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Yesquel version 0.3

Yesquel is a scalable SQL storage system for Web applications. It
achieves the functionality of SQL systems together with the
scalability and performance of NOSQL. It does so by providing
each client with its own SQL query processor. Thus, as we add
more clients to the system, we also add more query processing
capability, thereby achieving scalability. The many query
processors share tables and indexes via a distributed balanced
tree data structure, designed for efficient concurrent access.
Please visit
for more details, where you will find a paper with Yesquel's
architecture and design, and a video with the presentation given
at SOSP 2015.

Yesquel is designed to run in Ubuntu Linux. It has not been tried in other
Linux distributions but it may work since it has few dependencies. Currently,
the API in in C/C++, but additional bindings may be supported in the future.

The current implementation of Yesquel is a research prototype, not thoroughly
tested for production. If you are interested in collaborating to generate a
production version, please contact us.

Go to the src directory and run make.

1. Create config.txt to indicate the number and names of storage
   servers.  A sample config.txt is provided in src/ to run Yesquel on
   a single local server; another sample config-4.txt shows a
   configuration with four servers. Place the config.txt file in the
   current working directory of all servers and clients. Alternatively,
   set environment variable GAIACONFIG with the full path of the
   configuration file.

2. Start the storage servers by running "storageserver" at each host.
   It is possible to run multiple servers on the same host by assigning
   them different ports, which is useful for testing. This requires
   specifying an optional port number parameter on the command line, 
   as follows:
        storageserver <portno>

   The storage servers connect to each other. When there are lots of servers,
   this can take a while since some servers will have started while others are
   still starting. This could trigger a lengthy connection timeout and retry. In
   these cases, a better method is to start the servers in a special mode,
   which does not connect to other servers, and then, when all servers are
   running, issue a command telling the servers to connect to each other. Here
   is how to do this:

        1. start servers with the "-s" option:
             storageserver -s [portno optional]
           This will start the server in the special mode. The servers
           should not be used by applications yet.

        2. run "callserver splitter" from any of the hosts. This must be
           done from a directory containing the config.txt file (or GAIACONFIG
           needs to be set). Running this once will cause all servers to
           connect to each other.

3. Start the application. The application will need config.txt in the current
   working directory (or GAIACONFIG needs to be set). You can run the sample
   SQL applications "test-sql-simple" or "shell <DBNAME>". Note that running
   the shell without a DBNAME parameter will store the data locally in memory
   not in Yesquel.

4. When all is done, shutdown the storage servers. Either invoke "callserver
   shutdown" from any host (and this needs to be done only once to shut down
   all servers), or kill the servers manually. Using "callserver" is preferred
   since killing the servers might block the server port briefly, preventing
   the server from starting again in the same port for a few minutes (a known
   Linux issue).

This is what it should look like.

% cd src
% make

% ./storageserver -c
Config file is ./config.txt
Compilation time [...] configuration Production
Configuration file ./config.txt debuglog no
Host localhost IP port 11223 log /tmp/d1.log store /tmp/d1store
Server_workers 1

[in another window]
% ./test-sql-simple
create table t1 (a integer primary key, b int);
insert into t1 values (1,2);
Executing 'select * from t1 where a=1;' 10000 times

% ./shell TEST
Yesquel running SQLite shell
YS> [...]

Yesquel provides the SQLite API, so applications use Yesquel using the
same function calls as they would using SQLite. See the files
src/test-sql-simple.cpp and extra/test-sql.cpp for examples.

src/     Contains the source code for the Yesquel. Upon compilation,
         the following files will be created in this directory:
           storageserver: executable for the Yesquel storage servers.
           yesquel.a and localstorage.a: the Yesquel client library.  Link both
                  of these libraries to your application to use Yesquel.

           test-sql-simple: a sample Yesquel application that issues SQL
                  to create a table, insert a row, and query the table.
           shell: a utility for entering SQL commands into Yesquel from the
                  standard input. The syntax is "shell <dbname>", where
                  <dbname> is the name of the database (eg, TEST).

           callserver: a command-line utility to manage running storage
                  servers.  This utility works only if the storage servers are
                  already running. It permits pinging and shutting down
                  the storage servers. It requires a configuration
                  file indicating what are the storage servers.

         The source code is logically organized into 7 parts:

            Key-value storage server:
              disklog.cpp disklog.h diskstorage.cpp diskstorage.h logmem.cpp
              logmem.h main.cpp pendingtx.cpp pendingtx.h storageserver-rpc.cpp
              storageserver-rpc.h storageserver.cpp storageserver.h
              storageserverstate.cpp storageserverstate.h
            Key-value storage client:
              clientdir.cpp clientdir.h clientlib.cpp clientlib.h
              kvinterface.cpp memkv-simple.cpp record.cpp supervalue.cpp
              supervalue.h valbuf.cpp valbuf.h
            Local key-value storage client:
              clientlib-local.cpp clientlib-local.h disklog-nop.cpp
              diskstorage-nop.cpp localstorage-test.cpp logmem-local.cpp
              pendingtx-local.cpp server-splitter-nop.cpp
              storageserver-local.cpp storageserver-nop.cpp
              storageserver-rpc-local.cpp storageserverstate-nop.cpp
            Data structures and other general-purpose utilities:
              config.cpp debug.cpp gaiarpcaux.cpp gaiatypes.cpp grpctcp.cpp
              ipmisc.cpp newconfig.cpp os.cpp scheduler.cpp task.cpp
              tcpdatagram.cpp tmalloc-other.cpp tmalloc.cpp util-more.cpp
              util.cpp warning.cpp
            Distributed balanced tree:
                cellbuf.cpp coid.cpp dtree.cpp dtreeaux.cpp
                treedirect.cpp yesql-init.cpp            
            SQLite files:
                btmutex.c expr.c fts3.c os_unix.c pager.c parse.c sqlite3.cpp
                tokenize.c vdbe.c where.c
                shell.cpp test-sql-simple.cpp

include/ Contains include files needed to compile the files in src.

extra/ Contains additional utilities not required to use Yesquel.  These are
         intended for the expert user and often refer to the internal workings
         of Yesquel. Some of the utilities require additional libraries to be
         present in the Linux distribution, such as mysql, redis, etc. To
         compile these utilities, first run make in the "src" directory, and
         then run make in the "extra" directory. Upon compilation, the
         following files are created.

           getserver: returns the IP-port of the server responsible for
                      a given coid

           shelldt: permits typing commands to insert, lookup, delete
                    keys in a distributed balanced tree

           showdtree: prints out a distributed balanced tree

           test-sql: more sample code for a Yesquel application
           test-gaia: test code for the storage servers
           test-gaialocal: test code for the local storage service
           test-tree: test code for the distributed B-tree
           test-various: test code for data structures used by Yesquel

           bench-*: various benchmarks, shown below. These benchmarks
                    require a json benchmark configuration file, of which
                    a sample is provided (bench-sample.json).
           bench-dtree: benchmarks Yesquel's distributed B-tree.
           bench-mysql: benchmarks mysql
           bench-redis: benchmarks Redis
           bench-yesquel: benchmarks Yesquel
           bench-wiki-mysql: benchmarks Mysql using a Wikipedia workload
           bench-wiki-yesquel: benchmarks Yesquel using a Wikipedia workload

Yesquel is multithread-safe, but it supports only SQLite's threadsafe
mode 2 (SQLITE_THREADSAFE==2). That means each thread using Yesquel
must sqlite_open its own database connection, that is, the database
connection cannot be shared across threads.

We do not recommend using fork() in a Yesquel application, since
fork() will cause the child process to share the parent's connections
to the Yesquel servers, which is problematic. However, it is fine to
use fork() if the child process does not use Yesquel.

Yesquel still lacks some features to make it fully usable, listed
below. We are currently working on them.

 1. Log replay: Yesquel can log transactions durably to disk but it does
    not replay those transactions upon restart. Rather, Yesquel
    restarts with an empty state. As partial mitigation, Yesquel
    allows users to save and restore a checkpoint of the database state
    to disk. This is triggered manually by the user via the provided
    "callserver" utility.

 2. Disk storage: Storage servers currently keep all data objects in
    memory, without swapping them to disk if memory is short.

 3. Thorough testing: Yesquel is not tested thoroughly.
 4. Replication: storage servers are not replicated for high-availability.
    The Yesquel design includes replication, but this is not implemented.

 5. Schema changes: These are supported but they have not been tested
    at all. Use with caution.

To get the most performance from Yesquel, consider the following:

1. Production versus debug mode

   In debug mode, Yesquel is slow because it performs several runtime
   checks. To get the most performance, compile Yesquel in production
   mode. This is done by editing src/makefile.defs and setting the CXX
   flags appropriately: comment out the line for debug mode and
   comment in the line for production mode.

   While testing Yesquel, we recommend running it in debug mode.  Note
   that this is a compile-time parameter, so the libraries need to be
   recompiled from scratch to effect the change ("make clean; make").

2. INT versus INTEGER for primary keys

   Because of the way SQLite works, if a table has an integer primary
   key, it is much more efficient to use the SQL type INTEGER rather
   than INT. For example, this schema 
   is much more efficient than this one
   When the primary key is INT, SQLite stores the key as a secondary
   index to an internal rowid key. This adds an extra level of
   indirection to the accesses for the primary key, which causes
   additional operations on the key-value storage system. When using
   INTEGER for the primary key, the key becomes the rowid, which
   avoids the extra level of indirection.

3. Worker threads

   Yesquel is designed to run many worker threads at both servers and
   clients. However, the default configuration specifies only one worker
   thread. This configuration will not take take advantage of the many
   processors a machine may have. For machines with many processors,
   we suggest increasing the number of worker threads.  This is done
   by modifying some compile-time parameters in include/options.h:
   we have not carefully tested Yesquel with many worker threads, so
   the system will be less reliable.

4. Logging to disk

   Though Yesquel is designed to log to disk, this option is disabled
   by default. You can enable disk logging by commenting out #define
   SKIPLOG in include/options.h. In this case, performance of Yesquel
   will be dominated by the performance of the disk. Over the longer
   term, new and faster non-volatile memory technologies will
   eventually displace disks, making this a moot point.


Version 0.1, mid 2014:
    This version has the DBT and key-value storage system,
    but excludes the SQLite query processor. Designed for Windows.

Version 0.2, 2016-01-25:
    Adds the query processor, ported to Linux.

Version 0.3, 2016-03-17:
    Adds subtransactions in the key-value storage system, which allows for
    SQL integrity constraints.