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 * mod_interval_limit
 * Apache2.X module that provide rule-based interval counter limits of connections per client

* Introduction

mod_interval_limit is Apache 2.X module that provide rule-based interval
counter limits of connections per client.

The counter is stored in memcached, and the user's cookie string is
used as the key to identify the user's counter. Every time the user
hit the site, the user's counter is retrieved from memcached by
specifying the user cookie string, and is stored back again after
the counter is incremented. If the counter does not exist in memcached,
then the counter is initialized to 1.

As one of prerequisites of mod_interval_limit, it needs to be used
in conjunction with a cookie creating module, such as mod_usertrack,
or some other substitution applications since it uses the user's
cookie string for the identification of the user and its' counter
value stored in memcached.

On the plus side, it allows more than one Apache server to share
the same cached data, thus fits very much in scale-out architecture
system. In addtion, the counter info can be applied for simple spam
proxy server by, for example, blocking the user with over the
counter limit of the site.

* Download

* Prerequisites

o libevent - used by memcached

o memcached - used as serssion and count storage.
  memcached-1.4.0 or up, which implements binary protocol, must 
  be used.

o libmemcached - used as memcached c client library
  use libmemcached-0.38 or up for mod_interval_limit-1.0.1 or up

* Build and Install

1) extract files from an archive
tar zxf modintervallimit-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd modintervallimit-<VERSION>

other than an archive, you can check out current source code from
master repository
git clone git://
cd mod_interval_limit

2) open Makefile and modify ap_basedir variable
vi Makefile

3) make and install
sudo make install

* Configuration Directives

All the directives below may be specified in anywhere like Server,
VirtualHost, Location, and so on.

o IntervalLimitEngine

  Description: Set "On" to enable interval_limit, "Off" to disable.
         Default "Off"
  Syntax: IntervalLimitEngine On/Off
  Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
  Status: Extension
  Module: mod_interval_limit

o IntervalLimitCookieName

  Description: Set key name of cookie so as for the cookie value to
          be used for user's identification.  It is required when "cookie" is
          choosed as a user identifier in IntervalLimitRule directive.
  Syntax: IntervalLimitCookieName cookieName
  Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
  Status: Extension
  Module: mod_interval_limit

o IntervalLimitMemcachedAddrPort

  Description: Liste of the memcached address. each address is ip or host
          adresse(s) and port ':' separated. The addresses are ',' coma separated.
          For example:
  Syntax: IntervalLimitMemcachedAddrPort host1:port1,host2:port2,..
  Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
  Status: Extension
  Module: mod_interval_limit

o IntervalLimitRule

  Description: Set an interval limit rule line. Multiple rules can be defined at once.
         Maximum number of rules is 5, and if you define more than 5 rules, you will
         get error message in configuration process.
         @see [IntervalLimitRule Format] for the detail of rule line format.
  Syntax: IntervalLimitRule rule
  Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
  Status: Extension
  Module: mod_interval_limit

[IntervalLimitRule Format]
IntervalLimitRule <rule_name> <type:ip|cookie> <max event> <interval(sec)> <block period(sec)> <block:1|0>

 * <rule name>  - The name of rule. each name must be unique.

 * <type>       - The type of user identifier. the value must be either "ip" or "cookie".
                  1. "ip"      :  ip address of incomming request.
                  2. "cookie"  :  cookie value of incomming request.
                  [note] If "cookie" is choosed, the key name of cookie must be specified with
                        IntervalLimitCookieName directive.

 * <max event>  - The maximum number of events allowed to access in the certain period of time, "<interval>".

 * <interval>   - The time interval, in seconds, at which the number of event counter will be checked.

 * <block period> - The time period, in seconds, during which a requesting user is considered as
                   "exceeded threshold" if the user's interval event counter exceeds "<max event>".
                   If <block> is equal to "1", the requesting user's access is blocked as HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
                   during the block period. After the block period, the counter is reset to 0.

 * <block>      -  must be either "1" or "0".
                  "1"  : block the user access as HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE during the block period.
                  "0"  : NOT block the user access during the block period. this means nothing change
                         even if the user's interval event counter exceeds the threshold.

EXAMPLES of IntervalLimitRule
IntervalLimitRule rule_ip1 ip 10 60 60 1
# rule name        : "rule_ip1"
# user identifier  : "ip"
# max event        : 10
# interval         : 60 sec
# block period     : 60 sec
# block            : 1 - block the user access

IntervalLimitRule rule_ip2 ip 100 3600 3600 0
# rule name        : "rule_ip2"
# user identifier  : "ip"
# max event        : 100
# interval         : 3600 sec (1hr)
# block period     : 3600 sec (1hr)
# block            : 0 - NOT block

IntervalLimitRule rule_cookie1 cookie 10 60 60 1
# rule name        : "rule_cookie1"
# user identifier  : "cookie"
# max event        : 10
# interval         : 60 sec
# block period     : 60 sec
# block            : 1 - block the user access

* Sample Configuration

1) load module
LoadModule log_slow_module modules/

2) add directives below

## (VirtualHost) mod_interval_limit configuration
# Enable Engine : On/Off
IntervalLimitEngine   On

# Memcached address and ports. The addresses are ',' comma separated if there is more than 1.

# Interval limit rule line
# Rule Format:
# IntervalLimitRule <rule_name> <type:ip|cookie> <max event> <interval(sec)> <block period(sec)> <block:1|0>
IntervalLimitRule rule_ip1 ip 10 60 60 1
IntervalLimitRule rule_ip2 ip 100 3600 3600 0
IntervalLimitRule rule_cookie1 cookie 10 60 60 1

# Cookie's key name
# it is optional but required only if you choose "cookie" as a user identitier in IntervalLimitRule
IntervalLimitCookieName   Apache

@see also: sample_mod_interval_limit.conf

As described in "Introduction" secion above, mod_count_memcookie
needs to be used in conjunction with a cookie creating module,
such as mod_usertrack, or some other substitution applications
since it uses the user's cookie string for the identification of 
the user and its' counter value stored in memcached.

Here is an example configuration for mod_usertrack:

LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
CookieTracking on
CookieName Apache
CookieExpires "1 months"

see also: sample_mod_usertrack.conf

* Interval Counter's Life-Cycle

* Logging Names of Threshold Exceeded Rules

The name of rules that threshold exceeded are added to http header table
with the key name of "threshold_exceeded_rules".

Therefore, you can add the counter info to the "CustomLog" by adding
the %{threshold_exceeded_rules}i string to log format string of CustomLog directive.

CustomLog logs/clicklog "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" \"%{threshold_exceeded_rules}i\"

* Application Sample to Lookup Env

mod_interval_limit adds the names of threshold exceeded rules to apache
subprocess_env table with the key named "threshold_exceeded_rules".
Therefore, you can lookup the info like this below:

o php
 $count = getenv ( "threshold_exceeded_rules" );

o perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
my $count = $ENV{ "threshold_exceeded_rules" };

@see also: scripts/env_check.php,

* Authors
Yoichi Kawasaki <>


Apache module that provide rule-based interval counter limits of connections per client







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