Example #1
void CGDrawContext::lineTo (const CPoint& point)
	CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (true, currentState.drawMode.integralMode ());
	if (context)
		applyLineStyle (context);

		if ((((int32_t)currentState.frameWidth) % 2))
			CGContextTranslateCTM (context, 0.5f, -0.5f);

		CGContextBeginPath (context);
		if (currentState.drawMode.integralMode ())
			CGContextMoveToPoint (context, round (currentState.penLoc.h), round (currentState.penLoc.v));
			CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, round (point.h), round (point.v));
			CGContextMoveToPoint (context, currentState.penLoc.h, currentState.penLoc.v);
			CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, point.h, point.v);
		CGContextDrawPath (context, kCGPathStroke);
		releaseCGContext (context);
	currentState.penLoc = point;
Example #2
void structGraphicsScreen :: v_fillArea (long numberOfPoints, double *xyDC) {
#if cairo
    if (our d_cairoGraphicsContext == NULL) return;
    // cairo_new_path (our d_cairoGraphicsContext); // move_to() automatically creates a new path
    cairo_move_to (our d_cairoGraphicsContext, xyDC [0], xyDC [1]);
    for (long i = 1; i < numberOfPoints; i ++)
        cairo_line_to (our d_cairoGraphicsContext, xyDC [i + i], xyDC [i + i + 1]);
    cairo_close_path (our d_cairoGraphicsContext);
    cairo_fill (our d_cairoGraphicsContext);
#elif win
    BeginPath (our d_gdiGraphicsContext);
    MoveToEx (our d_gdiGraphicsContext, xyDC [0], xyDC [1], NULL);
    for (long i = 1; i < numberOfPoints; i ++)
        LineTo (our d_gdiGraphicsContext, xyDC [i + i], xyDC [i + i + 1]);
    EndPath (our d_gdiGraphicsContext);
    FillPath (our d_gdiGraphicsContext);
#elif mac
    GraphicsQuartz_initDraw (this);
    quartzPrepareFill (this);
    CGContextBeginPath (our d_macGraphicsContext);
    CGContextMoveToPoint (our d_macGraphicsContext, xyDC [0], xyDC [1]);
    for (long i = 1; i < numberOfPoints; i ++) {
        CGContextAddLineToPoint (our d_macGraphicsContext, xyDC [i + i], xyDC [i + i + 1]);
    CGContextFillPath (our d_macGraphicsContext);
    GraphicsQuartz_exitDraw (this);
Example #3
void CFX_QuartzDeviceDriver::setPathToContext(const CFX_PathData* pathData)
    FX_INT32 count = pathData->GetPointCount();
    FX_PATHPOINT* points = pathData->GetPoints();
    for (FX_INT32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
        switch (points[i].m_Flag & FXPT_TYPE) {
            case FXPT_MOVETO:
                CGContextMoveToPoint(_context, points[i].m_PointX, points[i].m_PointY);
            case FXPT_LINETO:
                CGContextAddLineToPoint(_context, points[i].m_PointX, points[i].m_PointY);
            case FXPT_BEZIERTO: {
                                             points[i].m_PointX, points[i].m_PointY,
                                             points[i + 1].m_PointX, points[i + 1].m_PointY,
                                             points[i + 2].m_PointX, points[i + 2].m_PointY);
                    i += 2;
        if (points[i].m_Flag & FXPT_CLOSEFIGURE) {
Example #4
FX_BOOL CFX_QuartzDeviceDriver::DrawCosmeticLine(FX_FLOAT           x1,
        FX_FLOAT              y1,
        FX_FLOAT              x2,
        FX_FLOAT              y2,
        FX_DWORD              argb,
        int                   alphaFlag       ,
        void*                 iccTransform    ,
        int					blend_type )
    CGBlendMode mode = GetCGBlendMode(blend_type);
    if (mode != kCGBlendModeNormal) {
        CGContextSetBlendMode(_context, mode);
    CGPoint pt = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(CGPointMake(x1, y1), _foxitDevice2User);
    x1 = pt.x;
    y1 = pt.y;
    pt = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(CGPointMake(x2, y2), _foxitDevice2User);
    x2 = pt.x;
    y2 = pt.y;
    FX_INT32 a, r, g, b;
    ArgbDecode(argb, a, r, g, b);
                               r / 255.f,
                               g / 255.f,
                               b / 255.f,
                               a / 255.f);
    CGContextMoveToPoint(_context, x1, y1);
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(_context, x2, y2);
    if (mode != kCGBlendModeNormal) {
        CGContextSetBlendMode(_context, kCGBlendModeNormal);
    return TRUE;
void GraphicsContext::drawConvexPolygon(size_t npoints, const FloatPoint* points, bool shouldAntialias)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    if (npoints <= 1)

    CGContextRef context = platformContext();


    CGContextSetShouldAntialias(context, shouldAntialias);
    CGContextMoveToPoint(context, points[0].x(), points[0].y());
    for (size_t i = 1; i < npoints; i++)
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, points[i].x(), points[i].y());

    if (fillColor().alpha())

    if (strokeStyle() != NoStroke)

Example #6
void CGDrawContext::drawLine (const LinePair& line)
    CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (true, getDrawMode ().integralMode ());
    if (context)
        applyLineStyle (context);

        CGContextBeginPath (context);
        CGPoint first = CGPointFromCPoint (line.first);
        CGPoint second = CGPointFromCPoint (line.second);

        if (getDrawMode ().integralMode ())
            first = pixelAlligned (first);
            second = pixelAlligned (second);

            int32_t frameWidth = static_cast<int32_t> (currentState.frameWidth);
            if (frameWidth % 2)
                CGContextTranslateCTM (context, 0.5, 0.5);

        CGContextMoveToPoint (context, first.x, first.y);
        CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, second.x, second.y);

        CGContextDrawPath (context, kCGPathStroke);
        releaseCGContext (context);
void doPixelAlignedFillAndStroke(CGContextRef context)
    CGPoint p1 = CGPointMake(16.7, 17.8);
    CGPoint p2 = CGPointMake(116.7, 17.8);
    CGRect r = CGRectMake(16.7, 20.8, 100.6, 100.6);
    CGSize s;
    CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2);
    CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1., 0., 0., 1.);
    CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1., 0., 0., 1.);
    // Unaligned drawing.
    CGContextMoveToPoint(context, p1.x, p1.y);
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, p2.x, p2.y);
    CGContextFillRect(context, r);
    // Translate to the right before drawing along
    // aligned coordinates.
    CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 106, 0);
    // Aligned drawing.
    // Compute the length of the line in user space.
    s = CGSizeMake(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y);
    // Align the starting point to a device
    // pixel boundary.
    p1 = alignPointToUserSpace(context, p1);
    // Establish the starting point of the line.
    CGContextMoveToPoint(context, p1.x, p1.y);
    // Compute the line length as an integer
    // number of device pixels.
    s = alignSizeToUserSpace(context, s);
				p1.x + s.width, 
				p1.y + s.height);
    // Compute a rect that is aligned to device
    // space with a width that is an integer
    // number of device pixels.
    r = alignRectToUserSpace(context, r);
    CGContextFillRect(context, r);
Example #8
static void
gdk_quartz_draw_polygon (GdkDrawable *drawable,
			 GdkGC       *gc,
			 gboolean     filled,
			 GdkPoint    *points,
			 gint         npoints)
  CGContextRef context = gdk_quartz_drawable_get_context (drawable, FALSE);
  int i;

  if (!context)

  if (!_gdk_quartz_gc_update_cg_context (gc, drawable, context,
					 filled ?
      gdk_quartz_drawable_release_context (drawable, context);
  if (filled)
      CGContextMoveToPoint (context, points[0].x, points[0].y);
      for (i = 1; i < npoints; i++)
	CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, points[i].x, points[i].y);

      CGContextClosePath (context);
      CGContextFillPath (context);
      CGContextMoveToPoint (context, points[0].x + 0.5, points[0].y + 0.5);
      for (i = 1; i < npoints; i++)
	CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, points[i].x + 0.5, points[i].y + 0.5);

      CGContextClosePath (context);
      CGContextStrokePath (context);

  gdk_quartz_drawable_release_context (drawable, context);
Example #9
static void quartzgen_polyline(GVJ_t *job, pointf *A, int n)
	/* convert polyline into the current path */
	CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
	CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
	int i;
	for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
		CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y);
	/* draw the ellipse */
	quartzgen_path(job, FALSE);
Example #10
bool GiCanvasIos::rawLine(const GiContext* ctx, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
    bool ret = m_draw->setPen(ctx);

    if (ret)
        CGContextMoveToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), x1, y1);
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), x2, y2);

    return ret;
Example #11
static void quartzgen_polygon(GVJ_t *job, pointf *A, int n, int filled)
	/* convert polygon into the current path */
	CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
	CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
	int i;
	for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
		CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y);

	/* draw the ellipse */
	quartzgen_path(job, filled);
Example #12
static void drawNeedle(CGContextRef gc, int w, int h, float angle)
    float dx, dy, cx, cy, radius, needle;

    cx    = CENTERX * w;
    cy    = CENTERY * h;
    dx    = -cos(angle);
    dy    = -sin(angle);
    radius = 0.5 * (w > h ? w : h);
    needle = radius * 0.85;

    CGContextMoveToPoint(gc, cx + needle*dx - 0.5*dy,
                         cy + needle*dy + 0.5*dx);
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(gc, cx + needle*dx + 0.5*dy,
                            cy + needle*dy - 0.5*dx);
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(gc, cx - NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dx + 0.5*NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dy,
                            cy - NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dy - 0.5*NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dx);
    CGContextAddArc(gc, cx - NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dx, cy - NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dy,
                    0.5*NEEDLE_THICKNESS, angle - 0.5*M_PI, angle + 0.5*M_PI, false);
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(gc, cx - NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dx - 0.5*NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dy,
                            cy - NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dy + 0.5*NEEDLE_THICKNESS*dx);
Example #13
bool GiCanvasIos::rawLines(const GiContext* ctx, const Point2d* pxs, int count)
    bool ret = m_draw->setPen(ctx) && count > 1;

    if (ret)
        CGContextMoveToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), pxs[0].x, pxs[0].y);
        for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), pxs[i].x, pxs[i].y);

    return ret;
// Called for each CGPathElement when scanning the CGPath in CGPathApply()
static void MyCGPathApplier(void* info, const CGPathElement* element)
    CGContextRef ctx = (CGContextRef)info;
    switch (element->type)
	case kCGPathElementMoveToPoint:
	    CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, element->points[0].x, element->points[0].y);
	case kCGPathElementAddLineToPoint:
	    CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, element->points[0].x, element->points[0].y);
	default:	// we know our path only contains line segments
Example #15
bool GiCanvasIos::rawPath(const GiContext* ctx, 
                          int count, const Point2d* pxs, const UInt8* types)
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        switch (types[i] & ~kGiCloseFigure)
        case kGiMoveTo:
            CGContextMoveToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), pxs[i].x, pxs[i].y);

        case kGiLineTo:
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), pxs[i].x, pxs[i].y);

        case kGiBeziersTo:
            if (i + 2 >= count)
                return false;
                pxs[i+0].x, pxs[i+0].y,
                pxs[i+1].x, pxs[i+1].y,
                pxs[i+2].x, pxs[i+2].y);
            i += 2;

            return false;
        if (types[i] & kGiCloseFigure)

    bool usepen = m_draw->setPen(ctx);
    bool usebrush = m_draw->setBrush(ctx);
    bool ret = count > 1 && (usepen || usebrush);
    if (ret) {
        CGContextDrawPath(m_draw->getContext(), usepen && usebrush ? kCGPathFillStroke
                          : usepen ? kCGPathStroke : kCGPathFill);

    return ret;
void MacVegaPrinterListener::DrawLine(const OpPoint& from, const OpPoint& to, UINT32 width)
	if(width != 1)
		CGContextSetLineWidth(m_ctx, width);


	CGContextMoveToPoint(m_ctx, from.x, m_winHeight - from.y);
	CGContextAddLineToPoint(m_ctx, to.x, m_winHeight - to.y);


	if(width != 1)
		CGContextSetLineWidth(m_ctx, 1);
Example #17
bool GiCanvasIos::rawPolygon(const GiContext* ctx, const Point2d* pxs, int count)
    bool usepen = m_draw->setPen(ctx);
    bool usebrush = m_draw->setBrush(ctx);
    bool ret = count > 1 && (usepen || usebrush);

    if (ret)
        CGContextMoveToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), pxs[0].x, pxs[0].y);
        for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), pxs[i].x, pxs[i].y);
        CGContextDrawPath(m_draw->getContext(), usepen && usebrush ? kCGPathFillStroke
                          : usepen ? kCGPathStroke : kCGPathFill);

    return ret;
Example #18
void CGDrawContext::drawPolygon (const CPoint* pPoints, int32_t numberOfPoints, const CDrawStyle drawStyle)
	CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (true, currentState.drawMode.integralMode ());
	if (context)
		CGPathDrawingMode m;
		switch (drawStyle)
			case kDrawFilled : m = kCGPathFill; break;
			case kDrawFilledAndStroked : m = kCGPathFillStroke; break;
			default : m = kCGPathStroke; break;
		applyLineStyle (context);

		CGContextBeginPath (context);
		CGContextMoveToPoint (context, pPoints[0].h, pPoints[0].v);
		for (int32_t i = 1; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
			CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, pPoints[i].h, pPoints[i].v);
		CGContextDrawPath (context, m);
		releaseCGContext (context);
Example #19
void CGDrawContext::drawArc (const CRect &rect, const float _startAngle, const float _endAngle, const CDrawStyle drawStyle) // in degree
	CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (true, currentState.drawMode.integralMode ());
	if (context)
		CGPathDrawingMode m;
		switch (drawStyle)
			case kDrawFilled : m = kCGPathFill; break;
			case kDrawFilledAndStroked : m = kCGPathFillStroke; break;
			default : m = kCGPathStroke; break;
		applyLineStyle (context);

		CGContextBeginPath (context);
		addOvalToPath (context, CPoint (rect.left + rect.width () / 2, rect.top + rect.height () / 2), rect.width () / 2, rect.height () / 2, -_startAngle, -_endAngle);
		if (drawStyle == kDrawFilled || kDrawFilledAndStroked)
			CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, rect.left + rect.width () / 2, rect.top + rect.height () / 2);
		CGContextDrawPath (context, m);
		releaseCGContext (context);
Example #20
void CGDrawContext::drawPolygon (const PointList& polygonPointList, const CDrawStyle drawStyle)
    if (polygonPointList.size () == 0)
    CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (true, getDrawMode ().integralMode ());
    if (context)
        CGPathDrawingMode m;
        switch (drawStyle)
        case kDrawFilled :
            m = kCGPathFill;
        case kDrawFilledAndStroked :
            m = kCGPathFillStroke;
        default :
            m = kCGPathStroke;
        applyLineStyle (context);

        CGContextBeginPath (context);
        CGPoint p = CGPointFromCPoint(polygonPointList[0]);
        if (getDrawMode ().integralMode ())
            p = pixelAlligned (p);
        CGContextMoveToPoint (context, p.x, p.y);
        for (uint32_t i = 1; i < polygonPointList.size (); i++)
            p = CGPointFromCPoint (polygonPointList[i]);
            if (getDrawMode ().integralMode ())
                p = pixelAlligned (p);
            CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, p.x, p.y);
        CGContextDrawPath (context, m);
        releaseCGContext (context);
Example #21
// Handles a line drawing operation for cubic (Type 1 / Postscript) outlines
OSStatus MyCubicLineToProc(const Float32Point *pt, void *callBackDataPtr)
    // Adjust the point according to the glyph origin
    float x = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.x + pt->x;
    float y = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->origin.y + pt->y;
    // Beginning of degenerate filter
    if ( ! (gFilterDegenerates && (x == ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->current.x) && (y == ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->current.y)) ) {

        // Draw a line to the point
		y = ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->windowHeight - y;
		CGContextAddLineToPoint(((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->context, x, y);
    } // End of degenerate filter

    // Keep track of the current pen position (used to filter degenerate cases)
    ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->current.x = x;
    ((MyCurveCallbackData *)callBackDataPtr)->current.y = y;

    // Update counters and return
    if (gOutputNumSegments) segmentCount++;
    if (gOutputNumOps) lineToCount++;
    return noErr;
* Internal_HICustomViewHandler(inHandlerCallRef, inEvent, inUserData) 
* Purpose:  Event handler that implements our HICustomView custom view
* Inputs:   inHandlerCallRef    - reference to the current handler call chain
*           inEvent             - the event
*           inUserData          - app-specified data you passed in the call to InstallEventHandler
* Returns:  OSStatus            - error code (0 == no error) 
static pascal OSStatus Internal_HICustomViewHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void * inUserData)
	OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr;
	HICustomViewData * myData = (HICustomViewData *)inUserData;

	switch (GetEventClass(inEvent))
		case kEventClassHIObject:
			switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
				case kEventHIObjectConstruct:
					// allocate some instance data
					myData = (HICustomViewData *) calloc(1, sizeof(HICustomViewData));
					require_action(myData != NULL, ConstructExit, status = memFullErr);
					// get our superclass instance
					HIViewRef epView;
					status = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, typeHIObjectRef, NULL, sizeof(epView), NULL, &epView);
					require_noerr(status, ConstructExit);
					// remember our superclass in our instance data
					myData->view = epView;
					// store our instance data into the event
					status = SetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, typeVoidPtr, sizeof(myData), &myData);
					require_noerr(status, ConstructExit);

#pragma mark *   kEventHIObjectInitialize
				case kEventHIObjectInitialize:
					// always begin kEventHIObjectInitialize by calling through to the previous handler
					status = CallNextEventHandler(inHandlerCallRef, inEvent);
					require_noerr(status, InitializeExit);
					// if that succeeded, do our own initialization

					// in this sample code, there is nothing to do

				case kEventHIObjectDestruct:
					// freeing our storage
					if (myData != NULL) free(myData);
					status = noErr;

		case kEventClassControl:
			switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
#pragma mark *   kEventControlDraw
				case kEventControlDraw:
					CGContextRef context;
					status = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, NULL, sizeof(context), NULL, &context);
					require_noerr(status, ControlDrawExit);

					HIRect bounds, viewBounds;
					HIViewGetBounds(myData->view, &viewBounds);

					// setting our colors according to state: IsControlEnabled, IsControlActive, IsControlHilited
					if (!IsControlEnabled(myData->view))
						CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8);
						CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8);
					else if (!IsControlActive(myData->view))
						CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8);
						CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
					else if (!IsControlHilited(myData->view))
						CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 0, 0, 0.8);
						CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0, 0, 1, 0.8);
						CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.7, 0, 0, 0.8);
						CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0, 0, 0.7, 0.8);

					// using a line thickness of 3
					CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 3);
					bounds = CGRectInset(viewBounds, 3, 3);
					float minDim = (bounds.size.height < bounds.size.width) ? bounds.size.height / 2 : bounds.size.width / 2;
					float cx = bounds.origin.x + minDim, cy = bounds.origin.y + minDim;
					UInt32 i, n = GetControl32BitValue(myData->view);

					// having some fun with geometric shapes based on the value of the custom view
					switch (n)
						case 0: CGContextAddArc(context, cx, cy, minDim, 0, 2 * pi, true); break;
						case 1: CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectInset(bounds, bounds.size.width * 0.4, 0)); break;
							float deltangle = pi / n, angle = 0, r = minDim / 2;
							CGContextMoveToPoint(context, cx + minDim, cy);
							for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
								angle += deltangle;
								CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, cx + r * cos(angle), cy + r * sin(angle));
								angle += deltangle;
								CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, cx + minDim * cos(angle), cy + minDim * sin(angle));
							CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, cx + minDim, cy);
					CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke);

					status = noErr;

#pragma mark *   kEventControl___Changed
				case kEventControlValueFieldChanged:
				case kEventControlHiliteChanged:
					// just asking for a refresh
					HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(myData->view, true);

	return status;
	}   // Internal_HICustomViewHandler
Example #23
// This is only used to draw borders.
void GraphicsContext::drawLine(const IntPoint& point1, const IntPoint& point2)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    if (strokeStyle() == NoStroke)

    float width = strokeThickness();

    FloatPoint p1 = point1;
    FloatPoint p2 = point2;
    bool isVerticalLine = (p1.x() == p2.x());
    // For odd widths, we add in 0.5 to the appropriate x/y so that the float arithmetic
    // works out.  For example, with a border width of 3, KHTML will pass us (y1+y2)/2, e.g.,
    // (50+53)/2 = 103/2 = 51 when we want 51.5.  It is always true that an even width gave
    // us a perfect position, but an odd width gave us a position that is off by exactly 0.5.
    if (strokeStyle() == DottedStroke || strokeStyle() == DashedStroke) {
        if (isVerticalLine) {
            p1.move(0, width);
            p2.move(0, -width);
        } else {
            p1.move(width, 0);
            p2.move(-width, 0);
    if (((int)width) % 2) {
        if (isVerticalLine) {
            // We're a vertical line.  Adjust our x.
            p1.move(0.5f, 0.0f);
            p2.move(0.5f, 0.0f);
        } else {
            // We're a horizontal line. Adjust our y.
            p1.move(0.0f, 0.5f);
            p2.move(0.0f, 0.5f);
    int patWidth = 0;
    switch (strokeStyle()) {
    case NoStroke:
    case SolidStroke:
    case DottedStroke:
        patWidth = (int)width;
    case DashedStroke:
        patWidth = 3 * (int)width;

    CGContextRef context = platformContext();

    if (shouldAntialias())
        CGContextSetShouldAntialias(context, false);

    if (patWidth) {

        // Do a rect fill of our endpoints.  This ensures we always have the
        // appearance of being a border.  We then draw the actual dotted/dashed line.
        setCGFillColor(context, strokeColor(), strokeColorSpace());  // The save/restore make it safe to mutate the fill color here without setting it back to the old color.
        if (isVerticalLine) {
            CGContextFillRect(context, FloatRect(p1.x() - width / 2, p1.y() - width, width, width));
            CGContextFillRect(context, FloatRect(p2.x() - width / 2, p2.y(), width, width));
        } else {
            CGContextFillRect(context, FloatRect(p1.x() - width, p1.y() - width / 2, width, width));
            CGContextFillRect(context, FloatRect(p2.x(), p2.y() - width / 2, width, width));

        // Example: 80 pixels with a width of 30 pixels.
        // Remainder is 20.  The maximum pixels of line we could paint
        // will be 50 pixels.
        int distance = (isVerticalLine ? (point2.y() - point1.y()) : (point2.x() - point1.x())) - 2*(int)width;
        int remainder = distance % patWidth;
        int coverage = distance - remainder;
        int numSegments = coverage / patWidth;

        float patternOffset = 0.0f;
        // Special case 1px dotted borders for speed.
        if (patWidth == 1)
            patternOffset = 1.0f;
        else {
            bool evenNumberOfSegments = !(numSegments % 2);
            if (remainder)
                evenNumberOfSegments = !evenNumberOfSegments;
            if (evenNumberOfSegments) {
                if (remainder) {
                    patternOffset += patWidth - remainder;
                    patternOffset += remainder / 2;
                } else
                    patternOffset = patWidth / 2;
            } else {
                if (remainder)
                    patternOffset = (patWidth - remainder)/2;

        const CGFloat dottedLine[2] = { patWidth, patWidth };
        CGContextSetLineDash(context, patternOffset, dottedLine, 2);

    CGContextMoveToPoint(context, p1.x(), p1.y());
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, p2.x(), p2.y());


    if (patWidth)

    if (shouldAntialias())
        CGContextSetShouldAntialias(context, true);
Example #24
void QuartzWindow::draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
  CGContextMoveToPoint(myContext, x1, y1);
  CGContextAddLineToPoint(myContext, x2, y2);
Example #25
static void MusicBoxDrawIndicator(HIViewRef view, CGContextRef mboxctx)
	if (!showIndicator)

	// Bar

	const double	length[] = { 1.0, 1.0 };

	CGContextSetLineWidth(mboxctx, mbxBarWidth);
	CGContextSetLineDash(mboxctx, 0, length, 2);
	CGContextSetLineJoin(mboxctx, kCGLineJoinMiter);


	double   x = mbxOffsetX + mbxMarginX + mbxBarWidth / 2.0;
	for (int h = 0; h < 8; h++)
		// Inactive

		CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(mboxctx, (196.0 / 256.0), (200.0 / 256.0), (176.0 / 256.0), 1.0);

		CGContextMoveToPoint   (mboxctx, x,                mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY);
		CGContextAddLineToPoint(mboxctx, x,                mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + mbxBarHeight);

		CGContextMoveToPoint   (mboxctx, x + mbxRightBarX, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY);
		CGContextAddLineToPoint(mboxctx, x + mbxRightBarX, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + mbxBarHeight);


		// Max

		Channel	*ch = &SoundData.channels[h];

		ch->envx = ch->xenvx >> 4;
		ch-> left_vol_level = (ch->xenvx * ch->volume_left ) >> 11;
		ch->right_vol_level = (ch->xenvx * ch->volume_right) >> 11;

		short		vl = ch-> left_vol_level;
		short		vr = ch->right_vol_level;
		long long	currentTime;

		if (vl <= 0) vl = 0; else if (vl > 64) vl = 64; else vl = (short) (yyscale * sqrt((double) vl)) & (~0 << 1);
		if (vr <= 0) vr = 0; else if (vr > 64) vr = 64; else vr = (short) (yyscale * sqrt((double) vr)) & (~0 << 1);

		if (vl < prevLVol[h]) vl = ((prevLVol[h] + vl) >> 1);
		if (vr < prevRVol[h]) vr = ((prevRVol[h] + vr) >> 1);

		Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) &currentTime);

		// left

		if ((vl >= prevLMax[h]) && (vl > prevLVol[h]))
			barTimeL[h] = currentTime;
			prevLMax[h] = vl;
		if ((prevLMax[h] > 0) && (barTimeL[h] + 1000000 > currentTime))
			CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(mboxctx, (22.0 / 256.0), (156.0 / 256.0), (20.0 / 256.0), (double) (barTimeL[h] + 1000000 - currentTime) / 1000000.0);

			CGContextMoveToPoint   (mboxctx, x, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + (double) (prevLMax[h] - 2));
			CGContextAddLineToPoint(mboxctx, x, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + (double) (prevLMax[h]    ));

			prevLMax[h] = 0;

		prevLVol[h] = vl;

		// right

		if ((vr >= prevRMax[h]) && (vr > prevRVol[h]))
			barTimeR[h] = currentTime;
			prevRMax[h] = vr;
		if ((prevRMax[h] > 0) && (barTimeR[h] + 1000000 > currentTime))
			CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(mboxctx, (22.0 / 256.0), (156.0 / 256.0), (20.0 / 256.0), (double) (barTimeR[h] + 1000000 - currentTime) / 1000000.0);

			CGContextMoveToPoint   (mboxctx, x + mbxRightBarX, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + (double) (prevRMax[h] - 2));
			CGContextAddLineToPoint(mboxctx, x + mbxRightBarX, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + (double) (prevRMax[h]    ));

			prevRMax[h] = 0;

		prevRVol[h] = vr;

		// Active

		CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(mboxctx, (22.0 / 256.0), (22.0 / 256.0), (20.0 / 256.0), 1.0);

		CGContextMoveToPoint   (mboxctx, x,                mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY);
		CGContextAddLineToPoint(mboxctx, x,                mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + (double) vl);
		CGContextMoveToPoint   (mboxctx, x + mbxRightBarX, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY);
		CGContextAddLineToPoint(mboxctx, x + mbxRightBarX, mbxOffsetY + mbxMarginY + (double) vr);

		x += (mbxBarWidth + mbxBarSpace);
Example #26
void	LineTool( WindowRef window )
	OSStatus			err;
	Point				endPt;
	MouseTrackingResult	trackingResult;
	Point				beginPt;
	Rect				windowRect;
	WindowRef			overlayWindow;
	CGRect				cgRect;
	CGContextRef		cgContext;
	Boolean				isStillDown		= true;

	SetThemeCursor( kThemeCrossCursor );
	SetPortWindowPort( window );
	GetWindowPortBounds( window, &windowRect );
	LocalToGlobalRect( &windowRect );

	(void) CreateNewWindow( kOverlayWindowClass, kWindowHideOnSuspendAttribute | kWindowIgnoreClicksAttribute, &windowRect, &overlayWindow );
	SetPortWindowPort( overlayWindow );
	SetWindowGroup( overlayWindow, GetWindowGroup(window) );					//	This assures we draw into the same layer as the window
	ShowWindow( overlayWindow );

	GetMouse( &beginPt );
	cgRect	= CGRectMake( 0, 0, windowRect.right - windowRect.left+1, windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top+1 );
	CreateCGContextForPort( GetWindowPort(overlayWindow), &cgContext );
	CGContextSetLineWidth( cgContext, 3 );										//	Line is 3 pixels wide
	CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( cgContext, 1.0, .45, .3, .4 );					//	Make it orange with alpha = 0.4
	SyncCGContextOriginWithPort( cgContext, GetWindowPort(overlayWindow) );
	CGContextTranslateCTM( cgContext, 0, windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top );	//	Flip & rotate the context to use QD coordinates
	CGContextScaleCTM( cgContext, 1.0, -1.0 );
		err	= TrackMouseLocation( GetWindowPort(window), &endPt, &trackingResult );
		switch ( trackingResult )
			case kMouseTrackingMouseDragged:
				CGContextClearRect( cgContext, cgRect );						//	"Erase" the window
				#if ( 1 )
					CGContextMoveToPoint( cgContext, beginPt.h, beginPt.v );	//	Draw the line
					CGContextAddLineToPoint( cgContext, endPt.h, endPt.v );
					CGContextStrokePath( cgContext );
					MoveTo( beginPt.h, beginPt.v );								//	We could use QuickDraw and draw opaque lines
					LineTo( endPt.h, endPt.v );
				CGContextFlush( cgContext );									//	Flush our drawing to the screen
			case kMouseTrackingMouseDown:
			case kMouseTrackingMouseUp:
			case kMouseTrackingUserCancelled:
				isStillDown	= false;
	} while( isStillDown == true );
	CGContextRelease( cgContext );
	DisposeWindow( overlayWindow );
	SetThemeCursor( kThemeArrowCursor );
void RSTileRendererDrawTile(
                 CGContextRef c,
                 CGRect bounds,
                 uint8_t *data,
                 uint32_t dataSize,
                 uint32_t zoom,
                 RSTileRendererGraphicsSpace graphicsSpace)
    CGFloat width = (CGFloat)bounds.size.width;
    CGFloat height = (CGFloat)bounds.size.height;
    const CGFloat backgroundColor[4] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
    const CGFloat fillColors[8][4] = {
        {0, 0, 0, 0},
        {(210 / 255.0), (173 / 255.0), (104 / 255.0), 1}, // Building = 1,
        {(66 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayMotorway = 2,
        {(255 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayPrimary = 3,
        {(255 / 255.0), (155 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwaySecondary = 4,
        {(255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayTertiary = 5,
        {(255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayResidential = 6,
        {(255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), 1} // HighwayService = 7,
    const CGFloat strokeColors[8][4] = {
        {0, 0, 0, 0},
        {(140 / 255.0), (93 / 255.0), (33 / 255.0), 1}, // Building = 1,
        {(44 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayMotorway = 2,
        {(200 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayPrimary = 3,
        {(200 / 255.0), (100 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwaySecondary = 4,
        {(200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayTertiary = 5,
        {(200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayResidential = 6,
        {(200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), 1} // HighwayService = 7,
    CGContextSetFillColor(c, backgroundColor);
    CGContextFillRect(c, bounds);
    uint32_t pos = 0;
    uint32_t resolutionBits = 8;
    double intToFloat = width / (1 << resolutionBits);
    int32_t ix, iy;
    double x, y, firstX, firstY;
    while (pos < dataSize) {
        ix = 0;
        iy = 0;
        RSTiledataThingType thingType = (RSTiledataThingType)RSVarintRead(data, &pos);
        uint32_t numNodes = RSVarintRead(data, &pos);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
            ix += RSVarintSignedRead(data, &pos);
            iy += RSVarintSignedRead(data, &pos);
            x = intToFloat * ix;
            y = intToFloat * iy;
            if (graphicsSpace == RSTileRendererGraphicsSpaceQuadrantOne) {
                y = height - y;
            if (i == 0) {
                firstX = x;
                firstY = y;
                CGContextMoveToPoint(c, x, y);
            } else {
                CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, x, y);
        CGContextSetFillColor(c, fillColors[thingType]);
        CGContextSetStrokeColor(c, strokeColors[thingType]);
        switch (thingType) {
            case RSTiledataBuilding:
                CGContextSetLineWidth(c, 4);
            case RSTiledataHighwayMotorway:
            case RSTiledataHighwayPrimary:
            case RSTiledataHighwaySecondary:
            case RSTiledataHighwayTertiary:
            case RSTiledataHighwayResidential:
            case RSTiledataHighwayService:
                CGContextSetLineWidth(c, 12);
        if (RSTiledataThingTypeIsClosedWay(thingType)) {
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, firstX, firstY);
            CGContextDrawPath(c, kCGPathFillStroke);
        } else {
Example #28
static void drawMarks(CGContextRef gc, int width, int height, int max)
    float   angle, c, s, tick, radius, needle;
    float   r0, r1, r2, r3, cx, cy;
    int     i, start, end, redline, section;

    cx        = CENTERX * width;
    cy        = CENTERY * height;
    redline   = TICKS * SUBTICKS * 0.8;
    radius    = 0.5 * (width > height ? width : height);
    needle    = radius * 0.85;

    for (section = 0; section < 2; section++)
        start = section ? redline + 1 : 0;
        end   = section ? TICKS * SUBTICKS : redline;

        if (section)
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(gc, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(gc, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0);

        // inner tick ring
        r0        = 0.97 * needle;
        r1        = 1.04 * needle;
        r2        = 1.00 * needle;
        r3        = 1.01 * needle;
        for (i = start; i <= end ; i++)
            tick  = i / (float)(SUBTICKS * TICKS);
            angle = (2.0 / 3.0) * (2 * M_PI) * tick  -  M_PI / 6;

            c     = cos(angle);
            s     = sin(angle);

            if (i % SUBTICKS != 0)
                CGContextMoveToPoint(gc, cx - r0*c, cy + r0*s);
                CGContextAddLineToPoint(gc, cx - r1*c, cy + r1*s);
                CGContextMoveToPoint(gc, cx - r2*c, cy + r2*s);
                CGContextAddLineToPoint(gc, cx - r3*c, cy + r3*s);
        CGContextSetLineWidth(gc, 2.0);

        // outer tick ring
        start = ((float)start / SUBTICKS) + section;
        end   = ((float)end / SUBTICKS);
        r0        = 1.05 * needle;
        r1        = 1.14 * needle;
        for (i = start; i <= end ; i++)
            tick  = i / (float)(TICKS);
            angle = (2.0 / 3.0) * (2 * M_PI) * tick  -  M_PI / 6;

            c     = cos(angle);
            s     = sin(angle);

            CGContextMoveToPoint(gc, cx - r0*c, cy + r0*s);
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(gc, cx - r1*c, cy + r1*s);
        CGContextSetLineWidth(gc, 3.0);

    CGContextSelectFont(gc, "Arial Bold Italic", 20.0, kCGEncodingMacRoman);
    r0        = 0.82 * needle;

    for (i = 0 ; i <= max ; i += (max / TICKS))
        char   text[20];
        float dx, dy;

        sprintf(text, "%d", i);
        // hardcoded text centering for this font size
            if (i > 199)
                dx = -18;
            else if (i > 99)
                dx = -17;
            else if (i > 0)
                dx = -14;
                dx = -12;
            dy = -6.0;
        angle = (2.0 / 3.0) * (2 * M_PI) * i / max  -    M_PI / 6;

        c     = cos(angle);
        s     = sin(angle);

        CGContextShowTextAtPoint(gc, cx - r0*c + dx, cy + r0*s + dy,
                                 text, strlen(text));
Example #29
void draw__line(xy__Float x1, xy__Float y1, xy__Float x2, xy__Float y2) {
  CGContextMoveToPoint   (ctx, x1, y1);
  CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, x2, y2);
  CGContextStrokePath    (ctx);
Example #30
bool GiCanvasIos::rawLineTo(float x, float y)
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(m_draw->getContext(), x, y);
    return true;