Example #1
/* forward octave */
static inline void W(u32 *key, unsigned int i) {
	u32 I;
	key[6] ^= F1(key[7], Tr[i % 4][0], Tm[i][0]);
	key[5] ^= F2(key[6], Tr[i % 4][1], Tm[i][1]);
	key[4] ^= F3(key[5], Tr[i % 4][2], Tm[i][2]);
	key[3] ^= F1(key[4], Tr[i % 4][3], Tm[i][3]);
	key[2] ^= F2(key[3], Tr[i % 4][4], Tm[i][4]);
	key[1] ^= F3(key[2], Tr[i % 4][5], Tm[i][5]);
	key[0] ^= F1(key[1], Tr[i % 4][6], Tm[i][6]);	
	key[7] ^= F2(key[0], Tr[i % 4][7], Tm[i][7]);
Example #2
File: cast5.c Project: 08opt/linux
static void cast5_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *outbuf, const u8 *inbuf)
	struct cast5_ctx *c = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
	const __be32 *src = (const __be32 *)inbuf;
	__be32 *dst = (__be32 *)outbuf;
	u32 l, r, t;
	u32 I;			/* used by the Fx macros */
	u32 *Km;
	u8 *Kr;

	Km = c->Km;
	Kr = c->Kr;

	/* (L0,R0) <-- (m1...m64).  (Split the plaintext into left and
	 * right 32-bit halves L0 = m1...m32 and R0 = m33...m64.)
	l = be32_to_cpu(src[0]);
	r = be32_to_cpu(src[1]);

	/* (16 rounds) for i from 1 to 16, compute Li and Ri as follows:
	 *  Li = Ri-1;
	 *  Ri = Li-1 ^ f(Ri-1,Kmi,Kri), where f is defined in Section 2.2
	 * Rounds 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16 use f function Type 1.
	 * Rounds 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14 use f function Type 2.
	 * Rounds 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 use f function Type 3.

	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[0], Kr[0]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[1], Kr[1]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[2], Kr[2]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[3], Kr[3]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[4], Kr[4]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[5], Kr[5]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[6], Kr[6]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[7], Kr[7]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[8], Kr[8]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[9], Kr[9]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[10], Kr[10]);
	t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[11], Kr[11]);
	if (!(c->rr)) {
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[12], Kr[12]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[13], Kr[13]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[14], Kr[14]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[15], Kr[15]);

	/* c1...c64 <-- (R16,L16).  (Exchange final blocks L16, R16 and
	 *  concatenate to form the ciphertext.) */
	dst[0] = cpu_to_be32(r);
	dst[1] = cpu_to_be32(l);
Example #3
void ChannelSelector::setCubiePower(bool mode)
  if (mode == false) {
      digitalWrite(PIN_CUBIEPOWER, LOW);
      GLOBALS.cubie_power_enabled = false;
      MDISPLAY.showMessage(F2("Power Off"));
  else {
      digitalWrite(PIN_CUBIEPOWER, HIGH);
      GLOBALS.cubie_power_enabled = true;
      MDISPLAY.showMessage(F2("Power On"));

Example #4
    q_expr e)
    q_expr leftTerm, rightTerm;
    q_expr newTerm;

    assert(e != NULL);
    assert(e->kind == T_FNC);
    assert(e->info.function->tag == Q_EXPR_AND);

    leftTerm = q_leftPar(e);
    rightTerm = q_rightPar(e);
    if (q_isFnc(leftTerm,Q_EXPR_OR)) {
        /* e = (A or B) and C ====> e = A and C or B and C */
        newTerm = F2(Q_EXPR_AND,q_rightPar(leftTerm),q_exprCopy(rightTerm));
        /* e = (A or B) and C; newTerm = B and C */
        /* e = (A or C) and (B and C); */
        /* e = (A and C) and (B and C); */
        /* e = (A and C) or (B and C); */
        if (q_isFnc(rightTerm,Q_EXPR_OR)) {
            /* e = (A and (C or D)) or (B and (C or D)); */
            /* e = (A and C) or (A and D)) or (B and (C or D)); */
            /* e = ((A and C) or (A and D)) or ((B and C) or (A and D)); */
    } else {
    	if (q_isFnc(rightTerm,Q_EXPR_OR)) {
            /* e = A and (B or C) ====> e = A and B or A and C */
            newTerm = F2(Q_EXPR_AND,q_exprCopy(leftTerm),q_leftPar(rightTerm));
            /* e = A and (B or C); newTerm = A and B */
            /* e = (A and B) and (A or C); */
            /* e = (A and B) and (A and C); */
            /* e = (A and B) or (A and C); */
Example #5
void rubikStep(char *step)
	u8 m=0;
			case 7:allright90();break;
			case 11:F1();break;
			case 12:F2();break;
			case 13:F3();break;
			case 21:B1();break;
			case 22:B2();break;
			case 23:B3();break;
			case 31:R1();break;
			case 32:R2();break;
			case 33:R3();break;
			case 41:L1();break;
			case 42:L2();break;
			case 43:L3();break;
			case 51:U1();break;
			case 52:U2();break;
			case 53:U3();break;
			case 61:D1();break;
			case 62:D2();break;
			case 63:D3();break;
Example #6
void vsip_vinterp_nearest_f(
      const vsip_vview_f *x0,
      const  vsip_vview_f *y0,
      const  vsip_vview_f *x,
      const  vsip_vview_f *y){
   vsip_length N0 = x0->length;
   vsip_length N = x->length;
   vsip_stride x0_str = x0->stride * x0->block->rstride,
               y0_str = y0->stride * y0->block->rstride,
               x_str = x->stride * x->block->rstride,
               y_str = y->stride * y->block->rstride;
   vsip_scalar_f *x0_ptr = x0->block->array + x0->offset * x0->block->rstride,
                 *y0_ptr = y0->block->array + y0->offset * y0->block->rstride,
                 *x_ptr  = x->block->array  + x->offset  * x->block->rstride,
                 *y_ptr  = y->block->array  + y->offset  * y->block->rstride;
   vsip_index i=0,j=0;
   vsip_scalar_f sx1,sx2,sy1,sy2,sx;
   while((j < N) && (i < N0-1)){
      sx1 = x0_ptr[i * x0_str];
      sx2 = x0_ptr[(i+1)*x0_str];
      sy1 = y0_ptr[i * y0_str];
      sy2 = y0_ptr[(i+1) * y0_str];
      sx = x_ptr[j * x_str];
      if(sx < sx2) {
         vsip_scalar_f a;
         y_ptr[j * y_str] = a;
      } else i++;
Example #7
/*reverse quad round*/
static inline void QBAR (u32 * block, u8 * Kr, u32 * Km) {
	u32 I;
        block[3] ^= F1(block[0], Kr[3], Km[3]);
        block[0] ^= F3(block[1], Kr[2], Km[2]);
        block[1] ^= F2(block[2], Kr[1], Km[1]);
        block[2] ^= F1(block[3], Kr[0], Km[0]);
Example #8
TEST(RecorderTest, ArgRecorderTest) {
	auto f2a = tracer::RecordArgs(f2);
	int a = 5;
	for (int i = a; i >= 0; i--) 
		EXPECT_EQ(5 - i, f2a.Arg<0>(i));
static void cast5_decrypt(void *ctx, u8 * outbuf, const u8 * inbuf)
	struct cast5_ctx *c = (struct cast5_ctx *) ctx;
	const __be32 *src = (const __be32 *)inbuf;
	__be32 *dst = (__be32 *)outbuf;
	u32 l, r, t;
	u32 I;
	u32 *Km;
	u8 *Kr;

	Km = c->Km;
	Kr = c->Kr;

	l = be32_to_cpu(src[0]);
	r = be32_to_cpu(src[1]);

	if (!(c->rr)) {
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[15], Kr[15]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[14], Kr[14]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[13], Kr[13]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[12], Kr[12]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[11], Kr[11]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[10], Kr[10]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[9], Kr[9]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[8], Kr[8]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[7], Kr[7]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[6], Kr[6]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[5], Kr[5]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[4], Kr[4]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[3], Kr[3]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[2], Kr[2]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[1], Kr[1]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[0], Kr[0]);
	} else {
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[11], Kr[11]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[10], Kr[10]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[9], Kr[9]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[8], Kr[8]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[7], Kr[7]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[6], Kr[6]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[5], Kr[5]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[4], Kr[4]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[3], Kr[3]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F3(r, Km[2], Kr[2]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F2(r, Km[1], Kr[1]);
		t = l; l = r; r = t ^ F1(r, Km[0], Kr[0]);

	dst[0] = cpu_to_be32(r);
	dst[1] = cpu_to_be32(l);
Example #10
const char* ChannelSelector::getChannelName()
  if (current_channel>CHANNEL_NONE && current_channel<CHANNEL_LAST) {
    return (const char*)channel_names[(int)current_channel];
  else {
    return (const char*)F2("N/A");
Example #11
void ChannelSelector::setActiveChannel(CHANNEL channel)

  CHANNEL new_channel = channel;

  if (channel<AUX) new_channel = BLUETOOTH;
  if (channel>BLUETOOTH) new_channel = AUX;


  if (current_channel != new_channel) {

    digitalWrite(channel_pins[(int)new_channel], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(channel_pins[(int)current_channel], LOW);

    if (new_channel == BLUETOOTH) {
      if (GLOBALS.bluetooth_power_enabled == false) {

        MDISPLAY.showMessage(F2("Processing ..."));
        MDISPLAY.showMessage(F2("BT Enabled ..."));
    current_channel = new_channel;
    CONFIG.values().stored_channel = current_channel;


int main()
	auto a1 = F1();
	auto a2 = F2();
	auto a3 = F3();
	auto a4 = F4();
	auto a5 = F5();

    return 0;
Example #13
cast_decrypt(cast_key* key, u_int8_t* inblock, u_int8_t* outblock)
	u_int32_t t, l, r;

	/* Get inblock into l,r */
	r = ((u_int32_t)inblock[0] << 24) | ((u_int32_t)inblock[1] << 16) |
	    ((u_int32_t)inblock[2] << 8) | (u_int32_t)inblock[3];
	l = ((u_int32_t)inblock[4] << 24) | ((u_int32_t)inblock[5] << 16) |
	    ((u_int32_t)inblock[6] << 8) | (u_int32_t)inblock[7];
	/* Do the work */
	/* Only do full 16 rounds if key length > 80 bits */
	if (key->rounds > 12) {
		F1(r, l, 15);
		F3(l, r, 14);
		F2(r, l, 13);
		F1(l, r, 12);
	F3(r, l, 11);
	F2(l, r, 10);
	F1(r, l,  9);
	F3(l, r,  8);
	F2(r, l,  7);
	F1(l, r,  6);
	F3(r, l,  5);
	F2(l, r,  4);
	F1(r, l,  3);
	F3(l, r,  2);
	F2(r, l,  1);
	F1(l, r,  0);
	/* Put l,r into outblock */
	outblock[0] = U8a(l);
	outblock[1] = U8b(l);
	outblock[2] = U8c(l);
	outblock[3] = U8d(l);
	outblock[4] = U8a(r);
	outblock[5] = U8b(r);
	outblock[6] = U8c(r);
	outblock[7] = U8d(r);
	/* Wipe clean */
	t = l = r = 0;
Example #14
static q_expr
    q_expr e)
    q_expr r;

    if (e == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    if (e->kind == T_FNC) {
        switch (e->info.function->tag) {
        case Q_EXPR_LIKE:                                    r = e; break;
        case Q_EXPR_EQ:   e->info.function->tag = Q_EXPR_NE; r = e; break;
        case Q_EXPR_NE:   e->info.function->tag = Q_EXPR_EQ; r = e; break;
        case Q_EXPR_LT:   e->info.function->tag = Q_EXPR_GE; r = e; break;
        case Q_EXPR_LE:   e->info.function->tag = Q_EXPR_GT; r = e; break;
        case Q_EXPR_GT:   e->info.function->tag = Q_EXPR_LE; r = e; break;
        case Q_EXPR_GE:   e->info.function->tag = Q_EXPR_LT; r = e; break;
        case Q_EXPR_NOT:
            r = q_takePar(e,0);
        case Q_EXPR_AND:
            r = F2(Q_EXPR_OR,q_removeNots(q_takePar(e,0)),q_removeNots(q_takePar(e,1)));
        case Q_EXPR_OR:
            r = F2(Q_EXPR_AND,q_removeNots(q_takePar(e,0)),q_removeNots(q_takePar(e,1)));
            r = e;
    } else {
        r = e;
    return r;
Example #15
CAST5decrypt(const PGPUInt8 *in, PGPUInt8 *out, const PGPUInt32 *xkey)
	PGPUInt32 l, r, t;

	r = (PGPUInt32) in[0]<<24 | (PGPUInt32) in[1]<<16 | 
		(PGPUInt32) in[2]<<8 | in[3];

	l = (PGPUInt32) in[4]<<24 | (PGPUInt32) in[5]<<16 | 
		(PGPUInt32) in[6]<<8 | in[7];

	t = F1(l, xkey, 15); r ^= G1(t);
	t = F3(r, xkey, 14); l ^= G3(t);
	t = F2(l, xkey, 13); r ^= G2(t);
	t = F1(r, xkey, 12); l ^= G1(t);
	// Start here if only doing 12 rounds
	t = F3(l, xkey, 11); r ^= G3(t);
	t = F2(r, xkey, 10); l ^= G2(t);
	t = F1(l, xkey,  9); r ^= G1(t);
	t = F3(r, xkey,  8); l ^= G3(t);
	t = F2(l, xkey,  7); r ^= G2(t);
	t = F1(r, xkey,  6); l ^= G1(t);
	t = F3(l, xkey,  5); r ^= G3(t);
	t = F2(r, xkey,  4); l ^= G2(t);
	t = F1(l, xkey,  3); r ^= G1(t);
	t = F3(r, xkey,  2); l ^= G3(t);
	t = F2(l, xkey,  1); r ^= G2(t);
	t = F1(r, xkey,  0); l ^= G1(t);

	out[0]	= (PGPUInt8) B0(l);
	out[1]	= (PGPUInt8) B1(l);
	out[2]	= (PGPUInt8) B2(l);
	out[3]	= (PGPUInt8) B3(l);
	out[4]	= (PGPUInt8) B0(r);
	out[5]	= (PGPUInt8) B1(r);
	out[6]	= (PGPUInt8) B2(r);
	out[7]	= (PGPUInt8) B3(r);
Example #16
static void bf_e_block(uint32_t *p_xl, uint32_t *p_xr)
  uint32_t temp;
  uint32_t xl = *p_xl;
  uint32_t xr = *p_xr;

  F1(0) F2(1) F1(2) F2(3) F1(4) F2(5) F1(6) F2(7)
  F1(8) F2(9) F1(10) F2(11) F1(12) F2(13) F1(14) F2(15)
  xl ^= pax[16];
  xr ^= pax[17];
  temp = xl;
  xl = xr;
  xr = temp;
  *p_xl = xl;
  *p_xr = xr;
Example #17
Vector_Drive(vector V, double omega)
	vector F1(-1.000,0.000), F2(0.500,-0.866), F3(0.866,0.500);
	double omega1, omega2, omega3, b=0.090, r=0.020, h=0;
	omega1 = ( F1*V + b*omega ) / r;	// F1*V is overloaded dot product
	omega2 = ( F2*V + b*omega ) / r;
	omega3 = ( F3*V + b*omega ) / r;
	// makes sure that given path is physically possible
	if ( (omega1>6) || (omega2>6) || (omega3>6) || (omega1<-6) || (omega2<-6) || (omega3<-6) )
		DisplayTxt("Vectors: ERROR!");
Example #18
 * Encrypt the 8 bytes at *in into the 8 bytes at *out using the expanded
 * key schedule from *xkey.
static void
CAST5encrypt(PGPByte const *in, PGPByte *out, PGPUInt32 const *xkey)
	PGPUInt32 l, r, t;

	l = (PGPUInt32)
		in[0]<<24 | (PGPUInt32)in[1]<<16 | (PGPUInt32)in[2]<<8 | in[3];
	r = (PGPUInt32)
		in[4]<<24 | (PGPUInt32)in[5]<<16 | (PGPUInt32)in[6]<<8 | in[7];

	t = F1(r, xkey,  0); l ^= G1(t);
	t = F2(l, xkey,  1); r ^= G2(t);
	t = F3(r, xkey,  2); l ^= G3(t);
	t = F1(l, xkey,  3); r ^= G1(t);
	t = F2(r, xkey,  4); l ^= G2(t);
	t = F3(l, xkey,  5); r ^= G3(t);
	t = F1(r, xkey,  6); l ^= G1(t);
	t = F2(l, xkey,  7); r ^= G2(t);
	t = F3(r, xkey,  8); l ^= G3(t);
	t = F1(l, xkey,  9); r ^= G1(t);
	t = F2(r, xkey, 10); l ^= G2(t);
	t = F3(l, xkey, 11); r ^= G3(t);
	/* Stop here if only doing 12 rounds */
	t = F1(r, xkey, 12); l ^= G1(t);
	t = F2(l, xkey, 13); r ^= G2(t);
	t = F3(r, xkey, 14); l ^= G3(t);
	t = F1(l, xkey, 15); r ^= G1(t);

	out[0] = B0(r);
	out[1] = B1(r);
	out[2] = B2(r);
	out[3] = B3(r);
	out[4] = B0(l);
	out[5] = B1(l);
	out[6] = B2(l);
	out[7] = B3(l);
Example #19
seconlevel_f4::seconlevel_f4(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::seconlevel_f4)

    group = new GroupDialog(parent);
    connect(group ,SIGNAL(finished(int)) ,this ,SLOT(f1_Done(int)));

    autotab = new AutoDialog(parent);
    connect(autotab ,SIGNAL(finished(int)) ,this ,SLOT(f2_Done(int)));

    jump = new JumpDialog(parent);
    connect(jump ,SIGNAL(finished(int)) ,this ,SLOT(f6_Done(int)));

    connect(ui->pushButton_F1,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F1()));

    connect(ui->pushButton_F2,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F2()));

    connect(ui->pushButton_F3,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F3()));

    connect(ui->pushButton_F4,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F4()));

    connect(ui->pushButton_F5,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F5()));

    connect(ui->pushButton_F6,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F6()));

    connect(ui->pushButton_F7,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F7()));

    connect(this ,SIGNAL(enter(int)),parent ,SLOT(funcbarUpdate(int)));
    connect(ui->pushButton_F8,SIGNAL(clicked()),this ,SLOT(F8()));

    connect(this ,SIGNAL(stateChange(char)) ,parent ,SLOT(tableStateUpdate(char)));
    connect(this ,SIGNAL(selectRows(bool)) ,parent ,SLOT(tableSelect(bool)));

Example #20
int main() {

  typedef OKlib::Literals::Literals_int literal_type;
  typedef std::vector<literal_type> clause_type;
  typedef std::vector<clause_type> clause_set1_type;
  typedef OKlib::InputOutput::RawDimacsCLSAdaptor<literal_type, clause_set1_type> InputClsadaptor;
  InputClsadaptor F1;
  OKlib::InputOutput::StandardDIMACSInput<InputClsadaptor>(std::cin, F1);
  const InputClsadaptor::int_type n = F1.stat.parameter_n;

  typedef std::list<clause_type> clause_set2_type;
  clause_set2_type F2(F1.clause_set.begin(), F1.clause_set.end());
  if (F2.size() >= 2) {
    clause_set2_type F_removed;
    typedef clause_set2_type::iterator clause_iterator;
    const clause_iterator F2end = F2.end();
    for (struct {clause_iterator Ci, next;} l = {F2.begin(), boost::next(F2.begin())}; l.Ci != F2end; l.Ci = l.next) {
      l.next = boost::next(l.Ci);
      F_removed.splice(F_removed.begin(), F2, l.Ci);
      typedef OKlib::Satisfiability::Reductions::UnitClausePropagation::CLSAdaptorUcpW<
          OKlib::Satisfiability::Assignments::TotalAssignments::BAssignmentWithQueue<literal_type> >
      Ucp U;
      OKlib::InputOutput::ListTransfer<Ucp>(F2, U, n);
      const Ucp::assignment_type f(U.assignment());
      if (U.contradicting_uclause()) continue;
      bool removable = true;
      const clause_iterator Frend = F_removed.end();
      for (clause_iterator Di = F_removed.begin(); Di != Frend; ++Di, U.contradicting_uclause() = false) {
        const clause_type& D = *Di;
        typedef clause_type::const_iterator literal_iterator;
        for (literal_iterator xi = D.begin(); xi != D.end(); ++xi)
        if (not U.perform_ucp()) { removable = false; break; }
      if (not removable) F2.splice(l.next, F_removed, F_removed.begin());

   typedef OKlib::InputOutput::CLSAdaptorDIMACSOutput<literal_type> OutputClsadaptor;
   OutputClsadaptor out(std::cout);
   OKlib::InputOutput::ListTransfer<OutputClsadaptor>(F2, out, "");

Example #21
int g(unsigned char *in,int i,dword *h)
	dword h0,h1,h2,h3,h4,a,b,c,d,e,temp;
	unsigned char *kp;
	dword w[80];

	kp = in;
	h0 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
	h1 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
	h2 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
	h3 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
	h4 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;

	w[0] = i;
	for (i=1;i<16;i++) w[i] = 0;

	for (i=16;i<80;i++) w[i] = w[i-3]^w[i-8]^w[i-14]^w[i-16];

	a = h0; b = h1; c = h2; d = h3; e = h4;

		temp = ROT27(a) + F1(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0x5a827998;
		e = d; d = c; c = ROT2(b); b = a; a = temp;

	for (i=20;i<40;i++)
		temp = ROT27(a) + F2(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0x6ef9eba1;
		e = d; d = c; c = ROT2(b); b = a; a = temp;
	for (i=40;i<60;i++)
		temp = ROT27(a) + F3(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0x7f1cbcdc;
		e = d; d = c; c = ROT2(b); b = a; a = temp;
	for (i=60;i<80;i++)
		temp = ROT27(a) + F4(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0xaa62d1d6;
		e = d; d = c; c = ROT2(b); b = a; a = temp;

	h[0] = h0+a; h[1] = h1+b; h[2] = h2+c; h[3] = h3+d; h[4] = h4+e;

	return (ALG_OK);
void sha256_transform (uint32 *buf, uint32 const *in)
  uint32 w[64] ;
  unsigned int i = 0 ;
  register uint32 a = buf[0], b = buf[1], c = buf[2], d = buf[3], e = buf[4], f = buf[5], g = buf[6], h = buf[7] ;

  for (; i < 16 ; i++) w[i] = in[i] ;
  for (; i < 64 ; i++)
    w[i] = SMALLSIGMA1(w[i-2]) + w[i-7] + SMALLSIGMA0(w[i-15]) + w[i-16] ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++)
    uint32 temp1 = h + CAPITALSIGMA1(e) + F1(e, f, g) + sha256_constants[i] + w[i] ;
    uint32 temp2 = CAPITALSIGMA0(a) + F2(a, b, c) ;
    h = g ; g = f ; f = e ; e = d + temp1 ;
    d = c ; c = b ; b = a ; a = temp1 + temp2 ;
  buf[0] += a ; buf[1] += b ; buf[2] += c ; buf[3] += d ;
  buf[4] += e ; buf[5] += f ; buf[6] += g ; buf[7] += h ;
Example #23
void ChannelSelector::setAmpPower(bool mode)
  MDISPLAY.showMessage(F2("Processing ..."));

  uint8_t cmd = 0;

  if (mode) {
    // power on amp  
    cmd = (uint8_t)(CMD_PWR_AMP_ON);
    // set mute off
    cmd = (uint8_t)(CMD_VOL_MUTE_OFF);
  else {
    // set mute on
    cmd = (uint8_t)(CMD_VOL_MUTE_ON);
    // power off amp
    cmd = (uint8_t)(CMD_PWR_AMP_OFF);
  GLOBALS.amp_power_enabled = mode;
Example #24
int main()
    ml_random rng;
		// output analytic solution
        grid2D<double, double > F1( 500, -10.0, 10.0, 500, -10.0, 10.0 );
        grid2D<double, double > F2( F1 );
        grid2D<double, double > G1( F1 );
        grid2D<double, double > G2( F1 );
        F1 = V_1;
        F2 = V_2;
        laplacian_2d_hdaf Del2;
        Del2.init( F1.n1, F1.n2, F1.b1-F1.a1, F1.b2-F1.a2, 24, 24, .5, .5 );
        Del2.execute( F1.array, G1.array );
        Del2.execute( F2.array, G2.array );
        plotGrid2D_1( F1,  "/workspace/output/scratch/F1.png", color_map_green );
        plotGrid2D_1( F2,  "/workspace/output/scratch/F2.png", color_map_green );
        plotGrid2D_1( G1,  "/workspace/output/scratch/G1.png", color_map_error );
        plotGrid2D_1( G2,  "/workspace/output/scratch/G2.png", color_map_error );
Example #25
int main() {
    int t,i,j,k;
    int x[M][M], y[M][M];
    int x3[M][M][M];

    for (i = 1 ; i<=M; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j<=M; j++) {
            for (k = 1; k<=3; k++) {

    for (i = 1 ; i<=M; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j<=M; j++) {
            for (k = 1; k<=3; k++) {
                if (k <= 2) {
                    F1(&(x3[i][j][k]), &(x3[i][j][k]));
                } else {
                    F2(&(x3[i][j][k]), &(x3[i][j][k]));

    for (i = 1 ; i<=M; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j<=M; j++) {
            for (k = 1; k<=3; k++) {

    return 0;
Example #26
Eigen::MatrixXd TimeIntegrator::GeneralisedAlpha(Eigen::MatrixXd &K, Eigen::MatrixXd &M, double &del, double &gam, double &alphaf, double &alpham)
    Eigen::MatrixXd U,V,A;
    V.setZero(K.rows(),_nstep+1); A.setZero(K.rows(),_nstep+1);
    Eigen::VectorXd F = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(K.rows());
    Eigen::VectorXd F2 = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(K.rows());
    // Loop over time steps
    for (int istep=0; istep<_nstep; ++istep)
        if (istep==_nstep-1)
        for (int i=0; i<_napp.rows(); ++i)
            F(_napp(i)) = F1(istep);
            F2(_napp(i)) = F1(istep+1);

        U.col(istep+1) = ((1-alpham)/_dt/_dt/gam*M+(1-alphaf)*K).llt().solve((1-alphaf)*F2+alphaf*F+((1-alpham)/_dt/_dt/gam*M-alphaf*K)*U.col(istep)+(1-alpham)/_dt/gam*M*V.col(istep)+((1-alpham)*(1.0/2.0/gam-1)-alpham)*M*A.col(istep));
        A.col(istep+1) = 1.0/(_dt*_dt*gam)*(U.col(istep+1)-U.col(istep))-1.0/(_dt*gam)*V.col(istep)+(1-1.0/(2.0*gam))*A.col(istep);
        V.col(istep+1) = V.col(istep)+_dt*(del*A.col(istep+1)+(1-del)*A.col(istep));
    return U;
Example #27
static void
sha1_step(struct sha1_ctxt *ctxt)
	uint32_t	a, b, c, d, e;
	size_t t, s;
	uint32_t	tmp;

	struct sha1_ctxt tctxt;
	memmove(&tctxt.m.b8[0], &ctxt->m.b8[0], 64);
	ctxt->m.b8[0] = tctxt.m.b8[3]; ctxt->m.b8[1] = tctxt.m.b8[2];
	ctxt->m.b8[2] = tctxt.m.b8[1]; ctxt->m.b8[3] = tctxt.m.b8[0];
	ctxt->m.b8[4] = tctxt.m.b8[7]; ctxt->m.b8[5] = tctxt.m.b8[6];
	ctxt->m.b8[6] = tctxt.m.b8[5]; ctxt->m.b8[7] = tctxt.m.b8[4];
	ctxt->m.b8[8] = tctxt.m.b8[11]; ctxt->m.b8[9] = tctxt.m.b8[10];
	ctxt->m.b8[10] = tctxt.m.b8[9]; ctxt->m.b8[11] = tctxt.m.b8[8];
	ctxt->m.b8[12] = tctxt.m.b8[15]; ctxt->m.b8[13] = tctxt.m.b8[14];
	ctxt->m.b8[14] = tctxt.m.b8[13]; ctxt->m.b8[15] = tctxt.m.b8[12];
	ctxt->m.b8[16] = tctxt.m.b8[19]; ctxt->m.b8[17] = tctxt.m.b8[18];
	ctxt->m.b8[18] = tctxt.m.b8[17]; ctxt->m.b8[19] = tctxt.m.b8[16];
	ctxt->m.b8[20] = tctxt.m.b8[23]; ctxt->m.b8[21] = tctxt.m.b8[22];
	ctxt->m.b8[22] = tctxt.m.b8[21]; ctxt->m.b8[23] = tctxt.m.b8[20];
	ctxt->m.b8[24] = tctxt.m.b8[27]; ctxt->m.b8[25] = tctxt.m.b8[26];
	ctxt->m.b8[26] = tctxt.m.b8[25]; ctxt->m.b8[27] = tctxt.m.b8[24];
	ctxt->m.b8[28] = tctxt.m.b8[31]; ctxt->m.b8[29] = tctxt.m.b8[30];
	ctxt->m.b8[30] = tctxt.m.b8[29]; ctxt->m.b8[31] = tctxt.m.b8[28];
	ctxt->m.b8[32] = tctxt.m.b8[35]; ctxt->m.b8[33] = tctxt.m.b8[34];
	ctxt->m.b8[34] = tctxt.m.b8[33]; ctxt->m.b8[35] = tctxt.m.b8[32];
	ctxt->m.b8[36] = tctxt.m.b8[39]; ctxt->m.b8[37] = tctxt.m.b8[38];
	ctxt->m.b8[38] = tctxt.m.b8[37]; ctxt->m.b8[39] = tctxt.m.b8[36];
	ctxt->m.b8[40] = tctxt.m.b8[43]; ctxt->m.b8[41] = tctxt.m.b8[42];
	ctxt->m.b8[42] = tctxt.m.b8[41]; ctxt->m.b8[43] = tctxt.m.b8[40];
	ctxt->m.b8[44] = tctxt.m.b8[47]; ctxt->m.b8[45] = tctxt.m.b8[46];
	ctxt->m.b8[46] = tctxt.m.b8[45]; ctxt->m.b8[47] = tctxt.m.b8[44];
	ctxt->m.b8[48] = tctxt.m.b8[51]; ctxt->m.b8[49] = tctxt.m.b8[50];
	ctxt->m.b8[50] = tctxt.m.b8[49]; ctxt->m.b8[51] = tctxt.m.b8[48];
	ctxt->m.b8[52] = tctxt.m.b8[55]; ctxt->m.b8[53] = tctxt.m.b8[54];
	ctxt->m.b8[54] = tctxt.m.b8[53]; ctxt->m.b8[55] = tctxt.m.b8[52];
	ctxt->m.b8[56] = tctxt.m.b8[59]; ctxt->m.b8[57] = tctxt.m.b8[58];
	ctxt->m.b8[58] = tctxt.m.b8[57]; ctxt->m.b8[59] = tctxt.m.b8[56];
	ctxt->m.b8[60] = tctxt.m.b8[63]; ctxt->m.b8[61] = tctxt.m.b8[62];
	ctxt->m.b8[62] = tctxt.m.b8[61]; ctxt->m.b8[63] = tctxt.m.b8[60];

	a = H(0); b = H(1); c = H(2); d = H(3); e = H(4);

	for (t = 0; t < 20; t++) {
		s = t & 0x0f;
		if (t >= 16) {
			W(s) = S(1, W((s+13) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+8) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+2) & 0x0f) ^ W(s));
		tmp = S(5, a) + F0(b, c, d) + e + W(s) + K(t);
		e = d; d = c; c = S(30, b); b = a; a = tmp;
	for (t = 20; t < 40; t++) {
		s = t & 0x0f;
		W(s) = S(1, W((s+13) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+8) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+2) & 0x0f) ^ W(s));
		tmp = S(5, a) + F1(b, c, d) + e + W(s) + K(t);
		e = d; d = c; c = S(30, b); b = a; a = tmp;
	for (t = 40; t < 60; t++) {
		s = t & 0x0f;
		W(s) = S(1, W((s+13) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+8) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+2) & 0x0f) ^ W(s));
		tmp = S(5, a) + F2(b, c, d) + e + W(s) + K(t);
		e = d; d = c; c = S(30, b); b = a; a = tmp;
	for (t = 60; t < 80; t++) {
		s = t & 0x0f;
		W(s) = S(1, W((s+13) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+8) & 0x0f) ^ W((s+2) & 0x0f) ^ W(s));
		tmp = S(5, a) + F3(b, c, d) + e + W(s) + K(t);
		e = d; d = c; c = S(30, b); b = a; a = tmp;

	H(0) = H(0) + a;
	H(1) = H(1) + b;
	H(2) = H(2) + c;
	H(3) = H(3) + d;
	H(4) = H(4) + e;

	memset(&ctxt->m.b8[0], 0, 64);
Example #28
static void reconstruct(double *x, double *y, int len)
  double *temp_1, *temp_2;
  double *even, *odd;
  int i, n_half, n_unrol;

  n_half = len >> 1;

  even = x;
  odd = x + n_half;

  temp_1 = y;
  temp_2 = y + n_half;

  n_unrol = n_half & 0xfffffff8;

  for (i = 0; i < n_unrol; i += 8) {

    even[i + 0] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    even[i + 1] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    even[i + 2] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    even[i + 3] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    even[i + 4] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    even[i + 5] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    even[i + 6] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    even[i + 7] /= NORM_FACTOR;

    odd[i + 0] *= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i + 1] *= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i + 2] *= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i + 3] *= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i + 4] *= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i + 5] *= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i + 6] *= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i + 7] *= NORM_FACTOR;

  for (; i < n_half; i++) {
    even[i] /= NORM_FACTOR;
    odd[i] *= NORM_FACTOR;

  PHI3(odd, temp_1, temp_2, n_half);

  for (i = 0; i < n_unrol; i += 8) {

    even[i + 0] -= temp_1[i + 0];
    even[i + 1] -= temp_1[i + 1];
    even[i + 2] -= temp_1[i + 2];
    even[i + 3] -= temp_1[i + 3];
    even[i + 4] -= temp_1[i + 4];
    even[i + 5] -= temp_1[i + 5];
    even[i + 6] -= temp_1[i + 6];
    even[i + 7] -= temp_1[i + 7];

  for (; i < n_half; i++) even[i] -= temp_1[i];

  F2(even, temp_1, temp_2, n_half);

  for (i = 0; i < n_unrol; i += 8) {

    odd[i + 0] += temp_1[i + 0];
    odd[i + 1] += temp_1[i + 1];
    odd[i + 2] += temp_1[i + 2];
    odd[i + 3] += temp_1[i + 3];
    odd[i + 4] += temp_1[i + 4];
    odd[i + 5] += temp_1[i + 5];
    odd[i + 6] += temp_1[i + 6];
    odd[i + 7] += temp_1[i + 7];

  for (; i < n_half; i++) odd[i] += temp_1[i];

  for (i = 0; i < n_unrol; i += 8) {

    y[((i + 0) << 1)] = even[i + 0];
    y[((i + 1) << 1)] = even[i + 1];
    y[((i + 2) << 1)] = even[i + 2];
    y[((i + 3) << 1)] = even[i + 3];
    y[((i + 4) << 1)] = even[i + 4];
    y[((i + 5) << 1)] = even[i + 5];
    y[((i + 6) << 1)] = even[i + 6];
    y[((i + 7) << 1)] = even[i + 7];

    y[((i + 0) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 0];
    y[((i + 1) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 1];
    y[((i + 2) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 2];
    y[((i + 3) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 3];
    y[((i + 4) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 4];
    y[((i + 5) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 5];
    y[((i + 6) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 6];
    y[((i + 7) << 1) + 1] = odd[i + 7];

  for (; i < n_half; i++) {
    y[(i << 1)] = even[i];
    y[(i << 1) + 1] = odd[i];
void compareDataCard(
		     TString channel="muTau",
		     TString year="2011",
		     TString Group1="CERN",
		     TString Path1="/afs/cern.ch/user/b/benitezj/public/datacards/2011/Aug4",
		     TString File1="muTauSM_svfitmass",
		     TString Group2="Saclay",
		     TString Path2="/afs/cern.ch/user/b/bianchi/public/Roger/datacards2011v3",
		     TString File2="muTauSM"

  TFile F1(Path1+"/"+File1+".root","read");
  TFile F2(Path2+"/"+File2+".root","read");

  TString fname="Diff_"+channel+"_"+year+"_"+Group1+"_"+Group2;
  TCanvas C(fname);
  //cout<<" | 0jet_low Data | 0jet_low ZTT | 0jet_low W | 0jet_low QCD | 0jet_low TT | 0jet_low  ggH | 0jet_low  qqH | Boosted_high Data | Boosted_high ZTT | Boosted_high W | Boosted_high QCD | Boosted_high TT | Boosted_high ggH | Boosted_high qqH | VBF Data| VBF ZTT | VBF W | VBF QCD | VBF TT | VBF qqH | VBF ggH |"<<endl;

//   drawCategory(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"0jet_low",1);
//   drawCategory(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"0jet_high",0);
//   drawCategory(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"boost_low",0);
//   drawCategory(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"boost_high",1);
//   drawCategory(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"vbf",1);


//   drawSignalDiff(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"boost_high","ggH");
//   drawSignalDiff(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"boost_high","qqH");
//   drawSignalDiff(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"boost_high","VH");

//   drawSignalDiff(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"vbf","ggH");
//   drawSignalDiff(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"vbf","qqH");
//   drawSignalDiff(&C,Group1,&F1,Group2,&F2,channel,"vbf","VH");



//   gROOT->ProcessLine(".q");
Example #30
/* The RIPEMD160 compression function. */
static inline void rmd160_compress(struct rmd160_ctx *ctx, uint32_t *buf)
    uint8_t w, round;
    uint32_t T;
    uint32_t AL, BL, CL, DL, EL;    /* left line */
    uint32_t AR, BR, CR, DR, ER;    /* right line */
    uint32_t X[16];

    /* Byte-swap the buffer if we're on a big-endian machine */
    cpu_to_le32_array(X, buf, 16);

    /* Load the left and right lines with the initial state */
    AL = AR = ctx->h[0];
    BL = BR = ctx->h[1];
    CL = CR = ctx->h[2];
    DL = DR = ctx->h[3];
    EL = ER = ctx->h[4];

    /* Round 1 */
    round = 0;
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* left line */
        T = rol32(AL + F1(BL, CL, DL) + X[RL[round][w]] + KL[round], SL[round][w]) + EL;
        AL = EL; EL = DL; DL = rol32(CL, 10); CL = BL; BL = T;
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* right line */
        T = rol32(AR + F5(BR, CR, DR) + X[RR[round][w]] + KR[round], SR[round][w]) + ER;
        AR = ER; ER = DR; DR = rol32(CR, 10); CR = BR; BR = T;

    /* Round 2 */
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* left line */
        T = rol32(AL + F2(BL, CL, DL) + X[RL[round][w]] + KL[round], SL[round][w]) + EL;
        AL = EL; EL = DL; DL = rol32(CL, 10); CL = BL; BL = T;
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* right line */
        T = rol32(AR + F4(BR, CR, DR) + X[RR[round][w]] + KR[round], SR[round][w]) + ER;
        AR = ER; ER = DR; DR = rol32(CR, 10); CR = BR; BR = T;

    /* Round 3 */
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* left line */
        T = rol32(AL + F3(BL, CL, DL) + X[RL[round][w]] + KL[round], SL[round][w]) + EL;
        AL = EL; EL = DL; DL = rol32(CL, 10); CL = BL; BL = T;
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* right line */
        T = rol32(AR + F3(BR, CR, DR) + X[RR[round][w]] + KR[round], SR[round][w]) + ER;
        AR = ER; ER = DR; DR = rol32(CR, 10); CR = BR; BR = T;

    /* Round 4 */
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* left line */
        T = rol32(AL + F4(BL, CL, DL) + X[RL[round][w]] + KL[round], SL[round][w]) + EL;
        AL = EL; EL = DL; DL = rol32(CL, 10); CL = BL; BL = T;
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* right line */
        T = rol32(AR + F2(BR, CR, DR) + X[RR[round][w]] + KR[round], SR[round][w]) + ER;
        AR = ER; ER = DR; DR = rol32(CR, 10); CR = BR; BR = T;

    /* Round 5 */
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* left line */
        T = rol32(AL + F5(BL, CL, DL) + X[RL[round][w]] + KL[round], SL[round][w]) + EL;
        AL = EL; EL = DL; DL = rol32(CL, 10); CL = BL; BL = T;
    for (w = 0; w < 16; w++) { /* right line */
        T = rol32(AR + F1(BR, CR, DR) + X[RR[round][w]] + KR[round], SR[round][w]) + ER;
        AR = ER; ER = DR; DR = rol32(CR, 10); CR = BR; BR = T;

    /* Final mixing stage */
    T = ctx->h[1] + CL + DR;
    ctx->h[1] = ctx->h[2] + DL + ER;
    ctx->h[2] = ctx->h[3] + EL + AR;
    ctx->h[3] = ctx->h[4] + AL + BR;
    ctx->h[4] = ctx->h[0] + BL + CR;
    ctx->h[0] = T;