avtStructuredChunkDataTreeIterator::ExecuteDataTree(vtkDataSet *in_ds, int domain,
                                            std::string label)
    int ds_type = in_ds->GetDataObjectType();
    // bool haveStructured = (ds_type == VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID ||
    //                        ds_type == VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID); 
    bool downstreamOptimizations = false;
    int dims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    if (ds_type == VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID)
        vtkRectilinearGrid *rgrid = (vtkRectilinearGrid *) in_ds;
        downstreamOptimizations = downstreamRectilinearMeshOptimizations;
    else if (ds_type == VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID)
        vtkStructuredGrid *sgrid = (vtkStructuredGrid *) in_ds;
        downstreamOptimizations = downstreamCurvilinearMeshOptimizations;

    //bool canChunk = haveStructured;
    bool canChunk = false;  // Turn off for now.
    if (dims[0] <= 1 || dims[1] <= 1 || dims[2] <= 1)
        canChunk = false;

    if (!canChunk)
        vtkDataSet *out = ProcessOneChunk(in_ds, domain, label, false);
        avtDataTree_p rv = new avtDataTree(1, &out, domain, label);
        if (out != NULL)
        return rv;

    int ncells = in_ds->GetNumberOfCells();
    vector<avtStructuredMeshChunker::ZoneDesignation> designation(ncells);
    // cell-dims
    dims[0] -= 1;
    dims[1] -= 1;
    dims[2] -= 1;
    int t0 = visitTimer->StartTimer();
    GetAssignments(in_ds, dims, designation);
    visitTimer->StopTimer(t0, "Structured Chunk DataTreeIterator: Getting assignments");
    vtkUnstructuredGrid *ugrid = NULL;
    vector<vtkDataSet *> grids;

    int t1 = visitTimer->StartTimer();
    avtStructuredMeshChunker::ChunkStructuredMesh(in_ds, designation,
                   grids, ugrid, downstreamGhostType, downstreamOptimizations);
    visitTimer->StopTimer(t1, "Identifying grids");

    int t2 = visitTimer->StartTimer();
    vtkDataSet *out_ugrid = ProcessOneChunk(ugrid, domain, label, true);
                      "Structured Chunk DataTreeIterator: Processing ugrid leftovers");
    // Create a data tree that has all of the structured meshes, as well
    // as the single unstructured mesh.
    vtkDataSet **out_ds = new vtkDataSet*[grids.size()+1];
    for (int i = 0 ; i < grids.size() ; i++)
        out_ds[i] = grids[i];
    out_ds[grids.size()] = out_ugrid;
    avtDataTree_p rv = new avtDataTree(grids.size()+1, out_ds, domain, label);
    delete [] out_ds;
    if (out_ugrid != NULL)
    if (ugrid != NULL)
    chunkedStructuredMeshes = true;

    return rv;
avtStructuredChunkDataTreeIterator::ExecuteDataTree(avtDataRepresentation *in_dr)
    // Get the VTK data set, the domain number, and the label.
    vtkDataSet *in_ds = in_dr->GetDataVTK();
    int domain = in_dr->GetDomain();
    std::string label = in_dr->GetLabel();

    int ds_type = in_ds->GetDataObjectType();
    // bool haveStructured = (ds_type == VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID ||
    //                        ds_type == VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID); 
    bool downstreamOptimizations = false;
    int dims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    if (ds_type == VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID)
        vtkRectilinearGrid *rgrid = (vtkRectilinearGrid *) in_ds;
        downstreamOptimizations = downstreamRectilinearMeshOptimizations;
    else if (ds_type == VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID)
        vtkStructuredGrid *sgrid = (vtkStructuredGrid *) in_ds;
        downstreamOptimizations = downstreamCurvilinearMeshOptimizations;

    //bool canChunk = haveStructured;
    bool canChunk = false;  // Turn off for now.
    if (dims[0] <= 1 || dims[1] <= 1 || dims[2] <= 1)
        canChunk = false;

    if (!canChunk)
        avtDataRepresentation *out = ProcessOneChunk(in_dr, false);
        avtDataTree_p rv = new avtDataTree(1, out);
        if (out != NULL)
            delete out;
        return rv;

    int ncells = in_ds->GetNumberOfCells();
    std::vector<avtStructuredMeshChunker::ZoneDesignation> designation(ncells);
    // cell-dims
    dims[0] -= 1;
    dims[1] -= 1;
    dims[2] -= 1;
    int t0 = visitTimer->StartTimer();
    GetAssignments(in_ds, dims, designation);
    visitTimer->StopTimer(t0, "Structured Chunk DataTreeIterator: Getting assignments");
    // FIX_ME: ChunkStructuredMesh should return an array of avtDataReps
    vtkUnstructuredGrid *ugrid = NULL;
    std::vector<vtkDataSet *> grids;

    int t1 = visitTimer->StartTimer();
    avtStructuredMeshChunker::ChunkStructuredMesh(in_ds, designation,
                   grids, ugrid, downstreamGhostType, downstreamOptimizations);
    visitTimer->StopTimer(t1, "Identifying grids");

    int t2 = visitTimer->StartTimer();

    avtDataRepresentation ugrid_dr(ugrid, domain, label);

    avtDataRepresentation *out_ugrid_dr = ProcessOneChunk(&ugrid_dr, true);
                      "Structured Chunk DataTreeIterator: Processing ugrid leftovers");
    // Create a data tree that has all of the structured meshes, as well
    // as the single unstructured mesh.
    avtDataRepresentation **out_dr = new avtDataRepresentation*[grids.size()+1];
    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < grids.size() ; i++)
        out_dr[i] = new avtDataRepresentation(grids[i], domain, label);
    out_dr[grids.size()] = out_ugrid_dr;
    avtDataTree_p rv = new avtDataTree((int)grids.size()+1, out_dr);
    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < grids.size() ; i++)
        delete out_dr[i];
    delete [] out_dr;
    if (out_ugrid_dr != NULL)
        delete out_ugrid_dr;
    if (ugrid != NULL)
    chunkedStructuredMeshes = true;

    return rv;