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Fade in and out video and images fullscreen via OpenSound Control messages.

Precompiled for macOS and Raspberry Pi OS.

Written during my artist-in-residency at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge spring 2016.

Built with openFrameworks v0.11.2 under macOS (64bit 10.14.6) and under RPi OS (32-bit Buster). Should also work under Linux and Windows but you will need to compile it yourself using openFrameworks.

For older operating system, download builds from the releases page.


and a black window should fill the screen. Type 'i' to see the status and 'ESC' to exit.

Now copy your own images and/or movie files into the data directory and start sending OSC commands from Python, JavaScript, PureData, SuperCollider or whatever - see protocol and testcode below.

macOS Notes

  • Jumping backwards in time in a movie can be slow. Try encoding your video as PhotoJPEG or other similar non Motion JPEG format or use the HPV version.
  • To enable loading media files from the data directory you probably need to un-quarantine the .app and remove translocation. You can do this either manually - by moving the application outside of the folder and back again - or with the following terminal command...
    xattr -cr
    xattr -cr


There is also a version for the High Performance Video Eco-system. This one is optimised for scrubbing and playing back high resolution video.

A .hpv file can be created by first using ffmpeg to convert a video into a folder of png files, and then give that folder as input to HPVCreator. The first step, .mov to .png conversion, could look like...

ffmpeg -i input/ -vsync 0 dest/out%05d.png


Installation & startup

First open a terminal window and type...

sudo raspi-config

Increase the RPi's GPU memory to >= 128 and select GL (Fake KMS) under Advanced Options / GL Driver.

Next install this software by typing...

git clone git:// --depth 1

To start type...

cd yetanotheroscmovieplayer

and a black window should fill the screen. Type 'i' to see the status and 'ctrl+c' to exit.

Now copy your own images and/or movie files into the data directory and start sending OSC commands from Python, JavaScript, PureData, SuperCollider or whatever - see protocol and testcode below.


On Raspberry Pi type crontab -e and add the following line to the end...

@reboot /home/pi/yetanotheroscmovieplayer/yetanotheroscmovieplayer_rpi

RPi Notes

  • Jumping backwards in time in a movie can be slow. Try encoding your video as PhotoJPEG or other similar non Motion JPEG format.
  • Because the files are loaded from disk (SD card) when started there might be a small delay. A preload command that enables fast triggering is on my TODO.
  • There is also a special RPi build for Adafruit's PiTFT display. Start it with ./yetanotheroscmovieplayer_rpitft.
  • Palindrome looping does not yet work in the Raspberry Pi version.
  • Negative speed (backwards) does not yet work in the Raspberry Pi version.
  • Also, for the rpitft version to avoid flicker you will want to log out and exit the desktop before starting this app (via SSH or startup script).
  • To hide the blinking login cursor when automatically string type sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt and add vt.global_cursor_default=0 to the line.
  • If playing video files fail on RPi make sure you have memory split in raspi-config set to something => 128.
  • The error [ error ] ofAppGLFWWindow: 65544: X11: The DISPLAY environment variable is missing might appear if running via SSH. The command export DISPLAY=:0.0 should make the error go away. Or log in via VNC and try.
  • This is not working under Raspberry Pi OS Lite at the moment (tried with sudo apt-get install xorg libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 libglfw3 libfreeimage3 libboost-filesystem1.67.0 liburiparser1).


Send open sound control (OSC) messages to port 61000

/start, filename, fadeinframes, loopmode
/stop, fadeoutframes
/speed, playbackrate
/volume, amplitude
/frame, movieframe
/position, percentage
/mode, scalingmode
/fps, framespersecond
/info, status


(also see the examples folder)

n= NetAddr("raspberrypi.local", 61000)  //if app is running on a RPi
n= NetAddr("", 61000)  //if app is running locally on this mac
n.sendMsg(\start, "")  //filename should match a movie or image file in the data/ directory
n.sendMsg(\start, "/some/place/")  //or use an absolute path
n.sendMsg(\start, "", 200)  //fade in over 200 frames
n.sendMsg(\stop, 300)  //fade out over 300 frames
n.sendMsg(\start, "kjhkjh.png", 10)  //fade in a still image
n.sendMsg(\stop, 10)
n.sendMsg(\start, "", 100, 0)  //loop off (0= no loop, 1= normal loop (default), 2= palindrome)
n.sendMsg(\info)  //toggle info (also key 'i')
n.sendMsg(\fps, 15)  //set framerate
n.sendMsg(\speed, 0.5)  //set playback rate
n.sendMsg(\volume, 0.25)  //set volume (0.0-1.0)
n.sendMsg(\frame, 150)  //jump to frame in movie
n.sendMsg(\position, 0.5)  //jump to position in movie (0.0-1.0)
n.sendMsg(\mode, 0)  //fill screen (ignore original aspect ratio)
n.sendMsg(\mode, 1)  //no scaling (original dimensions)
n.sendMsg(\mode, 2)  //scale to fit width (crop height)
n.sendMsg(\mode, 3)  //scale to fit height (crop width)
n.sendMsg(\exit)  //quit app

(Advanced) Build instructions

This simple application was built using openFrameworks and you can easily modify it and/or build it for other operating systems that oF supports.

  • Download and install openFrameworks for your platform.
  • Follow the oF setup guide and make sure you can compile example projects.
  • On macOS:
    • Copy the folder sourcecode/yetanotheroscmovieplayer_osx into of_v0.11.2_osx_release/apps/myApps/
    • Open the file yetanotheroscmovieplayer_osx.xcodeproj in Xcode or yetanotheroscmovieplayer_osx.code-workspace in VSCodium or VSCode.
    • Make sure the target is yetanotheroscmovieplayer_osx Release
    • Build (Cmd+b in Xcode, Cmd+Shift+P - run build task in VSC)
    • The resulting application will be in the bin folder.
    • Use yetanotheroscmovieplayer_hpv to build for HPV support. Also install the ofxHPVPlayer addon.
  • On RPi:
    • Copy the folder sourcecode/yetanotheroscmovieplayer_rpi into openFrameworks/apps/myApps/
    • Change directory to that folder with cd and type make -j 3
    • The resulting application will be in the bin folder.
    • Use yetanotheroscmovieplayer_rpitft to build for TFT screens. Also install the ofxPiTFT addon.


  • Preload command