void ckps_init_state_variables(void) { _BEGIN_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); hall.stroke_period = 0xFFFF; hall.advance_angle = HALL_ADVANCE; //=0 CLEARBIT(flags, F_STROKE); CLEARBIT(flags, F_VHTPER); CLEARBIT(flags, F_HALLEV); CLEARBIT(flags, F_SPSIGN); SETBIT(flags2, F_SHUTTER); SETBIT(flags2, F_SHUTTER_S); SETBIT(flags, F_IGNIEN); TCCR0 = 0; //timer is stopped (останавливаем таймер0) MCUCR|=_BV(ISC11); //falling edge for INT1 MCUCR|=_BV(ISC10); TIMSK|=_BV(TOIE1); //enable Timer 1 overflow interrupt. Used for correct calculation of very low RPM hall.t1oc = 0; //reset overflow counter hall.t1oc_s = 255; //RPM is very low #ifdef STROBOSCOPE hall.strobe = 0; #endif hall.knkwnd_mode = 0; _END_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); }
void Button_SingleInit(sButtonPinPort buttonPinPort) { #ifdef __AVR__ #if defined (__AVR_ATmega16__) if(buttonPinPort.port == &PINA) { CLEARBIT(DDRA, buttonPinPort.pin); SETBIT(PORTA, buttonPinPort.pin); } #else if(0) { } #endif else if(buttonPinPort.port == &PINB) { CLEARBIT(DDRB, buttonPinPort.pin); SETBIT(PORTB, buttonPinPort.pin); } else if(buttonPinPort.port == &PINC) { CLEARBIT(DDRC, buttonPinPort.pin); SETBIT(PORTC, buttonPinPort.pin); } else if(buttonPinPort.port == &PIND) { CLEARBIT(DDRD, buttonPinPort.pin); SETBIT(PORTD, buttonPinPort.pin); } #endif }
void ckps_init_state(void) { _BEGIN_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); if ((IOCFG_CB(IOP_CKPS) == (fnptr_t)iocfg_g_ckps) || (IOCFG_CB(IOP_CKPS) == (fnptr_t)iocfg_g_ckpsi)) { CLEARBIT(flags2, F_SELEDGE); //falling edge hall.ckps_inpalt = 1; //not remapped } else hall.ckps_inpalt = 0; //CKPS mapped on other input ckps_init_state_variables(); CLEARBIT(flags, F_ERROR); //Compare channels do not connected to lines of ports (normal port mode) //(Каналы Compare не подключены к линиям портов (нормальный режим портов)) TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = _BV(CS11)|_BV(CS10); //Tune timer 1 (clock = 312.5 kHz) TCCR0B = _BV(CS01)|_BV(CS00); //Tune timer 0 (clock = 312.5 kHz) if (hall.ckps_inpalt) TIMSK1|=_BV(ICIE1); //enable input capture interrupt only if CKPS is not remapped _END_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); }
void ckps_init_state_variables(void) { _BEGIN_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); hall.stroke_period = 0xFFFF; hall.advance_angle = hall.shutter_wnd_width; //=0 CLEARBIT(flags, F_STROKE); CLEARBIT(flags, F_VHTPER); CLEARBIT(flags, F_HALLEV); CLEARBIT(flags, F_SPSIGN); SETBIT(flags, F_IGNIEN); SETBIT(flags2, F_SHUTTER); SETBIT(flags2, F_SHUTTER_S); TIMSK1|=_BV(TOIE1); //enable Timer 1 overflow interrupt. Used for correct calculation of very low RPM hall.t1oc = 0; //reset overflow counter hall.t1oc_s = 255; //RPM is very low #ifdef STROBOSCOPE hall.strobe = 0; #endif hall.knkwnd_mode = 0; #ifdef DWELL_CONTROL hall.cr_acc_time = 0; #endif #ifdef FUEL_INJECT hall.cur_chan = 0; #endif _END_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); }
void touch_init(){//uint8_t chan){ //set up the I/O pins E1, E2, E3 to be output pins CLEARBIT(TRISEbits.TRISE1); //I/O pin set to output CLEARBIT(TRISEbits.TRISE2); //I/O pin set to output CLEARBIT(TRISEbits.TRISE3); //I/O pin set to output // ADC init //disable ADC CLEARBIT(AD1CON1bits.ADON); //initialize PIN SETBIT(TRISBbits.TRISB15); //set TRISE RB15 to input SETBIT(TRISBbits.TRISB9); //set TRISE RB9 to input SETBIT(AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG15); // RB15 analog ADC1CH15 SETBIT(AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG9); // RB9 analog ADC1CH9 //Configure ADxCON1 SETBIT(AD1CON1bits.AD12B); //set 12b Operation Mode AD1CON1bits.FORM = 0; //set integer output AD1CON1bits.SSRC = 0x7; //set automatic conversion //Configure ADxCON2 AD1CON2 = 0; //not using scanning sampling //Configure ADxCON3 CLEARBIT(AD1CON3bits.ADRC); //internal clock source AD1CON3bits.SAMC = 0x1F; //sample-to-conversion clock = 31Tad AD1CON3bits.ADCS = 0x2; //Tad = 3Tcy (Time cycles) //Leave ADxCON4 at its default value //enable ADC SETBIT(AD1CON1bits.ADON); }
/** * set a single port to Output or Input - function requrired for wiringPi interface * @param pin - port relative to pinBase * @param newMode - 0 - Output; 1 - Input * @return new value of complete port */ int Max7312::configPort(int pin, bool newMode){ if (isLowerPort(pin)) { if(newMode) { SETBIT(_port1_mode, (GET_LOWER_PIN_ID(pin))); } else { CLEARBIT(_port1_mode, (GET_LOWER_PIN_ID(pin))); } configPort1(_port1_mode); return _port1_mode; } else { if(newMode) { SETBIT(_port2_mode, (GET_HIGHER_PIN_ID(pin))); } else { CLEARBIT(_port2_mode, (GET_HIGHER_PIN_ID(pin))); } configPort2(_port2_mode); return _port2_mode; } }
void touch_select_dim(uint8_t dim){ /* if (dim == 1){ // x //set up the I/O pins E1, E2, E3 so that the touchscreen X-coordinate pin //connects to the ADC CLEARBIT(PORTEbits.RE1); SETBIT(PORTEbits.RE2); SETBIT(PORTEbits.RE3); }else if (dim == 2){ // y SETBIT(PORTEbits.RE1); CLEARBIT(PORTEbits.RE2); CLEARBIT(PORTEbits.RE3); } else{ SETBIT(PORTEbits.RE1); SETBIT(PORTEbits.RE2); CLEARBIT(PORTEbits.RE3); } */ if (dim == 1){ // x //set up the I/O pins E1, E2, E3 so that the touchscreen X-coordinate pin //connects to the ADC CLEARBIT(LATEbits.LATE1); SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE2); SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE3); }else if (dim == 2){ // y SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE1); CLEARBIT(LATEbits.LATE2); CLEARBIT(LATEbits.LATE3); } else{ SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE1); SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE2); CLEARBIT(LATEbits.LATE3); } }
static void key(byte mode) /*! @brief Keys the transmitter and produces a sidetone .. but only if the corresponding functions (TXKEY and SIDETONE) have been set in the feature register. This function also handles a request to invert the keyer line if necessary (TXINV bit). This is a private function. @param mode UP or DOWN */ { if (mode == DOWN) { if (volflags & SIDETONE) // Are we generating a Sidetone? { OCR0A = ctcvalue; // Then switch on the Sidetone generator OCR0B = ctcvalue; // Activate CTC mode TCCR0A |= (1<<COM0B0 | 1<<WGM01); // Configure prescaler TCCR0B = 1<<CS01; } if (volflags & TXKEY) // Are we keying the TX? { if (yackflags & TXINV) // Do we need to invert keying? CLEARBIT(OUTPORT,OUTPIN); else SETBIT(OUTPORT,OUTPIN); } } if (mode == UP) { if (volflags & SIDETONE) // Sidetone active? { TCCR0A = 0; TCCR0B = 0; } if (volflags & TXKEY) // Are we keying the TX? { if (yackflags & TXINV) // Do we need to invert keying? SETBIT(OUTPORT,OUTPIN); else CLEARBIT(OUTPORT,OUTPIN); } } }
void timedAlarmCheck(void) { for (uint8_t alarm=1; alarm<=4; alarm++) { uint16_t pos = 400 + ((alarm-1)*15); //400 415 430 445 if (eepromReadByte(pos+0) == 1) { uint8_t sensorpos = findSensor( eepromReadByte(pos+1), eepromReadByte(pos+2), eepromReadByte(pos+3), eepromReadByte(pos+4), eepromReadByte(pos+5), eepromReadByte(pos+6), eepromReadByte(pos+7), eepromReadByte(pos+8)); int8_t value = (int8_t)sensorValues[(sensorpos*SENSORSIZE)+VALUE1]; char sign = sensorValues[(sensorpos*SENSORSIZE)+SIGN]; if (sign == '-') value *= -1; int8_t target = eepromReadByteSigned(pos+10); if ( (eepromReadByte(pos+9) == 1 && value < target) || (eepromReadByte(pos+9) == 2 && value == target) || (eepromReadByte(pos+9) == 3 && value > target) ) { //ALARM //DDR=in/out PIN=value/pullup PORT=state uint8_t pin = eepromReadByte(pos+11); if (pin >= 1 && pin <= 4) { if (eepromReadByte(pos+12) == 1) { SETBIT(PORTC, (1+pin)); } else CLEARBIT(PORTC, (1+pin)); } } else if (eepromReadByte(pos+13) == 1) { //REVERSE uint8_t pin = eepromReadByte(pos+11); if (pin >= 1 && pin <= 4) { if (eepromReadByte(pos+12) == 1) CLEARBIT(PORTC, (1+pin)); else SETBIT(PORTC, (1+pin)); } } } } }
void main(){ //Init LCD __C30_UART=1; lcd_initialize(); lcd_clear(); touch_init(); CLEARBIT(T1CONbits.TON); // Disable Timer CLEARBIT(T1CONbits.TCS); // Select internal instruction cycle clock CLEARBIT(T1CONbits.TGATE); // Disable Gated Timer mode TMR1 = 0x00; // Clear timer register T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0b10; // Select 1:64 Prescaler PR1 = 2000; // Load the period value IPC0bits.T1IP = 0x01; // Set Timer1 Interrupt Priority Level CLEARBIT(IFS0bits.T1IF); // Clear Timer1 Interrupt Flag SETBIT(IEC0bits.T1IE); // Enable Timer1 interrupt while(1) { int i = 0; touch_select_dim(0); lock = 1; TMR1 = 0x00; SETBIT(T1CONbits.TON); // Start Timer while(lock); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { xs[i] = touch_adc(); } // read y touch_select_dim(1); lock = 1; TMR1 = 0x00; SETBIT(T1CONbits.TON); // Start Timer while(lock); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ys[i] = touch_adc(); } qsort(xs, 5, sizeof(uint16_t), cmpfunc); qsort(ys, 5, sizeof(uint16_t), cmpfunc); lcd_locate(0,0); lcd_printf("x position: "); lcd_locate(0,0); lcd_printf("x position: %d", xs[2]); lcd_locate(0,1); lcd_printf("y position: "); lcd_locate(0,1); lcd_printf("y position: %d", ys[2]); } }
void lcd_spi_transmit_CMD(unsigned char temp){ CLEARBIT(PORTB,RS); CLEARBIT(PORTB,SS_bar); SPDR = temp; while(!TESTBIT(SPSR,SPIF)); SPSR &= 0x7F; SETBIT(PORTB, SS_bar); }
/*! * \brief sends a chunk of data and does not block * \param thisport = which port to use * \param data = pointer to data to send * \param length = number of bytes to send * \return SSP_TX_BUFOVERRUN = tried to send too much data * \return SSP_TX_WAITING = data sent and waiting for an ack to arrive * \return SSP_TX_BUSY = a packet has already been sent, but not yet acked * * \note * */ int16_t qssp::ssp_SendData(const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t length ) { int16_t value = SSP_TX_WAITING; if( (length + 2) > thisport->txBufSize ) { // TRYING to send too much data. value = SSP_TX_BUFOVERRUN; } else if( thisport->SendState == SSP_IDLE ) { #ifdef ACTIVE_SYNCH if( thisport->sendSynch == TRUE ) { sf_SendSynchPacket(); } #endif #ifdef SYNCH_SEND if( length == 0 ) { // TODO this method could allow a task/user to start a synchronisation step if a zero is mistakenly passed to this function. // could add a check for a NULL data pointer, or use some sort of static flag that can only be accessed by a static function // that must be called before calling this function. // we are attempting to send a synch packet thisport->txSeqNo = 0; // make this zero to cause the other end to re-synch with us SETBIT(thisport->flags, SENT_SYNCH); } else { // we are sending a data packet CLEARBIT( thisport->txSeqNo, ACK_BIT ); // make sure we are not sending a ACK packet thisport->txSeqNo++; // update the sequence number. if( thisport->txSeqNo > 0x7F) { // check for sequence number rollover thisport->txSeqNo = 1; // if we do have rollover then reset to 1 not zero, // zero is reserviced for synchronization requests } } #else CLEARBIT( thisport->txSeqNo, ACK_BIT ); // make sure we are not sending a ACK packet thisport->txSeqNo++; // update the sequence number. if( thisport->txSeqNo > 0x7F) { // check for sequence number rollover thisport->txSeqNo = 1; // if we do have rollover then reset to 1 not zero, // zero is reserved for synchronization requests } #endif CLEARBIT( thisport->flags, ACK_RECEIVED); thisport->SendState = SSP_AWAITING_ACK; value = SSP_TX_WAITING; thisport->retryCount = 0; // zero out the retry counter for this transmission sf_MakePacket( thisport->txBuf, data, length, thisport->txSeqNo ); sf_SendPacket( ); // punch out the packet to the serial port sf_SetSendTimeout( ); // do the timeout values if (debug) qDebug()<<"Sent DATA PACKET:"<<thisport->txSeqNo; } else { // error we are already sending a packet. Need to wait for the current packet to be acked or timeout. value = SSP_TX_BUSY; if (debug) qDebug()<<"Error sending TX was busy"; } return value; }
void led_init(void) { LEDDIR |= _BV(LEDBIT); CLEARBIT(PINSEL1, 28); CLEARBIT(PINSEL1, 29); led_off(); }
/* ;********************************* NAME: lcd_spi_transmit_DATA ASSUMES: temp = byte to transmit to LCD. SPI port is configured. RETURNS: nothing MODIFIES: temp, SPCR CALLED BY: init_dsp, update DESCRITION: outputs a byte passed in r16 via SPI port. Waits for data to be written by spi port before continuing. ***************************************************************** */ void lcd_spi_transmit_DATA(unsigned char data){ PORTB = (1 << RS); CLEARBIT(PORTB, SS_bar); CLEARBIT(SPSR, SPIF); SPDR = data; while(!TESTBIT(SPSR,SPIF)); SPSR &= 0x7F; SETBIT(PORTB, SS_bar); }
//intialize void initialize(void){ size_t i; //bit-array set to one for (i = 0; i < size; i++ ){ SETBIT(threadstack, i); } CLEARBIT(threadstack, 0); CLEARBIT(threadstack, 1); //http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cheung/Courses/255/Syllabus/1-C-intro/bit-array.html }
void kbd_scan(void) { uint8_t kbd_value; uint8_t key_id; kbd_value = KBD_PORT; for (key_id = 0; key_id < 8; key_id++) { if (TESTBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id) && TESTBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id) && !TESTBIT(kbd_value, key_id)) CLEARBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id); else if (!TESTBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id) && //key pressed TESTBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id) && !TESTBIT(kbd_value, key_id)) { CLEARBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id); } else if (!TESTBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id) && TESTBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id) && TESTBIT(kbd_value, key_id)) SETBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id); else if (!TESTBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id) && !TESTBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id) && TESTBIT(kbd_value, key_id)) SETBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id); else if (TESTBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id) && !TESTBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id) && !TESTBIT(kbd_value, key_id)) CLEARBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id); else if (TESTBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id) && // key released !TESTBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id) && TESTBIT(kbd_value, key_id)) { SETBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id); SETBIT(key_pressed, key_id); } else if (!TESTBIT(kbd_value_1, key_id) && // key still pressed !TESTBIT(kbd_value_2, key_id) && !TESTBIT(kbd_value, key_id)) { } } }
void tlc5940_init(void) { //enable clocks to GPIO block LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1UL << 6); INIT_GPIO(SCLK_PORT, SCLK); INIT_GPIO(XLAT_PORT, XLAT); INIT_GPIO(SIN_PORT, SIN); //INIT_GPIO(GSCLK_PORT, GSCLK); //INIT_GPIO(DCPRG_PORT, DCPRG); //INIT_GPIO(VPRG_PORT, VPRG); INIT_GPIO(BLANK_PORT, BLANK); CLEARBIT(SCLK_PORT, SCLK); CLEARBIT(XLAT_PORT, XLAT); CLEARBIT(SIN_PORT, SIN); //CLEARBIT(GSCLK_PORT, GSCLK); //CLEARBIT(DCPRG_PORT, DCPRG); //SETBIT(VPRG_PORT, VPRG); SETBIT(BLANK_PORT, BLANK); /* Init IOCON - Nothing works without this... */ LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1 << 16); /* TMR16B1 -- GSCLK Generator */ // LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<8); // Enable Clock for TMR1 // LPC_IOCON->PIO1_9 |= (1<<0); // LPC_TMR16B1->MR0 = 118; //Fire Interrupt each .02 second (20 ms or 50 Hz) // LPC_TMR16B1->PR = 1; // LPC_TMR16B1->EMR |= (3<<4); //Toggle on MR0 // LPC_TMR16B1->MCR |= (1<<1); //Reset on MR0 // LPC_TMR16B1->TCR |= (1<<0); // GO /* TMR16B0 -- Interrupt timer */ LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<7); // Enable Clock for TMR0 //LPC_IOCON->PIO1_9 |= (1<<0); LPC_TMR16B0->MR2 = 20000; //Fire Interrupt each .02 second (20 ms or 50 Hz) LPC_TMR16B0->PR = 48; LPC_TMR16B0->MCR |= (1<<6); //Interrupt on MR2 LPC_TMR16B0->MCR |= (1<<7); //Reset on MR2 NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER_16_0_IRQn); //enable interrupt LPC_TMR16B0->TCR |= (1<<0); // GO /* GS CLK */ LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTDIV = 59; LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTCLKSEL = 0; LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTUEN = 0; LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTUEN = 1; LPC_IOCON->PIO0_1 |= (1<<0); }
void TIMER16_0_IRQHandler(void) { //Make sure interrupt flag is set -- not sure if needed if(LPC_TMR16B0->IR & (1<<2)) { uint8_t first_cycle = 0; uint8_t data_count = 0; uint16_t tmp; LPC_IOCON->PIO0_1 &= ~(1<<0); SETBIT(BLANK_PORT, BLANK); // if(CHECKBIT(VPRG_PORT, VPRG)) // { // CLEARBIT(VPRG_PORT, VPRG); // first_cycle = 1; // } if(xlat_pulse) { PULSE(XLAT_PORT, XLAT); xlat_pulse = 0; } if(first_cycle) PULSE(SCLK_PORT, SCLK); CLEARBIT(BLANK_PORT, BLANK); LPC_IOCON->PIO0_1 |= (1<<0); while(1) { if(data_count < NUM_TLC5940 * NUM_SIN_BITS) { tmp = pwm[data_count/12]; tmp &= BV(11 - (data_count%12)); if(tmp) //if(gsdata[data_count]) SETBIT(SIN_PORT, SIN); else CLEARBIT(SIN_PORT, SIN); PULSE(SCLK_PORT, SCLK); data_count++; }else{ xlat_pulse = 1; break; } } LPC_TMR16B0->IR |= (1<<2); } }
short SqAtakd (short sq, short side) /************************************************************************** * * To determine if sq is attacked by any pieces from side. * **************************************************************************/ { register BitBoard *a, b, *c, d, blocker; int t; a = board.b[side]; /* Knights */ if (a[knight] & MoveArray[knight][sq]) return (true); /* Kings */ if (a[king] & MoveArray[king][sq]) return (true); /* Pawns */ if (a[pawn] & MoveArray[ptype[1^side]][sq]) return (true); c = FromToRay[sq]; blocker = board.blocker; /* Bishops & Queen */ b = (a[bishop] | a[queen]) & MoveArray[bishop][sq]; d = ~b & blocker; while (b) { t = leadz (b); if (!(c[t] & d)) return (true); CLEARBIT (b, t); } /* Rooks & Queen */ b = (a[rook] | a[queen]) & MoveArray[rook][sq]; d = ~b & blocker; while (b) { t = leadz (b); if (!(c[t] & d)) return (true); CLEARBIT (b, t); } return (false); }
// Configure the real-time task timer and its interrupt. void timers_initialize() { //Set Timer1 to generate an interrupt every 10ms (100Hz) ==> PR1=500 CLEARBIT(T1CONbits.TON); //Disable Timer CLEARBIT(T1CONbits.TCS); //Select internal instruction cycle clock CLEARBIT(T1CONbits.TGATE); //Disable Gated Timer mode T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0b11; //Select 1:256 Prescaler PR1 = 500; //Load the period value ==> running at 100Hz now! TMR1 = 0x00; //Clear timer register IPC0bits.T1IP = 0x01; // Set Timer1 Interrupt Priority Level CLEARBIT(IFS0bits.T1IF); // Clear Timer1 Interrupt Flag SETBIT(IEC0bits.T1IE); // Enable Timer1 interrupt SETBIT(T1CONbits.TON); // Start Timer }
void touch_select_dim(uint8_t dim) { if (dim == 0) { // x dim CLEARBIT(LATEbits.LATE1); SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE2); SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE3); AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 0xF; } else { // ydim SETBIT(LATEbits.LATE1); CLEARBIT(LATEbits.LATE2); CLEARBIT(LATEbits.LATE3); AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 0x9; } }
void uart2_init(uint16_t baud){ // ==== Stop UART port CLEARBIT(U2MODEbits.UARTEN); //Disable UART for configuration // Disable Interrupts IEC1bits.U2RXIE = 0; IEC1bits.U2TXIE = 0; // Clear Interrupt flag bits IFS1bits.U2RXIF = 0; IFS1bits.U2TXIF = 0; // Set IO pins TRISFbits.TRISF4 = 1; //set as input UART2 RX pin TRISFbits.TRISF5 = 0; //set as output UART2 TX pin // baud rate // use the following equation to compute the proper // setting for a specific baud rate U2MODEbits.BRGH = 0; //Set low speed baud rate U2BRG = (uint32_t)800000 / baud -1; //Set the baudrate to be at 9600 // Operation settings and start port U2MODE = 0; // 8-bit, no parity and, 1 stop bit U2MODEbits.RTSMD = 0; //select simplex mode U2MODEbits.UEN = 0; //select simplex mode U2MODE |= 0x00; U2MODEbits.UARTEN = 1; //enable UART //uint8_t c = 0; //while(U2STAbits.URXDA) // c = U2RXREG & 0x00FF; U2STA = 0; U2STAbits.UTXEN = 1; //enable UART TX //U2STAbits.URXEN = 1; //enable UART RX }
uint8_t *WriteToNrf(uint8_t ReadWrite, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *val, uint8_t antVal) { //ReadWrite --> "R" or "W", reg --> 'register', *val --> array with package, antVal --> number of int in array if(ReadWrite == W)//If it is in READMODE, then addr is already 0x00 { reg = W_REGISTER + reg; } static uint8_t ret[32]; //Array to be returned in the end _delay_us(10); //Delay for 10us CLEARBIT(PORTB,CSNPin); //Set CSN Low - nRf starts listening for commands 10us after CSN Low _delay_us(12); //Delay for 12us WriteReadByteSPI(reg); //"reg" --> Set nRf to write or read mode _delay_us(10); for(int i = 0; i<antVal; i++) { if(ReadWrite == R && reg != W_TX_PAYLOAD) { //READ A REGISTRY ret[i] = WriteReadByteSPI(NOP); //Send dummy Byte to read data _delay_us(10); } else { //Write to nRF WriteReadByteSPI(val[i]); //Send command one at a time _delay_us(10); } } SETBIT(PORTB,CSNPin); //nRf into IDLE with CSN HIGH return ret; //Return the data read }
/*! * \brief Runs the send process, checks for receipt of ack, timeouts and resends if needed. * \param thisport = which port to use * \return SSP_TX_WAITING - waiting for a valid ACK to arrive * \return SSP_TX_TIMEOUT - failed to receive a valid ACK in the timeout period, after retrying. * \return SSP_TX_IDLE - not expecting a ACK packet (no current transmissions in progress) * \return SSP_TX_ACKED - valid ACK received before timeout period. * * \note * */ int16_t qssp::ssp_SendProcess( ) { int16_t value = SSP_TX_WAITING; if (thisport->SendState == SSP_AWAITING_ACK ) { if (sf_CheckTimeout() == TRUE) { if (thisport->retryCount < thisport->maxRetryCount) { // Try again sf_SendPacket(); sf_SetSendTimeout(); value = SSP_TX_WAITING; } else { // Give up, # of trys has exceded the limit value = SSP_TX_TIMEOUT; CLEARBIT( thisport->flags, ACK_RECEIVED); thisport->SendState = SSP_IDLE; if (debug) qDebug()<<"Send TimeOut!"; } } else { value = SSP_TX_WAITING; } } else if( thisport->SendState == SSP_ACKED ) { SETBIT( thisport->flags, ACK_RECEIVED); value = SSP_TX_ACKED; thisport->SendState = SSP_IDLE; } else { thisport->SendState = SSP_IDLE; value = SSP_TX_IDLE; } return value; }
char amdEraseSector(char sector){ // to erase device you must execute the erase command sequence // DQ7 is data polling and DQ6 is toggle status bits. //refer to the table on page 9 to erase all sectors // Erase operation will take approx 8 seconds to run its 1 second per sector //65535bits struct AMD_Settings *Point_AMD = &Data; uint32_t sector_erase=0; AMD_DATA_DDR |= ALL_PORT_MASK; SETBIT(AMD_CTRL_PORT_WE, AMD_WE); AMD_CTRL_PORT_CEOE |= (1 << AMD_OE) & ~(1 << AMD_CE); CLEARBIT(AMD_CTRL_PORT_CEOE, AMD_CE); // SEND THE 5 Unlock commands AMD_Send_Command(AMD_DATA_MASK_AA, AMD_ADDR_MASK_555); AMD_Send_Command(AMD_DATA_MASK_55, AMD_ADDR_MASK_2AA); AMD_Send_Command(AMD_DATA_MASK_80, AMD_ADDR_MASK_555); AMD_Send_Command(AMD_DATA_MASK_AA, AMD_ADDR_MASK_555); AMD_Send_Command(AMD_DATA_MASK_55, AMD_ADDR_MASK_2AA); // Erase specific sectors sector_erase = sector; sector_erase <<= 16; AMD_Send_Command(AMD_DATA_MASK_30, sector_erase ); _delay_ms(2); return; }
void ckps_init_state(void) { _BEGIN_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); ckps_init_state_variables(); CLEARBIT(flags, F_ERROR); MCUCR|=_BV(ISC11); //falling edge for INT1 MCUCR|=_BV(ISC10); //set flag indicating that Hall sensor input is available WRITEBIT(flags, F_HALLSIA, IOCFG_CHECK(IOP_PS)); GICR|= CHECKBIT(flags, F_HALLSIA) ? _BV(INT1) : 0; //INT1 enabled only when Hall sensor input is available //Compare channels do not connected to lines of ports (normal port mode) //(Каналы Compare не подключены к линиям портов (нормальный режим портов)) TCCR1A = 0; //Tune timer 1 (clock = 250kHz) TCCR1B = _BV(CS11)|_BV(CS10); //enable overflow interrupt of timer 0 //(разрешаем прерывание по переполнению таймера 0) TIMSK|= _BV(TOIE0); _END_ATOMIC_BLOCK(); }
//seive function this takes only one argument because the create function allows only one parameter. void *eratosthenes(void *threadnum){ size_t i; size_t min; size_t max; size_t offset = 0; size_t ops = (long int)threadnum; long long z; for (i = 0; i < (ops+1); i++){ max = offset + sieve[i]; min = offset + 1; offset += sieve[i]; if (sqrt(size) < max){ max = sqrt(size); } } //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes for(i = min; i < (max+1); i++){ if(TESTBIT(threadstack, i)){ //z = i^2 // all values that are mulitles of z should be marked for (z = i * i; z < size; z += i){ if(TESTBIT(threadstack, z)){ CLEARBIT(threadstack, z); } } } } return 0; }
int main(void) { uint8_t p=0; uint8_t value; DDRB |= (1<<DDB0); //led SETBIT(PORTB,0); NRF_Init(); NRF_Config(); INT0_init(); NRF_Start_RX(); sei(); while(1) { if(p++%2) { CLEARBIT(PORTB, 0); } else { SETBIT(PORTB, 0); } _delay_ms(1000); value=NRF_Read_Register_Value(STATUS); } return 0; }
int32_t serdes777_rwbits(int32_t rwflag,void *ptr,int32_t len,HUFF *hp) { int32_t i,bit; if ( rwflag == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<len; i++) { if ( (bit= hgetbit(hp)) < 0 ) return(-1); if ( bit != 0 ) SETBIT(ptr,i); else CLEARBIT(ptr,i); } //printf("rbits.%d (%02x)\n",len,*(uint8_t *)ptr); } else { //printf("wbits.%d (%02x)\n",len,*(uint8_t *)ptr); for (i=0; i<len; i++) if ( hputbit(hp,GETBIT(ptr,i) != 0) < 0 ) return(-100*i-100); } //printf("rwbits len.%d (%02x)\n",len,*(uint8_t *)dest); //printf("(%d) ",*(uint8_t *)ptr); return(len); }