Example #1
void BTClient::Attach(SOCKET hSocket)
	// IF the socket is already connected, kill the connection
	if( IsSocket() )
		OnClose( 0 );

	// clear all of the variables before the new connection

	// bind the socket and set the events
	m_hSocket = hSocket;

	// get the new ip/port information
	sockaddr_in sinRemote;
	int nAddrSize=sizeof(sinRemote);
	getpeername( hSocket, (sockaddr *)&sinRemote, &nAddrSize );

	// copy the ip/port information to the variables for quick lookup
	m_clientIP.SetIP( sinRemote.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr );
	m_clientIP.SetPort( sinRemote.sin_port );

	::PostMessage( m_pParent->m_dlg_hwnd, WM_CMOD_SOCKET_CONNECT, (WPARAM)new IPPort(m_clientIP), NULL );	
Example #2
int WEventSocket::Create(unsigned short int port,unsigned int ip)
	int ret=WSocket::Create(port);

		// Do the event select crap

	return ret;
Example #3
int CIpSocket::Create( int x_af, int x_type, int x_protocol, int x_timeout )
	// Punt if not initialized
	if ( !IsInitialized() )
		return 0;

	// Close any open socket

	// Clear errors
	m_uLastError = 0;

	// Create a scocket
	m_hSocket = (t_SOCKET)socket( (int)x_af, (int)x_type, (int)x_protocol );

	// Save the last error code
	m_uLastError = WSAGetLastError();
	if ( WSAEWOULDBLOCK == m_uLastError )
		m_uLastError = 0;

	// Was there an error?
	if ( c_InvalidSocket == m_hSocket )
	{	m_uConnectState |= eCsError;
		return 0;
	} // end if

	// Set default timeout
	if ( 0 >= x_timeout )
		x_timeout = m_lTimeout;

	// Setup socket timeout defaults
	struct timeval tv;
	tv.tv_sec = ( x_timeout / 1000 );
	tv.tv_usec = ( x_timeout % 1000 ) * 1000;
	setsockopt( (SOCKET)m_hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char *)&tv, sizeof( tv ) );
	setsockopt( (SOCKET)m_hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (const char *)&tv, sizeof( tv ) );

	// Process socket creation
	if ( !OnAttach() )
	{	Destroy();
		return 0;
	} // end if

	// Save socket connect params
	m_uSocketFamily = x_af;
	m_uSocketType = x_type;
	m_uSocketProtocol = x_protocol;

	// Capture all events

	return IsSocket();
Example #4
int CIpSocket::Create( int x_af, int x_type, int x_protocol, int x_timeout )
	// Punt if not initialized
	if ( !IsInitialized() )
		return 0;

	// Close any open socket

	// Create a scocket
	m_hSocket = (t_SOCKET)tcULongToPtr( socket( (int)x_af, (int)x_type, (int)x_protocol ) );

	if ( c_InvalidSocket == m_hSocket )
    {	m_uLastError = errno;
		return 0;
	} // end if

	// Default timeout?
	if ( 0 >= x_timeout )
		x_timeout = m_lTimeout;
	// Setup socket timeout defaults
	struct timeval tv;
	tv.tv_sec = ( x_timeout / 1000 );
	tv.tv_usec = ( x_timeout % 1000 ) * 1000;
	setsockopt( tcPtrToULong( m_hSocket ), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char *)&tv, sizeof( tv ) );
	setsockopt( tcPtrToULong( m_hSocket ), SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (const char *)&tv, sizeof( tv ) );

	// Process socket creation
	if ( !OnAttach() )
	{	Destroy();
		return 0;
	} // end if

	m_uLastError = 0;

    // Save socket connect params
    m_uSocketFamily = x_af;
    m_uSocketType = x_type;
    m_uSocketProtocol = x_protocol;

	int set = 1;
	if ( -1 == setsockopt( tcPtrToULong( m_hSocket ), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &set, sizeof(set) ) )
//		WARNING( errno, tcT( "socket interface does not support SO_REUSEADDR" ) );

	// Capture all events

	return IsSocket();
Example #5
BOOL CWinSocket::Create( int af, int type, int protocol )

	// Punt if not initialized
	if ( !IsInitialized() ) { TRACE( "CWinSocket: Error - Call InitSockets()" ); return FALSE; }

	// Close any open socket

	// Create a scocket
	m_hSocket = socket( af, type, protocol );
	// Save the last error code
	m_uLastError = WSAGetLastError();

	// Create the event handle

	// Capture all events

	return IsSocket();
Example #6
int WEventSocket::Close()
	EventSelect(0);	// turn off all event notifications
	return WSocket::Close();
Example #7
long CIpSocket::WaitEvent( long x_lEventId, long x_lTimeout )
#if defined( HTM_NOEPOLL )
	return 0;

	// Must have a socket handle
	if ( !IsSocket() )
        return 0;

    // Must have event handle
    if ( !IsEventHandle() || !m_pEventObject )
    	if ( !CreateEventHandle() )
    		return 0;

    	if ( !EventSelect() )
            return 0;

    } // end if

	// +++ Ensure our event is being waited on?

	// Grab pointer to event object
	epoll_event *pev = (epoll_event*)m_pEventObject;

	// Check for default timeout
	if ( 0 > x_lTimeout )
		x_lTimeout = (long)m_lTimeout;

	// Save start time
	unsigned int uEnd = time( 0 ) + x_lTimeout / 1000;
	for( ; ; ) // forever
        // What's the event state
        if ( 0 == ( m_uEventState & x_lEventId ) )
			// Wait only for our specific event
			EventSelect( x_lEventId );

			// Wait for events
			int nRes;
			do { 
				nRes = epoll_wait( tcPtrToULong( m_hSocketEvent ), pev, eMaxEvents, x_lTimeout );

			} while ( -1 == nRes && EINTR == errno );

			if ( -1 == nRes )
				// Log error
				m_uLastError = errno;

				// Disconnected?
				m_uConnectState |= eCsError;

				// Just ditch if they aren't waiting for the close event
				m_uEventState |= eCloseEvent;
				if ( !( x_lEventId & eCloseEvent ) )
					return 0;

			} // end if

			// Process all events
			if ( 0 < nRes )
				for ( long i = 0; i < nRes; i++ )
					// Convert to windows flags
					unsigned long uFlags = FlagNixToWin( pev[ i ].events );

					// Save the status of all events
					if ( pev[ i ].data.fd == tcPtrToULong( m_hSocket ) )
					{	pev[ i ].events = 0;
						for ( unsigned long uMask = 1; uMask < eAllEvents; uMask <<= 1 )
							if ( uFlags & uMask )
								// Get bit offset
								unsigned long uOffset = GetEventBit( uMask );

								// Save the event info
								m_uEventState |= uMask;
								m_uEventStatus[ uOffset ] = 0;

								// Attempt to detect connect error
								if ( 0 != ( uMask & eConnectEvent ) )
/* +++ Nope, doesn't always work
									// use getpeername() to check for errors
									sockaddr_in sai; 
									memset( &sai, 0, sizeof( sai ) );
									socklen_t len = sizeof( sai );
									if ( -1 == getpeername( tcPtrToULong( m_hSocket ), (sockaddr*)&sai, &len ) )
									{	m_uLastError = errno;
										m_uEventStatus[ uOffset ] = errno;
										m_uConnectState |= eCsError;
									} // end if
/* +++ gives error : Resource temporarily unavailable
									char buf[ 1 ];
									if ( -1 == recv( tcPtrToULong( m_hSocket ), buf, 0, 0 ) )
									{	m_uLastError = errno;
										m_uEventStatus[ uOffset ] = errno;
										m_uConnectState |= eCsError;
									} // end if

								// Handle close event
								if ( 0 != ( uMask & eCloseEvent ) )
									m_uConnectState &= ~eCsConnected;
									m_uConnectState |= eCsActivity;

								// +++ Signal when we get a connect message
//								if ( 0 != ( ( EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT ) & uMask ) )
//									m_uConnectState |= 2;

							} // end if

					} // end if

				} // end for

            // !!!  Kludge around missing connect message
            if ( !( m_uConnectState & eCsConnected ) && ( m_uConnectState & eCsActivity ) )
            {   m_uConnectState |= eCsConnected;
//				m_uConnectState &= ~eCsError;
                m_uEventState |= eConnectEvent;
                m_uEventStatus[ eConnectBit ] = 0;
            } // end if

        } // end if

		// Did our event go off?
		if ( 0 != ( m_uEventState & x_lEventId ) )
            // Get the first event
            unsigned long uBit = GetEventBit( x_lEventId & m_uEventState );
            unsigned long uMask = 1 << uBit;

            // Acknowledge this event
            // m_uEventState &= ~uMask;

			// Save the error code
			if ( m_uEventStatus[ uBit ] )
				m_uLastError = m_uEventStatus[ uBit ];

			// Something is going on

			// We received the event
			return uMask;

		} // end if

		// Have we timed out?
		unsigned long uTick = time( 0 );
		if ( uEnd <= uTick )
            return 0;

		// Adjust timeout
		x_lTimeout = ( uEnd - uTick ) * 1000;

	} // end if

	// Can't get here...
	return 0;
Example #8
long CIpSocket::WaitEvent( long x_lEventId, long x_uTimeout )
#if defined( HTM_NOSOCKET2 )
	return 0;
	// Must have a socket handle
	if ( !IsSocket() )
		return 0;

	// Must have event handle
	if ( !IsEventHandle() )
	{   if ( !CreateEventHandle() || !EventSelect() )
			return 0;
	} // end if

	if ( 0 > x_uTimeout )
		x_uTimeout = m_lTimeout;

	// Save start time
	UINT uEnd = GetTickCount() + x_uTimeout;
	for( ; ; )
		// What's the event state
		if ( 0 == ( m_uEventState & x_lEventId ) )
			if ( x_uTimeout )
				// Wait for event
//				UINT uRet =
					WaitForSingleObject( m_hSocketEvent, x_uTimeout );

				// Check for timeout or error
//		        if ( uRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
//                   return 0;

			} // end if

			// Reset the network event
			ResetEvent( m_hSocketEvent );

			// Get network events
			WSANETWORKEVENTS wne; memset( &wne, 0, sizeof( wne ) );
			if ( SOCKET_ERROR == WSAEnumNetworkEvents( (SOCKET)m_hSocket, m_hSocketEvent, &wne ) )
			{	m_uLastError = WSAGetLastError();
				return 0;
			} // end if

			// Save the status of all events
			for ( unsigned int uMask = 1; uMask && uMask <= eAllEvents; uMask <<= 1 )
				if ( wne.lNetworkEvents & uMask )
					// Get bit offset
					unsigned int uOffset = GetEventBit( uMask );

					// Save the event info
					m_uEventState |= uMask;
					m_uEventStatus[ uOffset ] = wne.iErrorCode[ uOffset ];

					// Signal activity
					m_uConnectState |= eCsActivity;

					// Signal when we get a connect message
					if ( 0 != ( FD_CONNECT & wne.lNetworkEvents ) )
						// Set connected status
						if ( !m_uEventStatus[ FD_CONNECT_BIT ] )
							m_uConnectState |= eCsConnected;

						// Handle connect error
							m_uLastError = m_uEventStatus[ FD_CONNECT_BIT ],
							m_uConnectState &= ~( eCsConnected | eCsActivity );

						// Connecting process is over
						m_uConnectState &= ~eCsConnecting;

					} // end if

					// Check for socket close
					if ( 0 != ( FD_CLOSE & wne.lNetworkEvents ) )
						m_uConnectState &= ~( eCsConnected | eCsActivity | eCsConnecting );

				} // end if

			// !!!  Kludge around missing connect message
			//      If we're accepting a connection, we don't
			//      get a connect message.  ( At least on Windows )
			if ( !( m_uConnectState & 2 ) && ( m_uConnectState & 1 ) )
			{	m_uConnectState |= eCsConnected;
				m_uConnectState &= ~eCsConnecting;
				wne.lNetworkEvents |= FD_CONNECT;
				m_uEventState |= FD_CONNECT;
				m_uEventStatus[ FD_CONNECT_BIT ] = 0;
			} // end if

		} // end if

		// Did our event go off?
		if ( 0 != ( m_uEventState & x_lEventId ) )
			// Get the first event
			unsigned int uBit = GetEventBit( x_lEventId & m_uEventState );
			unsigned int uMask = 1 << uBit;

			// Acknowledge this event
			m_uEventState &= ~uMask;

			// Save the error code
			m_uLastError = m_uEventStatus[ uBit ];

			// Something is going on

			// We received the event
			return uMask;

		} // end if

		// Have we timed out?
		unsigned int uTick = GetTickCount();
		if ( uEnd <= uTick )
			return 0;

		// Adjust timeout
		x_uTimeout = uEnd - uTick;

	} // end if

	// Can't get here...
	return 0;