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Short programs unsuitable for their own repositories.
This list is more or less in the order of commits
Additions, new programs, and fixes are welcome


Please view the license header in each of the source code files; files without license headers are part of the public domain.

Collatz conjecture for a set range of numbers

Menu-driven interface for starting dhcpcd on target interface

POSIX true and false in x86 NASM/Intel syntax, written (in humor) for Linux from inspirarion after viewing GNU coreutils' source

A small example of bitpacking in C.

.c: Equation (1) in Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming", Volume 1, Section 1.2.1 Used to verify the output of the aforementioned program

An implementation of FizzBuzz in C.

Simple implementation of Fisher-Yates' algorithm.

An efficient algorithm for checking if a number is prime using bit fiddling and halving the number of divisor halving with division by odd numbers only.

Display the day of the week and the date using time(), strftime(), and Zeller's congruence.

Tiny hello world, totalling 125 bytes after being assembled, created by smashing ELF headers together and embedding code in the empty e_ident space, and e_shoff, e_flags space, which is only possible by using 64-bit executables, since it uses larger fields than 32-bit ELF. Theoretically, it could be made smaller by using a couple more assembly tricks. As of the first addition to this repository, it has a partially correct ELF header, though objdump doesn't play nice with it, file reads most of the header correctly.

A simple Tic Tac Toe game written in C (now with headers for including in other programs).

A Caesar cipher implementation with arbitrary radix selection.

A simple front-end to kexec.


Miscellaneous programs






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