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This project aims to make Lua completely safe to use with untrusted code, without requiring OS-level isolation mechanisms. Furthermore, it makes the Lua script interruptible (i.e. from another thread, or after a maximum execution time expires) without any memory or resource leak, without using a separate process.

Note that this is not a fork of Lua, but builds on top of the standard Lua distribution (so you can still use your system's library).

  • A hook allows a running script to be terminated asynchronously before the next Lua instruction
  • A custom allocator is used to allow all the memory for the Lua state to be reclaimed
  • Overwrites of some parts of the standard library to keep track of resources (i.e. open files) so they can be reclaimed on interruption; also allows to restrict what the script is allowed to do

Of course this requires cooperation from any C module that you allow the script to load. This project provides a framework to make your own extensions interruptible and leak-free.

How to use

Instead of doing:

lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();

Do something like:

lua_State *L = safelua_open(&policy);

The provided policy object holds a whitelist for which libraries are to be loaded, allows you to kill the running script asynchronously (from another thread, or any called C function), and can filter fine-grained requests such as which file can be open, how much memory can be used, etc.


Safe, sandboxed version of Lua







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