Example #1
void CFileArea::CheckError()
	bool err = m_error;
	m_error = false;
	if (err)
		throw CIOFailureException(wxT("Read error, failed to read from file."));
Example #2
void CFileDataIO::Write(const void* buffer, size_t count)
	MULE_VALIDATE_PARAMS(buffer, wxT("Attempting to read from NULL buffer."));

	if (doWrite(buffer, count) != (signed)count) {
		throw CIOFailureException(wxT("Write error, failed to write to file."));
Example #3
uint64 CFile::GetLength() const
	MULE_VALIDATE_STATE(IsOpened(), wxT("CFile: Cannot get length of closed file."));

	if (STAT_FD(m_fd, &buf) == -1) {
		throw CIOFailureException(wxString(wxT("Failed to retrieve length of file: ")) + wxSysErrorMsg());

	return buf.st_size;
Example #4
sint64 CFile::doWrite(const void* buffer, size_t nCount)
	MULE_VALIDATE_PARAMS(buffer, wxT("CFile: Invalid buffer in write operation."));
	MULE_VALIDATE_STATE(IsOpened(), wxT("CFile: Cannot write to closed file."));

	sint64 result = ::write(m_fd, buffer, nCount);

	if (result != (sint64)nCount) {
		throw CIOFailureException(wxString(wxT("Error writing to file: ")) + wxSysErrorMsg());

	return result;
Example #5
void CFileDataIO::Read(void *buffer, size_t count) const
	MULE_VALIDATE_PARAMS(buffer, wxT("Attempting to write to NULL buffer."));

	// Check that we read everything we wanted.
	if (doRead(buffer, count) == (signed)count) {

	// To reduce potential system calls, we only do EOF checks when reads fail.
	if (Eof()) {
		throw CEOFException(wxT("Attempt to read past end of file."));
	} else {
		throw CIOFailureException(wxT("Read error, failed to read from file."));
Example #6
sint64 CFile::doRead(void* buffer, size_t count) const
	MULE_VALIDATE_PARAMS(buffer, wxT("CFile: Invalid buffer in read operation."));
	MULE_VALIDATE_STATE(IsOpened(), wxT("CFile: Cannot read from closed file."));

	size_t totalRead = 0;
	while (totalRead < count) {
		int current = ::read(m_fd, (char*)buffer + totalRead, count - totalRead);

		if (current == -1) {
			// Read error, nothing we can do other than abort.
			throw CIOFailureException(wxString(wxT("Error reading from file: ")) + wxSysErrorMsg());
		} else if ((totalRead + current < count) && Eof()) {
			// We may fail to read the specified count in a couple
			// of situations: EOF and interrupts. The check for EOF
			// is needed to avoid inf. loops.

		totalRead += current;

	return totalRead;
Example #7
void CFile::Reopen(OpenMode mode)
	if (!Open(m_filePath, mode)) {
		throw CIOFailureException(wxString(wxT("Error reopening file")));