void CGCam_Roff( void )
	if ( cg.time < client_camera.next_roff_time )
		// Nothing else to do for now...

	int roff_id;

	// Make sure that the roff is cached
	roff_id = G_LoadRoff( client_camera.sRoff );

	if ( !roff_id )

	roff_list_t		*roff	= &roffs[ roff_id - 1 ];
	move_rotate_t	*data	= &roff->data[ client_camera.roff_frame ];

#ifdef _DEBUG
	Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"ROFF dat: o:<%.2f %.2f %.2f> a:<%.2f %.2f %.2f>\n", 
					data->origin_delta[0], data->origin_delta[1], data->origin_delta[2],
					data->rotate_delta[0], data->rotate_delta[1], data->rotate_delta[2] );

	if ( client_camera.roff_frame )
		// Don't mess with angles if we are following
		if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) )
			VectorCopy( client_camera.angles2, client_camera.angles );

		VectorCopy( client_camera.origin2, client_camera.origin );

	// Don't mess with angles if we are following
	if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) )
		VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, client_camera.angles2 );
		client_camera.pan_time = cg.time;
		client_camera.pan_duration = 100;

	VectorAdd( client_camera.origin, data->origin_delta, client_camera.origin2 );

	client_camera.move_time = cg.time;
	client_camera.move_duration = 100;

	if ( ++client_camera.roff_frame >= roff->frames )

	// Check back in 100 ms to get the next roff entry
	client_camera.next_roff_time = cg.time + 100;  
Example #2
static void CGCam_Roff( void )
 while ( client_camera.next_roff_time <= cg.time )
	// Make sure that the roff is cached
	const int roff_id = G_LoadRoff( client_camera.sRoff );

	if ( !roff_id )

	// The ID is one higher than the array index
	const roff_list_t	*roff	= &roffs[ roff_id - 1 ];
	vec3_t org, ang;

	if ( roff->type == 2 )
		move_rotate2_t	*data	= &((move_rotate2_t *)roff->data)[ client_camera.roff_frame ];
		VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org );
		VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang );

		// since we just hit a new frame, clear our CUT flag
		client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_CUT;

		if (data->mStartNote != -1 || data->mNumNotes)
			CG_RoffNotetrackCallback(roffs[roff_id - 1].mNoteTrackIndexes[data->mStartNote]);
		move_rotate_t	*data	= &((move_rotate_t *)roff->data)[ client_camera.roff_frame ];
		VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org );
		VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang );

	// Yeah, um, I guess this just has to be negated?
	//ang[PITCH]	=- ang[PITCH];
	ang[ROLL]	= -ang[ROLL];
	// might need to to yaw as well.  need a test...

	if ( cg_developer.integer )
		Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"CamROFF: frame: %d o:<%.2f %.2f %.2f> a:<%.2f %.2f %.2f>\n", 
					org[0], org[1], org[2],
					ang[0], ang[1], ang[2] );

	if ( client_camera.roff_frame )
		// Don't mess with angles if we are following
		if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) )
			VectorAdd( client_camera.angles, client_camera.angles2, client_camera.angles );

		VectorCopy( client_camera.origin2, client_camera.origin );

	// Don't mess with angles if we are following
	if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) )
		VectorCopy( ang, client_camera.angles2 );
		client_camera.pan_time = cg.time;
		client_camera.pan_duration = roff->mFrameTime;

	VectorAdd( client_camera.origin, org, client_camera.origin2 );

	client_camera.move_time = cg.time;
	client_camera.move_duration = roff->mFrameTime;

	if ( ++client_camera.roff_frame >= roff->frames )

	// Check back in frameTime to get the next roff entry
	client_camera.next_roff_time += roff->mFrameTime;
Example #3
static void CGCam_Roff( void )
 while ( client_camera.next_roff_time <= cg.time )

	int roff_id;

	// Make sure that the roff is cached
	roff_id = G_LoadRoff( client_camera.sRoff );

	if ( !roff_id )

	roff_list_t		*roff	= &roffs[ roff_id - 1 ];

	vec3_t org, ang;

	if ( roff->type == 2 )
		move_rotate2_t	*data	= &((move_rotate2_t *)roff->data)[ client_camera.roff_frame ];
		VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org );
		VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang );
		move_rotate_t	*data	= &((move_rotate_t *)roff->data)[ client_camera.roff_frame ];
		VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org );
		VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang );

	// Yeah, um, I guess this just has to be negated?
	ang[PITCH] =- ang[PITCH];
	ang[ROLL]  =- ang[ROLL];
	// might need to to yaw as well.  need a test...

#ifdef _DEBUG
	if ( cg_developer.integer )
		Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"CamROFF : o:<%.2f %.2f %.2f> a:<%.2f %.2f %.2f>\n", 
					org[0], org[1], org[2],
					ang[0], ang[1], ang[2] );

	if ( client_camera.roff_frame )
		// Don't mess with angles if we are following
		if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) )
			VectorAdd( client_camera.angles, client_camera.angles2, client_camera.angles );

		VectorCopy( client_camera.origin2, client_camera.origin );

	// Don't mess with angles if we are following
	if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) )
		VectorCopy( ang, client_camera.angles2 );
		client_camera.pan_time = cg.time;
		client_camera.pan_duration = roff->mFrameTime;

	VectorAdd( client_camera.origin, org, client_camera.origin2 );

	client_camera.move_time = cg.time;
	client_camera.move_duration = roff->mFrameTime;

	if ( ++client_camera.roff_frame >= roff->frames )

	// Check back in frameTime to get the next roff entry
	client_camera.next_roff_time += roff->mFrameTime;