Example #1
void Pulse()
	if (!ppCharSpawn || !pCharSpawn) return;
	PCHARINFO pCharInfo = GetCharInfo();
	PSPAWNINFO pChar = pCharOrMount = (PSPAWNINFO)pCharSpawn;
	if (pCharInfo && pCharInfo->pSpawn) pChar = pCharInfo->pSpawn;

	static WORD LastZone = -1;

	static PSPAWNINFO pCharOld = NULL;
	static FLOAT LastX = 0.0f;
	static FLOAT LastY = 0.0f;
	static ULONGLONG LastMoveTick = 0;
	static DWORD MapDelay = 0;

	static DWORD LastHealth = 0;
	static DWORD LastMana = 0;
	static DWORD LastEndurance = 0;

	// Drop out here if we're waiting for something.
	if (!pChar || gZoning /* || gDelayZoning*/) return;
	if (!pCharInfo) {
		//DebugSpew("Pulse: no charinfo returning\n");

	if ((unsigned int)GetCharInfo()->charinfo_info & 0x80000000) return;

	if (pChar != pCharOld && WereWeZoning)
		WereWeZoning = FALSE;
		pCharOld = pChar;
		gFaceAngle = 10000.0f;
		gLookAngle = 10000.0f;
		gbMoving = FALSE;
		LastX = pChar->X;
		LastY = pChar->Y;
		LastMoveTick = MQGetTickCount64();
		EnviroTarget.Name[0] = 0;
		pGroundTarget = 0;
		DoorEnviroTarget.Name[0] = 0;
		pDoorTarget = 0;
		LastHealth = GetCurHPS();
		LastMana = GetCharInfo2()->Mana;
		LastEndurance = GetCharInfo2()->Endurance;
		ManaGained = 0;
		HealthGained = 0;
		EnduranceGained = 0;
		// see if we're on a pvp server
		if (!_strnicmp(EQADDR_SERVERNAME, "tallon", 6) || !_strnicmp(EQADDR_SERVERNAME, "vallon", 6))
			PVPServer = PVP_TEAM;
		else if (!_strnicmp(EQADDR_SERVERNAME, "sullon", 6))
			PVPServer = PVP_SULLON;
		else if (!_strnicmp(EQADDR_SERVERNAME, "rallos", 6))
			PVPServer = PVP_RALLOS;
			PVPServer = PVP_NONE;
		srand((unsigned int)time(NULL) + (unsigned int)GetCurrentProcessId()); // reseed
		Benchmark(bmPluginsOnZoned, PluginsZoned());

	else if ((LastX != pChar->X) || (LastY != pChar->Y) || LastMoveTick>MQGetTickCount64() - 100) {
		if ((LastX != pChar->X) || (LastY != pChar->Y)) LastMoveTick = MQGetTickCount64();
		gbMoving = TRUE;
		LastX = pChar->X;
		LastY = pChar->Y;
	else {
		gbMoving = FALSE;

	DWORD CurrentHealth = GetCurHPS();
	if (LastHealth && CurrentHealth>LastHealth)
		if ((int)pChar->HPCurrent != GetMaxHPS())
		{ // gained health, and not max
			HealthGained = CurrentHealth - LastHealth;
	LastHealth = CurrentHealth;

	if (LastMana && GetCharInfo2()->Mana > LastMana)
		if ((int)GetCharInfo2()->Mana - LastMana > 0)
			ManaGained = GetCharInfo2()->Mana - LastMana;
	LastMana = GetCharInfo2()->Mana;

	if (LastEndurance && GetCharInfo2()->Endurance > LastEndurance)
		if (GetCharInfo2()->Endurance != GetMaxEndurance())
			EnduranceGained = GetCharInfo2()->Endurance - LastEndurance;
	LastEndurance = GetCharInfo2()->Endurance;

	if (gbDoAutoRun && pChar && pCharInfo) {
		gbDoAutoRun = FALSE;
#ifndef EMU
		CHAR szServerAndName[MAX_STRING] = { 0 };
		CHAR szAutoRun[MAX_STRING] = { 0 };
		PCHAR pAutoRun = szAutoRun;
		/* autorun for everyone */
		GetPrivateProfileString("AutoRun", "ALL", "", szAutoRun, MAX_STRING, gszINIFilename);
		while (pAutoRun[0] == ' ' || pAutoRun[0] == '\t') pAutoRun++;
		if (szAutoRun[0] != 0) DoCommand(pChar, pAutoRun);
		/* autorun for toon */
		ZeroMemory(szAutoRun, MAX_STRING); pAutoRun = szAutoRun;
		sprintf(szServerAndName, "%s.%s", EQADDR_SERVERNAME, pCharInfo->Name);
		GetPrivateProfileString("AutoRun", szServerAndName, "", szAutoRun, MAX_STRING, gszINIFilename);
		while (pAutoRun[0] == ' ' || pAutoRun[0] == '\t') pAutoRun++;
		if (szAutoRun[0] != 0) DoCommand(pChar, pAutoRun);

	if ((gFaceAngle != 10000.0f) || (gLookAngle != 10000.0f)) {
		TurnNotDone = FALSE;
		if (gFaceAngle != 10000.0f) {
			if (abs((INT)(pCharOrMount->Heading - gFaceAngle)) < 10.0f) {
				pCharOrMount->Heading = (FLOAT)gFaceAngle;
				pCharOrMount->SpeedHeading = 0.0f;
				gFaceAngle = 10000.0f;
			else {
				TurnNotDone = TRUE;
				DOUBLE c1 = pCharOrMount->Heading + 256.0f;
				DOUBLE c2 = gFaceAngle;
				if (c2<pChar->Heading) c2 += 512.0f;
				DOUBLE turn = (DOUBLE)(rand() % 200) / 10;
				if (c2<c1) {
					pCharOrMount->Heading += (FLOAT)turn;
					pCharOrMount->SpeedHeading = 12.0f;
					if (pCharOrMount->Heading >= 512.0f) pCharOrMount->Heading -= 512.0f;
				else {
					pCharOrMount->Heading -= (FLOAT)turn;
					pCharOrMount->SpeedHeading = -12.0f;
					if (pCharOrMount->Heading<0.0f) pCharOrMount->Heading += 512.0f;

		if (gLookAngle != 10000.0f) {
			if (abs((INT)(pChar->CameraAngle - gLookAngle)) < 5.0f) {
				pChar->CameraAngle = (FLOAT)gLookAngle;
				gLookAngle = 10000.0f;
				TurnNotDone = FALSE;
			else {
				TurnNotDone = TRUE;
				FLOAT c1 = pChar->CameraAngle;
				FLOAT c2 = (FLOAT)gLookAngle;

				DOUBLE turn = (DOUBLE)(rand() % 200) / 20;
				if (c1<c2) {
					pChar->CameraAngle += (FLOAT)turn;
					if (pChar->CameraAngle >= 128.0f) pChar->CameraAngle -= 128.0f;
				else {
					pChar->CameraAngle -= (FLOAT)turn;
					if (pChar->CameraAngle <= -128.0f) pChar->CameraAngle += 128.0f;

		if (TurnNotDone) {
			bRunNextCommand = FALSE;
Example #2
int32 Client::CalcEnduranceRegen(bool bCombat)
	int base = 0;
	if (!IsStarved()) {
		auto base_data = database.GetBaseData(GetLevel(), GetClass());
		if (base_data) {
			base = static_cast<int>(base_data->end_regen);
			if (!auto_attack && base > 0)
				base += base / 2;

	// so when we are mounted, our local client SpeedRun is always 0, so this is always false, but the packets we process it to our own shit :P
	bool is_running = runmode && animation != 0 && GetHorseId() == 0; // TODO: animation is really what MQ2 calls SpeedRun

	int weight_limit = GetSTR();
	auto level = GetLevel();
	if (GetClass() == MONK) {
		if (level > 99)
			weight_limit = 58;
		else if (level > 94)
			weight_limit = 57;
		else if (level > 89)
			weight_limit = 56;
		else if (level > 84)
			weight_limit = 55;
		else if (level > 79)
			weight_limit = 54;
		else if (level > 64)
			weight_limit = 53;
		else if (level > 63)
			weight_limit = 50;
		else if (level > 61)
			weight_limit = 47;
		else if (level > 59)
			weight_limit = 45;
		else if (level > 54)
			weight_limit = 40;
		else if (level > 50)
			weight_limit = 38;
		else if (level > 44)
			weight_limit = 36;
		else if (level > 29)
			weight_limit = 34;
		else if (level > 14)
			weight_limit = 32;
			weight_limit = 30;

	bool encumbered = (CalcCurrentWeight() / 10) >= weight_limit;

	if (is_running)
		base += level / -15;

	if (encumbered)
		base += level / -15;

	auto item_bonus = GetHeroicAGI() + GetHeroicDEX() + GetHeroicSTA() + GetHeroicSTR();
	item_bonus = item_bonus / 4 / 50;
	item_bonus += itembonuses.EnduranceRegen; // this is capped already
	base += item_bonus;

	base = base * AreaEndRegen + 0.5f;

	auto aa_regen = aabonuses.EnduranceRegen;

	int regen = base;
	if (!bCombat && CanFastRegen() && (IsSitting() || CanMedOnHorse())) {
		auto max_end = GetMaxEndurance();
		int fast_regen = 6 * (max_end / zone->newzone_data.FastRegenEndurance);
		if (aa_regen < fast_regen) // weird, but what the client is doing
			aa_regen = fast_regen;

	regen += aa_regen;
	regen += spellbonuses.EnduranceRegen; // TODO: client does this in buff tick

	return (regen * RuleI(Character, EnduranceRegenMultiplier) / 100);