMVAClassification.C

After performing training and cross validation steps, a GUI will pop 
out to interactively plot distributions of the input and output to 
the machine learning, and other useful quantities like the correlation 
coefficients and ROC curve (signal efficiency vs false positive). 
You can configure the names of the input and output files, the machine 
learning method (e.g., BDT, neural network, ...), input features/variables, 
specific classifier options, etc. 

The default code uses the following four features

- Isolation energy sum in 12 x 12 calorimeter regions around the E/gamma object 
- Isolation energy sum in 4 x 4 calorimeter regions around the E/gamma object
- L-shed isolation, defined in the article cited above
- PUM0 == a global proxy for the pileup energy deposition

The classifier output is saved in XML format in the 'weights' subdirectory 
while the plots are conveniently saved in the 'plots' subdirectory.

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  |_|\___|\___|_| |_|_| |_|_|\___\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___|\__\__,_|_|_|___/
Author : Kalanand Mishra borrowing heavily from TMVA examples 
Home Page :
Operating System : LINUX/UNIX
Programming Language : C++ 
Intended Audience : Science/Research


Machine learning to optimize isolation criteria for leptons/photons in the hardware trigger at the LHC/CMS






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