int X509_alias_set1(X509 *x, unsigned char *name, int len) { X509_CERT_AUX *aux; if(!(aux = aux_get(x))) return 0; if(!aux->alias && !(aux->alias = ASN1_UTF8STRING_new())) return 0; return ASN1_STRING_set(aux->alias, name, len); }
int PKCS12_set_mac(PKCS12 *p12, const char *pass, int passlen, unsigned char *salt, int saltlen, int iter, const EVP_MD *md_type) { unsigned char mac[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int maclen; if (!md_type) md_type = EVP_sha1(); if (PKCS12_setup_mac(p12, iter, salt, saltlen, md_type) == PKCS12_ERROR) { PKCS12err(PKCS12_F_PKCS12_SET_MAC, PKCS12_R_MAC_SETUP_ERROR); return 0; } if (!PKCS12_gen_mac(p12, pass, passlen, mac, &maclen)) { PKCS12err(PKCS12_F_PKCS12_SET_MAC, PKCS12_R_MAC_GENERATION_ERROR); return 0; } if (!(ASN1_STRING_set(p12->mac->dinfo->digest, mac, maclen))) { PKCS12err(PKCS12_F_PKCS12_SET_MAC, PKCS12_R_MAC_STRING_SET_ERROR); return 0; } return 1; }
static int pub_encode_gost94(X509_PUBKEY *pub,const EVP_PKEY *pk) { ASN1_OBJECT *algobj = NULL; ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octet = NULL; void *pval = NULL; unsigned char *buf=NULL,*databuf,*sptr; int i,j,data_len,ret=0; int ptype = V_ASN1_UNDEF; DSA *dsa = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pk); algobj = OBJ_nid2obj(EVP_PKEY_base_id(pk)); if (pk->save_parameters) { ASN1_STRING *params = encode_gost_algor_params(pk); pval = params; ptype = V_ASN1_SEQUENCE; } data_len = BN_num_bytes(dsa->pub_key); databuf = OPENSSL_malloc(data_len); BN_bn2bin(dsa->pub_key,databuf); octet = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new(); ASN1_STRING_set(octet,NULL,data_len); sptr = ASN1_STRING_data(octet); for (i=0,j=data_len-1; i< data_len;i++,j--) { sptr[i]=databuf[j]; } OPENSSL_free(databuf); ret = i2d_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(octet,&buf); ASN1_BIT_STRING_free(octet); if (ret <0) return 0; return X509_PUBKEY_set0_param(pub,algobj,ptype,pval,buf,ret); }
int X509_keyid_set1(X509 *x, unsigned char *id, int len) { X509_CERT_AUX *aux; if(!(aux = aux_get(x))) return 0; if(!aux->keyid && !(aux->keyid = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new())) return 0; return ASN1_STRING_set(aux->keyid, id, len); }
int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data(X509_NAME_ENTRY *ne, int type, const uint8_t *bytes, int len) { int i; if ((ne == NULL) || ((bytes == NULL) && (len != 0))) return (0); if ((type > 0) && (type & MBSTRING_FLAG)) return ASN1_STRING_set_by_NID(&ne->value, bytes, len, type, OBJ_obj2nid(ne->object)) ? 1 : 0; if (len < 0) len = strlen((const char *)bytes); i = ASN1_STRING_set(ne->value, bytes, len); if (!i) return (0); if (type != V_ASN1_UNDEF) { if (type == V_ASN1_APP_CHOOSE) ne->value->type = ASN1_PRINTABLE_type(bytes, len); else ne->value->type = type; } return (1); }
/* Convert an ASN1_TIME structure to GeneralizedTime */ ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *ASN1_TIME_to_generalizedtime(const ASN1_TIME *t, ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME **out) { ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *ret = NULL; char *str; int newlen; if (!ASN1_TIME_check(t)) return NULL; if (out == NULL || *out == NULL) { if ((ret = ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_new()) == NULL) goto err; } else ret = *out; /* If already GeneralizedTime just copy across */ if (t->type == V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME) { if (!ASN1_STRING_set(ret, t->data, t->length)) goto err; goto done; } /* grow the string */ if (!ASN1_STRING_set(ret, NULL, t->length + 2)) goto err; /* ASN1_STRING_set() allocated 'len + 1' bytes. */ newlen = t->length + 2 + 1; str = (char *)ret->data; /* Work out the century and prepend */ if (t->data[0] >= '5') OPENSSL_strlcpy(str, "19", newlen); else OPENSSL_strlcpy(str, "20", newlen); OPENSSL_strlcat(str, (const char *)t->data, newlen); done: if (out != NULL && *out == NULL) *out = ret; return ret; err: if (out == NULL || *out != ret) ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_free(ret); return NULL; }
static int pub_encode_gost01(X509_PUBKEY *pub,const EVP_PKEY *pk) { ASN1_OBJECT *algobj = NULL; ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octet = NULL; void *pval = NULL; unsigned char *buf=NULL,*databuf,*sptr; int i,j,data_len,ret=0; const EC_POINT *pub_key; BIGNUM *X,*Y,*order; const EC_KEY *ec = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pk); int ptype = V_ASN1_UNDEF; algobj = OBJ_nid2obj(EVP_PKEY_base_id(pk)); if (pk->save_parameters) { ASN1_STRING *params = encode_gost_algor_params(pk); pval = params; ptype = V_ASN1_SEQUENCE; } order = BN_new(); EC_GROUP_get_order(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec),order,NULL); pub_key=EC_KEY_get0_public_key(ec); if (!pub_key) { GOSTerr(GOST_F_PUB_ENCODE_GOST01, GOST_R_PUBLIC_KEY_UNDEFINED); return 0; } X=BN_new(); Y=BN_new(); EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec), pub_key,X,Y,NULL); data_len = 2*BN_num_bytes(order); BN_free(order); databuf = OPENSSL_malloc(data_len); memset(databuf,0,data_len); store_bignum(X,databuf+data_len/2,data_len/2); store_bignum(Y,databuf,data_len/2); BN_free(X); BN_free(Y); octet = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new(); ASN1_STRING_set(octet,NULL,data_len); sptr=ASN1_STRING_data(octet); for (i=0,j=data_len-1;i<data_len;i++,j--) { sptr[i]=databuf[j]; } OPENSSL_free(databuf); ret = i2d_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(octet,&buf); ASN1_BIT_STRING_free(octet); if (ret <0) return 0; return X509_PUBKEY_set0_param(pub,algobj,ptype,pval,buf,ret); }
/* Convert an ASN1_TIME structure to GeneralizedTime */ ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *ASN1_TIME_to_generalizedtime(ASN1_TIME *t, ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME **out) { ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *ret; char *str; int newlen; if (!ASN1_TIME_check(t)) return NULL; if (!out || !*out) { if (!(ret = ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_new())) return NULL; if (out) *out = ret; } else ret = *out; /* If already GeneralizedTime just copy across */ if (t->type == V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME) { if (!ASN1_STRING_set(ret, t->data, t->length)) return NULL; return ret; } /* grow the string */ if (!ASN1_STRING_set(ret, NULL, t->length + 2)) return NULL; /* ASN1_STRING_set() allocated 'len + 1' bytes. */ newlen = t->length + 2 + 1; str = (char *)ret->data; /* Work out the century and prepend */ if (t->data[0] >= '5') BUF_strlcpy(str, "19", newlen); else BUF_strlcpy(str, "20", newlen); BUF_strlcat(str, (char *)t->data, newlen); return ret; }
static ASN1_STRING* obj_to_asn1str(VALUE obj) { ASN1_STRING *str; StringValue(obj); if(!(str = ASN1_STRING_new())) ossl_raise(eASN1Error, NULL); ASN1_STRING_set(str, RSTRING_PTR(obj), RSTRING_LEN(obj)); return str; }
int PKCS5_pbe_set0_algor(X509_ALGOR *algor, int alg, int iter, const unsigned char *salt, int saltlen) { PBEPARAM *pbe=NULL; ASN1_STRING *pbe_str=NULL; unsigned char *sstr; pbe = PBEPARAM_new(); if (!pbe) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE_SET0_ALGOR,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if(iter <= 0) iter = PKCS5_DEFAULT_ITER; if (!ASN1_INTEGER_set(pbe->iter, iter)) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE_SET0_ALGOR,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (!saltlen) saltlen = PKCS5_SALT_LEN; if (!ASN1_STRING_set(pbe->salt, NULL, saltlen)) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE_SET0_ALGOR,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } sstr = ASN1_STRING_data(pbe->salt); if (salt) TINYCLR_SSL_MEMCPY(sstr, salt, saltlen); else if (RAND_pseudo_bytes(sstr, saltlen) < 0) goto err; if(!ASN1_item_pack(pbe, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(PBEPARAM), &pbe_str)) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE_SET0_ALGOR,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } PBEPARAM_free(pbe); pbe = NULL; if (X509_ALGOR_set0(algor, OBJ_nid2obj(alg), V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, pbe_str)) return 1; err: if (pbe != NULL) PBEPARAM_free(pbe); if (pbe_str != NULL) ASN1_STRING_free(pbe_str); return 0; }
int PKCS5_pbe_set0_algor(X509_ALGOR *algor, int alg, int iter, const unsigned char *salt, int saltlen) { PBEPARAM *pbe=NULL; ASN1_STRING *pbe_str=NULL; unsigned char *sstr; pbe = PBEPARAM_new(); if (!pbe) { OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(PKCS8, PKCS5_pbe_set0_algor, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if(iter <= 0) iter = PKCS5_DEFAULT_ITERATIONS; if (!ASN1_INTEGER_set(pbe->iter, iter)) { OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(PKCS8, PKCS5_pbe_set0_algor, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (!saltlen) saltlen = PKCS5_SALT_LEN; if (!ASN1_STRING_set(pbe->salt, NULL, saltlen)) { OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(PKCS8, PKCS5_pbe_set0_algor, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } sstr = ASN1_STRING_data(pbe->salt); if (salt) memcpy(sstr, salt, saltlen); else if (!RAND_bytes(sstr, saltlen)) goto err; if(!ASN1_item_pack(pbe, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(PBEPARAM), &pbe_str)) { OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(PKCS8, PKCS5_pbe_set0_algor, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } PBEPARAM_free(pbe); pbe = NULL; if (X509_ALGOR_set0(algor, OBJ_nid2obj(alg), V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, pbe_str)) return 1; err: if (pbe != NULL) PBEPARAM_free(pbe); if (pbe_str != NULL) ASN1_STRING_free(pbe_str); return 0; }
static ASN1_STRING* obj_to_asn1derstr(VALUE obj) { ASN1_STRING *a1str; VALUE str; str = ossl_to_der(obj); if(!(a1str = ASN1_STRING_new())) ossl_raise(eASN1Error, NULL); ASN1_STRING_set(a1str, RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str)); return a1str; }
ASN1_TIME *asn1_time_from_tm(ASN1_TIME *s, struct tm *ts, int type) { char* p; ASN1_TIME *tmps = NULL; const size_t len = 20; if (type == V_ASN1_UNDEF) { if (is_utc(ts->tm_year)) type = V_ASN1_UTCTIME; else type = V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME; } else if (type == V_ASN1_UTCTIME) { if (!is_utc(ts->tm_year)) goto err; } else if (type != V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME) { goto err; } if (s == NULL) tmps = ASN1_STRING_new(); else tmps = s; if (tmps == NULL) return NULL; if (!ASN1_STRING_set(tmps, NULL, len)) goto err; tmps->type = type; p = (char*)tmps->data; if (type == V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME) tmps->length = BIO_snprintf(p, len, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", ts->tm_year + 1900, ts->tm_mon + 1, ts->tm_mday, ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min, ts->tm_sec); else tmps->length = BIO_snprintf(p, len, "%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", ts->tm_year % 100, ts->tm_mon + 1, ts->tm_mday, ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min, ts->tm_sec); #ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC_not ebcdic2ascii(tmps->data, tmps->data, tmps->length); #endif return tmps; err: if (tmps != s) ASN1_STRING_free(tmps); return NULL; }
static int set_altname(X509 *crt, ...) { int ret = 0; GENERAL_NAMES *gens = NULL; GENERAL_NAME *gen = NULL; ASN1_IA5STRING *ia5 = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, crt); gens = sk_GENERAL_NAME_new_null(); if (gens == NULL) goto out; while (1) { int type; const char *name; type = va_arg(ap, int); if (type == 0) break; name = va_arg(ap, const char *); gen = GENERAL_NAME_new(); if (gen == NULL) goto out; ia5 = ASN1_IA5STRING_new(); if (ia5 == NULL) goto out; if (!ASN1_STRING_set(ia5, name, -1)) goto out; switch (type) { case GEN_EMAIL: case GEN_DNS: GENERAL_NAME_set0_value(gen, type, ia5); ia5 = NULL; break; default: abort(); } sk_GENERAL_NAME_push(gens, gen); gen = NULL; } if (!X509_add1_ext_i2d(crt, NID_subject_alt_name, gens, 0, 0)) goto out; ret = 1; out: ASN1_IA5STRING_free(ia5); GENERAL_NAME_free(gen); GENERAL_NAMES_free(gens); va_end(ap); return ret; }
/* * call-seq: * spki.challenge = str => string * * === Parameters * * +str+ - the challenge string to be set for this instance * * Sets the challenge to be associated with the SPKI. May be used by the * server, e.g. to prevent replay. */ static VALUE ossl_spki_set_challenge(VALUE self, VALUE str) { NETSCAPE_SPKI *spki; StringValue(str); GetSPKI(self, spki); if (!ASN1_STRING_set(spki->spkac->challenge, RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LENINT(str))) { ossl_raise(eSPKIError, NULL); } return str; }
int ASN1_TYPE_set_octetstring(ASN1_TYPE *a, unsigned char *data, int len) { ASN1_STRING *os; if ((os = M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new()) == NULL) return (0); if (!ASN1_STRING_set(os, data, len)) { M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(os); return (0); } ASN1_TYPE_set(a, V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, os); return (1); }
static ASN1_OCTET_STRING * s2i_skey_id(X509V3_EXT_METHOD *method, X509V3_CTX *ctx, char *str) { ASN1_OCTET_STRING *oct; ASN1_BIT_STRING *pk; unsigned char pkey_dig[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int diglen; if (strcmp(str, "hash")) return s2i_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(method, ctx, str); if (!(oct = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new())) { X509V3error(ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } if (ctx && (ctx->flags == CTX_TEST)) return oct; if (!ctx || (!ctx->subject_req && !ctx->subject_cert)) { X509V3error(X509V3_R_NO_PUBLIC_KEY); goto err; } if (ctx->subject_req) pk = ctx->subject_req->req_info->pubkey->public_key; else pk = ctx->subject_cert->cert_info->key->public_key; if (!pk) { X509V3error(X509V3_R_NO_PUBLIC_KEY); goto err; } if (!EVP_Digest(pk->data, pk->length, pkey_dig, &diglen, EVP_sha1(), NULL)) goto err; if (!ASN1_STRING_set(oct, pkey_dig, diglen)) { X509V3error(ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } return oct; err: ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(oct); return NULL; }
int X509_alias_set1(X509 *x, unsigned char *name, int len) { X509_CERT_AUX *aux; if (!name) { if (!x || !x->aux || !x->aux->alias) return 1; ASN1_UTF8STRING_free(x->aux->alias); x->aux->alias = NULL; return 1; } if(!(aux = aux_get(x))) return 0; if(!aux->alias && !(aux->alias = ASN1_UTF8STRING_new())) return 0; return ASN1_STRING_set(aux->alias, name, len); }
int X509_keyid_set1(X509 *x, unsigned char *id, int len) { X509_CERT_AUX *aux; if (!id) { if (!x || !x->aux || !x->aux->keyid) return 1; ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(x->aux->keyid); x->aux->keyid = NULL; return 1; } if(!(aux = aux_get(x))) return 0; if(!aux->keyid && !(aux->keyid = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new())) return 0; return ASN1_STRING_set(aux->keyid, id, len); }
/* Convert an ASN1_TIME structure to GeneralizedTime */ static ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME * ASN1_TIME_to_generalizedtime_internal(ASN1_TIME *t, ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME **out) { ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *ret; char *str; int newlen; int i; if (!ASN1_TIME_check(t)) return NULL; ret = *out; /* If already GeneralizedTime just copy across */ if (t->type == V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME) { if (!ASN1_STRING_set(ret, t->data, t->length)) return NULL; return ret; } /* grow the string */ if (!ASN1_STRING_set(ret, NULL, t->length + 2)) return NULL; /* ASN1_STRING_set() allocated 'len + 1' bytes. */ newlen = t->length + 2 + 1; str = (char *)ret->data; /* XXX ASN1_TIME is not Y2050 compatible */ i = snprintf(str, newlen, "%s%s", (t->data[0] >= '5') ? "19" : "20", (char *) t->data); if (i == -1 || i >= newlen) { M_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_free(ret); *out = NULL; return NULL; } return ret; }
int PKCS5_pbe_set0_algor(X509_ALGOR *algor, int alg, int iter, const unsigned char *salt, int saltlen) { PBEPARAM *pbe = NULL; ASN1_STRING *pbe_str = NULL; unsigned char *sstr; pbe = PBEPARAM_new(); if (!pbe) { ASN1error(ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (iter <= 0) iter = PKCS5_DEFAULT_ITER; if (!ASN1_INTEGER_set(pbe->iter, iter)) { ASN1error(ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (!saltlen) saltlen = PKCS5_SALT_LEN; if (!ASN1_STRING_set(pbe->salt, NULL, saltlen)) { ASN1error(ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } sstr = ASN1_STRING_data(pbe->salt); if (salt) memcpy(sstr, salt, saltlen); else arc4random_buf(sstr, saltlen); if (!ASN1_item_pack(pbe, &PBEPARAM_it, &pbe_str)) { ASN1error(ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } PBEPARAM_free(pbe); pbe = NULL; if (X509_ALGOR_set0(algor, OBJ_nid2obj(alg), V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, pbe_str)) return 1; err: if (pbe != NULL) PBEPARAM_free(pbe); ASN1_STRING_free(pbe_str); return 0; }
ASN1_TIME* DateTime::getUTCTime() const throw(BigIntegerException) { ASN1_TIME *ret; DateVal date; stringstream stream; string tmp; string utc; date = DateTime::getDate(this->seconds); stream.setf(ios_base::right); stream.fill('0'); stream.width(2); //define um tamanho minimo de 2 chars stream << date.year; stream >> tmp; //pega apenas os dois numeros mais a direita if(tmp.size() > 2) { tmp = tmp.substr(tmp.size() - 2); } stream.clear(); stream.str(""); stream << tmp; stream.width(2); stream << (date.mon + 1); stream.width(2); stream << date.dayOfMonth; stream.width(2); stream << date.hour; stream.width(2); stream << date.min; stream.width(2); stream << date.sec; stream.width(1); stream << "Z"; utc = stream.str(); ret = M_ASN1_UTCTIME_new(); //pode retornar 1 no caso de falha de alocacao de memoria ASN1_STRING_set(ret, utc.c_str(), utc.size()); return ret; }
int ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string(ASN1_UTCTIME *s, const char *str) { ASN1_UTCTIME t; t.type = V_ASN1_UTCTIME; t.length = strlen(str); = (unsigned char *)str; if (ASN1_UTCTIME_check(&t)) { if (s != NULL) { if (!ASN1_STRING_set((ASN1_STRING *)s, str, t.length)) return 0; s->type = V_ASN1_UTCTIME; } return (1); } else return (0); }
int cms_DigestedData_do_final(CMS_ContentInfo *cms, BIO *chain, int verify) { EVP_MD_CTX mctx; unsigned char md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int mdlen; int r = 0; CMS_DigestedData *dd; EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mctx); dd = cms->d.digestedData; if (!cms_DigestAlgorithm_find_ctx(&mctx, chain, dd->digestAlgorithm)) goto err; if (EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mctx, md, &mdlen) <= 0) goto err; if (verify) { if (mdlen != (unsigned int)dd->digest->length) { CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_DIGESTEDDATA_DO_FINAL, CMS_R_MESSAGEDIGEST_WRONG_LENGTH); goto err; } if (TINYCLR_SSL_MEMCMP(md, dd->digest->data, mdlen)) CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_DIGESTEDDATA_DO_FINAL, CMS_R_VERIFICATION_FAILURE); else r = 1; } else { if (!ASN1_STRING_set(dd->digest, md, mdlen)) goto err; r = 1; } err: EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&mctx); return r; }
int GTPublicationsFile_getKeyHashByIndex( const GTPublicationsFile *publications_file, unsigned int key_hash_index, char **key_hash) { int res = GT_UNKNOWN_ERROR; GTPublicationsFile_KeyHashCell *cell; GTPublishedData *published_data = NULL; if (publications_file == NULL || key_hash_index >= publications_file->number_of_key_hashes || key_hash == NULL) { res = GT_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto cleanup; } cell = publications_file->key_hash_cells + key_hash_index; published_data = GTPublishedData_new(); if (published_data == NULL) { res = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } if (!GT_uint64ToASN1Integer( published_data->publicationIdentifier, cell->key_publication_time)) { res = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } if (!ASN1_STRING_set( published_data->publicationImprint, publications_file->data + cell->key_hash_imprint_offset, cell->key_hash_imprint_size)) { res = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } res = GT_publishedDataToBase32(published_data, key_hash); cleanup: GTPublishedData_free(published_data); return res; }
void *targets_s2i(UNUSED(struct v3_ext_method *method), UNUSED(struct v3_ext_ctx *ctx), char *data) { char *pos; char *list = strdup(data); char *back = list; AC_TARGETS *a = AC_TARGETS_new(); int attlist; do { pos = strchr(list, ','); if (pos) *pos = '\0'; { GENERAL_NAME *g = GENERAL_NAME_new(); ASN1_IA5STRING *tmpr = ASN1_IA5STRING_new(); AC_TARGET *targ = AC_TARGET_new(); if (!g || !tmpr || !targ) { GENERAL_NAME_free(g); ASN1_IA5STRING_free(tmpr); AC_TARGET_free(targ); goto err; } ASN1_STRING_set(tmpr, list, strlen(list)); g->type = GEN_URI; g->d.ia5 = tmpr; targ->name = g; sk_AC_TARGET_push(a->targets, targ); attlist++; } if (pos) list = ++pos; } while (pos); free(back); return a; err: free(back); AC_TARGETS_free(a); return NULL; }
static int cellToPublishedData( const GTPublicationsFile *publications_file, const GTPublicationsFile_Cell *cell, GTPublishedData **published_data) { int retval = GT_UNKNOWN_ERROR; GTPublishedData *tmp_published_data = NULL; assert(publications_file != NULL); assert(cell != NULL); assert(published_data != NULL); tmp_published_data = GTPublishedData_new(); if (tmp_published_data == NULL) { retval = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } if (!GT_uint64ToASN1Integer( tmp_published_data->publicationIdentifier, cell->publication_identifier)) { retval = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } if (!ASN1_STRING_set( tmp_published_data->publicationImprint, publications_file->data + cell->publication_imprint_offset, cell->publication_imprint_size)) { retval = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } *published_data = tmp_published_data; tmp_published_data = NULL; retval = GT_OK; cleanup: GTPublishedData_free(tmp_published_data); return retval; }
static ASN1_IA5STRING *s2i_ASN1_IA5STRING(X509V3_EXT_METHOD *method, X509V3_CTX *ctx, char *str) { ASN1_IA5STRING *ia5; if(!str) { OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(X509V3, s2i_ASN1_IA5STRING, X509V3_R_INVALID_NULL_ARGUMENT); return NULL; } if(!(ia5 = M_ASN1_IA5STRING_new())) goto err; if(!ASN1_STRING_set((ASN1_STRING *)ia5, (unsigned char*)str, strlen(str))) { M_ASN1_IA5STRING_free(ia5); goto err; } return ia5; err: OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(X509V3, s2i_ASN1_IA5STRING, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; }
int ASN1_TYPE_set_int_octetstring(ASN1_TYPE *a, long num, unsigned char *data, int len) { int n, size; ASN1_OCTET_STRING os, *osp; ASN1_INTEGER in; unsigned char *p; unsigned char buf[32]; /* when they have 256bit longs, * I'll be in trouble */ = buf; in.length = 32; = data; os.type = V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING; os.length = len; ASN1_INTEGER_set(&in, num); n = i2d_ASN1_INTEGER(&in, NULL); n += M_i2d_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(&os, NULL); size = ASN1_object_size(1, n, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE); if ((osp = ASN1_STRING_new()) == NULL) return (0); /* Grow the 'string' */ if (!ASN1_STRING_set(osp, NULL, size)) { ASN1_STRING_free(osp); return (0); } M_ASN1_STRING_length_set(osp, size); p = M_ASN1_STRING_data(osp); ASN1_put_object(&p, 1,n, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL); i2d_ASN1_INTEGER(&in, &p); M_i2d_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(&os, &p); ASN1_TYPE_set(a, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, osp); return (1); }
static ASN1_IA5STRING *s2i_ASN1_IA5STRING(X509V3_EXT_METHOD *method, X509V3_CTX *ctx, char *str) { ASN1_IA5STRING *ia5; if(!str) { X509V3err(X509V3_F_S2I_ASN1_IA5STRING,X509V3_R_INVALID_NULL_ARGUMENT); return NULL; } if(!(ia5 = M_ASN1_IA5STRING_new())) goto err; if(!ASN1_STRING_set((ASN1_STRING *)ia5, (unsigned char*)str, strlen(str))) { M_ASN1_IA5STRING_free(ia5); goto err; } #ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC ebcdic2ascii(ia5->data, ia5->data, ia5->length); #endif /*CHARSET_EBCDIC*/ return ia5; err: X509V3err(X509V3_F_S2I_ASN1_IA5STRING,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; }