Example #1

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

DdNode * Extra_bddImageCompute2( Extra_ImageTree2_t * pTree, DdNode * bCare )
    if ( pTree->bImage )
        Cudd_RecursiveDeref( pTree->dd, pTree->bImage );
    pTree->bImage = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( pTree->dd, pTree->bRel, bCare, pTree->bCube ); 
    Cudd_Ref( pTree->bImage );
    return pTree->bImage;
Example #2

  Synopsis    [Merges two nodes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Extra_ImageNode_t * Extra_CombineTwoNodes( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bCube,
    Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode1, Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode2 )
    Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode;
    Extra_ImagePart_t * pPart;

    // create a new partition
    pPart = ABC_ALLOC( Extra_ImagePart_t, 1 );
    memset( pPart, 0, sizeof(Extra_ImagePart_t) );
    // create the function
    pPart->bFunc = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, pNode1->pPart->bFunc, pNode2->pPart->bFunc, bCube );
    Cudd_Ref( pPart->bFunc );
    // update the support the partition
    pPart->bSupp = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, pNode1->pPart->bSupp, pNode2->pPart->bSupp, bCube );
    Cudd_Ref( pPart->bSupp );
    // update the numbers
    pPart->nSupp  = Extra_bddSuppSize( dd, pPart->bSupp );
    pPart->nNodes = Cudd_DagSize( pPart->bFunc );
    pPart->iPart = -1;
ABC_PRB( dd, pNode1->pPart->bSupp );
ABC_PRB( dd, pNode2->pPart->bSupp );
ABC_PRB( dd, pPart->bSupp );
    // create a new node
    pNode = ABC_ALLOC( Extra_ImageNode_t, 1 );
    memset( pNode, 0, sizeof(Extra_ImageNode_t) );
    pNode->dd     = dd;
    pNode->pPart  = pPart;
    pNode->pNode1 = pNode1;
    pNode->pNode2 = pNode2;
    // compute the image
    pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, pNode1->bImage, pNode2->bImage, bCube ); 
    Cudd_Ref( pNode->bImage );
    // save the cube
    if ( bCube != b1 )
        pNode->bCube = bCube;   Cudd_Ref( bCube );
    return pNode;
Example #3

  Synopsis    [Recompute the image.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Extra_bddImageCompute_rec( Extra_ImageTree_t * pTree, Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode )
    DdManager * dd = pNode->dd;
    DdNode * bTemp;
    int nNodes;

    // trivial case
    if ( pNode->pNode1 == NULL )
        if ( pNode->bCube )
            pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddExistAbstract( dd, bTemp = pNode->bImage, pNode->bCube ); 
            Cudd_Ref( pNode->bImage );
            Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bTemp );

    // compute the children
    if ( pNode->pNode1 )
        Extra_bddImageCompute_rec( pTree, pNode->pNode1 );
    if ( pNode->pNode2 )
        Extra_bddImageCompute_rec( pTree, pNode->pNode2 );

    // clean the old image
    if ( pNode->bImage )
        Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, pNode->bImage );
    pNode->bImage = NULL;

    // compute the new image
    if ( pNode->bCube )
        pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, 
            pNode->pNode1->bImage, pNode->pNode2->bImage, pNode->bCube );
        pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, pNode->pNode1->bImage, pNode->pNode2->bImage );
    Cudd_Ref( pNode->bImage );

    if ( pTree->fVerbose )
        nNodes = Cudd_DagSize( pNode->bImage );
        if ( pTree->nNodesMax < nNodes )
            pTree->nNodesMax = nNodes;
Example #4
File: bdd.c Project: dkudrow/cs267
DdNode* compute_EX(DdManager* m, pos* postab, DdNode* R, DdNode* p) {
    DdNode* tmp;
    /* rename variables */
    int perm[2*(postab->num_procs*postab->pc_size+postab->num_vars)];
    int i, j, k;
    for (i=0; i<postab->num_vars; i++) {
        perm[i] = i+postab->num_vars;
        perm[i+postab->num_vars] = i;
    for (j=0; j<postab->num_procs; j++) {
        for (k=0; k<postab->pc_size; k++) {
            perm[postab->num_vars+i] = postab->pc_[j][k];
            perm[postab->num_vars+postab->num_procs*postab->pc_size+i++] = postab->pc[j][k];
    p = Cudd_bddPermute(m, p, perm);
    /* construct cube of next state variables */
    DdNode* cube = Cudd_ReadOne(m);
    for (i=0; i<postab->num_vars; i++) {
        tmp = Cudd_bddAnd(m, cube, Cudd_bddIthVar(m, postab->num_vars+i));
        Cudd_RecursiveDeref(m, cube);
        cube = tmp;
    for (i=0; i<postab->num_procs*postab->pc_size; i++) {
        tmp = Cudd_bddAnd(m, cube, Cudd_bddIthVar(m, 2*postab->num_vars+postab->num_procs*postab->pc_size+i));
        Cudd_RecursiveDeref(m, cube);
        cube = tmp;
    DdNode* EX_p = Cudd_bddAndAbstract(m, R, p, cube);
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref(m, p);
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref(m, cube);
    return EX_p;
Example #5

  Synopsis    [Selects pairs from R using a priority function.]

  Description [Selects pairs from a relation R(x,y) (given as a BDD)
  in such a way that a given x appears in one pair only. Uses a
  priority function to determine which y should be paired to a given x.
  Cudd_PrioritySelect returns a pointer to
  the selected function if successful; NULL otherwise.
  Three of the arguments--x, y, and z--are vectors of BDD variables.
  The first two are the variables on which R depends. The third vectore
  is a vector of auxiliary variables, used during the computation. This
  vector is optional. If a NULL value is passed instead,
  Cudd_PrioritySelect will create the working variables on the fly.
  The sizes of x and y (and z if it is not NULL) should equal n.
  The priority function Pi can be passed as a BDD, or can be built by
  Cudd_PrioritySelect. If NULL is passed instead of a DdNode *,
  parameter Pifunc is used by Cudd_PrioritySelect to build a BDD for the
  priority function. (Pifunc is a pointer to a C function.) If Pi is not
  NULL, then Pifunc is ignored. Pifunc should have the same interface as
  the standard priority functions (e.g., Cudd_Dxygtdxz).
  Cudd_PrioritySelect and Cudd_CProjection can sometimes be used
  interchangeably. Specifically, calling Cudd_PrioritySelect with
  Cudd_Xgty as Pifunc produces the same result as calling
  Cudd_CProjection with the all-zero minterm as reference minterm.
  However, depending on the application, one or the other may be
  <li> When extracting representatives from an equivalence relation,
  Cudd_CProjection has the advantage of nor requiring the auxiliary
  <li> When computing matchings in general bipartite graphs,
  Cudd_PrioritySelect normally obtains better results because it can use
  more powerful matching schemes (e.g., Cudd_Dxygtdxz).

  SideEffects [If called with z == NULL, will create new variables in
  the manager.]

  SeeAlso     [Cudd_Dxygtdxz Cudd_Dxygtdyz Cudd_Xgty
  Cudd_bddAdjPermuteX Cudd_CProjection]

DdNode *
  DdManager * dd /* manager */,
  DdNode * R /* BDD of the relation */,
  DdNode ** x /* array of x variables */,
  DdNode ** y /* array of y variables */,
  DdNode ** z /* array of z variables (optional: may be NULL) */,
  DdNode * Pi /* BDD of the priority function (optional: may be NULL) */,
  int  n /* size of x, y, and z */,
  DdNode * (*Pifunc)(DdManager *, int, DdNode **, DdNode **, DdNode **) /* function used to build Pi if it is NULL */)
    DdNode *res = NULL;
    DdNode *zcube = NULL;
    DdNode *Rxz, *Q;
    int createdZ = 0;
    int createdPi = 0;
    int i;

    /* Create z variables if needed. */
    if (z == NULL) {
	if (Pi != NULL) return(NULL);
	z = ALLOC(DdNode *,n);
	if (z == NULL) {
	    dd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
	createdZ = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    if (dd->size >= (int) CUDD_MAXINDEX - 1) goto endgame;
	    z[i] = cuddUniqueInter(dd,dd->size,dd->one,Cudd_Not(dd->one));
	    if (z[i] == NULL) goto endgame;

    /* Create priority function BDD if needed. */
    if (Pi == NULL) {
	Pi = Pifunc(dd,n,x,y,z);
	if (Pi == NULL) goto endgame;
	createdPi = 1;

    /* Initialize abstraction cube. */
    zcube = DD_ONE(dd);
    for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
	DdNode *tmpp;
	tmpp = Cudd_bddAnd(dd,z[i],zcube);
	if (tmpp == NULL) goto endgame;
	zcube = tmpp;

    /* Compute subset of (x,y) pairs. */
    Rxz = Cudd_bddSwapVariables(dd,R,y,z,n);
    if (Rxz == NULL) goto endgame;
    Q = Cudd_bddAndAbstract(dd,Rxz,Pi,zcube);
    if (Q == NULL) {
	goto endgame;
    res = Cudd_bddAnd(dd,R,Cudd_Not(Q));
    if (res == NULL) {
	goto endgame;

    if (zcube != NULL) Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,zcube);
    if (createdZ) {
    if (createdPi) {
    if (res != NULL) cuddDeref(res);

} /* Cudd_PrioritySelect */