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(WARNING: Large chunks of this README are outdated)

Rubberband is a very minimalistic and customizable experimental programming language. This manual introduces the language's goals and characteristics and, then, presents it in more detail. This document tries to aim at the newest version of Rubberband, but the language is not finished yet and it is constantly changing, so, at the moment you're reading this, the document may be outdated when compared to the actual implementation -- so beware.


The current project consists of the core library librubberband and the reference interpreter rbbs (stands for rubberband script). Throughout the entirety of this manual, it is assumed that all examples are ran as scripts from the rbbs program.


Currently, the dependencies to build Rubberband are:

  • CMake (>= 2.8)
  • Make
  • g++ and gcc (>= 4.8) or clang (>= 3.3)

No extra dependencies are needed. Note that it's possible that it works in a different configuration -- e.g., an older version of clang or gcc --, but it has never been tested.

Compiling rbbs

If you just want to build and run rbbs, from inside the src subdirectory of the repository, run:

cmake . && make

The rbbs executable will be found at the rbbs subdir and then you can just use it, passing the .rbb script as an argument. You can find examples in the codeexamples directory in the repository -- there are two at the moment of this writing.

For more info on how to use CMake, check out its own documentation.

Running tests

You can also run the tests of the librubberband library. There's a script inside the src/test dir, which can be run from any fairly recent version of Bash. The following variables are used:

  • CXX: The c++ compiler
  • CXX_FLAGS (default: "-g -O0" when CXX is either g++ or clang++): Flags passed to the compiler
  • THREADS (default: 1): Number of threads of the compilation process
  • TESTS (default: all): Tests which will be run
  • RUBBERBAND_SRC (default: $PWD/../core): Directory of rubberband's core library source code

Language Overview

This section will give an overview of the goals and the characteristics of Rubberband.

Design Goals

The Rubberband programming language is an experimental programming language created with the main objective of being as customizable by the developer as possible. Currently, the main design goals of Rubberband are:

  • Core minimalism: having just a few basic elements instead of putting many features inside the core of the language makes it easier to build its features -- and the ones needed by the developer -- from the ground up, avoiding the redundancy of core language constructs.
  • Orthogonality: to provide the developer the flexibility for them to customize the language, it needs allow composition between most elements of the language in a way that makes sense.
  • Explicitness: hidden or implicit elements or mechanisms in the language creates elements which, being out of reach from the runtime, cannot be directly customized -- thus, explicitness increases the customizability of the language.
  • Conciseness: although making a language concise solely to save keystrokes is considered a bad idea, since it may hurt readability, too much verbosity may also make the code hard to follow. Since the language is supposed to be explicit, many basic expressions will be visible in the code -- making all these expressions too long leads to verbose code, which can sacrifice readability more than conciseness. Aside from that, avoiding to use reserved words like "if", "for", "while" and others in favor of symbols like "$", "@", "~", etc. leaves room for the developer use the former for their own purposes.
  • Freedom (and responsibility) to the developer: the core Rubberband language intends to define as little policies and follow as little conventions as possible, because one of its goals is to give the developer the ability to define their own conventions and policies. This comes from the idea defining coding style, conventions, the design patterns in use and other kinds of project policies is a job of the framework not one of the language, which should only be concerned in providing the constructs necessary to express those policies. That's why minimalism is also one of its core design goals: the core language is intended to provide a flexible foundation from which developers can develop their own frameworks, and having core features beyond the very basic will interfere with that.

There can be many more considerations on the design goals of Rubberband, but those described above are enough to give an idea of why the language is like it is.


Now that the design goals have been set, the actual characteristics of the latest implementation will be described. Rubberband is:

  • Purely object-oriented: object-orientation is a concept which needs no introduction. However, pure in this context means that every value in the language is an object. There are some languages in which this isn't the case, i.e. not all values are objects -- namely, C++ and Java. That's why this distinction is made.
  • Message-based: unlike many object-oriented languages, though -- languages like C++, Java, etc. --, Rubberband is based on message passing instead of function calling. This makes it more similar to Smalltalk and other languages which inherited this characteristic from it, like Object C and Ruby, for instance. But, unlike Smalltalk, messages do not have arguments attached to them in Rubberband. More on that later.
  • Classless: One more thing that sets Rubberband apart from Smalltalk, though, is that it doesn't have classes -- at least, not as a concept built in the language. Most object-oriented languages implement a class vs instance or object duality, that is, every object is necessarily an instance of a class -- which may or may not be an object itself, depending on the language. In Rubberband, though, objects are standalone and don't need a class to exist -- although the programmer can inquire on what type of object it's dealing with. In that regard, Rubberband is closer to languages like Self, Lua, Javascript, Io, etc.. Languages like those are also referred to as prototype-based languages.
  • Reflexive: All of the basic objects of the language offer reflection capabilities which enable the developer to query metainformation about an object; they can query the type of the object and if a given message is valid.
  • Duck-typed: Duck typing is a concept common in dynamic languages like Python and Ruby. Like in those languages, in Rubberband, if an object behaves like you want it to in the context you're using, then, for all practical intents, it's the object you want. Without duck typing, the programmer is required to check if the type of the object is the right type.

Language Presentation

The previous section only passed by the features of the Rubberband, comparing them with similar features in other languages. This section will present the language and show its features on their own.


As seen before, Rubberband is a purely object-oriented, message-based, classless, reflexive, duck typed, experimental programming language. As a purely object-oriented language, the object is everywhere in the program. The basic objects present in the language are:

  • Numbers: 10, 200.555, -3, 0
  • Symbols, used to name variables, functions, operations, fields, etc.. Basically, identifiers: a, while, +, etc.
  • The empty object, denoted (), used to indicate the absence of a value
  • Booleans: ?1 and ?0 (true and false, respectively)
  • Arrays. They start with |, are separated by commas and accept any object as an element -- but are not resizable: |10, 20, 30, |a, 10, (|10, 20, 30), ?1
  • Tables, which map symbols to functions. They start with :, followed by the symbol-object pairs, separated by commas: :a -> 10, b -> 20, c -> 30, :yes -> ?1, twelve -> 12, :list -> (|2, 3, 5, 7), table -> (:happy -> ?1, age -> 25)
  • Blocks of code. They are first-class citizens in Rubberband, so, just like arrays or a numbers, they can be put inside a table, an array, etc.. They're enclosed between curly braces, whithin which the code is defined; currently, the code contained inside a Rubberband script file defines a block object, the only difference being the lack of curly braces. More details on blocks will be given in the following section.

Messages and answers

Rubberband is a message-based message. This means that the programmer gets information and modifies the state of an object by sending messages to it. A message to an object can be any other object; to send a message, the programmer just needs to put the message at the side of the object.

For example, suppose you store an array in a variable called arr like this:

~:arr -> |10, 20, 30, 40

Arrays are zero-indexed in rubberband; so, to get the third element in the array -- which is 30 --, you would send the number 2 to the variable arr:

~:third_element -> ~arr 2

In the above example, the message 2 is being sent to the variable arr. As a reaction to receiving this message, the array gives an answer, which is, in this case, the third element of the array. There are two ways in which an object can react to a message: it either gives an answer or it causes a runtime error if the object doesn't respond to that message. For example, if you sent 4 instead of 2 to arr, since that index is out of range, that would generate a runtime error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rbb::in_statement_error'
  what(): In statement "~ arr 4": When sending message 4 to object (|10, 20, 30, 40): Message not recognized

Of course, to send a second message to the answer of a message send, just place the second message at the right side of the first one, and the same for any subsequent messages. For example:

~:nested -> 1, (|2, 3, (|4, 5, 6, (|7, 8, 9, 10, 11), 12), 13), 14
~:number -> ~nested 1 2 3 4

Let's interpret the above expression step by step: first, the number 1 is sent to nested -- the answer is the second element of the array, that is, |2, 3, (|4, 5, 6, (|7, 8, 9, 10, 11), 12), 13. Then, to that object, the number 2 is sent, to which the third element -- that is, |4, 5, 6, (|7, 8, 9, 10, 11), 12 -- is given as the answer. From that, the array |7, 8, 9, 10, 11 is given as an answer to the message 3, to which, finally, the message 4 is sent, giving is the value of the full expression: 11, the fifth element of the array.

The message send is the only operation in Rubberband. Anything -- arithmetic, control flow, accessing array elements, and other operations -- is done by sending messages to objects. Here are some examples on how that works.

Variable assignment and access

The message send is the only operation in the language, so, even when the programming is, say, creating or accessing the value of a variable, they are sending a message to an object.

You might have noticed that, in the previous examples, the syntax of the declaration of the arr and third_element variables looks similar to the one of tables presented in the previous section. That's not a coincidence: to create a variable or modify the value of an existing one, you send a table containing all the variables you want to declare or change to the current context, which is denoted by ~. Consider the following example:

~:pi -> 3.14159
~:circumference -> ~pi * 2 * 1.5

In the first line, you're simply sending :pi -> 3.14159 (a table) to ~, which is the block's context (or scope) -- and also usually a table. Then, to access the pi variable, as depicted in the second line, you just need to send the pi symbol to the context.

Arithmetic and Comparison

As well as variables, arithmetic operations are also based in the message send operation. Here's how arithmetic looks like in Rubberband:

~:two_plus_two -> 2 + 2
~:my_bmi -> 93 / (1.8 * 1.8)
~:overweight -> ~my_bmi > 25

Messages in Rubberband do not have any parameters and any object can only respond to one message at a time. However, it is possible to implement curried functions -- that is, functions that return other functions -- to emulate message parameters the way they work in Smalltalk or Self.

Knowing this, let's interpret the 2 + 2 expression: the + message is sent to the 2 object -- it's important to note that, in Rubberband, + is just a regular symbol, with no difference from a syntactic or semantic standpoint to, say, plus or my_bmi. The response to that message is a function that gets any number sent to it and answers that number plus 2. Then, we send 2 to the returned function, getting a 4. For simplicity, from now on, function objects that are answers of symbol messages will be called methods -- for instance, the object 2 has the + method, which accepts a number as a message.

Note that the operations in Rubberband do not have any precedence rules: they're simply executed in left-to-right order. For instance, the expression 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 evaluates to 13, instead of 11, as one might expect; to evaluate it to the latter value, parentheses are needed, like this: 1 + (2 * 3) + 4.

Arithmetic comparison operations -- less than, greater than, etc. -- are also methods of any number, going by the names of <, >, etc.. The difference is that they result in a boolean object; in the example, the overweight variable will be assigned ?1, that is, true.

Control Flow

There are no special keywords to handle control flow in the core language: control flow, just like other operations, is also done by sending messages -- this time, to the boolean objects. For example, following the example from the previous subsection:

~overweight?~ {
  %inspect_object i_am_overweight
} {
  %inspect_object i_am_fine

Any boolean object has the ? method, which gets the context (this will be explained later) and two blocks of code: the first one is the block which gets executed if the boolean is ?1; the second one, if it is ?0. In other words, the ? method gets the context, the { %inspect_object i_am_overweight } block, and the { %inspect_object i_am_fine } block (%inspect_object prints out the string representation of an object).

Loops are not present in the core language, but they can be done through recursion (as we're going to see in the next section) and they're also provided by the standard library, which will be introduced later.


Blocks are briefly introduced in the beginning of the language introduction section and used in the previous example. Here, they're going to be explained in more detail.

Blocks define a sequence of instructions, optionally containing a response value. Here's an example of a block:

~:factorial -> {
  ~:n -> $, self -> @
  !~n == 0?~ {
  } {
    !~n * (~self~(~n - 1))

This block contains a code that calculates the factorial of a number. Of course, it still doesn't test if the received message is actually a number and not a symbol or an array, for instance, but this isn't so important right now: as long as the message is a natural number, it'll work. This example contains all special symbols that can be used inside a block, which are:

  • ~: This was already presented and it's the context, which is more or less like the scope of the code.
  • $: The message received by the block. In our example, this would be the number for which we want to calculate the factorial.
  • @: A reference to the block itself, thus, a self-reference.
  • !: The exclamation mark defines the beggining of the response expression. The expression, in this case, is an "if else" statement, which responds the response of whichever block runs -- either the "if" block or the "else" one. Here, if the received number is 0, it responds 1; otherwise, it responds ~n * (~self~(~n - 1)).

A bit more of detail is needed to understand what a context is. Blocks aren't actually executable -- at least, not directly. To execute the code inside a block, you need to instance it. A block instance is bound to an object until the end of its lifetime -- that object is the context, that is, the object which is represented by ~ inside the block. To create a new instance, you send an object which you want to bind the block to -- that is, the context. So, for instance, to calculate the factorial of some numbers using the code provided by the block above, we could do the following:

~:factorial_instance -> ~factorial(:)
%inspect_object(~factorial_instance 6)   # 720
%inspect_object(~factorial_instance 10)  # 3628800
%inspect_object(~factorial_instance 12)  # 479001600

First, we create a new instance of the factorial block bound to a new empty table (which is used to store n inside the block). Then, in the following lines, we send some numbers as messages to that instance -- which, as it's been shown, are represented by $ inside the block. One noteworthy difference between ~ -- the context -- and $ -- the message -- is that, while the message may be different in each execution of the block instance, the context is the same object in all of its executions; in other words, any changes to the context are kept in the object after the block instance finishes executing. This didn't have an effect in the previous example, but consider this:

~:add -> { ~:x -> ~x + $ !~x }
~:add_instance -> ~add:x -> 1
%inspect_object(~add_instance 5)  # 6
%inspect_object(~add_instance 6)  # 12
%inspect_object(~add_instance 7)  # 19

add gets a number, adds it to the value of x, attributes the value to that same variable and returns it. We, then, create an instance of it bound to the block :x -> 1 -- setting the initial value of x as 1. As we call the instance again and again with new values, x keeps growing because the changes we do to the context in one call -- that is, the incrementation of the value -- are still available in the next calls.

Going back to the factorial example, we can now understand why we have to pass a context object to the ? method:

  !~n == 0?~ {
  } {
    !~n * (~self~(~n - 1))

The two blocks sent to it ({ !1 } and { !~n * (~self~(~n - 1)) }) are not block instances and, thus, aren't bound to any context. That method, then, needs a context to create an instance from one of those blocks to, then, execute it properly. Since we're passing ~ as their context, they will run over the same context of the factorial block; this means that will be able to directly access and modify anything in the parent context -- that's why n and self are accessible from inside the second block.

The self-reference, as introduced before, is denoted by @ -- it was attributed to the self variable for reasons which will be explained shortly. The self-reference is used in this case because we need it to do the recursive calls that are necessary to calculate the factorial of a number.

For example: Suppose we send 2 to a factorial instance. ~n == 0 will be false, so the block { !~n * ~self~(~n - 1) } will be called. This block will first get the value of n, then call itself with ~n - 1 as the message. Note that we have to call ~self~(~n - 1); that's because the self-reference is a reference to the block, not to the current instance of it, so we need to instance it in order to call it. From this, we recursively calculate the factorial of 2.

A final note on why it was necessary to declare the n and self variables. That's needed because blocks don't automatically bind to their parent scope, so if we, instead, did:

~:factorial -> {
  !~n == 0?~ {
  } {
    !$ * (@~(~n - 1))

the code wouldn't work as expected, since the $, in this case, would be the message passed to the else block, which is (); since () has no * method, this would result in a runtime error. Even if the runtime error didn't happen, @ is a reference to the else block, not to factorial; in this case, the stopping condition would never be checked and the program would enter in an endless loop.

Object Metainformation

Metainformation -- or reflection -- is contextual information about the object itself. Any object provides metainfo; the methods used to acquired that information are << and <<?. Respectively, they provide information about what messages an object responds and about the object's type -- or, rather, the interfaces it conforms to.

The << Method

The first method, <<, can get any object as its message and answers a boolean -- ?1 if the receiver responds to the message, ?0 otherwise. This is important because, if an object gets a message it doesn't respond to, it will raise a runtime error. For example:

~:plus_1 -> {
  !$ + 1

Here, we create a block and instance it in the same expression, then save it in the plus_1 variable -- we instance it with () because the context is not needed in this case. plus_1 obviously expects a number as its message, since the method + is being called with a number. But if we, for instance, call it with a symbol, like this:

%inspect_object(~plus_1 five)

the runtime result will be:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rbb::in_statement_error'
  what():  In statement "$ + 1": When sending message + to object five: Message not recognized

A runtime error happened because five is a symbol and symbols do not respond to the + method. To prevent this from happening, we can check if the message has that method using <<. This time, we have to set an empty table as the context, since we're defining a variable inside the block:

~:checked_plus_1 -> {
  ~:msg -> $
  !~msg << +?~ {
    !~msg + 1
  } {

%inspect_object(~checked_plus_1 five)
%inspect_object(~checked_plus_1 10)

Now, if we pass a message that does not have the + method -- like five, for example --, checked_plus_1 will answer () instead of raising a runtime error, not interrupting the execution of the program:


<< can also be used to check if an index is inside the bounds of an array or if a given symbol is defined in a table:

%inspect_object((|10, 20, 30) << 3)                 # ?0
%inspect_object((:a -> 10, b -> 20, c -> 30) << b)  # ?1

The <<? method

The second method, <<?, is used to gather information about the type of an object or about the interfaces it conforms to. When an object conforms to some interface, it means that it implements some behaviors expected from the objects which conform to it. For instance, if an object conforms to the [0] interface, it means that it responds properly to all number-related messages -- in other words, it is a number.

For example, going back to checked_plus_1, we can see a flaw in its implementation:

%inspect_object(~checked_plus_1|10, 20, 30)

Executing it we get this:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rbb::in_statement_error'
  what():  In statement "~ msg + 1": When sending message 1 to object [unknown data]: Array expected

This error happens because, inside checked_plus_1, we only check if the message contains the + method. An array, which does contain the + method, will pass that check, but the + method of the array does not mean "sum", but rather "concatenate", and it expects another array, not a number -- which is why the runtime error is raised.

To avoid that, we can check if the object being received by checked_plus_1 is of the kind we want it to be, that is, if it is either a number or a number-like object. To check that, we use the already mentioned [0] interface:

~:checked_plus_2 -> {
  ~:msg -> $
  !~msg <<? [0]?~ {
    !~msg + 1
  } {

If we try to do the same as before with the new function:

%inspect_object(~checked_plus_2|10, 20, 30)

We get what we were expecting -- that is, () is printed out.

Raising Runtime Errors

In some situations, to prevent incorrect behavior, the programmer needs to be able to raise an error and abort the execution of the program. In Rubberband, the boolean object provides the ^ method for that. Let's take the factorial example again:

~:factorial -> {
  ~:n -> $, self -> @
  !~n == 0?~ {
  } {
    !~n * (~self~(~n - 1))

That function has a little problem: if it gets a negative number, it will run forever -- or at least until it segfaults. Replacing the condition by ~n <= 0 would help make the function not segfault, but then that definition is incorrect -- the factorial of -1 is not 1; the factorial of -1 does not exist.

Raising an error will prevent wrong results from being yielded:

~:factorial -> {
  ~:n -> $, self -> @
  ~n < 0^ negative_numbers_dont_have_a_factorial
  # ...

%inspect_object(~factorial -1)

You can pass any object to ^; what's going to be done with it is up to the implementation. rbbs simply doesn't treat it:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rbb::runtime_error'
  what():  Runtime error (error object: negative_numbers_dont_have_a_factorial)

It's important to point out that runtime errors are not exceptions. You can't catch them in any way (they simply abort the execution of the program), and, although you can attach any object you want to them, that object is only ever going to be used by the implementation, if at all.

Base Library

So far, the pure base language has been presented. But, since it lacks things like a proper loop control structure, proper function argument handling, etc., using the core Rubberband language for normal tasks directly can be quite difficult. But, as mentioned in the introduction, this isn't its purpose either: the purpose of Rubberband -- aside from being an experimental language -- is providing the most basic tools necessary to enable the creation of useful constructs, libraries, frameworks, etc., which will, then, be used to peform normal, daily tasks.

To exemplify that, Rubberband has its own base library implemented completely in Rubberband. It features a limited set of functionalities, but it shows a bit of what can be done with Rubberband currently.

The base library is located at the src/mod directory in the rubberband repository. To use it, add that directory to the module lookup path with the -p switch of rbbs and load it with -m base (--help will give you more detailed information on command-line switches for rbbs).


The while function implements a conventional while loop, preventing you to mess with blocks and recursion by hand. The following example calculates the closest power of two smaller than the number 999999:

~:c -> 1

~while~ { !~c * 2 < (~n) } {
  ~:c -> ~c * 2


You may have noticed that there's a second ~ after the call to while. That's because while needs to pass a context to both blocks it receives so that the programmer is able to properly use the variables they declare outside those blocks. The context can be any object, but, usually, it will be the current context, that is, ~. This pattern will be present in all functions from the base library presented here.

As for the actual usage of while, two arguments are passed aside from the context: a block containing a condition expression and an execution block. The second block will be repeatedly executed until the first block answers ?0. In the example above, the number 524288 is printed.


A "gotcha" mentioned before in the blocks section also applies in the case presented here. If you try to, say, put the code from before into a function and use raw blocks to do that, you have to be careful:

~:pow2_less_than -> {
  ~:c -> 1

  ~while~ { !~c * 2 < $ } {
    ~:c -> ~c * 2


%inspect_object(~pow2_less_than 999999)

Couple of problems with this implementation: first, since pow2_less_than is a block instance bound to an empty table, while is not available inside that block, which gives us an error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rbb::in_statement_error'
  what():  In statement "~ while ~ { !~ c * 2 < $ } { ~ (:c -> ~ c * 2) }": When sending message while to object (:c -> 1): Message not recognized

We could try to "fix" it by binding the instance to ~ instead, but that would make c leak to the main context, which is undesirable most of the time. The best simple solution would be to create a copy of the context (by binding the instance to ~ + (:)), but other problems would arise from that (needlessly copying every single thing, not being able to modify external objects, etc.). And even then, that code would be wrong, because calls the blocks it receives with () as the message, making the condition block { !~c * 2 < $ } return ?0 anytime it's called.

To avoid dealing with all of that manually, the standard library has a fn function. Its purpose is to create a function that behaves more like a regular function from other languages, in that:

  1. You can pass it a list of arguments and not just one argument
  • All arguments you pass to it are already named (so no more fiddling with $)
  1. Objects declared outside it can be accessed inside the function (and modified, if necessary)
  2. Objects declared inside it are automatically destroyed after the function finishes
  • If an object declared inside a function has the same name as one outside it, the former elides the latter

For example, our function would be written as this:

~:pow2_less_than -> ~fn~ (|n) {
  ~:c -> 1

  ~while~ { !~c * 2 < (~n) } {
    ~:c -> ~c * 2


Much simpler and less worrysome. The two arguments fn gets are a list containing the names of the arguments and the function block. To call it, pass the argument as a message:

%inspect_object(~pow2_less_than 999999)

This will print, again, 524288.

Functions with more arguments are called in a similar way: send the arguments as messages sequentially:

~:avg3 -> ~fn~ (|num1, num2, num3) {
  !(~num1) + (~num2) + (~num3) / 3

%inspect_object(~avg3 100 200 250)

Prints 183.


Rubberband: A small, flexible language







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