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#Infinite, procedural world

Created by Lukas Berglin, Ikshu Dutta, Robin Silverhav, Carl Stejmar, Peter Thulin

##Introduction This is a user guide for our project in TSBB11 at Linköping University. It covers how to install and run the project on your computer, and what controllers to use.


  • Linux or OS X
  • GCC compiler
  • OpenGL


  1. Clone the project by typing git clone in a terminal.

  2. Download the boost library. Extract the boost folder from the archieve and put it main folder.

  3. Start terminal, go to TSBB11_Graphics_2014/terrainSimulator/src/

  4. Type make to compile and ./main to run.


  • W, S, A, D to move around.

  • Mouse cursor to look around and change moving direction.

  • + to increase and - to decrease movement speed.

  • M to enable and Shift + M to disable flight mode.

  • When in flight mode, Space to ascend and C to descend.