Example #1
NODESIZE CNodeWord::Draw( const PVIEWINFO View, int x, int y )
    int tx;
    NODESIZE DrawSize;
    WORD *Data;

    if (m_bHidden)
        return DrawHidden( View, x, y );

    Data = (WORD*)(View->Data + m_Offset);

    AddSelection( View, 0, y, g_FontHeight );
    AddDelete( View, x, y );
    AddTypeDrop( View, x, y );

    tx = x + TXOFFSET;
    tx = AddIcon( View, tx, y, ICON_UNSIGNED, HS_NONE, HS_NONE );
    tx = AddAddressOffset( View, tx, y );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrType, HS_NONE, _T( "WORD  " ) );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrName, HS_NAME, _T( "%s" ), m_strName );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrName, HS_NONE, _T( " = " ) );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrValue, HS_EDIT, g_bUnsignedHex ? _T( "0x%X" ) : _T( "%u" ), *Data ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddComment( View, tx, y );

    DrawSize.x = tx;
    DrawSize.y = y + g_FontHeight;
    return DrawSize;
Example #2
void ASNLexer::SkipComment(void)
    CComment& comment = AddComment();
    while ( true ) {
        // wait for end of comments
        char c = Char();
        switch ( c ) {
        case '\n':
        case 0:
            if ( Eof() )
        case '-':
            if ( Char(1) == '-' ) {
        case '*':
            if ( Char(1) == '/' ) {
Example #3
NODESIZE CNodeFloat::Draw( const PVIEWINFO View, int x, int y )
    int tx;
    NODESIZE DrawSize;
    float* Data;

    if (m_bHidden)
        return DrawHidden( View, x, y );

    Data = (float*)(View->Data + m_Offset);
    AddSelection( View, 0, y, g_FontHeight );
    AddDelete( View, x, y );
    AddTypeDrop( View, x, y );

    tx = x + TXOFFSET;
    tx = AddIcon( View, tx, y, ICON_FLOAT, HS_NONE, HS_NONE );
    tx = AddAddressOffset( View, tx, y );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrType, HS_NONE, _T( "float " ) );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrName, HS_NAME, _T( "%s" ), m_strName );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrName, HS_NONE, _T( " = " ) );
    //tx = AddText(View,tx,y,g_clrValue,0,"%.4f",pMemory[0]) + FontWidth;

    //if ( *pMemory > -99999.0f && *pMemory < 99999.0f )
    //	*pMemory = 0;

    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrValue, HS_EDIT, _T( "%4.3f" ), *Data ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddComment( View, tx, y );

    DrawSize.x = tx;
    DrawSize.y = y + g_FontHeight;
    return DrawSize;
void UMaterialGraph::RebuildGraph()



	if (!MaterialFunction)
		// Initialize the material input list.
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetBaseColorPinName(), MP_BaseColor, LOCTEXT( "BaseColorToolTip", "Defines the overall color of the Material. Each channel is automatically clamped between 0 and 1" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetMetallicPinName(), MP_Metallic, LOCTEXT( "MetallicToolTip", "Controls how \"metal-like\" your surface looks like") ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Specular", "Specular"), MP_Specular, LOCTEXT("SpecularToolTip", "Used to scale the current amount of specularity on non-metallic surfaces and is a value between 0 and 1, default at 0.5") ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT( "Roughness", "Roughness" ), MP_Roughness, LOCTEXT( "RoughnessToolTip", "Controls how rough the Material is. Roughness of 0 (smooth) is a mirror reflection and 1 (rough) is completely matte or diffuse" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetEmissivePinName(), MP_EmissiveColor, LOCTEXT( "EmissiveToolTip", "Controls which parts of your Material will appear to glow" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Opacity", "Opacity"), MP_Opacity, LOCTEXT( "OpacityToolTip", "Controls the transluecency of the Material" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("OpacityMask", "Opacity Mask"), MP_OpacityMask, LOCTEXT( "OpacityMaskToolTip", "When in Masked mode, a Material is either completely visible or completely invisible" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetNormalPinName(), MP_Normal, LOCTEXT( "NormalToolTip", "Takes the input of a normal map" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetWorldPositionOffsetPinName(), MP_WorldPositionOffset, LOCTEXT( "WorldPositionOffsetToolTip", "Allows for the vertices of a mesh to be manipulated in world space by the Material" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT( "WorldDisplacement", "World Displacement" ), MP_WorldDisplacement, LOCTEXT( "WorldDisplacementToolTip", "Allows for the tessellation vertices to be manipulated in world space by the Material" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("TessellationMultiplier", "Tessellation Multiplier"), MP_TessellationMultiplier, LOCTEXT( "TessllationMultiplierToolTip", "Controls the amount tessellation along the surface" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetSubsurfacePinName(), MP_SubsurfaceColor, LOCTEXT( "SubsurfaceToolTip", "Allows you to add a color to your Material to simulate shifts in color when light passes through the surface" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetCustomDataPinName(0), MP_CustomData0, GetCustomDataPinName( 0 ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetCustomDataPinName(1), MP_CustomData1, GetCustomDataPinName( 1 ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("AmbientOcclusion", "Ambient Occlusion"), MP_AmbientOcclusion, LOCTEXT( "AmbientOcclusionToolTip", "Simulate the self-shadowing that happens within crevices of a surface" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Refraction", "Refraction"), MP_Refraction, LOCTEXT( "RefractionToolTip", "Takes in a texture or value that simulates the index of refraction of the surface" ) ) );

		for (int32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(Material->CustomizedUVs); UVIndex++)
			//@todo - localize
			MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( FText::FromString(FString::Printf(TEXT("Customized UV%u"), UVIndex)), (EMaterialProperty)(MP_CustomizedUVs0 + UVIndex), FText::FromString(FString::Printf( TEXT( "CustomizedUV%uToolTip" ), UVIndex ) ) ) );

		MaterialInputs.Add(FMaterialInputInfo(LOCTEXT("PixelDepthOffset", "Pixel Depth Offset"), MP_PixelDepthOffset, LOCTEXT( "PixelDepthOffsetToolTip", "Pixel Depth Offset" ) ));

		//^^^ New material properties go above here. ^^^^
		MaterialInputs.Add(FMaterialInputInfo(LOCTEXT("MaterialAttributes", "Material Attributes"), MP_MaterialAttributes, LOCTEXT( "MaterialAttributesToolTip", "Material Attributes" ) ));

		// Add Root Node
		FGraphNodeCreator<UMaterialGraphNode_Root> NodeCreator(*this);
		RootNode = NodeCreator.CreateNode();
		RootNode->Material = Material;

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->Expressions.Num(); Index++)

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->EditorComments.Num(); Index++)

Example #5
void UMaterialGraph::RebuildGraph()



	if (!MaterialFunction)
		// Initialize the material input list.
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("BaseColor", "Base Color"), MP_BaseColor ) );	
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Metallic", "Metallic"), MP_Metallic ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Specular", "Specular"), MP_Specular ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Roughness", "Roughness"), MP_Roughness ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("EmissiveColor", "Emissive Color"), MP_EmissiveColor ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Opacity", "Opacity"), MP_Opacity ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("OpacityMask", "Opacity Mask"), MP_OpacityMask ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Normal", "Normal"), MP_Normal ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("WorldPositionOffset", "World Position Offset"), MP_WorldPositionOffset ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("WorldDisplacement", "World Displacement"), MP_WorldDisplacement ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("TessellationMultiplier", "Tessellation Multiplier"), MP_TessellationMultiplier ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("SubsurfaceColor", "Subsurface Color"), MP_SubsurfaceColor ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("ClearCoat", "Clear Coat"), MP_ClearCoat ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("ClearCoatRoughness", "Clear Coat Roughness"), MP_ClearCoatRoughness ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("AmbientOcclusion", "Ambient Occlusion"), MP_AmbientOcclusion ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Refraction", "Refraction"), MP_Refraction) );

		for (int32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(Material->CustomizedUVs); UVIndex++)
			//@todo - localize
			MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( FText::FromString(FString::Printf(TEXT("Customized UV%u"), UVIndex)), (EMaterialProperty)(MP_CustomizedUVs0 + UVIndex)) );

		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("MaterialAttributes", "Material Attributes"), MP_MaterialAttributes) );

		// Add Root Node
		FGraphNodeCreator<UMaterialGraphNode_Root> NodeCreator(*this);
		RootNode = NodeCreator.CreateNode();
		RootNode->Material = Material;

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->Expressions.Num(); Index++)

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->EditorComments.Num(); Index++)

Example #6
bool XMLInOut::SetupDoc(void)

    /* Create a new XML buffer, to which the XML document will be
     * written */

    buf = xmlBufferCreate();
    if (buf == NULL) {
        cout << "testXmlwriterMemory: Error creating the xml buffer\n" << endl;
        return false;

    /* Create a new XmlWriter for memory, with no compression.
     * Remark: there is no compression for this kind of xmlTextWriter */
    writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0);
    if (writer == NULL) {
        cout << "testXmlwriterMemory: Error creating the xml writer\n" << endl;
        return false;

    if (xmlTextWriterSetIndent(writer, 1) < 0)
    	return false;

    /* Start the document with the xml default for the version,
     * encoding ISO 8859-1 and the default for the standalone
     * declaration. */
    rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "ISO-8859-1", NULL);
    if (rc < 0) {
            ("testXmlwriterMemory: Error at xmlTextWriterStartDocument\n");
        return false;

    if (AddElement("neuron-brain") < 0)
    	return false;

    if (AddElement("MACROGROUP") < 0)
    	return false;

    // Important addition. When doing a MarkSection(), the # bytes wont be valid for what your
    // intuition tells you. The above <MACROGROUP> at this stage isn't closed due to possible
    // content and attributes. The comment forces things to "end" making the buffer ok for marking.
    if (AddComment("The Real Group of commands starts here.") < 0)
    	return false;


    return true;
OP_STATUS External_SSL_CommCertificateDisplayContext::CreateComments(int errors)
	const ServerName *server = m_comm_object->GetRealServerName();
	const uni_char *server_name;
	OpSSLListener::SSLCertificate *certificate;
	uni_char *comment_temp;
	if (!server || !(server_name = server->UniName()) || !(certificate = m_display_certificates.Get(0)) || !(comment_temp = (uni_char *) g_memory_manager->GetTempBufUni()))
		return OpStatus::ERR;

	unsigned int comment_temp_len = g_memory_manager->GetTempBufUniLenUniChar();
	if (errors & OpSocket::CERT_NO_CHAIN)
		// FIXME: not sure this is the correct comment
		RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddComment(Str::S_CERT_UNKNOWN_CA, comment_temp, comment_temp_len, certificate->GetFullName(), certificate->GetIssuer()));

	if (errors & OpSocket::CERT_INCOMPLETE_CHAIN)
		// FIXME: not sure this is the correct comment		
		RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddComment(Str::S_CERT_UNKNOWN_CA, comment_temp, comment_temp_len, certificate->GetFullName(), certificate->GetIssuer()));

		RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddComment(Str::S_CERT_MISMATCH_SERVERNAME, comment_temp, comment_temp_len, server_name, certificate->GetFullName()));

	if (errors & OpSocket::CERT_EXPIRED)
		RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddComment(Str::S_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED, comment_temp, comment_temp_len, certificate->GetFullName(), certificate->GetValidTo()));
	return OpStatus::OK;
Example #8
NODESIZE CNodeHex64::Draw( const PVIEWINFO View, int x, int y )
    int tx;
    NODESIZE DrawSize;
    const UCHAR* Data;

    if (m_bHidden)
        return DrawHidden( View, x, y );

    Data = (const UCHAR*)(View->Data + m_Offset);
    AddSelection( View, 0, y, g_FontHeight );
    AddDelete( View, x, y );
    AddTypeDrop( View, x, y );

    tx = x + TXOFFSET + 16;
    tx = AddAddressOffset( View, tx, y );

    if (g_bText)
        CStringA AsciiMemory = GetStringFromMemoryA( (const char*)Data, 8 ) + " ";
        tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrChar, HS_NONE, "%s", AsciiMemory.GetBuffer( ) );

    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 0, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[0] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 1, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[1] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 2, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[2] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 3, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[3] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 4, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[4] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 5, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[5] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 6, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[6] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 7, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[7] ) + g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddComment( View, tx, y );

    DrawSize.x = tx;
    DrawSize.y = y + g_FontHeight;
    return DrawSize;
Example #9
token_t Parser::NextToken()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    Return the next token, skipping comments and gathering long text
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    text opening, closing;
    while (true)
        token_t pend = pending;
        if (pend != tokNONE && pend != tokNEWLINE)
            pending = tokNONE;
            beginningLine = false;
            return pend;

        // Here, there's nothing pending or only a newline
        token_t result = scanner.NextToken();
        hadSpaceBefore = scanner.HadSpaceBefore();
        hadSpaceAfter = scanner.HadSpaceAfter();

        case tokNAME:
        case tokSYMBOL:
            opening = scanner.NameValue();
            if (opening == "syntax")
                syntax.ReadSyntaxFile(scanner, 0);
            else if (syntax.IsComment(opening, closing))
                // Skip comments, keep looking to get the right indentation
                text comment = opening + scanner.Comment(closing);
                if (closing == "\n" && pend == tokNONE)
                    // If we had comments after a token, add them to that token
                    if (!beginningLine && comments.size() && commented)
                        AddComments(commented, false);
                        commented = NULL;

                    pending = tokNEWLINE;
                    beginningLine = true;
                    // Don't change beginningLine in: /* ... */ /* ... */
            else if (syntax.IsTextDelimiter(opening, closing))
                text longText = scanner.Comment(closing, false);
                ulong cLen = closing.length();
                longText.erase(longText.length() - cLen, cLen);
                openquote = opening;
                closequote = closing;
                if (pend == tokNEWLINE)
                    pending = tokLONGSTRING;
                    return tokNEWLINE;
                if (closing == "\n" && pend == tokNONE)
                    pending = tokNEWLINE;
                    beginningLine = true;
                    beginningLine = false;
                return tokLONGSTRING;

            // If the next token has a substatement infix priority,
            // this takes over any pending newline. Example: else
            if (pend == tokNEWLINE)
                int prefixPrio = syntax.PrefixPriority(opening);
                if (prefixPrio == syntax.default_priority)
                    int infixPrio = syntax.InfixPriority(opening);
                    if (infixPrio < syntax.statement_priority)
                        pending = pend = tokNONE;

            // All comments after this will be following the token
            beginningLine = false;
        case tokNEWLINE:
            // Record actual new-lines and preceding comment
            opening = scanner.TextValue();
            if (!opening.empty())

                // If we had comments after a token, add them to that token
                if (!beginningLine && comments.size() && commented)
                    AddComments(commented, false);
                    commented = NULL;

            // Combine newline with any previous pending indent
            pending = tokNEWLINE;
            beginningLine = true;
        case tokUNINDENT:
            opening = scanner.TextValue();
            if (!opening.empty())

                // If we had comments after a token, add them to that token
                if (!beginningLine && comments.size() && commented)
                    AddComments(commented, false);
                    commented = NULL;

            // Add newline if what comes next isn't an infix like 'else'
            pending = tokNEWLINE;
            beginningLine = true;
            return result;
        case tokINDENT:
            // If we had a new-line followed by indent, ignore the new line
            pending = tokNONE;
            beginningLine = true;
            return result;
            beginningLine = false;
        } // switch (result)

        // If we have another token here and a pending newline, push
        // the other token back.
        if (pend != tokNONE)
            pending = result;
            beginningLine = true;
            return pend;

        return result;
    } // While loop
Example #10
QString toSQLParse::indentStatement(statement &stat, int level/*SQLITEMAN, toSyntaxAnalyzer &syntax*/)
	QString ret;

	switch (stat.Type)
			QMessageBox::warning(QApplication::activeWindow(), "Sqliteman",
								 "toSQLparse: Internal error in toSQLParse, should never get here");
	case statement::Block:
		ret = IndentComment(level, 0, stat.Comment, false);
		int exc = 0;
		for (std::list<toSQLParse::statement>::iterator i = stat.subTokens().begin();
				i != stat.subTokens().end();
			int add
			= 0;
			std::list<toSQLParse::statement>::iterator j = i;
			if (i != stat.subTokens().begin() &&
					j != stat.subTokens().end())
				= Settings.IndentLevel;
				exc = 0;

			QString t;
			if ((*i).subTokens().begin() != (*i).subTokens().
				t = (*(*i).subTokens().begin()).String.toUpper();
			if (t == ("BEGIN") || t == ("WHEN") || t == ("ELSE") || t == ("ELSIF"))
				= 0;
			if ((*i).Type == statement::List)
				ret += indentString(level + add
									+ exc);
			ret += indentStatement(*i, level + add
								   + exc/*SQLITEMAN , syntax*/);
			if ((*i).Type == statement::List)
				int i;
				for (i = ret.length() - 1;i >= 0 && ret[i].isSpace();i--)
				ret = ret.mid(0, std::max(i + 1, 0));
				ret += ("\n");
				ret += indentString(level + exc);
			if (t == ("EXCEPTION"))
				exc = Settings.IndentLevel * 2;
		if (Settings.EndBlockNewline && level != 0)
			ret += ("\n");
	case statement::List:
	case statement::Statement:
		int maxlev = 0;
		int maxlevorig = 0;
		bool useMaxLev = false;
		bool any = true;
		int current;
		bool first;
		bool noKeyBreak = false;
		bool lineList = false;
		QString comment;
		if (stat.Type == statement::Statement)
			ret = IndentComment(level, 0, stat.Comment, false);
			useMaxLev = true;
			first = true;
			current = 0;
			for (std::list<toSQLParse::statement>::iterator i = stat.subTokens().begin();
					i != stat.subTokens().end();)
				if ((*i).Type != statement::Keyword)
					noKeyBreak = true;
					useMaxLev = true;
			current = level;
			first = true;
		if (useMaxLev)
			int count = 0;
			for (std::list<toSQLParse::statement>::iterator i = stat.subTokens().begin();
					i != stat.subTokens().end();
				if (any)
					QString upp = (*i).String.toUpper();
					if ((*i).Type == statement::Keyword &&
							upp != ("LOOP") &&
							upp != ("DO") &&
							upp != ("THEN") &&
							upp != ("AS") &&
							upp != ("IS"))
						if (int((*i).String.length()) + 1 > maxlev)
							maxlev = (*i).String.length() + 1;
						any = false;
					else if (i == stat.subTokens().begin())
						noKeyBreak = true;
				else if ((*i).Type == statement::Token)
					any = true;
				if ((*i).Type == statement::List)
			if (count <= 1 && maxlev > 0)
			maxlevorig = maxlev;
			any = true;

		for (std::list<toSQLParse::statement>::iterator i = stat.subTokens().begin();
				i != stat.subTokens().end();
			comment = AddComment(comment, (*i).Comment);
			QString upp = (*i).String.toUpper();

			printf("%s\n", (const char*)(*i).String.toUtf8());

			if ((*i).Type == statement::List)
				if (Settings.OperatorSpace)
					ret += (" ");
				QString t = indentStatement(*i, current/*SQLITEMAN, syntax*/);
				if (t.indexOf(("\n")) >= 0)
					current = CurrentColumn(t);
					current += CurrentColumn(t);
				ret += t;
				any = true;
			else if ((*i).String == (","))
				if (Settings.CommaBefore)
					ret += IndentComment(Settings.CommentColumn, current, comment, true);
					comment = QString::null;
					ret += indentString(level + maxlev - (Settings.OperatorSpace ? 2 : 1));
					ret += (",");
					ret += (",");
					ret += IndentComment(Settings.CommentColumn, current + 1, comment, true);
					comment = QString::null;
					ret += indentString(level + maxlev);
				current = level + maxlev;
				any = false;
				lineList = true;
			else if ((*i).Type == statement::Keyword && (upp == ("LOOP") ||
					 upp == ("DO") ||
					 upp == ("THEN") ||
					 upp == ("AS") ||
					 upp == ("IS")))
				if (!Settings.BlockOpenLine)
					if (ret.length() > 0)
						if (toIsIdent(ret.at(ret.length() - 1)) ||
								ret.at(ret.length() - 1) == QUOTE_CHARACTER /*SQLITEMAN syntax.quoteCharacter()*/ ||
								ret.at(ret.length() - 1) == '\'' ||
							ret += (" ");
					ret += Settings.KeywordUpper ? (*i).String.toUpper() : (*i).String;
					current += (*i).String.length();
					ret += IndentComment(Settings.CommentColumn, current, comment, true);
					comment = QString::null;
					ret += indentString(level);
					ret += Settings.KeywordUpper ? (*i).String.toUpper() : (*i).String;
					current = level + (*i).String.length();
				any = false;
			else if (any && (*i).Type == statement::Keyword && !noKeyBreak)
				if (first)
					first = false;
					ret += IndentComment(Settings.CommentColumn, current, comment, true);
					current = 0;
					comment = QString::null;
				if (current == 0)
					ret += indentString(level);
					current = level;
					while (current < level)
						ret += (" ");
				maxlev = maxlevorig;
				QString word = Settings.KeywordUpper ? (*i).String.toUpper() : (*i).String;
				if (ret.length())
					ret += QString("%1").arg(word,
											 Settings.RightSeparator ? maxlev - 1 : 1 - maxlev);
					current = level + std::max(int(word.length()), maxlev - 1);
					ret += word;
					current = level + word.length();
				any = false;
				lineList = false;
				QString t = (*i).String;
				bool add
				= false;
				if ((*i).Type == statement::Keyword)
					if (!lineList &&
							!any &&
							(*i).Type == statement::Keyword &&
							!noKeyBreak &&
							upp == ("BY"))
						= true;
					any = true;
				if (isKeyword(upp) /*SQLITEMAN syntax.reservedWord(upp)*/ && Settings.KeywordUpper)
					t = upp;

				int extra;
				if (first)
					first = false;
					any = false;
					extra = 0;
					if (ret.length() > 0 &&
							!ret.at(ret.length() - 1).isSpace() &&
							(Settings.OperatorSpace || ((toIsIdent(t[0]) ||
														 t[0] == QUOTE_CHARACTER /*SQLITEMAN syntax.quoteCharacter()*/ || t[0] == '\'') &&
														(toIsIdent(ret.at(ret.length() - 1)) ||
														 ret.at(ret.length() - 1) == QUOTE_CHARACTER /*SQLITEMAN syntax.quoteCharacter()*/ ||
														 ret.at(ret.length() - 1) == '\'')
						if (t != (";") &&
								t != (".") &&
								ret.at(ret.length() - 1) != '.' &&
								current != 0)
							ret += (" ");
					else if (ret.length() > 2 && ret.at(ret.length() - 2) == '*' && ret.at(ret.length() - 1) == '/')
						ret += (" ");
					extra = maxlev;
				if (current < level + maxlev)
					if (current == 0)
						ret += indentString(level + maxlev);
						while (current < level + maxlev)
							ret += (" ");
					current = level + maxlev;
				ret += t;
				current += t.length();
				if (t.startsWith(("<<")))
					ret += ("\n");
					current = 0;

				if (add
					maxlev += t.length() + 1;
		if (stat.Type == statement::Statement)
			ret += IndentComment(Settings.CommentColumn, current, comment, true);
			comment = QString::null;
			if (Settings.EndBlockNewline &&
					level == 0 &&
					stat.subTokens().begin() != stat.subTokens().end() &&
					(*stat.subTokens().rbegin()).String == (";"))
				ret += ("\n");
		else if (!comment.isEmpty())
			ret += IndentComment(Settings.CommentColumn, current, comment, true);
			comment = QString::null;
			ret += indentString(level - (Settings.OperatorSpace ? 2 : 1));
	return ret;
void SaveConfigFile () {
	CSPList liste (512);

	liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
	liste.Add ("#   The first group of params can be adjusted ");
	liste.Add ("#   on the configuration screen, too");
	liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Full-screen mode [0...1]");
	AddIntItem (liste, "fullscreen", param.fullscreen);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Screen resolution [0...9]");
	AddComment (liste, "0 = auto, 1 = 800x600, 2 = 1024x768");
	AddComment (liste, "3 = 1152x864, 4 = 1280x960, 5 = 1280x1024");
	AddComment (liste, "6 = 1360x768, 7 = 1400x1050, 8 = 1440x900, 9=1680x1050");
	AddIntItem (liste, "res_type", (int)param.res_type);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Level of details [1...3]");
	AddComment (liste, "1 = best performance, 3 = best appearance");
	AddIntItem (liste, "detail_level", param.perf_level);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Language code [0...]");
	AddComment (liste, "0 = English etc.");
	AddIntItem (liste, "language", (int)param.language);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Sound volume [0...120]");
	AddComment (liste, "Sounds are the terrain effects or the pickup noise.");
	AddIntItem (liste, "sound_volume", param.sound_volume);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Volume of the background music [0...120]");
    AddIntItem (liste, "music_volume", param.music_volume);
	liste.Add ("");

	liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
	liste.Add ("#   The second group of params must be adjusted in this file.");
	liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Forward clipping distance");
	AddComment (liste, "Controls how far ahead of the camera the course");
	AddComment (liste, "is rendered. Larger values mean that more of the course is");
	AddComment (liste, "rendered, resulting in slower performance. Decreasing this ");
	AddComment (liste, "value is an effective way to improve framerates.");
	AddIntItem (liste, "forward_clip_distance", param.forward_clip_distance);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Backward clipping distance");
	AddComment (liste, "Some objects aren't yet clipped to the view frustum, ");
	AddComment (liste, "so this value is used to control how far up the course these ");
	AddComment (liste, "objects are drawn.");
	AddIntItem (liste, "backward_clip_distance", param.backward_clip_distance);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Field of View of the camera");
	AddIntItem (liste, "fov", param.fov);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Bpp mode - bits per pixel [0...2]");
	AddComment (liste, "Controls the color depth of the OpenGL window");
	AddComment (liste, "0 = use current bpp setting of operating system,");
	AddComment (liste, "1 = 16 bpp, 2 = 32 bpp");
	AddIntItem (liste, "bpp_mode", param.bpp_mode);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Tree detail distance");
	AddComment (liste, "Controls how far up the course the trees are drawn crosswise.");
	AddIntItem (liste, "tree_detail_distance", param.tree_detail_distance);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Tux sphere divisions");
	AddComment (liste, "Controls how detailled the character is drawn");
	AddIntItem (liste, "tux_sphere_divisions", param.tux_sphere_divisions);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Tux shadow sphere divisions");
	AddComment (liste, "The same but for the shadow of the character");
	AddIntItem (liste, "tux_shadow_sphere_div", param.tux_shadow_sphere_divisions);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Detail level of the course");
	AddComment (liste, "This param is used for the quadtree and controls the");
	AddComment (liste, "LOD of the algorithm. ");
	AddIntItem (liste, "course_detail_level", param.course_detail_level);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Font type [0...2]");
	AddComment (liste, "0 = always arial-like font,");
	AddComment (liste, "1 = papercut font on the menu screens");
	AddComment (liste, "2 = papercut font for the hud display, too");
	AddIntItem (liste, "use_papercut_font", param.use_papercut_font);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Cursor type [0...1]");
	AddComment (liste, "0 = normal cursor (arrow), 1 = icicle");
	AddIntItem (liste, "ice_cursor", param.ice_cursor);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Draw full skybox [0...1]");
	AddComment (liste, "A normal skybox consists of 6 textures. In Tuxracer");
	AddComment (liste, "3 textures are invisible (top, bottom and back).");
	AddComment (liste, "These textures needn't be drawn.");
	AddIntItem (liste, "full_skybox", param.full_skybox);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Audio frequency");
	AddComment (liste, "Typical values are 11025, 22050 ...");
	AddIntItem (liste, "audio_freq", param.audio_freq);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Size of audio buffer");
	AddComment (liste, "Typical values are 512, 1024, 2048 ...");
	AddIntItem (liste, "audio_buffer_size", param.audio_buffer_size);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Select the music:");
	AddComment (liste, "(the racing music is defined by a music theme)");
	AddItem (liste, "menu_music", param.menu_music);
	AddItem (liste, "credits_music", param.credits_music);
	AddItem (liste, "config_music", param.config_music);
	liste.Add ("");

	AddComment (liste, "Use sqare root of scale factors for menu screens [0...1]");
	AddComment (liste, "Exprimental: these factors reduce the effect of screen scaling.");
	AddComment (liste, "The widgets are closer to their default sizes.");
	AddIntItem (liste, "use_quad_scale", param.use_quad_scale);
	liste.Add ("");

	// ---------------------------------------
	liste.Save (param.configfile);
Example #12
NODESIZE CNodePtrArray::Draw( const PVIEWINFO View, int x, int y )
    int tx;
    NODESIZE DrawSize;
    NODESIZE ChildDrawSize;
    ULONG ClassSize;

    if (m_bHidden)
        return DrawHidden( View, x, y );

    DrawSize.x = 0;
    DrawSize.y = 0;

    AddSelection( View, 0, y, g_FontHeight );
    AddDelete( View, x, y );
    AddTypeDrop( View, x, y );

    x = AddOpenClose( View, x, y );
    x = AddIcon( View, x, y, ICON_ARRAY, -1, -1 );

    tx = x;
    tx = AddAddressOffset( View, tx, y );

    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrType, HS_NONE, _T( "ArrayOfPointers " ) );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrName, HS_NAME, _T( "%s" ), m_strName );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrIndex, HS_NONE, _T( "[" ) );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrIndex, HS_EDIT, _T( "%u" ), m_ulPtrCount );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrIndex, HS_NONE, _T( "]" ) );

    tx = AddIcon( View, tx, y, ICON_LEFT, HS_SELECT, HS_CLICK );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrIndex, HS_NONE, _T( "(" ) );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrIndex, 1, _T( "%i" ), m_iCurrentIndex );
    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrIndex, HS_NONE, _T( ")" ) );
    tx = AddIcon( View, tx, y, ICON_RIGHT, HS_DROP, HS_CLICK );

    tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrValue, HS_NONE, _T( "<%s* Size=%u>" ), m_pNodePtr->GetClass( )->GetName( ), GetMemorySize( ) );
    tx = AddIcon( View, tx, y, ICON_CHANGE, HS_CLICK, HS_CHANGE_X );

    tx += g_FontWidth;
    tx = AddComment( View, tx, y );

    y += g_FontHeight;
    if (m_LevelsOpen[View->Level])
        if (IsMemory( View->Address + m_Offset + (sizeof( ULONG_PTR ) * m_iCurrentIndex) ))
            ClassSize = m_pNodePtr->GetClass( )->GetMemorySize( );
            m_pNodePtr->Memory( )->SetSize( ClassSize );

            VIEWINFO NewView;
            memcpy( &NewView, View, sizeof( NewView ) );
            NewView.Data = m_pNodePtr->Memory( )->Data( );
            NewView.Address = *(ULONG_PTR*)(View->Data + m_Offset + (sizeof( ULONG_PTR ) * m_iCurrentIndex));

            ReClassReadMemory( (LPVOID)NewView.Address, (LPVOID)NewView.Data, ClassSize );

            ChildDrawSize = m_pNodePtr->GetClass( )->Draw( &NewView, x, y );

            y = ChildDrawSize.y;
            if (ChildDrawSize.x > DrawSize.x)
                DrawSize.x = ChildDrawSize.x;

    DrawSize.y = y;
    return DrawSize;
Example #13
void AXMLElement::AddComment(const char* pComment)
	VString comment;