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Collaborative Drone Localization

3D localization system in 6 DoF based on 2 onboard cameras and a minimal set of markers in a outdoor environment for the Parrot Ar-Drones 2.0. The localization algorithm uses this paper : 6DoF Cooperative Localization for Mutually Observing Robots. The code is inspired by RPG Monocular Pose Estimator.

#Installation# ##Material required## This package require:

  • Two Parrot Ar-Drones 2.0 with visual marker on either side of camera.
  • An unprotected wifi router that does not require an AC power source.
  • Any Linux compatible gamepad joystick. We use the F710 Wireless Gamepad from Logitech. We suggest remapping the buttons to the desire configuration that suit your own gamepad.

##Dependencies## This package require Robotic Operating System (ROS). In order to install ROS follow these instructions on the ROS website. This branch of the project was tested on ROS Indigo with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

The Collaborative Drone Localization also require OpenCV and Eigen. They can be installed by following the instruction on the OpenCV and Eigen website.

Some of the code in this project uses the glut library. To compile, ensure the freeglut3-dev package is installed. It can be installed with the command:

sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

To manualy control the drone with a gamepad we use joy/joy_node. It can be installed and configure following these instructions.

The ardrone_autonomy node is used as a bridge between the Parrot AR-Drone 2.0 SDK and the ROS environment. It can be install by entering the following command. Assuming you are in the src directory of your catkin workspace.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone -b indigo-devel
cd ~/catkin_ws

The tum_ardrone package is used for keyboard teleoperation and PID controlled autopilot of the drones. Some minor changes were made to its source code, so our version of it is included in this package.

##Multiple drone setup##

To get your two drones so they connect to a router, follow these instructions on the ardrone_autonomy wiki page.

##Main installation##

In order to install our version of Collaborative Drone Localization, clone the latest version of our GitHub repository:

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..

#Launching demo#

The demo launch file launches two instances of dot_finder and an instance of particle_filter. You need to manually download ( and play the demo's rosbag using the following commands:

rosbag play -l -d 1 demo.bag

In another terminal launch the demo's launch file:

roslaunch drone_nav demo.launch 

In order to watch the demo, run rqt and rviz the correct perspective for both software are included at the root of this repository. To open the correct perspective in rqt, go to Perspectives->Import... and import "rqt_vision.perspective" at the root of this repository. To open the correct rviz configuration, in rviz go to File->Open Config and open "rviz_config.rviz".

#Node diagram#

nodes diagram

The above diagram shows the interactions between nodes in the Collaborative Drone Localization. In order to do autonomous flight you need to run multiple instances ardrone_autonomy, dot_finder and drone_gui for the leader and follower. To prevent unwanted interaction between those instances, the leader's and follower's nodes must run in their own ROS namespace.

##tum_ardrone## The tum_ardrone nodes are used as controllers for the drones.

Below is a sample launch file for the leader (aka king). It launches only a GUI to allow keyboard teleoperation of the drone. (See drone_gui for key assignments)

  <group ns="king">
    <node name="drone_gui" pkg="tum_ardrone" type="drone_gui"/>

Below is a sample launch file for the follower (aka mamba). It can be autopiloted by loading the 'CL_mamba.txt' file in the GUI then sending those commands to the follower after takeoff.

  <group ns="mamba">
    <node name="drone_autopilot" pkg="tum_ardrone" type="drone_autopilot"/>
    <node name="drone_gui" pkg="tum_ardrone" type="drone_gui"/>

##dot_finder## The dot_finder node extracts the marker positions from the drone's camera using the red channel from RGB color space and blob analysis.

How to launch

To run in command line without launch file dot_finder enter the following command:

rosrun dot_finder dot_finder _topic:="/mamba"

This command will run a dot_finder instance that subscribes to a drone in the namespace "mamba". The same action can be done with the following launch file:

        <group ns="mamba">
		<node name="dot_finder" pkg="dot_finder" type="dot_finder" output="screen">
			<param name="topic" value="/mamba" />
Static parameters settings

The dot_finder node require some parameters to be set before launching

  • topic (string)

Name of the drone's namespace. Every topic subscription/publication will replace (input namespace) by the content of this parameter.

Subscribed Topics

dot_finder subscribes to the following topics:

The image from the drone. The markers will be detected from this image.

The camera calibration parameters. It's mainly used to compensate the camera distortion.

Published Topics

dot_finder publishes to the following topics:

  • (input namespace)/dots (dot_finder/DuoDot)

The x, y position of every potential marker extracted from the image.

A debugging visualization image of the computer vision.

##particle_filter## The particle_filter node takes the marker hypothesis of the two cameras, finds the correct hypothesis and compute the pose in 6DoF.

Note: Some of the calculations performed require a camera calibration file for the drones. Make sure the calibration file ~/.ros/camera_info/ardrone_front.yaml is present. If it isn't, the resulting pose will be 'nan' (not a number).

How to launch

To run in command line without launch file dot_finder enter the following command:

rosrun particle_filter particle_filter _leader:="/king" _follower:="/mamba"

This command will run a particle_filter instance that subscribes to two dot_finders nodes, one in the namespace "king" which is the leader, the other in the namespace "mamba" which is the follower. The same action can be done with the following launch file:

	<node name="particle_filter" pkg="particle_filter" type="particle_filter" output="screen">
		<param name="leader" value="/king" />
		<param name="follower" value="/mamba" />
Static parameters settings

The particle_filter node require some parameters to be set before launching

  • leader (string)

Name of the leader's namespace. Every topic subscription/publication will replace by the content of this parameter.

  • follower (string)

Name of the follower's namespace. Every topic subscription/publication will replace by the content of this parameter.

Dynamic parameters settings

The following parameters can be set dynamically during runtime. (Use rqt_reconfigure to adjust the parameters).

  • pos_XXXX_led_cam_x (double, default: 0.19, min: 0, max: 2)

These parameters set the distance between the marker and the camera on the drone in meter. These values are always positive.

Subscribed Topics

dot_finder subscribes to the following topics:

  • (leader and follower namespace)/dots (dot_finder/DuoDot)

The x, y positions of every marker hypothesis extracted from the image.

Imu information from the drone.

The image from the front camera of the drone. Only use for visualization/debugging.

Published Topics

dot_finder publishes to the following topics:

  • (follower namespace)/ardrone/predictedPose ([tum_ardrone/filter_state])

Relative pose in 6DoF of the follower.

Every hypothesis of the position of the follower.

Relative pose in 6DoF of the follower.

A debugging visualization image of Region of Interest.


3D Collaborative Drone Localization






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