Example #1
// NOTE: for derivation of the algorithm, see mathlib.doc
void operator^=(ANGLE3D &a3dAngles, const DOUBLEmatrix3D &t3dRotation) {
  ANGLE &h=a3dAngles(1);  // heading
  ANGLE &p=a3dAngles(2);  // pitch
  ANGLE &b=a3dAngles(3);  // banking
  DOUBLE a;            // temporary

  // calculate pitch
  p = ASin(-t3dRotation(2,3));
  a = sqrt(1-t3dRotation(2,3)*t3dRotation(2,3));

  // if pitch makes banking beeing the same as heading
  if (a<0.0001) {
    // we choose to have banking of 0
    b = 0;
    // and calculate heading for that
    ASSERT(Abs(t3dRotation(2,3))>0.5); // must be around 1, what is far from 0
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,2)/(-t3dRotation(2,3)), t3dRotation(1,1));  // no division by 0
  // otherwise
  } else {
    // calculate banking and heading normally
    b = ATan2(t3dRotation(2,1)/a, t3dRotation(2,2)/a);
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,3)/a, t3dRotation(3,3)/a);
  // snap angles to compensate for errors when converting to and from matrix notation
  Snap(h, ANGLE_SNAP);
  Snap(p, ANGLE_SNAP);
  Snap(b, ANGLE_SNAP);
Example #2
inline CVector3 CVector3::ToAngle() const
	if (x == 0.f && y == 0.f)
		return CVector3(z > 0.f ? -90.f : 90.f, 0.f, 0.f);

	return CVector3(-RAD2DEG(ASin(z / (Length() + M_EPSILON))), RAD2DEG(ATan2(y, x)), 0.f);
Example #3
 * Create angles in 3D from direction vector(ignoring banking).
void DirectionVectorToAnglesNoSnap(const FLOAT3D &vDirection, ANGLE3D &a3dAngles)
  // now calculate the angles
  ANGLE &h = a3dAngles(1);
  ANGLE &p = a3dAngles(2);
  ANGLE &b = a3dAngles(3);

  const FLOAT &x = vDirection(1);
  const FLOAT &y = vDirection(2);
  const FLOAT &z = vDirection(3);

  // banking is always irrelevant
  b = 0;
  // calculate pitch
  p = ASin(y);

  // if y is near +1 or -1
  if (y>0.99 || y<-0.99) {
    // heading is irrelevant
    h = 0;
  // otherwise
  } else {
    // calculate heading
    h = ATan2(-x, -z);
Example #4
// NOTE: for derivation of the algorithm, see mathlib.doc
void DecomposeRotationMatrixNoSnap(ANGLE3D &a3dAngles, const FLOATmatrix3D &t3dRotation)
  ANGLE &h=a3dAngles(1);  // heading
  ANGLE &p=a3dAngles(2);  // pitch
  ANGLE &b=a3dAngles(3);  // banking
  FLOAT a;            // temporary

  // calculate pitch
  FLOAT f23 = t3dRotation(2,3);
  p = ASin(-f23);
  a = Sqrt(1.0f-f23*f23);

  // if pitch makes banking beeing the same as heading
  if (a<0.001) {
    // we choose to have banking of 0
    b = 0;
    // and calculate heading for that
    ASSERT(Abs(t3dRotation(2,3))>0.5); // must be around 1, what is far from 0
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,2)/(-t3dRotation(2,3)), t3dRotation(1,1));  // no division by 0
  // otherwise
  } else {
    // calculate banking and heading normally
    b = ATan2(t3dRotation(2,1), t3dRotation(2,2));
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,3), t3dRotation(3,3));
Example #5
inline Vector3 QuaternionGetEulerAnglesInRadians(const Quaternion &quat)
	const float poleTest = 2.f * (quat.y * quat.w - quat.x * quat.z);
	const float errorMarginTest = 0.0001f;
	if(IsNear(poleTest, 1.f, errorMarginTest))
		const float x = 0;
		const float y = QuartTau();
		const float z = -2.f * ATan2(quat.x, quat.w);

		const Vector3 retVec = {x, y, z};

		return retVec;
	else if(IsNear(poleTest, -1.f, errorMarginTest))
		const float x = 0;
		const float y = -QuartTau();
		const float z = 2.f * ATan2(quat.x, quat.w);

		const Vector3 retVec = {x, y, z};

		return retVec;
		const float wSq = quat.w * quat.w;
		const float xSq = quat.x * quat.x;
		const float ySq = quat.y * quat.y;
		const float zSq = quat.z * quat.z;

		const float x = ATan2(2.f * (quat.y * quat.z + quat.x * quat.w), (-xSq - ySq + zSq + wSq));
		const float y = ASin(Clamp(poleTest, -1.f, 1.f));
		const float z = ATan2(2.f * (quat.x * quat.y + quat.z * quat.w), (xSq - ySq - zSq + wSq));

		const Vector3 retVec = {x, y, z};

		return retVec;
Example #6
/** 以确定的姿势(指倒着跑和正跑),跑到目标点
* Run to the destination point with a certain posture, forward or backword.
* \param agent the agent itself.
* \param act an atomic action caculated to go to pos for this cycle.
* \param pos the destination point.
* \param buffer point buffer, means the real destinantion is a cycle with the center
* 		of pos and radius of buffer.
* \param power the intend power to use.
* \param inverse true means run backward.
* \param turn_first true means that the agent should turn first to adjust the direction.
void Dasher::GoToPointWithCertainPosture(Agent & agent, AtomicAction & act, Vector target, double buffer, double power, const bool inverse, bool turn_first)

	const Vector & my_pre_pos = agent.Self().GetPredictedPos(1);
	double dist = my_pre_pos.Dist(target);
	AngleDeg dirdiff = inverse? GetNormalizeAngleDeg((my_pre_pos - target).Dir() - agent.GetSelf().GetBodyDir()): GetNormalizeAngleDeg((target - my_pre_pos).Dir() - agent.GetSelf().GetBodyDir()); //需要转身的角度

	double bufang;

	buffer = Max(0.05, buffer); //TODO: wait test

	if (buffer > FLOAT_EPS){
		bufang = ASin(buffer / dist / 2) * 2;
		bufang = Max(10.0, bufang);
	else {
		bufang = 0.0;

	if (fabs(dirdiff) > bufang){
		TurnDashPlaning(agent, act, target, buffer, power, inverse, turn_first);
	else {
		power = inverse? -fabs(power): fabs(power);
		power = agent.GetSelf().CorrectDashPowerForStamina(power);
		if (fabs(power) > FLOAT_EPS){
			act.mType = CT_Dash;
			act.mDashPower = AdjustPowerForDash(agent.Self(), target, buffer, power);
			act.mDashPower = agent.GetSelf().CorrectDashPowerForStamina(act.mDashPower);
			if (fabs(act.mDashPower) > FLOAT_EPS){
				act.mSucceed = true;
			else {
				act.mType = CT_None; //power为零时就不要执行了,没意义
				TurnDashPlaning(agent, act, target, buffer, power, inverse, turn_first);//再次考虑转身,以免漏掉一线好的转身的机会
Example #7
* player 以确定得姿势(指倒着跑和正跑),跑到 target 所需要的周期数
* This function returns the minimum cycles for a player to go to a target position with 
* a certain posture, forward or backward.
* @param player the player to caculate.
* @param target the target position to go to.
* @param inverse true means running backwards.
* @param buffer 
* @return an integer to show the minimum cycles caculated.
int Dasher::CycleNeedToPointWithCertainPosture(const PlayerState & player, Vector target, const bool inverse, double *buf)
	int cycle = 0; //用的周期

	const double & decay = player.GetPlayerDecay();
	const double & speedmax = player.GetEffectiveSpeedMax();
	const double & stamina = player.GetStamina();
	const double & stamina_inc_max = player.GetStaminaIncMax();
	const double & dash_max = ServerParam::instance().maxDashPower();
	const Vector & pos = player.GetPos();
	const Vector & vel = player.GetVel();

	const double accrate = player.GetDashPowerRate() * player.GetEffort();
	double speed = vel.Mod();

	const Vector predict_pos_1 = pos + vel;
	const Vector predict_pos_2 = predict_pos_1 + vel * decay;
	const double dir = (target - pos).Dir();
	double dis = (target - predict_pos_1).Mod();

	const double kick_area = player.IsGoalie()? ServerParam::instance().catchAreaLength(): (player.GetKickableArea() - GETBALL_BUFFER);

	if (dis <= kick_area){
		dis = pos.Dist(target);
		if (buf) *buf = 0;
		return 1;

	double facing;
	if (player.IsBodyDirValid()) {
		facing = player.GetBodyDir();
	else if (speed > 0.26){
		facing = vel.Dir();
	else {
		facing = dir; //认为不用转身

	double diffang = fabs(GetNormalizeAngleDeg(dir - facing));
	const double oneturnang = player.GetMaxTurnAngle();
	const double stamina_recovery_thr = ServerParam::instance().recoverDecThr() * ServerParam::instance().staminaMax();

	double angbuf = FLOAT_EPS;
	angbuf = ASin(kick_area / dis);
	angbuf = Max(angbuf , 15.0);

	if (inverse) {
		diffang = 180.0 - diffang;
		facing = GetNormalizeAngleDeg(180.0 + facing);

	//I 调整阶段
	if(diffang <= angbuf){ //不需要转身
		target = (target - pos).Rotate(-facing);
		dis = fabs(target.X());
		double y = fabs(target.Y());
		if(y < kick_area){
			dis -= sqrt(kick_area * kick_area - y * y);
		speed *= Cos(vel.Dir() - facing); //身体方向上的投影
	else if(diffang <= oneturnang){
		cycle += 1;
		target -= predict_pos_1;
		speed *= Cos(vel.Dir() - dir); //取得目标方向的投影
		speed *= decay;//进行投影.垂直方向1个周期后衰减到10+厘米了,并且在1turn时可加入考虑修正掉
		dis = target.Mod();
		dis -= kick_area;
	else{ //认为转身两下(不细致)
		cycle += 2;
		target -= predict_pos_2;
		speed *= Cos(vel.Dir() - dir); //取得目标方向的投影
		speed *= decay * decay;//进行投影.垂直方向1个周期后衰减到10+厘米了,并且在1turn时可加入考虑修正掉
		dis = target.Mod();
		dis -= kick_area;

	if (dis <= 0){
		if(buf != NULL){
			*buf = -dis / ( speed / decay);
			*buf = Min(*buf , 0.99);
		return Max(cycle, 0);

	//II 加速 & 消耗体力阶段
	const double stamina_used_per_cycle = inverse? dash_max * 2.0: dash_max;
	const int full_cyc = int((stamina - stamina_recovery_thr) / (stamina_used_per_cycle - stamina_inc_max)); //满体力阶段
	int acc_cyc = 0;//加速阶段
	const double speedmax_thr = speedmax * decay * 0.98;
	const double accmax = accrate * dash_max;

	while(acc_cyc < full_cyc && speed < speedmax_thr){
		speed += accmax;
		if(speed > speedmax){
			speed = speedmax;
		dis -= speed;
		if(dis <= 0){//还没加速到最大就跑到了...
			cycle += acc_cyc + 1;
			if(buf != NULL){
				*buf = -dis /( speed / decay );
				*buf = Min(*buf , 0.99);
			return Max(cycle, 0);
		speed *= decay;
		++ acc_cyc;

	cycle += acc_cyc;

	//III 满体匀速阶段
	int aver_cyc = full_cyc - acc_cyc;
	double aver_cyc_dis = aver_cyc * speedmax;
	if(aver_cyc_dis >= dis){
		if(buf != NULL){
			double realcyc = cycle + dis / speedmax;
			cycle = int( ceil(realcyc) );
			*buf = cycle - realcyc;
			return Max(cycle, 0);

			cycle = int(ceil( cycle + dis / speedmax));
			return Max(cycle, 0);
		cycle += aver_cyc;
		dis -= aver_cyc_dis;

	//IV 没体(0消耗)减速阶段
	double acc_tired = stamina_inc_max * accrate;
	double speed_tired = acc_tired / (1 - decay);
	double speed_tired_thr = speed_tired * decay;
	speed *= decay;
	while(dis > 0 && fabs(speed - speed_tired_thr) > 0.004){
		speed += acc_tired;
		dis -= speed;
		speed *= decay;

	if(dis <= 0){
		if(buf != NULL){
			*buf = -dis / ( speed / decay);
			*buf = Min(*buf , 0.99);
		return Max(cycle, 0);

	//V 没体(0消耗)匀速阶段

    if( buf != NULL){
        double realcyc = cycle + dis / speed_tired;
        cycle = int( ceil( realcyc ) );
        *buf = cycle - realcyc;
        return Max(cycle, 0);
    	cycle = cycle + int(ceil ( dis / speed_tired));
    	return Max(cycle, 0);
Example #8
* 考虑转身或直接dash
* Planing to turn or to dash.
* @param agent the agent itself.
* @param act an atomic action to return the caculated decision.
* @param target the target position to go to.
* @param buffer
* @param power the intend power for dash.
* @param inverse true means running backwards.
* @param turn_first true means turn first manually.
void Dasher::TurnDashPlaning(Agent & agent, AtomicAction & act, Vector target, double buffer, double power, bool inverse, bool turn_first)

	power = inverse? -fabs(power): fabs(power);
	power = agent.GetSelf().CorrectDashPowerForStamina(power);

	PlayerState & self = agent.Self();
	const Vector & my_pre_pos = self.GetPredictedPos(1);
	double target_dist = my_pre_pos.Dist(target);
	AngleDeg target_ang = inverse? GetNormalizeAngleDeg((my_pre_pos - target).Dir() - agent.GetSelf().GetBodyDir()): GetNormalizeAngleDeg((target - my_pre_pos).Dir() - agent.GetSelf().GetBodyDir()); //需要转身的角度

	//处理转身问题,可能1dash + 1turn更好
	double bufang;
	if(buffer > FLOAT_EPS){
		bufang = ASin(buffer / target_dist / 2) * 2;
		bufang = Max(10.0, bufang);
		bufang = 0.0;

	const double & effort = self.GetEffort();
	const double & accrate = self.GetDashPowerRate();
	const double & inertia_moment = self.GetInertiaMoment();
	const double & decay = self.GetPlayerDecay();
	const double & speedmax = self.GetEffectiveSpeedMax();
	const Vector & vel = self.GetVel();

	const double & facing = self.GetBodyDir();
	double speed = vel.Mod();

	double diffang = fabs(target_ang);
    double oneturnang = self.GetMaxTurnAngle();
	if(buffer < FLOAT_EPS && target_dist > 2.6){
		oneturnang += 2.6;

	if(turn_first || diffang <= oneturnang || speed < 0.04){ //由于噪声的存在,在非身体方向也有速度,调也调不过来,太小时不如直接转,0.04是一般队员的误差极值
		act.mType = CT_Turn;
		act.mTurnAngle = target_ang;
		act.mSucceed = true;
	else {
		//计算1 dash + 1turn;
		double mspd1 = (180.0/ ( diffang + 10 ) - 1.0 ) / inertia_moment; //10是buf,不然容易调整后正好还转不过来
		double dash2spd = Min(mspd1 / decay, speedmax) / (1 + ServerParam::instance().playerRand());

		if( fabs(GetNormalizeAngleDeg(vel.Dir() - facing)) > 90.0){
			speed = -speed;

		double spd_inf = Max(speed - accrate * ServerParam::instance().maxDashPower(), -dash2spd);
		double spd_sup = Min(speed + accrate * ServerParam::instance().maxDashPower(), dash2spd);
		Ray cur_r(self.GetPos(), facing);
		Vector pt_inf = cur_r.GetPoint(spd_inf * (1.0 + decay));
		Vector pt_sup = cur_r.GetPoint(spd_sup * (1.0 + decay));
		Vector pt;//要取得点
		bool bnegtive;//要跑的点是不是在身后
		Line pdl = Line(cur_r).GetPerpendicular(target);//垂线
		if(pdl.IsPointInSameSide(pt_inf, pt_sup)){
			if(fabs(GetNormalizeAngleDeg(facing-target_ang)) < 90.0){
				pt = pt_sup;
				bnegtive = (spd_sup<0);
				pt = pt_inf;
				bnegtive = (spd_inf<0);
			double dist;
			bnegtive = !cur_r.Intersection(pdl, dist); //垂点
			pt = cur_r.GetPoint(dist);
		double dis = pt.Dist(target);//两个周期后离point的距离,用来compare with 2 turn
		double twoturnang = oneturnang + 180.0 / (1.0 + inertia_moment * fabs(speed) * decay);
		if(twoturnang > diffang){
			const Vector & pt2 = self.GetPredictedPos(2);
			double dis2 = pt2.Dist(target);
			if(dis2 < dis || diffang > 102.6){ //一次转太大,误差也大不如直接2turn
				act.mType = CT_Turn;
				act.mTurnAngle = target_ang;
				act.mSucceed = true;
		double spd_need;
			spd_need = -(pt - self.GetPos()).Mod() / (1.0 + decay);
			spd_need = (pt - self.GetPos()).Mod() / (1.0 + decay);
		double turnang_after_dash = 180.0 / (1.0 + inertia_moment * fabs(spd_need) * decay) - 5.0;
		if(GetAngleDegDiffer((target - pt).Dir(), facing) > turnang_after_dash ){
			act.mType = CT_Turn;
			act.mTurnAngle = target_ang;
			act.mSucceed = true;
		double power = ( spd_need - speed ) / accrate / effort;

		power = MinMax(-ServerParam::instance().maxDashPower(), power, ServerParam::instance().maxDashPower());

		//I over
		act.mType = CT_Dash;
		act.mDashPower = AdjustPowerForDash(self, pt, FLOAT_EPS, power);
		act.mDashPower = agent.GetSelf().CorrectDashPowerForStamina(act.mDashPower);
		if(fabs(act.mDashPower) > FLOAT_EPS)
			act.mSucceed = true;
		else {
			act.mType = CT_Turn; //power为零时就不要执行了,没意义
			act.mTurnAngle = 0.0;
			act.mSucceed = true;
Example #9
/* we always reason about the right trajectory for the ball leave velocity
   correction for dokick */
KickToRes turnball_kick(AngleDeg target_dir, TurnDir rotate, 
		  Bool StopBall, TurnKickCommand* pCom,
		  float EndDist, float closeMarg, float kickFac)
  float dir;
  float dist;
  Vector btraj;

  pCom->time = -1;
  pCom->turn_neck = FALSE;
  DebugKick(printf("\nat turnball_kick: target_dir: %f\n", target_dir));
  LogAction4(60, "Turnball_kick: targ_dir: %.1f  dir: %d", target_dir, (int)rotate);
  //DebugKick(printf("HERE Time: %d\n", Mem->CurrentTime.t));
  /* the pos valid is not really right - if we are turning the ball and didn't
     actually see it last time, then there's a problem */
  if ( !Mem->BallPositionValid() || !Mem->BallKickable() ) {
    LogAction2(90, "turnball_kick: lost the ball");
    return KT_LostBall;

  /* if the velocity isn's valid, turn to face ball */
  if ( !Mem->BallVelocityValid() ) {
    float ball_ang_from_body = Mem->BallAngleFromBody(); /* for efficiency */
    LogAction2(90, "turnball_kick: vel is not valid, looking at it");
    DebugKick(printf("turning to face ball\n"));
    if (Mem->CanSeeBallWithNeck()) {
      pCom->time = Mem->CurrentTime;
      pCom->type = CMD_kick;
      pCom->angle = ball_ang_from_body + 180;
      pCom->power = Mem->CP_stop_ball_power;

      pCom->turn_neck = TRUE;
      pCom->turn_neck_angle = Mem->LimitTurnNeckAngle(Mem->BallAngleFromNeck());
    } else {
      /* turn body to face ball, and turn neck to straight ahead */
      pCom->time = Mem->CurrentTime;
      pCom->type = CMD_turn;
	pCom->turn_neck = TRUE;
      if (fabs(ball_ang_from_body) > Mem->MaxEffectiveTurn()) {
	/* out body can't get to where we want to go */
	pCom->angle = 180; /* get our maximum effective turn */
	pCom->turn_neck_angle = ball_ang_from_body -
      } else {
	pCom->angle = ball_ang_from_body;
	pCom->turn_neck_angle = -Mem->MyNeckRelAng();
    return KT_TurnedToBall;
  DebugKick(printf(" ball.dist: %f\t.dir: %f\n",
	 Mem->BallDistance(), Mem->BallAngle()));
  DebugKick(printf(" HERE ball.vel.x: %f\t.y: %f\tmod: %f\n",
	 Mem->BallRelativeVelocity().x, Mem->BallRelativeVelocity().y,
  DebugKick(printf(" ball.rpos.x: %f\t.y: %f\n",
	 Mem->BallRelativePosition().x, Mem->BallRelativePosition().y));
  DebugKick(printf(" target_dir: %f\n", target_dir));

  if ( fabs(GetNormalizeAngleDeg(target_dir - Mem->BallAngleFromBody())) < Mem->CP_KickTo_err) {
    /* Do something to indicate we are done */
    if (!StopBall || Mem->BallSpeed() < Mem->CP_max_ignore_vel)
      return KT_DidNothing;
    LogAction2(90, "turnball_kick: we're there, stopping the ball");
    DebugKick(printf("  Stop ball kick\n"));
    dir = 0;
    dist = 0;    
    PlayerMovementCorrection(&dir, &dist);
    *pCom = dokick(dir, dist, 1.0);
    pCom->turn_neck = FALSE;
    return KT_Success;

  if (rotate == TURN_AVOID) {
    rotate = RotToAvoidOpponent(target_dir + Mem->MyBodyAng());
  if (rotate == TURN_CLOSEST) {
    rotate = RotClosest(target_dir + Mem->MyBodyAng());
  if (is_straight_kick(target_dir, EndDist, closeMarg)) {
    float pow;
    btraj = Polar2Vector(EndDist, target_dir) - Mem->BallRelativeToBodyPosition();
    dir = btraj.dir();
    dist = btraj.mod();
    /* now we're goign to do some distance twiddling to get the ball to
       get to the right angle and stop */
    pow = dist / Mem->BallKickRate();
    pow = Min(pow, Mem->CP_max_turn_kick_pow);
    dist = pow * Mem->BallKickRate();
    LogAction4(90, "turnball_kick: striaght kick: dist %f at %f", dist, dir);
    DebugKick(printf("  Straight kick# dir: %f dist: %f\n", dir, dist));
    PlayerMovementCorrection(&dir, &dist);
    *pCom = dokick(dir, dist, 1.0);
    pCom->turn_neck = FALSE;

  } else if (Mem->BallDistance() < closeMarg) {

    /* ball is too close to do a tangent kick, so do a kick at 90 degrees */
    dir = ((int)rotate)*(-90) + Mem->BallAngleFromBody();
    dist = 2.0*sqrt(Sqr(Mem->CP_opt_ctrl_dist) - Sqr(Mem->BallDistance()));
    LogAction2(90, "turnball_kick: 90 deg kick");
    DebugKick(printf("  Close kick# dir: %f dist: %f\n", dir, dist));
    PlayerMovementCorrection(&dir, &dist);
    *pCom = dokick(dir, dist, kickFac);
    pCom->turn_neck = FALSE;

  } else {

    /* do a turning kick */
    /* we make a circle around the player of radius closeMarg
       and calculate the trajectory that goes in the right direction and is
       tangent to the circle */
    dir = 180 + Mem->BallAngleFromBody() + ((int)rotate)*ASin(closeMarg / Mem->BallDistance());
    DebugKick(printf(" ball dist: %f\tclosest_margin: %f\n",
	   Mem->BallDistance(), closeMarg));
    dist = sqrt(Sqr(Mem->BallDistance()) - Sqr(closeMarg));
    dist +=
      sqrt(Sqr(Mem->CP_opt_ctrl_dist) - Sqr(closeMarg));
    DebugKick(printf("  Turning ball# dir: %f dist: %f\n", dir, dist));
    LogAction2(90, "turnball_kick: turning kick");
    PlayerMovementCorrection(&dir, &dist);
    *pCom = dokick(dir, dist, kickFac);
    pCom->turn_neck = FALSE;


  return KT_DidKick;
 inline Big<Exponent, Mantissa> asin(Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const& v)
     return ASin(v);