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Travis Build


On some operating systems, such as Fedora 26, you can download pre-built V8 using your package manager. This is recommended. Otherwise, you'll need to choose between a static and dynamic build (static is less hassle, but the application binary will take longer to link).

Building V8 is always a clusterfuck. Don't get discouraged if you keep getting obscure errors from wacky Google tools. It's normal. If stuck, you can refer to the travis config which targets a pristine enviroment with no pre-installed tools.

Fetching V8

cd dependencies

# depot tools
git clone
export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"

# clone v8 repository
fetch v8
cd v8

# pick a known-good version
git checkout tags/
gclient sync

On Windows, you'll need to use CMD, not bash. Also don't forget to set DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0 first.)

Bulding V8

You'll need to have Python in your $PATH. On Windows, you can use the one from depot_tools.

As of 2017/08, V8's build system is fucked again, and if you want a static build, you'll need to edit v8/gni/v8.gni to v8_static_library = true.


gn gen --args='is_debug=false target_cpu="x64" is_component_build=false v8_static_library=true'
ninja -j 4 -C v8


Visual Studio 2015 + Debugging Tools for Windows is currently required by V8. The codebase actually supports 2017 now, but v8/gypfiles/ must be manually updated by copying from Chromium repo.

gn gen --args='v8_optimized_debug=true target_cpu="x64" is_component_build=false v8_static_library=true'
ninja -C v8

Building V8 in Debug mode is of course possible as well. Do note, however, that a Debug build of V8 will take a few gigabytes on disk.

Of course, if you don't need debugging, you can go for a Release build. This precludes debugging of not only V8, but also the application itself.

Building agdg-server

This is ridiculously easy in comparison to messing with V8. The options will vary based on your setup.

git submodule update --init --recursive

cmake -DWITH_V8=1 -DSTATIC_V8=1 -DSYSTEM_V8=0 .
make -j4