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Compiling the chess benchmark:

The Chess benchmark is compiled with cmake.

cmake ./CMakeLists.txt make

The end result is an executable named ./src/chx. The program can be executed either from the command line, by supplying an ini file, or by using the perl test harness.

Running the chess benchmark:

The Perl Test Harness

The perl test harness creates ini files and executes the chess benchmark multiple times, executing the chess benchmark to a number of different ply depths, using a variety of algorithms, on a number of different boards.

The benchmark does not attempt to play a game, instead it attempts to make a single move by a single side. The objective of the benchmark is to search to the deepest ply depth possible in two hours.

Before running the test harness line 93 should be edited to create an appropriate run command. By default it reads as follows:

open($fd,"mpiexec -np 1 -env CHX_THREADS_PER_PROC 8 $ENV{PWD}/src/chx < .bench 2>/dev/null|");

This uses MPI to run in a single process using 8 threads per core. Please edit this line to match the core count and number of processes appropriate for your platform.

By default three algorithms are run by the benchmark:

  1. Minimax - This algorithm is a simple test program that provides a deterministic workload.

  2. Alpha Beta - This algorithm is actually the Alpha- Beta With Memory required by MTD-f. The macro definition

    #define PV_ON 1

    can be commented out to disable principle variation search.

    The macro definition

    #define TRANSPOSE_ON 1

    can be commented out to disable the use of a transposition table.

  3. MTD-f - The basic MTD-f algorithm has three parameters which modify its behavior. Strictly speaking, MTD-f does zero width searches. The code provided with the benchmark uses a narrow width instead, one which is permitted to grow as the number of searches increases, and which gives up after a set number of searches are tried and fail.

    start_width: This is the width in terms of the base score. This is the value of the score before the score is augmented by the hash value of the board.

    grow_width: This is a constant value that is added to the search width after each failure.

    max_tries: This is the maximum number of tries that should be made at finding the with MTD-f before giving up and doing a full Alpha-Beta search between the remaining lower/upper score range.

  4. Multistrike - This algorithm divides the possible range of scores into subranges and assigns a subrange to each available thread/core. Each subrange of Multistrike is searched completely by a strict Alpha-Beta search without recourse to principle variation. (The code might be improved by using MTD-f on each sub-range)

    The Multistrike code with the chess benchmark is not able to use MPI. This lack does not represent a limitation of the algorithm, but a feature that is not yet implemented.

Interactive Mode

This mode is useful for actually playing chess. To understand how this mode is used, please type "help" at the prompt.

To display the board type "d". To make the first move, type in a move (e.g. e2e4 to advance white's king pawn two squares). Type "d" again to see the result. Type "go" to let the chx program move on behalf of black. After this, the chx program will automatically move and redisplay the board after each move by white.

Configuring chx

In order to configure chx so that you don't have to use the interactive mode all the time, you may specify the commands to do in a file and then pipe it in using stdin.

For example, to specify the search method to be multistrike and then run the benchmark, a file might look like:

$ cat > input search multistrike bench some_board 3 1 $ ./src/chx < input

One parameter, the number of threads, is controlled through an environment variable: CHX_THREADS_PER_PROC.

Limitations of the CHX code

The current version of the CHX code suffers from a number of limitations, including:

  1. The parallel implementation does not have a proper mechanism for aborting a subset of calculations. Because of this, the Younger Brother's Wait algorithm must explore moves in batches and wait for each batch to complete before moving on to search new moves.
  2. The MPI implementation is more a proof of concept than an optimal implementation. The transposition table is not exchanged in the course of MPI searching. Like the threading aspect of the parallel implementation, MPI moves must be explored in batches.
  3. The Multistrike implementation has a number of defects that are described above. In short, it needs to make use of MTD-f, as well as MPI.


Parallel, distributed chess






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