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This Nagios plugin checks how long the system has been running.


check_uptime [--warning [@]start:end] [--critical [@]start:end]
check_uptime --help
check_uptime --version


  • start <= end
  • start and ":" is not required if start=0
  • if range is of format "start:" and end is not specified, assume end is infinity
  • to specify negative infinity, use "~"
  • alert is raised if metric is outside start and end range (inclusive of endpoints)
  • if range starts with "@", then alert if inside this range (inclusive of endpoints)


check_uptime --warning 30: --critical 15:

Source code

The source code can be also found at


This package uses GNU autotools for configuration and installation.

If you have cloned the git repository then you will need to run to generate the required files.

Run ./configure --help to see a list of available install options. The plugin will be installed by default into LIBEXECDIR.

It is highly likely that you will want to customise this location to suit your needs, i.e.:

./configure --libexecdir=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins

After ./configure has completed successfully run make install and you're done!

Supported Platforms

This package is written in plain C, making as few assumptions as possible, and sticking closely to ANSI C/POSIX.

This is a list of platforms this nagios plugin is known to compile and run on

  • Linux with kernel 3.6 and glibc 2.16.0 (openmamba milestone 2.75.0)
  • FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p10
  • AIX 6.1 with gcc 4.2.0
  • Solaris 11.1 (SunOS solaris 5.11 11.1) with gcc 4.5.2
  • OpenBSD 5.2 with gcc 4.2.1

Thanks to for providing a free FreeBSD shell account.


If you find a bug please create an issue in the project bug tracker at