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CSE775 Distributed Objects Spring 2014

Project #1 Text Search Component Version 1.2

Purpose: For this project we will develop recursive text finder components that can run on Windows and Linux.
The purpose of the finder is to identify all files in some directory tree that contain one or more specified strings

In this project you will develop a program that searches a directory subtree and reports any files that contain a string passed to the command line.

The Windows component will be developed using Microsoft�s Component Object Model (COM) technology.
For Linux, which does not support COM we will build a C++ library that exposes its functionality through an interface and object factory and uses reference counted life-time management.
We will see that COM does that too, and more. These components will be used through scripts, a C++ client on both platforms, and also a C# client on Windows.

You will then design and implement applications that search a path specified on the command line and report any files that contain a string, also specified on the command line.

Requirements: Your NewFiles project:

  1. shall use standard C++ and the standard library, compile and link from the command line, using g++ within the NetBeans or Eclipse IDE and Visual C++ in the Visual Studio 2013 IDE.


  1. shall add code to the C++ FileSystem package for the Windows and Linux environments, as needed to support your project. The external interfaces of these packages shall be identical on both platforms.


  1. shall provide a console application that analyzes all of the files and directories found on a path
    specified on the program�s command line, and reports any files that contain one or more strings specified on the command line. Please implement a /R option for recursive search and a /O option indicating that a match is found if any one of the strings are discovered. Absence of the /O option indicates that all strings must be found.

==> DONE

  1. shall build the searching functionality on Windows using the COM technology, via ATL facilities provided by Visual Studio 2013. This results in a dynamic link library configured with the COM protocols.


  1. shall build the searching functionality on Linux using native C++, providing an interface, implementation, and object factory, built as a dynamic link library. This component shall implement reference counting and functions AddRef() and Release() to support that.


  1. shall provide native C++ library clients that provide user access to the search facilities for both platforms, and shall also provide a C# client for Windows.

==> DONE

  1. shall provide a PowerShell script on Windows and a Bash script on Linux for testing and to demonstrate that you met each of the requirements specified here.

==> DONE

You will find it helpful to look at the Man pages for System Calls on your Linux system. Those describe the semantics of each call and the header files you will need to include.

A ten point bonus will be awarded for successful implementation of the search functionality so that each file is analyzed on its own thread. You may use C++11 threads and locks, or, on the Windows platform you may use I/O completion ports.
The bonus will depend on you executing performance demonstrations for single and multiple thread operation. ==>DONE


C# & CPP interface to Native CPP code wrapped in COM Object

Mohit Bhalla 919718909 This Solution has Three Projects

TextFinderProject ==> Native C++ COde which has the Responsibility for Finding the words you need to find.

	This Gets Built into a *.lib ==> a Static Library

TextComWrapper ==> As the name suggests A COM Wrapper over the native class which allows to be wrapped.

	This gets compiled into a dynamic Linked Library 
	==> *.dll

TextSearchCompCSharpClient ==> The CS project that hooks onto the *.dll file and invokes the exposed functionality of the TextSearchComponent via the COM Wrapper.


CPLUSPLUSCLIENT ==> This project interfaces with the COM wrapper generated DLL in order to invoke the packaged functionality of the TextSearchComponent.

	    Generates==>	CPLUSPLUSCLIENT.exe

=========================HOW TO BUILD====================================

1 . Execute Batch file BuildSolution.bat

  1. The powershell Build Scripts are in RootFolder\CPP_Client_Powershell_Script for the C++ Client Interaction with the COM Wrapper via dll. (Outputs will be generated as seperate files within the scripts folder.)

  2. The powershell Build Scripts are in RootFolder\CS_Client_Powershell_Script for the C# Client Interaction with the COM Wrapper via dll. (Outputs will be generated as seperate files within the scripts folder.)

Please Note the only reason why I had to split scripts was due to some situation due to threading constructs in the project acquiring locks while searching files and cascaded scripts would sometimes get stuck. (Thats my working theory!)


C# & CPP interface to Native CPP code wrapped in COM Object






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