Example #1
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionCopyDir::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    // Get input paths
    Array< AString > inputPaths;
    if ( !GetFolderPaths( funcStartIter, inputPaths, ".SourcePaths", true ) )
        return false; // GetFolderPaths will have emitted an error

    // get the optional params
    Array< AString > patterns;
    bool recurse = true;
    Array< AString > excludePaths;
    if ( !GetStrings( funcStartIter, patterns, ".SourcePathsPattern" ) ||
         !GetBool( funcStartIter, recurse, ".SourcePathsRecurse", true ) || // recursive by default
         !GetStrings( funcStartIter, excludePaths, ".SourceExcludePaths" ) )
        return false; // Get* will have emitted error

    // convert input paths to DirectoryListNodes
    Dependencies staticDeps( inputPaths.GetSize() );
    if ( !GetDirectoryListNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, inputPaths, excludePaths, Array< AString >(), Array< AString >(), recurse, patterns.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : &patterns, ".SourcePaths", staticDeps ) )
        return false; // GetDirectoryListNodeList will have emitted an error

    // Get output path
    AStackString<> destPath;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, destPath, ".Dest", true ) )
        return false;
    NodeGraph::CleanPath( destPath );

    // Pre-build dependencies
    Dependencies preBuildDeps;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDeps, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error

    // sanity check we defined something useful
    if ( staticDeps.IsEmpty() )
        Error::Error_1006_NothingToBuild( funcStartIter, this );
        return false;

    // check node doesn't already exist
    if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( m_AliasForFunction ) )
        Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, m_AliasForFunction );
        return false;

    // create our node
    nodeGraph.CreateCopyDirNode( m_AliasForFunction, staticDeps, destPath, preBuildDeps );
    return true;
// GetInputs
bool FunctionObjectList::GetInputs( const BFFIterator & iter, Dependencies & inputs ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();

	// do we want to build files via a unity blob?
    Array< AString > inputUnities;
    if ( !GetStrings( iter, inputUnities, ".CompilerInputUnity", false ) ) // not required
		return false;
    for ( const auto& unity : inputUnities )
        Node * n = ng.FindNode( unity );
		if ( n == nullptr )
			Error::Error_1104_TargetNotDefined( iter, this, "CompilerInputUnity", unity );
			return false;
		if ( n->GetType() != Node::UNITY_NODE )
			Error::Error_1102_UnexpectedType( iter, this, "CompilerInputUnity", unity, n->GetType(), Node::UNITY_NODE );
			return false;
		inputs.Append( Dependency( n ) );

	// do we want to build a files in a directory?
	const BFFVariable * inputPath = BFFStackFrame::GetVar( ".CompilerInputPath" );
	if ( inputPath )
		// get the optional pattern and recurse options related to InputPath
		Array< AString > patterns;
		if ( !GetStrings( iter, patterns, ".CompilerInputPattern", false ) )
			return false; // GetString will have emitted an error
		if ( patterns.IsEmpty() )
			patterns.Append( AStackString<>( "*.cpp" ) );

		// recursive?  default to true
		bool recurse = true;
		if ( !GetBool( iter, recurse, ".CompilerInputPathRecurse", true, false ) )
			return false; // GetBool will have emitted an error

		// Support an exclusion path
		Array< AString > excludePaths;
		if ( !GetFolderPaths( iter, excludePaths, ".CompilerInputExcludePath", false ) )
			return false; // GetFolderPaths will have emitted an error

        Array< AString > filesToExclude;
        if ( !GetStrings( iter, filesToExclude, ".CompilerInputExcludedFiles", false ) ) // not required
            return false; // GetStrings will have emitted an error
	    CleanFileNames( filesToExclude );

		// Input paths
		Array< AString > inputPaths;
		if ( !GetFolderPaths( iter, inputPaths, ".CompilerInputPath", false ) )
			return false; // GetFolderPaths will have emitted an error

		Dependencies dirNodes( inputPaths.GetSize() );
		if ( !GetDirectoryListNodeList( iter, inputPaths, excludePaths, filesToExclude, recurse, &patterns, "CompilerInputPath", dirNodes ) )
			return false; // GetDirectoryListNodeList will have emitted an error
		inputs.Append( dirNodes );

	// do we want to build a specific list of files?
	if ( !GetNodeList( iter, ".CompilerInputFiles", inputs, false ) )
		// helper will emit error
		return false;

	return true;
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionCSAssembly::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
	// make sure all required variables are defined
	const BFFVariable * compiler;
	const BFFVariable * compilerOptions;
	const BFFVariable * compilerOutput;
	if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, compiler, ".Compiler", true ) ||
		 !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOptions, ".CompilerOptions", true ) ||
		 !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOutput, ".CompilerOutput", true ) )
		return false;

	Dependencies staticDeps( 32, true );

	// do we want to build a files in a directory?
	const BFFVariable * inputPath = BFFStackFrame::GetVar( ".CompilerInputPath" );
	if ( inputPath )
		// get the optional pattern and recurse options related to InputPath
		Array< AString > patterns;
		if ( !GetStrings( funcStartIter, patterns, ".CompilerInputPattern", false ) )
			return false; // GetString will have emitted an error
		if ( patterns.IsEmpty() )
			patterns.Append( AStackString<>( "*.cs" ) );

		// recursive?  default to true
		bool recurse = true;
		if ( !GetBool( funcStartIter, recurse, ".CompilerInputPathRecurse", true, false ) )
			return false; // GetBool will have emitted an error

		// Support an exclusion path
		Array< AString > excludePaths;
		if ( !GetFolderPaths( funcStartIter, excludePaths, ".CompilerInputExcludePath", false ) )
			return false; // GetFolderPaths will have emitted an error

        Array< AString > filesToExclude(0, true);
        if ( !GetStrings( funcStartIter, filesToExclude, ".CompilerInputExcludedFiles", false ) ) // not required
            return false; // GetStrings will have emitted an error
	    CleanFileNames( filesToExclude );

		// Input paths
		Array< AString > inputPaths;
		if ( !GetFolderPaths( funcStartIter, inputPaths, ".CompilerInputPath", false ) )
			return false; // GetFolderPaths will have emitted an error

		Dependencies dirNodes( inputPaths.GetSize() );
		if ( !GetDirectoryListNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, inputPaths, excludePaths, filesToExclude, recurse, &patterns, "CompilerInputPath", dirNodes ) )
			return false; // GetDirectoryListNodeList will have emitted an error
		staticDeps.Append( dirNodes );

	// do we want to build a specific list of files?
	if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".CompilerInputFiles", staticDeps, false ) )
		// helper will emit error
		return false;

	if ( staticDeps.IsEmpty() )
		Error::Error_1006_NothingToBuild( funcStartIter, this );
		return false;

	// additional references?
	Dependencies extraRefs( 0, true );
	if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".CompilerReferences", extraRefs, false ) )
		// helper function will have emitted an error
		return false;

    // Pre-build dependencies
	Dependencies preBuildDependencies;
	if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDependencies, false ) )
		return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error

	// Create library node which depends on the single file or list
	if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( compilerOutput->GetString() ) )
		Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, compilerOutput->GetString() );
		return false;
	Node * csNode = nodeGraph.CreateCSNode( compilerOutput->GetString(),
									 preBuildDependencies );

	// should we create an alias?
	return ProcessAlias( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, csNode );