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Building and Install

Installing: See file INSTALL. This is a standard GNU autotools package. In a shell run: './configure'; 'make'; and 'make install'.

To build it from the github repository source files run the 'bootstrap' script before configure. INSTALL is a GNU autotools generated file.

It's very likely that you're missing some prerequisite software. We are able to get the above script to run through on a Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) system, and just ported to 14.04.1-Ubuntu. Likely packages needed are:


Note: There is currently use of deprecated GTK++-3 API functions, so using gcc compiler option "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" may be helpful.

If you have all the required prerequisite software installed and accessible you can try running this; read/copy/paste in a bash shell:

mkdir -p ${HOME}/tmp/SCOPE &&\
cd ${HOME}/tmp/SCOPE &&\
git clone &&\
cd quickscope && ./bootstrap && cd ${HOME}/tmp/SCOPE &&\
CFLAGS="-g -Wall -Werror -Wno-deprecated-declarations" \
./quickscope/configure --prefix ${HOME}/tmp/SCOPE/installed \
--enable-repobuild &&\
make -j5 install &&\

Run: qs_demo_launcher

So build/install it and then run qs_demo_launcher. qs_demo_launcher will let you get a sample of what quickscope can do.

Keyboard Bindings

Type 'h' to print keyboard bindings help to stdout. Scope parameters can be controlled with the keyboard.

User C Code Examples

The examples in examples/ do not use GNU autotools to build. They are single file code examples meant to be used with the installed quickscope package (this package). They come with a GNU make file that builds any examples/*.c file into a quickscope enabled program. You can write a quickscope oscilloscope program by calling just 4 C API functions.

If You Like What You See Let Me Know

lance.arsenault at G mail . COM

You may be the first.

The rest of this document is just development notes, me being stupid, thinking out load. Quickscope is in pre-Alpha. Many features are still missing, but it currently does a lot. We don't know of any bugs currently in it. Half the time I think I see a bug it's just a dumb user problem, like a low input sample rate not being compatible with a high sweep rate. There needs to be more code in it to check for stuff like that. Like on a real oscilloscope if you turn the wrong knob you see no display and you futz around for 5 minutes trying to recover a good display only to find out you paused the input, but of course by that time all the control parameters are total crap.

Comparing Quickscope

Quickscope is striving for Super Cow Powers. That's the differance between quickscope and the 312 other github software oscilloscopes.

Looking at about 100 or so of them shows, that any of them that have any merit, are much more specific than quickscope. quickscope is more of a generic oscilloscope toolkit, that comes with many example scopes. Making an interface to a particular hardware or software is another example. If quickscope is done correctly adding new examples is a smaller task.

We've never seen xoscope run; we don't have any of the special hardware that is required, and all the sound input devices are not supported any more. xoscope clearly has a more specific use case than quickscope. Looking at the xoscope code, they draw with another package API that uses older GTK2 drawing that uses libX11 to draw pixels and lines for the scope traces. Looks like the X direction is always sweep.

Quickscope has sweep mode and X/Y mode. Quickscope has an adjustable beam fade. No other software scopes (currently) have that. Quickscope has an unlimited number of source inputs. Given it's an API it should have an unlimited number of source inputs.

Developer Notes

This file: contains general information about Quickscope and development notes with arguments about it's design. Quickscope is a research project that is spinning off a currently usable software package. Currently just runs on GNU/Linux systems.

Quickscope is computer programs and one or more libraries written in C. It has bindings for other languages (plained), a shell interface (plained), and GTK+ widgets. It is an attempt at making a generic 2-D real-time operator-in-the-loop display tool. Something like a real oscilloscope but with the flexibility of software not encumbered by limitations of hardware, and then again not as fast a real scope. We don't care if the buttons and knobs don't necessarily look like a real scope, and to that end we extend parameter controls beyond that of buttons and knobs given the flexibility of software.

When you consider how slow a computer pixel monitor and device input rates you quickly conclude that it will be a very slow oscilloscope when compared to even a very old 2MHz oscilloscope from the 1950's. We decided that if we could read and display most data from a 44kHz sample source, like a sound card, without using a lot of computer resources, then we'd consider pursuing this software oscilloscope. In 2012 we wrote some code and attempted to display all the sound data coming in at ~44kHz, and two of the four computer's cores where pegged and it could barely do it, if you did not challenge the computer with other tasks. At this point you are saying to yourself there are lots of software scopes that can do this. We know this, but we are not interesting in making a simple sub-sampling display, sweeping refresh software scope. We are making generic fading beam scope that has X-Y mode as well as triggered and free running sweep modes. Each frame displayed has any number of virtual beam traces, with any number of inputs, be there triggers or not. We wish to make a frame work for building any kind of scope with any kind of computer input. We decided that if we could display a fading beam like a real scope, then it would be interesting enough to pursue. We will consider the non-fading beam, sub-sampling wiping sweep that other software scopes currently use as some kind of degenerate mode of our fading beam scope. Two years later (2014) we got a new hand-me-down computer (Intel Quad Core i5-2500 3.30GHz CPU, 32GB DDR3) that was barely fast enough to pass our bench mark and so Quickscope was born. We suspect that the X server rendering code improved too, which we have nothing to do with. Also older scope code may have just been stupid things.

We just use libX11's XDrawPoints() to draw. Using such a simple primitive means that we add a bit more code, but we found this necessary in order to make this magical fading beam and have it fast enough to be useful.

OpenGL: We didn't bother trying to make this scope code faster by writing openGL code and using direct rendering. We didn't see much point to that given that the current bottle neck is in the fading beam code and by letting the X Server do the rendering it can be rendered in parallel without having to write more code, though it may be a little delayed. The X server seems to be using inter process shared memory to transfer the pixel points that need to be drawn. We have two drawing methods, buffered and unbuffered, which is just using an X pixmap or not respectively. Both buffered and unbuffered seem to have some merit, depending on inputs and rates used. It appears that the X server is using openGL via Xrender, so why do we need to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. We are literally just drawing pixel points because we found that was faster than drawing lines.

More on OpenGL (swap buffers): For standard 3-D graphics apps there is great benefit in drawing to two buffers and swapping them, given that every single pixel may be unrelated to the corresponding one in the previous frame buffer. In the case of quickscope pixel rendering, most of the pixels in temporally adjacent frames will be the same, it's guaranteed within some limit of the pixel input rate and pixel fade rate. That is the nature of buffer frames between adjacent frames is very different for 3-D graphics and quickscope. In extreme cases of low sample rates quickscope could only be changing 100 pixels per (60 Hz) refresh frame and so "swap buffering" would just increase system resources by orders of magnitude. So please don't tell me "this is stupid because you're not using advanced graphics hardware", until you think about it first. In this low rates limit it's the different between pegging the CPU like 3-D graphics programs tend to do and 0.2 % CPU when just drawing a few pixels per frame. In the upper limit when the scope display fills most of the pixels with it's beam trace, it would not be a useful scope. All the trace lines in the scope would be mashed together letting you see just blobs and not lines. So the nature of a oscilloscope is to draw thin the distinct lines, which means that it's not drawing on most of the view port area.

Drawing pixels with OpenGL drawing will still be tested and compared with libX11's XDrawPoints() (todo).

Comparing with video play back: To start with playing video has a big advantage of knowing what to draw an infinite amount of time ahead. With quickscope we can only benefit from pre computing view port pixels at the expense of display delay. A 1/4 second delay in the display (from the time of input) would look very bad in quickscope, but for video play back a 1/4 of a second delay is very short and likely not even possible, and would be great. This delay is unrelated to the time between video frames. So this interactive time needs to be kept in mind when comparing quickscope with video play back. Because of this added latency in lining up buffer frames, it's not obvious how quickscope can benefit from video play back methods. I was going to look at the video code, but I now see that would only help for a scope that showed the traces about one second after the data was read, and was not what we are interested in. Latency between time of data input to the time of display must be small. That's not the case for video play back.

We do not use Cario to draw, as GTK+ does. We found it to be way too slow. We don't bother with anti-aliasing when drawing the beam, because we found that that was way too slow. We do a little anti-aliasing when drawing the grid lines, which is not as a big resource usage compared to anti-aliasing the beam lines. The beam is only one pixel wide to minimize the system resource usage. Higher fidelity drawing things can be made optional, but we will keep things as fast as possible by default.

The resource usage, CPU and memory usage, depends heavily on the size of the view port (window drawing areas). Using 3 small view ports uses less system resources than a single full screen view port.

The one interesting performance/fidelity consideration is the use of drawing and hardware monitor refresh synchronizing. By using the X server to do the drawing we are also letting the X server determine when it draws, and we are not synchronizing data sampling with the drawing. Using gtk_widget_add_tick_callback() may do this. Consider making a new kind of controller to test this. Okay... Done. Seems to work a little better (~5% less cpu usage) than the interval timer method (interval class). Was not game changer (5%).

We use long double to measure time so that programs can run a long time (say 10 years or so). A program running 10 years, keeping time in seconds will use log2(3600 * 24 * 365 * 10) = 28+ bits of the floating point number leaving 53-29 = 22 bits (2^22 = 4194304) for a double (if we used a double) which is just about enough, but we wish to push this limit given that higher sample rates will be expected in the future. Being able to offset the time at regular intervals would get around this at the expense of adding or fixing a glitch in the display at regular intervals. So ya, time is a long double, even though we may not need it most of the time. On Linux amd64 systems gettimeofday() returns two 64 bit ints, one for seconds and one for fractions of seconds. Currently not all that resolution is used. It's clearly there, so that it works well in the future. We are building Quickscope for the future too.

Class/Object structure:

Managing an object means that the manager destroys the object when the manager is destroyed.

We use QS_ASSERT() and QS_VASSERT() almost everywhere we can. We zero memory every time before freeing it, which in combination with QS_ASSERT() and QS_VASSERT() catches most memory management bugs. They go away in non-debug builds. In the long run it saves development time, especially when refactoring, which is unavoidable. Even gods have limited foresight, because code has free will.

C is not C++. We don't have/use the complexity of GObject, we chose a less robust and less rigorous method of a the idea of C objects. It's less code and better performance, at the expense of making refactoring a very hard problem. The table of definitions below should be kept up to date with the code, so as to keep object concepts straight in the developers mind, since we are using a very lose definition of object in quickscopes' code. Cross file (not static) structs and functions must follow a naming convention for when to use 'qs', 'qs' or 'Qs' prefix and when to camel-case or '' separate names. The top rule being: names of private, and/or protected, internal functions, which are not part of the external API (application programming interface) have a '_qs' prefix. API public (published) function names start with 'qs'. Sometimes we expose interal interfaces in installed API header files, in order to have faster inline code, especially when interating in tight inner loops. Since performance is paramount it just can't be avoided.

Class Description

global singlet object, parses command line options, keeps a default parameters settings that are used as objects are created and can have default settings changed just before objects that use them are created, has a timer object, app manages win and controller objects, destroying app will destroy every object in Quickscope
base class for drawsync, interval and fd, manages sources, makes sense to have just one per program but can have more, calls sources' read callbacks, controller sets up a blocking call that is called regularly which in turn calls the sources' read callbacks regularly
a controller that uses gtk_widget_add_tick_callback() so it should be calling the source read callbacks at each draw frame for an associated win object, the associated win manages this object, as does app
a controller that manages a single callback interval using g_timeout_add_full(), which I imagine is using the system family of functions that are started with setitimer()
a controller that reads files, uses something like a glib wrapper of a blocking poll() call call using a g_source, used for efficient blocking read of a file,
idle controller uses g_idle_add() to keep looping and reading sources. One of the source read callbacks should do a blocking read or like thing to keep this loop from running uncontrolled and using too much CPU usage

we read data from a source, source callback controlled by controller using a controller, this allocates the buffer of data read that may be used to render in the beam trace, sources cause traces to draw when they get new data, a source is an adjusterList, win adds adjusters from the sources in its traces to its adjusterList, app manages source objects, controllers that control sources manage sources, destroying a source will automatically destroy traces that use that source

Time is always increasing or the same between frames, but there can be frames which have multiple channel values. That makes is possible to have dependent channels that add more values that would otherwise not be there, like adding a "pen lift" when we sweep back in a "sweep source".

source types
         <p>quickscope does not require a fixed sample rate from
         source inputs, which makes quickscope much more flexable, at
         the expense of being more complex.  Source data is only
         required to be read-in in a temperially ordered sequence.
         Hence quickscope sources have a sampling

          <p><i>periodic</i>: fixed periodic, variable periodic,
              or selectable periodic.  All have a maximum
              and minimum period. The time interval between
              frames, period, is fixed in a given source
              read callback cycle.</p>

          <p><i>fixed periodic</i>: the period is fixed for the
              life of the source.  This is the most rigid

           <p><i>variable periodic</i>: the period can vary continuously
              between source read callback cycles.</p>

           <p><i>selectable periodic</i>: the period can be varied
              to a selected list of values between source
              read callback frames.</p>

          <p><i>tolerant</i>: the time interval between frames
              is not necessarily predictable.  This source
              can tolerate any interval and is compatible
              with periodic sources. It has a min and max
              sample rate that a variable periodic source
              will override.  It has a sample rate that is
              overridden if there are other source types.</p>

          <p><i>custom</i>: the time interval between frames
              is not necessarily predictable. This source
              is does not tolerate any other source type.
              Source type compatibility between custom sources
              is handled with each source implementation.
              custom is a catch all that lets you do what ever
              you want at the expense of having to write more
              code and not share the same controller that
              non-custom sources are using.</p>

          <p>When scope under-run occurs, pen lifts will
          automatically be added, and time shifts added
          to periodic and tolerant sources before the read
          callback is called; not so for custom sources.</p>
a group of sources. Has no public interfaces and is used internally only. Is managed by the sources that belong to the group. Source types in a group must be compatible. The source group has an adjusterList with widgets to adjust things for all the sources in the group, like frame rate
is a source that acts like a scope sweep with trigger, it has a source read callback that reads another source buffer to compose the sweep source, has lots of configuration parameters that can be adjusted and are in its source adjusterList
built-in sources
sweep is a built-in source, there are lots of other built-in sources in the quickscope library, like: soundFile, alasCapture, sin, saw, ode, lorentz (which is a ode) and so on
managed by a win, short for beam trace, has an X source and Y source, qsSource_addTraceDraw() connects to a source to get it's draw callback called in source's read callbacks after the source reads data
GTK+ window widget with drawing area, manages associated traces, manages associated drawsyncs, is an adjusterList with widgets you can interact with, we draw pixels in the drawing area GTK widget without using the GTK+ API since GTK+ does not support fast pixel drawing, currently using libX11 to draw, OpenGL will also be tried too
generic thingy for adjusting a parameter
a list of adjusters, manages many adjuster objects, two adjusterLists may be added together making bigger adjusterLists
a widget that displays/inputs adjusters to and from the user, not to be confused with a GTK widget, it is managed by one adjusterList, it back and forth through the adjusterList displaying each adjuster one at a time, it, there may be any number of widgets displaying an adjusterList
simple gettimeofday() or clock_gettime() wrapper, there's one in app, turns time in seconds into a long double
QS_ASSERT() and QS_VASSERT() macros that are automatically removed if configure --enable-debug is not set

On-the-fly Widget Changeable Parameter Types

type example
long double sweep Delay, sweep Holdoff (times)
double trace plot scale and shift
float fadePeriod, fadePeriod
bool points lines freeRun
selector like radio selector, ex: sweep slope
Shell notes:

A command shell interface is warranted. A shell that connects to the running scope with a pipe or socket. This would be a quicker and more usable interface than stupid graphical widgets. Not as obvious but much more powerful. With tab completion and history from GNU readline.

The things controlled in a connection are listed in this table.

Class On-the-fly Changeable Parameters
win fadeDrawPeriod fadePeriod drawPeriod backgroundColor gridColor showGrid showAxis show...
trace points lines pointColor lineColor xScale xShift yScale yShift
interval period
controller add or remove sources
sweep period level slope holdOff sourceIn channelNumIn freeRun
program userAddedParameter
composer none in this base class
fd none in this base class
source none in this base class

Language Bindings

I'm not sure if the shell comes before the language bindings or the language bindings come before the shell, or they may just have to both come at the same time. I like ruby to start with.

Why Quickscope is written in C:

We write Quickscope is C for many reasons.

  1. We the original writers of Quickscope have lots of experience in writing C code.

  2. Making bindings to others languages is easiest if Quickscope is written in C, or so we imagine.

  3. The compile time is much faster than if it where written in C++ or D.

  4. It's less lines of code than if it's written in C++. Debatable, yes.

  5. X11 and GTK+ are written in C and have good C interfaces.

  6. Less dependencies, which is a major plus.

  7. Easier access to input devices given the operating system is written in C.

  8. None of these reasons are overwhelming, C++ would be okay too.

Legal Notice

Quickscope - a software oscilloscope

Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Lance Arsenault

This file is part of Quickscope.

Quickscope is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Quickscope is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, in the file COPYING, for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quickscope. If not, see


software oscilloscope, GTK3/X11 GNU/Linux systems







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